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  1. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Murmas Quest - Traditions, New and Old   
    Merry Murmas, people of MD!

    With the holiday season upon us, I have a quest to challenge you all with. In true Archivist fashion, this is going to be one about MD's past and present, with a healthy dose of creativity.
    This quest comes in two parts, and each will be scored and rewarded separately. You do not have to participate in both parts - if only one part appeals to you, feel free to only do one part!
    Deadline for entries is 10th of January.
    Entries should be sent via forum PM only (if sent through other means they will be disqualified).
    Entries will eventually be made public (if you do not wish people to know which entry is yours that is fine).

    The Old
    Write about some of the events that the lands hold at this time of year, and share pictures of you being involved.
    You may write entries on upto five events. These events can be traditional events the lands run every year, new events being run for the first time, or even events the lands used to run but no longer do.
    Entries don't have to include the following information, but the more that you can the better your entry will be scored:
    What is the event, how is it run, and what happens during it Who was the first person to hold the event and when What is a notable story about the event What are your personal thoughts on the event How did you get involved, or how did you learn about the event if it is no longer run Bonus points are given if you can show yourself being involved in the events yourself, either by screenshots or chat logs. If you are writing about an event that is no longer run, logs of your conversations with people who were involved are sufficient evidence for bonus points.

    The New
    Describe an MD style Murmas celebration that you would like to see or be involved in. This can be done through any medium you wish - you can write a story or poem; make drawings of the event; make a cross stitch; sculpt a diorama; record a video, anything you can imagine! This section is scored on creativity and how well it fits into the world of MagicDuel.
    Christmas Points
    Everyone who participates in this quest will receive Christmas points depending on how well they do. You will only get points from whichever category you do best in, not both categories. Breakdown is as follows:
    Participate: 1 point Third Place: 2 points Second Place: 3 Points First Place: 4 Points Prizes - The Old
    If we get less than ten entries:
     - Rustgold Drachorn  - Soul Weaver  - Sharptear If we get 10 or more entries:
     - Morph or Wishpoint*  - Morph or Wishpoint* (whichever first place does not choose)  - Rustgold Drachorn and GG Drachorn Prizes - The New
    If we get less than ten entries:
     - Soul Weaver  - Two Pimped Grasans  - Santa Claus Scarecrow If we get 10 or more entries:
     - Morph or Wishpoint*  - Morph or Wishpoint* (whichever first place does not choose)  - Santa  
    Additional sponsorship is welcome.
    If you are interested in being a judge, please send me a forum pm.

    * - If you win both parts of the quest, you can't choose Wishpoint twice. You can choose Morph twice if you so desire.
  2. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Aeoshattr in Aeo's stuff   
    ^_^  I find it awesome, Aeo. Thank you. 
  3. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Aeoshattr in Aeo's stuff   
    WIP gift for Lania. Posting the WIP and ruining the surprise because I'm not sure when I'll have the time and mood to finish it. Also, I attempted to draw a face :|
  4. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Poetry   
    This is a poem entitled "Patience, Forgiveness, Anger"

    There is a boat, out at sea.
    Sometimes passengers board,
    Or disembark as it pulls into port.
    Thick cords trail behind the boat,
    One for every passenger.
    Deep in the water,
    A weight pulls them down, out of sight.
    Sometimes, someone wonders,
    And tries to pull the weight up.
    But the cords are very long,
    And the weight wants to stay below.
    Most people give up, after a while,
    And let the weight pull the cord,
    Back into the water.
    It's rare for someone to work hard enough
    To get the weight into the air.
    Most people don't even know what will happen,
    So leave it alone.
    But some people,
    They want to see,
    And they decide to tie their cord.
    Even if they stop drawing the cord in,
    And let the weight fall under again,
    The cord is never as long as it was.
    These are the ones who raise the weight,
    And find themselves in the water,
    No boat around,
    No idea what has happened,
  5. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Poetry   
    Let me tell you what I know.
    You cast a shadow, watch it grow.
    You chuckle to yourself, you smile,
    Enjoy your doing for a while.
    You listen to the screams of pain
    For which that shadow is to blame,
    You take your sit in the front row
    Devouring the horror show.
    Now, as the victim turns to dust
    And as that shadow turns to lust,
    Your heart is twitching satisfied.
    Another soul’s been mortified.
    After some time the screaming stops,
    The show is done, the curtain drops.
    You then proceed to play with light,
    But find yourself engulfed by night. 
    You shake your head in disbelief, 
    You turn again searching relief,
    But when you turn the road’s not there,
    There’s only darkness everywhere.
    A shiver strikes your fragile spine,
    What instinct speaks you can’t decline.
    For now it comes to take its toll,
    It yearns for your expensive soul.
    You should have known, the truth was there,
    In black and white under your stare.
    You wish to leave…”Oh no, dear friend”
    “You stay right here, enjoy the end.” 
  6. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Lintara in Master of the Bushies - Sign Up   
    ID: 202332
    AD: 1789
    Mindpower 5
    Pomegranate, because the berries taste so good, the seeds are pleasantly crunchy and, when cut and split open, the fruit looks like a flower made up of rubies.
  7. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Aethon in Master of the Bushies - Sign Up   
    Lania - 248361
    AD: 799
    Mindpower: 5
    Favorite fruit: Kiwi. Reasons: 1. I just love that taste. 2. It can fool you into thinking it's a potato and then...surprise! 
  8. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Lintara in Halloween Scene/Creature/Character Makeover Contest   
    Thought I'd try my hand at it too :)
  9. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Burns in The Writing on the Wall   
    dsty did it! Hooray!
    Now i can use that stupid wall and make myself a kitchen sink from it :D
    Grats to dsty, i'll likely put up the solution some time in the next days :)
  10. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Burns in The Writing on the Wall   
    I've recently heard of carvings that have been found in one of the tunnels of the Lair. It seems that they point towards a secret way to obtain a Drachorn Charm, if the instructions are followed closely.
    I don't have time to check this out myself just yet, but maybe if someone would, that person might be able to get it done before me, and maybe get a Charm for their efforts... and i'd dislike that.
    I've ordered the Tiny Men to not let anybody near those carvings, unless they go directly to the tunnel on the far left and ask for access to the 'Drachorn Carvings'. So, make sure you don't accidentally do that.
    <Also, i didn't have time triple check everything i made today. If something's fishy and ends up as nonsense, even when you're fairly sure to have the cipher right, send me a note and i'll check again.>
    Happy questiing!
  11. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from dst in Poetry   
    There once was this man, a servant of light,
    He saw himself wise and gifted with might,
    And maybe he was within his old land
    And so his confidence got much out of hand. 
    And foolish he was, this servant of light
    To dwell into darkness, with water on sight
    And blinded by greed he heeded no warning
    And now all his people are deepened in mourning. 
    But oh, they don't know..yes, fairness has spikes
    It can be painful and deadly the moment it strikes
    For darkness did not attempt to abuse
    The treasures of light, no matter the use. 
    And now, in this time,  the soul of a king
    Burns in the graveyard where spirits don't sing
    And now all his people cry "It's not right"
    When all darkness did was punish his "light".
  12. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Myth in Precision Tournament - Heat Dumping   

    Hello everyone, and welcome to this first instance of the Precision Tournament - Heat Dumping.

    The purpose of this tournament is pretty much self explanatory. I'll provide the targets - one for each Mind Power level - and you'll provide the heat. What you need to do is give your designated target the amount of profile heat I specify for each of you, or at least come close to it, by whatever means you posses.

    1. The tournament will consist of 3 rounds
    2. Each round will consist of 1 ritual (different for each round) which everyone will be hitting
    3. I will station an alt of mine for each round to act as a target
    4. The names, stats, locations and rituals you'll be hitting will be made public exactly 1 week before each alt comes into play
    5. The number of profile heat you'll need to provide will differ depending on each of your stats (you will know this number after I know exactly how much VE you have, and what your Mind Power level is)
    6. Competitors will attack in no particular order, but one at a time
    7. Attacks will not count unless I'm around, active and able to take the screenshots mentioned below
    8. Each attack will be accompanied by 3 screenshots which I will be taking:
    - 1st will contain the target's name and ID, "Your progress for today" window and current server time, prior to the attack
    - 2nd will contain the target's name and ID, "Battle Log" window and current server time, after the attack
    - 3rd will contain the target's name and ID, "Your progress for today" window and current server time, after the attack
    (heat in 1st screenshot will be subtracted from heat in 3rd screenshot, provided there are no additional attacks in the 2nd screenshot)

    Note 1: For this to work, I need to know your stats, more specifically the exact amount of Vital Energy each of you have prior to each attack; the rest of your stats I can get on my own (unless I can't view your profile because your ID is below.. what was it? 1000? :P)
    Note 2: If you're uncomfortable with making your VE amount public, you can send it to me (Asthir) via in-game or forum PM
    Note 3: MP6 will be able to participate in one of the following ways, whichever will be available at the time:
    - participant MP6 to MP5 temporary demotion
    - target MP4 or MP5 temporary alliance joining
    - target role being picked up by a different player (volunteer MP4 or MP5) which will have to provide the defense ritual I will specify, as well as the screenshots mentioned above
    Note 4 (personal request): Please don't attack or in any way hamper the targets and participants while they perform
    Time frames

    1. Jul 25th - Sep 18th
    - sign-ups and preparations
    2. Sep 19th - Sep 25th
    - round 1 target details are made public
    - competition maintenance takes place
    3. Sep 26th - Oct 2nd
    - round 2 target details are made public
    - round 1 takes place
    4. Oct 3rd - Oct 9th
    - round 3 target details are made public
    - round 2 takes place
    5. Oct 10th - Oct 17th
    - round 3 takes place (1 day added because 12th is Day of Tranquility)
    6. Oct 18th - Oct 24th
    - scoring
    7. Oct 25th - Oct 31st
    - prize distribution

    Note 1: everyone has 2 months to prepare = gather combat information (which I will not be providing to anyone) and sign up.
    Note 2: Sign-ups end 1 week before the competition begins. No exceptions.

    - post your player name and ID in this thread
    - add your VE as well, so that I can begin estimate preparations (send it through in-game or forum PM if you don't wish to make this value public)
    - only one account is allowed per player


    - the amount of heat each of you need to provide represents 100% accuracy
    - providing more or less heat by x% will decrease your score by x% accuracy (this will be calculated using 2 decimals, if the need occurs, in order to avoid similar scores)
    - each of you will have 3 such scores, 1 for each competition round
    - a medium value will be calculated from these 3 scores, resulting in one final value which will be your score
    Case 1 = under 13 participants
    1st place: 1 x Wish point (Asthir) + 5 x Heat Stone (Syrian) + 2 x Gold Coin (TKs)
    2nd place: 1 x Marksmen - 6 tokens (TKs) + 2 x Gold Coin (TKs)
    3rd place: 2 x Gold Coin (TKs)
    Case 2 = 13 or more participants
    1st place: 1 x Wish point (Asthir) OR 1 GG Drachorn (TKs) (choose one) + 5 x Heat Stone (Syrian) + 2 x Gold Coin (TKs)
    2nd place: 1 x Wish point (Asthir) OR 1 GG Drachorn (TKs) (what's left) + 2 x Gold Coin (TKs)
    3rd place: 1 x Marksmen - 6 tokens (TKs) + 2 x Gold Coin (TKs)
    I'll try to contact the TKs for sponsorship. Anyone who wishes may also sponsor this event, but won't be allowed to participate if they do so. I'll be updating this section as information becomes available.
    Good luck!
  13. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Kiley in Poetry   
    There once was this man, a servant of light,
    He saw himself wise and gifted with might,
    And maybe he was within his old land
    And so his confidence got much out of hand. 
    And foolish he was, this servant of light
    To dwell into darkness, with water on sight
    And blinded by greed he heeded no warning
    And now all his people are deepened in mourning. 
    But oh, they don't know..yes, fairness has spikes
    It can be painful and deadly the moment it strikes
    For darkness did not attempt to abuse
    The treasures of light, no matter the use. 
    And now, in this time,  the soul of a king
    Burns in the graveyard where spirits don't sing
    And now all his people cry "It's not right"
    When all darkness did was punish his "light".
  14. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Ary Endleg in Poetry   
    There once was this man, a servant of light,
    He saw himself wise and gifted with might,
    And maybe he was within his old land
    And so his confidence got much out of hand. 
    And foolish he was, this servant of light
    To dwell into darkness, with water on sight
    And blinded by greed he heeded no warning
    And now all his people are deepened in mourning. 
    But oh, they don't know..yes, fairness has spikes
    It can be painful and deadly the moment it strikes
    For darkness did not attempt to abuse
    The treasures of light, no matter the use. 
    And now, in this time,  the soul of a king
    Burns in the graveyard where spirits don't sing
    And now all his people cry "It's not right"
    When all darkness did was punish his "light".
  15. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Azull in Poetry   
    Hate, it burns so bright. Easily mistaken for The Light. You feed your Shadow as you grow weak. Is this then what you seek?   It is not me you hate, But your heart's reflection. One day You and He will meet. It will be the end of both, ain´t that neat.   It is a sacred trust, A Sacrifice if you must. Sentinel sleeps, King guards the wall. To protect the Darkness of all.
  16. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Myth in Poetry   
    There once was this man, a servant of light,
    He saw himself wise and gifted with might,
    And maybe he was within his old land
    And so his confidence got much out of hand. 
    And foolish he was, this servant of light
    To dwell into darkness, with water on sight
    And blinded by greed he heeded no warning
    And now all his people are deepened in mourning. 
    But oh, they don't know..yes, fairness has spikes
    It can be painful and deadly the moment it strikes
    For darkness did not attempt to abuse
    The treasures of light, no matter the use. 
    And now, in this time,  the soul of a king
    Burns in the graveyard where spirits don't sing
    And now all his people cry "It's not right"
    When all darkness did was punish his "light".
  17. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Syrian in Poetry   
    There once was this man, a servant of light,
    He saw himself wise and gifted with might,
    And maybe he was within his old land
    And so his confidence got much out of hand. 
    And foolish he was, this servant of light
    To dwell into darkness, with water on sight
    And blinded by greed he heeded no warning
    And now all his people are deepened in mourning. 
    But oh, they don't know..yes, fairness has spikes
    It can be painful and deadly the moment it strikes
    For darkness did not attempt to abuse
    The treasures of light, no matter the use. 
    And now, in this time,  the soul of a king
    Burns in the graveyard where spirits don't sing
    And now all his people cry "It's not right"
    When all darkness did was punish his "light".
  18. Upvote
    Lania got a reaction from Azull in Poetry   
    There once was this man, a servant of light,
    He saw himself wise and gifted with might,
    And maybe he was within his old land
    And so his confidence got much out of hand. 
    And foolish he was, this servant of light
    To dwell into darkness, with water on sight
    And blinded by greed he heeded no warning
    And now all his people are deepened in mourning. 
    But oh, they don't know..yes, fairness has spikes
    It can be painful and deadly the moment it strikes
    For darkness did not attempt to abuse
    The treasures of light, no matter the use. 
    And now, in this time,  the soul of a king
    Burns in the graveyard where spirits don't sing
    And now all his people cry "It's not right"
    When all darkness did was punish his "light".
  19. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Myth in Memory Stones   
    I have 82 of them.
    Should anyone need any, give me a nudge (either here, or in-game to Asthir / Myth, whichever works for you).
    What will follow:
    - we'll find each other
    - I'll send the stones over
    - you use how many you need
    - you send the rest back
    I'll update the thread if the number changes.
  20. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Azull in Poetry   
    Heeding no warnings, heeding no call, He went with more zest than wit. He thought he could take them all, And found himself in Darkness's Pit.  In limbo he shall stay, A fool's penance he must pay.
  21. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Ungod in Halloween Scene/Creature/Character Makeover Contest   
    After long labor, with tens of ideas crashing into each other, my submission will probably appear to be like those aramor ships on the beach of Golemus...
    anyway, here it is http://storenow.net/my/?f=76fcfa2a1457caef7b4066d90344b51e
  22. Upvote
    Lania reacted to ZenTao in Halloween Scene/Creature/Character Makeover Contest   
    For what it's worth, if you don't like the quest I apologize however it's a quest you may either take part in or not. 
    All of the above are great!
    Here is Mine,
    Just for fun of course!

  23. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in Halloween Scene/Creature/Character Makeover Contest   
    My entry:

  24. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in Draw/ create/ sculpt your own Hell Hound   
    My entry:
  25. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in Stonies! - stone stories   
    Christmas is here, the goose is getting fat....errr....wait...No!
    Halloween is near, dst's brain had an idea (yes, it happens from time to time...).
    What I want you to do is tell me a Halloween related story. BUT there's a catch: you need to tell me the story using stones that you have painted (or applied stickers or other pics on).
    For example: take a flat stone on which you paint (if you have the skills) or glue an image of a spider. That will be your spider stone. On a different stone draw/paint/glue a web. Now you have 2 stones that if you put next to each other I will know that you want to say something like: A spider sat on a web.
    How to: arrange the stones in any pattern (square, dodecahedron etc etc) or order (left to right, columns etc) you like and provide us with instructions on how to read them (yes, I will be needing a picture of the stones). You also have to include in the picture a stone (similar to the ones you used for the story) with your player name and ID.
    Send the picture (or the link to it) by PM to me (I prefer forum PM since in game ones are tricky).
    Send also the story using words.
    DO NOT reveal the picture or story to anyone else (it's for your own good).
    - I will be posting the entries on the forum (thanks Aethon for the idea) once the deadline will be reached. Then I will open a poll and anyone will be able to vote their fav (it will be a multiple choice poll). Most voted submission will get the number of points equal to the total number of submissions (so for example if there are 5 submissions, top one will get 5, second will get 4 and so on). In case of a tie, both submissions will get the same number of points.
    The above points will be added to the points provided by the judges so...I NEED JUDGES please. PM me if you wish to be one. Many thanks in advance.
    The judges will score based on the below:
    - Stones Creativity: how good your stones look like (if you draw a square on a stone and call it a house you will get a low score). Same scoring scale as above.
    Extra 4 points will be awarded if the images on the stones are drawn and not glued (I am not looking for Picasso although he was good at drawing shapes :D but I do want to reward hard work). Another option would be for you to draw things on paper by yourself (I will need proof of that - scan or picture of said papers containing your playername and id) and then cut them and glue them to the stones. If you go by this, you will also get 4 points.  There is an exception and you will see it below.
    If you have a mix of stones you will only get 2 additional points (however you need to have at least 1/3 of the stones painted to qualify).
    - Story creation : the better the story is, the better your score will be (this is usually a subjective criterion so the final score for this will be halved). Same scoring method as above.
    However, you will get one additional point for each of below:
        a) It's Halloween related.
        b) Action takes place in MD.
        c) At least one of the characters is linked to MD (can be a creature or a player or any of the NPCs) - for this you CAN print the avatar or the picture of the crit or the NPC. If this (or those) is your only glued stone, the bonus for painted stones will be awarded.
    - Story/stones compatibility: this will measure how well you managed to tell the story using the pictures (this is why I requested the worded story as well).
    You will get 2 additional points if you manage to create at least 2 stones that will suggest an action (like walking, talking etc).
    Deadline: 20th of November 2015
    So you have a little over 2 months. Goal is to announce the winner(s) one week later (on the 27th because I might not be around during Halloween to post the results).
    Rewards: 1st place: 1 WP + 1 Soul weaver
                    2nd: 1 sendtogazeebo stone + 1 acoustincremains stone + 1 earfocus stone
                    3rd: 1 GC + 5 credits (1 credit code worthing 5 credits)
    If anyone wishes to sponsor the quest, please let me know. I will also contact the TKs for additional sponsorship.
    If there will be  more than 5 (worthy) submissions I will add a lockinchaos stones as well.
    If there will be  more than 7 (worthy) submissions, I will be adding a second WP and "rearrange" the prizes.
    If you think there should be other criteria for judging, please let me know. Any improvements are welcomed. Other suggestions are also welcomed.
                                                                                  Good luck and have fun!
    Thank you Sy for the awesome name for the quest (stonies was Sy's idea - for the record).
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