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Passant the Weak

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Everything posted by Passant the Weak

  1. And another way is to apply (and be selected) after a public annoucement is made, that's how I got my Sand Melter. It's not for sale though.
  2. Passant the weak Magic Duel Archives Land loyalty: 55 [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3511%20"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3511 [/url]
  3. Prize distribution. ShadowSeeker will receive a WP directly from Peace. I am waiting final decision from Treasure Keepers for the 2nd WP. Leixer will have to wait a bit before receiving his WP, I apologize for that, but he shall be assured that he will get his WP. We are only deciding where it is coming from (TK or other sponsor). For the creature we had a public draw at the park (Thanks to Zen Tao): ShadowSeeker will receive a Marksmen from Neno Veliki Leixer will receive Amy Winehouse the Pimp from myself (CTC sent in a few minutes via forum PM) Other participants are supposed to recive coins, they are all in my pockets, I will try to find you ingame, feel free to message me with an accessible iddle location if you want to get your prize fast? Thanks to all! [s]darkraptor[/s]: 1 gold 1 silver for the following: [s]Jolla[/s] [s]ignnus[/s] [s]Phantom Orchid[/s] [s]Hedge Munos[/s] [s]Krioni[/s]
  4. That is very clear. On thing is still not clear to me. Do you expect Quest Makers to ask Treasure Keepers for sponsorship after the quest is announced? Or do you expect Treasure keepers to select what they sponsor on their own without any request from the Quest Maker?
  5. You got me wrong here Mur. Wether Seigh will sponsor my quest or not is not the issue (he has not made his decision yet). It is his decision, and no problem with that whatever it is. I was posting suggestions to make his job less difficult for himself and for the community. You gave him a role that was supposed to be handled by 4 Kings... It's a huge task. And yes, it generates a lot of requests... that's why I suggested other way to fulfill his role. Read again my suugestion 1 please.
  6. I would like to come back to the original topic if people don't mind. Sorry, long post ahead, but I want to state what I have in mind. seighearty, please take time to read entirely, its' not polemist at all. This is the experience of a n00b quest maker, aka myself. I have been trying to take a role in the Legend Speakers that is to provide more information to the community and specifically give access to younger players to information or other things ingame that are usually not that accessible. I do it on my own way, slowly but with a stubborn mind. Previous examples are Article in "People in the News" on game mechanics, free glass distribution for Halloween, and recently my first quest to make people aware of some happening in the realm (Eon's murder). I have other articles pending, but hush, you will see. As a n00b I do nothing but my best, by taking guidance from ancients (Thank you Fyrd) and reading thoroughly all annoucements that are made by the Demon. I am also normally in a state of mind that prevent me to ask for anything. For my quest I kept in mind 2 annoucements/posts made by Mur. First one says that Kings should have been more active in tracking quests/events/good actors and distribute rewards without waiting for people request. [log=How King should have distributed rewards]It is one thing to wait for people to ask you for things to reward, and totally different thing to go out and give wp codes as sponsorships for creative quests you , as a king, see. New players or shy players, will never go and ask anyone to sponsor them. I tried to give you an example through the things i rewarded and the way i rewarded them. I even allowed Treasure Keepers to go wilder than they should have to sponsor quests more and more. Not to mention, as king/queen, it would have been so fun to spread rewards like santa to your citizens. I don't say none did so, i say if you did it you did it few times and on very rare occasions, not by far enough to motivate people to come with creative activities to get sponsored. [/log] Next one says the Treasure Keepers are taking over that role now that Kings are no more. [log=TK rewards annoucement]Treasure Keepers take over kings rewarding responsabilities Until further updates regarding land leadership / king roles / land treasury and rewards stock, the Treasure Keepers will assume the role of actively sponsor and support quest creators, events and anything reward-able for all inhabitants of the realm, with or without citizenship. The TK will not reward anyone directly (except events organized by the TK), instead they will provide sponsorship and additional rewards stock for the organizers if they think the event/quest is worthy of any sponsorship. Please do not organize anything based solely on TK rewards without providing first of all your own rewards to the participants. The TK will do for now what the kings were supposed to do with their rewards stock. Things the tk have in their power to give: wishpoint codes, rare and very rare creatures, premium creatures, credits. For the start all sponsorships will be discussed by the TK, represented by Seigheart, with me, to make sure their reasoning is flawless. However the TK decisions to sponsor or not sponsor an event or quest are subjective and are intended to remain so. [/log] Based on those annoucements I assumed I should not ask any sponsoring and I launched my quest setting as prize what I could afford. I have been extremely pleased (and surprised in a good way) to see that indivual (let's say regular players) have jumped and offered spontaneously to sponsor my quest in a better way than what I was able to offer. When we came to the final stage, we faced a problem by not being able to discriminate 2 winners and we looked for ways to reward them both. Please note that I had not heard of Treasure Keepers at that time. Coincidence, precisely at that time, you, Seigheart asked specifically my alliance leader (Fyrd) to tell his members to come to you for sponsorship of quests we make. This is not what I had understood from Mur posts, but well... I probably don't talk the Mur language fluently, so I did so. Now comes a flow of instructions, precisions, even incoherences in the way we are supposed to ask Treasure Keepers: using e-mail (which I did reluctantly as I usually avoid any connections to me going off game), then I discover we shall not ask for a specific reward (fair enough, but my case was clear, and I needed a specific reward), then we are told we shall not ask for sponsorship but ask for Treasure Keepers to look into our quest (someone will have to explain the difference to me one day).... My conclusion: all that is way too complicated, and will discourage more n00bs like me to do anything. So please allow me to make some suggestions. [list=1] [*][b]Chose your path: do you want to receive requests or not?[/b] Either you do what mur seem to want: you look into events and decide yourself what you want to encourage/sponsor. In that case refuse any request for sponsorship. That is the way I would personnally prefer as it would make the role of TK original and clear. Also you have an alliance now with quite a few members in: you are enough IMO to be able to follow alla annoucements made about quests and events. Now as Fyrd said that creates problem to Quest makers as they can't be sure what reward they will propose... but IMO it is not big deal if TKs are reactive enough. [*][b]Don't be so picky with requests form![/b] If you chose to allow requests, then don't put those strict rules! Is that so important if people ask a specific reward? Who forces you to accept their request? Why make polemist answers, generate conrtoversy? Just make your decision, and state it: it is your right, it is your role! And the decidion can be "Yes I will sponsor with what you ask", "Yes I will sponsor but this is what you will get", "No i won't sponsor". Mur sauid that it would be subjective and of course it will be. But please don't turn into an Administration asking to fill up form #1234Brev03 or the request will be rejected! [/list] That's all folks! Congratulations to anyone who read my entire post!
  7. Updated original post: [i][color=#0000CD]Update: anonymous has now a name that he accepts to disclose. Congratulations to [b]Leixer[/b].[/color][/i]
  8. Secondary criteria were Originality and Style of the article. I will not comment further the rating of each articcle, as it would lead to endless discussions. I just remind that the Jury has reached a consensus, although 2 of his members were absolutely clueless about the authors of the articles. There must be a winner, it doees not mean the winner has reached a perfect result! Ivorak, I suggest you take time to read thoroughly all articles to make your own opinion if you wish so, particularly on the point you mention. That should be easier now that I have edited the results post, that was altered by some unwanted strange characters.
  9. Yes, I will try and fix that ASAP. Thanks for the notice. Forum went wild when I edited the message. EDIT: original message fixed
  10. Results are annouced [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11115-results-reporter-quest-who-killed-eon/#entry97358"]here[/url]. Thanks for your offer Seigheart. Judging is over already. As a personal ethic, I don't let sponsors take part into jury of my quests. Please confirm or remove your offer of sponsorship after checking the results. If you remove it, we will find another solution. dst, all articles are published as I said earlier in that thread. I claim my innocence here! ShadowSeeker, please check the results, if you believe 2 WPs are too much, I guess there is an easy solution. Thanks to all participants and sponsors... and go check who killed Eon, why and who revived her!
  11. [color=#0000FF][size=2][i]Edited to remove all strange characters that appeared in previous version[/i][/size][/color] The quest was annouced [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10991-reporter-quest-who-killed-eon/"]here[/url]. People had to investigate on the murder and resurrection of Eon, and publish an article with their finding. We received 8 submissions for that quest. All had their own originality and it was a pleasure for us to read the articles. Some taught us things. Some made us smile. Some achieved both. All in all, very good entries, as the job was not that easy. You will find all articles below, and the 3 best will have a dedicated thread in the ‘People in the news' section of the forum. Before giving the results, some clarifications about the way we judged the entries: - Jury was myself, Fyrd Argentus and BFH Lightning - Only I knew the authors of the articles, Fyrd and BFH had to judge anonymous articles. - we have rated the articles according to a grid of notation (criterias are in the Quest thread). Of course information contained in the article was the most important criteria, but not the only one. - Adding all ratings, we came to 2 close contestants for the winning place. So we crosschecked with another way of rating (based only on the position reached by the questors according to each member of the jury). It was again very close. Therefore we have decided to declare 2 winners. One of them has requested to stay anonymous. If he maintains that request, I suppose he can ‘t get a prize. I am assuming here that he will accept to disclose his identity (I am waiting for his answer). [b]Peace[/b] has sponsored one WP. We are in discussion with the [b]Treasure Keepers[/b] to get a second one. If we don ‘t reach an agreement, we will find elsewhere. But stop the blabla, here comes the results. [size=5][b]Winners[/b][/size]: [b]ShadowSeeker[/b] and [b]Anonymous[/b] (sic) Both winners will get one WP and a random creature between Amy Winehouse (Pimped Grassan aged 280 with blacktear token) and one Marksmen (sponsor: [b]Neno Velik[/b]i) aged around 100. [i][color=#0000CD]Update: anonymous has now a name that he accepts to disclose. Congratulations to [b]Leixer[/b].[/color][/i] [b]ShadowSeeker[/b] He was rated #1 in regards to the information disclosed in the article. He perfectly used his connections within the realm to investigate and get clues from people involved in the murder and the resurrection of Eon. The only improvement we could see was on the way the article was constructed: it should have been improved before being published in a newspaper. Great job overall. [b]Anonymous ([color=#0000CD]Update: Leixer[/color])[/b] He was close second in term of information disclosed and compensated by a good structure of the article. He managed to witness the murder and the resurrection and used that first hand information to build a well balanced article. Great job too! [size=5][b]3rd position[/b][/size]: [b]Darkraptor[/b] He will get 1 gold (sponsor: [b]Keith Moon[/b]). He submitted a very good article, just a litlle bit below the 2 winners. All 3 were quite well above the 5 other questors. They achieved a remarkable job and I believe people will learn some things about the Eon ‘s murder after reading their article. Those 3 articles will be published in a special thread in the ‘People in the News ‘ forum of the Legend Speakers. [size=5][b]Other questors[/b][/size]: they will all receive 1 silver for their efforts (sponsor: [b]Keith Moon[/b]). [b]ignnus[/b] Was very fast in submitting his article. Won the award of the most subjective article. [b]Phantom Orchid[/b] Won the award of conciseness! Maybe too concise on the revival of Eon though. [b]Hedge Munos[/b] Won the award of the most disgressions in the article. Was well informed though. [b]Krioni[/b] Won the award of the best imaginative for finding ways of getting information (through forum, Mood panel...). Not quite succesful though! [b]Jolla[/b] Won the award of the best article. This article could have seen fit in a newspaper without any edition. Well, in a newspaper that likes good style but is not too demanding on quantity of information contained in the article. Congratulation to all participants and winners, and many many thanks to our sponsors: Peace, Tarquinus/Keith Moon, Neno Veliki and Treasure Keepers. Rserved for Articles ====================================================================== [b]Winners[/b] [log=Shadowseeker]Note: Each of the sides are not actual quotes, however they are rewritten based upon conversations that were held and the person reviewed it. [b]Phantasm's side[/b] [i]Did he kill Eon? [/i] Yes he did. He used his spade to bury Eon. As a gravedigger does, a grave for the dead. [i]Why did he kill Eon?[/i] He did it for the surpressed. For the actions which were sadistic. For those who cried out yet were unable to stop him. (Note: My personal belief is there was not enough team action to go against Eon, but then again it always is easier to operate alone.) [i]How did he feel after the quick revival?[/i] I do not know how he did feel, I can only imagine anger, a feeling of not knowing why and such. But, such a quick revival does have a cost, so maybe this sign of change for the better. However, I believe he is now also being hunted down by Eon. Whether it is now more than before I do not know, but I imagine it is. [b]Eon's side[/b] [i]What did you feel upon being killed?[/i] Calm. He was going to pay for it...but first I had to revive. I made plans in advance. [i]You revived very fast. How did you do it?[/i] I paid a price for doing it. Still, I am alive once more. It involved Zleiphneir and Bob. [i]What do you think of phantasm, him being your killer and all?[/i] He's ridiculous, even calling himself King of Shadows. [i]Will this influence your actions in any kind of manner?[/i] Not really. I might make more of an effort to hunt phantasm down, but this kind of thing cannot and will not deter me. [b]Zleiphneir's side[/b] [i]Did he revive Eon?[/i] Half right. Bob the Tree revived Eon. [i]How did that happen?[/i] Eon took part in a ritual and when Bob bloomed, he was alive once more. [i]Why so fast?[/i] Does it matter to a Tree? Time flows slowly, a lifetime for us can be a moment for it. When the Tree was woken, Eon got revived. As simple as that. [i]Why let Bob revive him?[/i] Obviously, it is partly Z's choice to reveal the ritual...however Eon did return the previously stolen lumber and promised not to further harm Bob, even making dst agree to that. And that was a heavy price. And the decision was not Z's, it was Bob's. [b]Summary:[/b] Having gathered information from all sides, I can only conclude in the following way: Phantasm originally killed Eon to prevent him from attacking more people, depleting more resources and generally harass and annoy (some) people in every manner he can. Eon sought out methods to revive right afterwards, and tried an unconfirmed method by having himself and dst agreeing not to harm Bob the Tree in future and returning the lumber he previously harvested from him. Zleiphneir then told him of a possible solution, a ritual, which might be able to revive him (but with no guarantee)- and it did. Zleiphneir however notes that it was not himself who resurrected Eon, but that it was fully Bob's decision (see how he bloomed as well) and that he only provided the ritual. In essence we see players colliding about different opinions on how to play MD, and Zleiphneir only being involved by trying to protect his Tree as good as he can. [/log] [log=Anonymous][size=5][b]1. Who killed Eon?[/b][/size] According to credible sources, the death of eon was because of phantasm using his shovel. So basically it was [b]Phantasm[/b] that killed Eon, phantasm’s shovel is a very strong item, having the ability to cast death to a person, but it requires time for it to recharge so it could be use again. [b]These are the other 2 people that I know that can cast death: (subtopics that I added)[/b] There’s another person with an item that can cast death. A dagger, that has the ability to cast death but that person isn’t awake when Eon was killed, “ivorak’s dagger”. Of course Mur can do it too. [size=5][b]2. Why Eon was killed?[/b][/size] At the same time, it was said that phantasm was asked to do it by: 1. A secret group called “[b]Cloak and Dagger[/b]” - a very old r/L guild, a sort of grouping of selective people who do secretive things, this is a secret association composed of group of people, very hard to know, often not the same people, depending on the circumstance, this group could also be compared with Brotherhood or they could be the brotherhood. 2. and x kings ([b]yrthilian and Firsanthalas[/b]) to kill him because of some issues that the 2 x kings can’t handle anymore about Eon. [size=5][b]3. Who revived Eon?[/b][/size] After being killed, [b]DST[/b] looked for ways to revive Eon, [b]Zleiphneir[/b][b] ([/b][b]Z[/b][b]) [/b]gave Dst the idea on how to revive Eon. A group of people with common cause must join force and convince someone to help revive eon, the people present that time on that place were are as follows: (DST, Pipstick, Grido, Darkraptor, Hedge the frog, Pho Ra, Zentao, MRAlyon, and another person or two). So it’s not wrong to conclude that it’s Dst that revived Eon. [b]Not asked but important for the article: (where and how eon was revived)[/b] Eon was revived down at bob when Dst was able to gather the people and able to convince that someone. Now the question is who is that “someone” that we need to convince to be able to revive a dead person? Reviving someone is very hard to do; it’s a secret that only very few know. The question on who this “someone” could be is still a big secret. I could be right, but I could also be wrong, maybe, if you really want to know, try to die first, and see if this someone will agree to revive you (be sure there's a group with common cause ). This is a theory and wasn’t asked from others, I have my own guesses on who this “someone” could be. 1. [b]Bob the [/b] [b]tree[/b] – because Eon was resurrected near his place and maybe if we always see him(bob) no one would be suspicious that he has such power. 2. [b]Zleiphneir[/b] – because he knows or was the one that gave Dst the idea. 3. [b]Muratus del Mur[/b] – of course he has the power to do it, but quite unusual for him to do it in this situation (there’s still a chance). [b]And for additional information[/b] the death of eon lasted no longer than 10 hours.[/log] [b]3rd position[/b] [log=darkraptor] "The Day of Change" At the 321th day of the 6 year of the realm by around 17:30 ST a crowd started to gather many simple citizens, alliance leaders and even the former great Kings were at Marble Dale Park. Soon the leader of the caretakers, phantasm, stepped up on the stand to speak at the crowd. He spoke about recent events and changes that are about to happen, he spoke of the dedication and will of the former kings to do a pact said to be "signed and agreed" and above all he spoke of freedom all through the realm. At 17:40, phantasm in front of all the gathered crowd used his caretaker tool and casted Eon Out. As Eon's body fell to the ground, Yrthilian grabbed him and took him into a place said to be beyond our reach. In phantasm words, "The Day of Change has become". Masterchief phantasm in interview have said, that the event was prepared through the day itself and nothing could be said of the pact since it was made in confidence. He also said that though it was his tool, Eon's death is responsibility of many. When asked about Eon's revival, the masterchief said that Eon's revival was predestined.. thought the shortness of his death was a bit of a surprise for most. In fact.. just some hours after Eon's death, arrangement's were being made to prepare a revival ritual. At the comming of the new day Eon's body was taken to the Path of Loneliness, a small group of people have gathered there and assisted dst and Eon's body make a pact with Zleiphneir for him to disclose valuable information about the revival ritual. Witness said the agreement was that dst and Eon should not hurt the tree and Eon should return the lumber from bob. After Zleiphneir passed the information to dst he have fled from the place. Zleiphneir, up to now, did not respond to the interview so we can't know what else made him make an agreement to enable Eon's revival. Around 02:20 the revival ritual had begun, a circle was drawn around bob, Eon's body was placed at the center and the rest of the people stepped into the circle. dst was leading the ritual and some of the people assisted and helped to perform the ritual details. Soon Eon's body was back to life and predestined or not the revival ritual was a success. Despite all effords to hear Eon's side of this events, all that was possible to hear from him was a proudly: "I was dead for no longer than 10 hours"[/log] [b]Other participants[/b] [size=2]Note: I lost the formatting of the articles below (bold etc...) below. I apology to the authors. If they feel that spoils their work, please let me know and I'll make the effort to edit all.[/size] [log=ignnus]Friday 18th november Eon ‘s dead body was on display at Goe for about 10 hours.We could click on the often flickering player sign every minute or so,it said ‘Eon[mp5] is DEAD This player was killed.This corpse will soon decompose if not resurrected,(i have the image in my forum signature now btw).It also said dead characters will automatically be resurrected unless killed by magic.Hmm,his body was decomposing,so one can speculate Eon was killed by magic. [i]<Note from Editor: Image was deleted by the system: screenshot of Eon ‘s dead mention ingame>[/i] Probably by guardians or witches from Loreroot,I am guessing because i don ‘t know who did it and we all heard the rumors about a ritual related to demised kings,besides one could make observations from *dst* versus Amoran who is also backed by other lorerootians moodpanel clash that happened on and after the day Eon kissed the dust on Goe,yes she did. Moodpanel fight mostly happened from friday late server time until saturday noon.It is (not) safe to say it started with*dst* ‘s assault on LRians from moodpannel with comments like ‘you are cowards ‘, ‘you have won a battle but not the war ‘ ‘thanks for accepting you are a coward Amoran ‘ etc..,from LR side *Shemhajaz* immediately responding ‘say it to my face *dst*,Amoran K. kol also replied but i forgot what she said..This was only first of the 10 hour series of offensive moodpannel entries from each side directed at each other.Also some angry reactions by various players to Eon being resurrected too fast could be seen or heard around that time. I think this happened since a lot of players like me hate Eon,new mp5 ‘s can ‘t train without getting on the negative side with stats after like 5 days on the open,and she stalks everyone to everywhere,that ‘s why people hate it and wanted to see her gone forever,which is only natural in my opinion because we are the opposing side to Eon,so we are playing our part as some people are saying it should be,also some people who shouldn ‘t say it are saying it anyway.Still..since spell was so powerful it may not count as a legitimate attempt,it doesn ‘t matter now since she is resurrected after a half day by *dst*. At saturday 2:00 st,I witnessed the resurrection ritual going on near Bob with mighty *dst* organizing and some players helping by giving materials and performing chat commands among few i could remember are MRAlyon and Lord Jaguar(actually attacked me for my attempts).Some of the sequences were ‘similiar to ‘ :sprinkling some syntropic dust on the corpse,making tea leaves,fusing Wiiya materials together and so on..My attempts with *sets Eon on fire* whilst i never contravene *dst*,and before the final instruction(all put all hands on Eon ),me kicking down decomposing body didn ‘t mess up ritual.I also remember Zen Tao slapping Eon at final phase unlike most everyone else there(10 people or so).Eon came back to life good as new after a few minutes since the end of the ritual. According to Redneck,some 30 players logged out instantly after the resurrection of Eon,I have to agree since some nice training were going on at Goe for once in a while. edit:image keeps getting deleted due to a forum bug,i am re-uploading it from time to time. [/log] [log=Phantom Orchid]Once a Dark Knight Fell. Many speculations, assumptions, and rumors have spread throughout the lands in regards to Eon’s death / many questions asked, many left unanswered. My investigation has resulted in confirmation of what has been assumed and alluded to by many. Phantasm, self-proclaimed “king of shadows” killed Eon with his spade. Shortly thereafter, Eon was then swiftly teleported by yrthilian to the island of Golemus. This act of murder was committed under the guise of a ritual orchestrated by Phantasm, a guise to be taken with a grain of salt if we consider how it was proclaimed in the name of the few kings who were present. A grain of salt, considering that this crowd of kings included, by decree of Phantasm, “Zleiphneir, king of Tree” Anyone who knows Zleiphneir knows that such a title is farcical. The reasons why Eon would be killed can easily be surmised. The constancy of stat-damaging attacks, the teleporting of people idle in sanctuaries, and ultimately, the feeling of impotency placed upon those who hold beliefs of entitlement that they should have the power to be able to stop Eon. But death, as we all know, is never “the end” in this realm. For Eon, it was merely a nominal inconvenience. In regards to Eon’;s revival, it is known that dst was partly responsible for it. The full truth, however, as in all great stories, remains a mystery to those who find themselves on the outside of the circle. But although the circle of truth is complete, there is a small imperfection breaching its border. A hidden path. The truth is there if one knows where to look. [/log] [log=Hedge Munos]The Death of the ‘Destroyer of Worlds ‘ On Day 321, Year 6, Eon was murdered. Suicide has not been taken into account, for there is no evidence that he has a tool capable of doing so. Noted persons present around the time of death (about 17:40) are as follows: Eon, Phantasm, Yrthilian, Zleiphneir, JadenDew, Firsanthalas, Chewett, Eon Von Matterhorn, Peace, Shemhazaj, Ignnus, Maebius, and ChildOfTheSoul. There were likely others, however, I was not present during the event of his death, so I know no other names. I have spoken to each of these people, besides Eon Von Matterhorn. In the log provided by Phantasm, Maebius is quoted as saying, ‘Ahh, testing needles, or Stone Daggers? ‘ After speaking with him, he has confirmed this statement. After asking him if he guessed that the holder of the Stone Dagger murdered Eon, he said, ‘I was being slightly sarcastic in my question, and while I do not assume the holder of the dagger actually used it in killing Eon, I will admit the possibility crossed my mind, so I made that comment. ‘ However, when speaking to Ivorak Karovi, the current carrier of the Dagger, he claims to have not of been present when Eon passed, and denies killing him. When asking JadenDew and Peace if they knew of the whereabouts of Ivorak at that time, neither of them recalled him being there, but were unsure of their answers. There are a couple ways to kill in this realm. The first, by object. The second, by spell. To the extent of my knowledge, these are the only ways. I do not know who has/have the ability to cast killing spells, nor do others I have contacted. It is known that Ivorak Karovi, as I previously stated, carries the Stone Dagger, which has the ability to kill. However, it is highly unlikely he is the murderer, for he was not present anywhere near the time or location of Eon ‘s murder. Phantasm, leader of the Caretakers, carries a shovel, also with the ability to kill. Phantasm was present at the exact location and time of Eon ‘s death. He has also logged himself as saying, ‘Cast you out Eon, Destroyer of Worlds. ‘ Seconds later, Eon fell to the ground, dead. I do not doubt Phantasm is Eon ‘s murderer. Eon himself stated, when asked if he knew who his murderer was, ‘Yes, Phantasm did it. ‘ The needle points Phantasm ‘s way, his hands are stained red. Phantasm killed Eon, yes, but why? Phantasm has denied my request to answer questions over the subject, sending me to his log of the event of Eon ‘s death. Phantasm quoted himself as stating, ‘Resources from far and near have began to stream into this world. What new things will it bring? What will we use to create or destroy with all the wonders this world brings? For so long, content has been in hording and waiting for the day to put to use these things we hold. ‘ Phantasm mentions resources, things Eon has been accused of ‘hording. ‘ Phantasm called Eon the Destroyer of Worlds, presumably referring to Eon ‘s hording that Phantasm would claim is harmful to the environment and the community it supports. Eon, however, is no longer dead, for he has been resurrected. Several people took part in this event, including yours truly, with the main benefactor being Bob the Tree! Bob ‘s magic was required for Eon ‘s resurrection. I received a letter from Eon, requesting the following: ‘Would you be willing to help revive me? I would need you to come to a certain location and pretty much watch. ‘ I dozed off shortly after I was asked to be present, so I am unsure of the process of the resurrection. Others noted as being present are as follow: Pho Ra and Pipstickz. When I awoke from my slumber, Eon had returned and Bob was blooming. With this murder, there is a happy ending. The murdered lives, the murderer receives no punishment, and the cycle of life goes on. Now, who ‘s next?[/log] [log=Krioni]EON WAS DEAD The realm was in a state of confusion and intrigue last week when it was discovered that Eon had been struck down, only to return a couple days later. Considering the recent history with Eon’;s actions, many people crowded around the corpse discussing what exactly had happened and what was going to happen later. The first question many people had was simple, who killed Eon? The discussion prior to her death proves very provocative. Amongst the participants were Phantasm, Zleiphneir, Firsanthalas, Yrthilian, Chewett, and of course Eon herself. There was plenty of discussion between all members, but right before Eon died was a particular quote from Phantasm, saying, «Cast you out Eon, Destroyer of Worlds«; Eon promptly fell down dead after Phantasm’;s words. Yrthilian then attempted to teleport himself and Eon away from the area. Phantasm’;s preamble to the even made it clear that the different kings had gathered to maintain the «light» and therefore this «conglomerate» must had to this duty. The next two days were incredibly interesting for all citizens of Magicduel, as there was a constant crowd surrounding Eon’;s corpse. Amongst the normal fighting and training, everyone was discussing the dead body in the room. While Eon surely had stirred up talk, whispers, and even some agitated bickering before her death, she was now the constant topic for most keyed in to the current happenings. Eventually, Eon was resurrected after a couple days of death, most likely by one of her compatriots such as dst or even possibly Yrthilian, since he attempted to help him by teleporting earlier. Unfortunately, none of the previously mentioned participants were available to discuss the matter, and Eon herself seemed quite tight lipped. The only exception was Firsanthalas, but he seemed to be concerned with muffins more than Eon at the moment of his death anyway. Whatever the case, Eon was sprung in to an even greater celebrity status, and continues to March around Magicduel and stir up heated discussions amongst its inhabitants. [/log] [log=Jolla] Read all about it, Eon slain and then resurrected!!! Eon was DEAD……….the “Ultimate Grinder” was no more. A mighty warrior, who rarely spoke except to sell or buy the occasional this or that, was slain on “The Day of Change”. A pact was made by the King of present (Kings of Loreroot Firsanthales and Golemus Yrthilian) and Eon was no more. Phantasm, pointed at Eon and said, “Cast you out Eon Destroyer of worlds”. Those also present were, Zleiphneir, Peace, Chewett and Jaden Dew. The news of Eon’s death spread like wildfire. People shouted with joy, “No more Eon, Eon’s dead!” During what some thought was a celebration, there were those that thought it was cruel to do to anyone. Assisting DST for a resurrection ritual, in no particular order……………..MRAlyon, Lord Jaguar, Darkraptor, ZenTao, Grido, Pipstickz and last but certainly not least Bob the tree. Grateful to all that put performed such an act. Eon gave tokens of appreciation to the saviors, passing resources to each of them. Afterwards, Bob bloomed. End [i]<Note from Editor: here was an image of Bob blooming. Removed as it is a spoiler, but was a great >[/i] [/log]
  12. Small clarification. I usually don't ask for sponsorship in my events. I did this time after receiving the message Fyrd is mentioning (and because we had a problem with prize distribution). I guess I will go back to my usual way of doing things. I probably have not understood what Treasure Keepers are. And will not understand much better after receiving such e-mails.
  13. OK, we need a bit of time to finish the rating. Seems we have quite a few very good entries and last vote will be needed to select the winners. Thanks for your patience!
  14. What maximum delay are you commited to respect to give an answer to player's request/question?
  15. yes, I shouldn't have named the monarchs! But you got the point.
  16. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1322811155' post='97023'] ragual Monarth is right, some types of governments fit some lands more than the others. But like I've always said, I think that the people of the land should reach one of the governmental systems on their own, and not being pushed by Mur. [/quote] Asides from the mechanical "Monarchy after election" that we have seen, it is my feeling that each monarch has set up its own system of government in the past: - Autocracy/dictatorship in Necrovion by Jester - Feudalism with a king and many independant barons in GG by Yrthilian - Democracy based on a council/government in Marind Bell by Handy Pocket. (I don't really know about loreroot). That is to say, whatever mechanism are given by Mur, we always can adapt them to what Darth is describing.
  17. Quest is over now. We have received 8 (I think!) submissions, which should allow to distribute the prizes. Please allow us around one week to judge all entries and define the winners! Thanks to all participants and the people who accepted to help them by providing information about what really happened... and see you soon to disclose some interesting information about the death and resureection of the Boss Heads Master Eon!
  18. 2 sc gift wrap
  19. Sunday is the last day for submitting your article. Join the group of the apprentice reporters and share your knowledge with the community! All questers who have already submitted an article are allowed to correct/complete their work until the deadline: tomorrow Sunday at 23h59 server time. Don't miss the opportunity!
  20. #5 I love you with all my heart I love you until it hurts You are cute you are shining You eat fruit and start farting I love you the best I can I love you little Grasan
  21. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11025-item-transfer-set-default-to-blank/ Make the "Item to transfer" box point by default at a blank line to avoid unwanted transfer of items.
  22. Hello, I am clumsy and when there is a possibility to click on the wrong button, I usually abuse it... That made me transfer wrong items sometimes. Currently: - The "Item to give" box points by default at the upper item in the inventory list. if you enter a valid name in the transfer box, that ietm will be transferred. - I was confused sometimes (when tired, not talking of if I was drunk!) and thought I had selected an item to transfer but I had just moved the Item list and not changed the default selection. result: transfer of the wrong item. Suggested change: - The "Item to give" box points by default at a blank line. - If I mess up again, no item transfer occurs.
  23. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1321777437' post='96252'] Well, I'm (sadly) quite weak stat-wise. The 6-8 targets I was talking about are 95% made up of targets that had trees or xp loss sponge rits (UPs, eles). Personally, I think the real problem is because people are too afraid to gather together and train because of Eon's stat damage, and this in turn makes it actually hard to outrun the statdamage because there are not enough people around to train with. If people would just ignore the occasional stat damage and gather to train together, I don't think there would be any problem with Eon's stat damage. [/quote] I pretty much agree with you that an appropriate training with a few people who want to spend time on it should be enough to counter the Skill Damage. That seems to be what mur wants: more team effort in MD. However that also means that the people who can effectively fight that SD are those who manage to spend time and group on training (pretty much those we cfall grinders), while the occasional fighter has simply no chance if he logs on during Eon's time. I ame one of those occasional fighters: I like to train when i get a few time. But i don't like the mechanical stats grinding. What I love is to fight randomly here and there, study the logs, learn from them, train that Rusty I just managed to get, etc... Currently, if I do that I lose stats every day. So I have the following choice I think, when it comes to fighting in MD: - continue doing what i did before and see my stats progressively diving to the ground (or below, not sure if we can get neg stats! ). - hide when Eon is awake and use his night to fight - join a training group and grind grind grind (provided I can get enough MD time to do that) - build an anti Eon group and find a way to skill dmage her until her SD skill is at 0 I have currently chosen option 2, which fits quite well with my other MD activities. Not sure what will be my next choice if any!
  24. Lost in the void... alone... OoO

    1. Maebius


      If you are there, is it truly a Void? :)

    2. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      I can't answer, void is reaching my mind...

    3. Jubaris


      Point for Maebius :p

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