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Ary Endleg

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Everything posted by Ary Endleg

  1. You question exactly what I already explained, I won't waste time to retype things.
  2. In http://magicduel.com/pages/help.info.php?p=creatureabilities it says wrong: Correct is in http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/176 Meaning variance is -40% to +80%.
  3. So that same creature obtained by that player can't be given as quest reward by them? Because donators aren't part of the group that comes with that issue, they don't have this problem because they are donors. That's why I talk only about voting. Moreover this wasn't just about creatures from THIS shop but about this types of creatures in general. I don't have anything against unreleased creats to show up in there, but creature such as anniversary is bad thing in my opinion. This shows you either didn't fully read my post or didn't properly try to understand my point of view. I explained, but you don't seem to care. That's insulting. I want to collect creats and be a fighter, yet I only have 16 slots. I want to have each level of each creature too, but where the heck do I put them? Sorry that I ain't lucky as you to be able to spend money on game, but what ever.
  4. Grido missed my point completely. It's a problem for most players who fight and don't have enough slots. Many people don't fight in first place, then there are those who can spend lots of money for game or who have big veterancy so they already unlocked many slots with voting or quest credits. People who don't understand my argument in previous posts fall under this groups. Why are slots problem for specific group of players? Not counting unreleased creats there are like 50 types of creats according to CIDs. Player starts with 16 slots. There are 13 types of creats that are freely available for recruitment. 20 types overall that are easily obtainable. There are 20 slots per shop reset and you need to spend 30 or 35 creds in extra features specifically to get them which means 9 months of everyday voting (could be more), also opening up directly in features isn't the optimal start for combatants, best is to buy flat perma boosters first for 10 creds then get but in long run not buying creds forces you to go straight for slots because slots limit you in long run way more. Player needs like 20 slots for specific creats in order to competitively do combat (to cover all most used ritual types/uses), cca 30 (plus minus 10 depending on time and effort planned to invest) more for growth of combat potential (grinding) from saccing. By all this it's obvious that most of players can't be both competitive fighters and creature collectors at same time. Player with 16 slots can't even collect all of colorless creats. His combat effectiveness is zero if he has 1 creature of each type. He's very likely forced to beg for wins/heat. Lets say a newb is around and gets lucky to win anni10 aramor. If he's really into combat and wants to become beast that means that creature will take up 1 of his 16 precious slots and won't provide anything useful for him in combat. This will hinder his growth amount drastically. This would result in big dilemma, either desperately sell creat and get something useful instead or keep it and be grind with hindered potential. One slot clogged up means 80k ve a year. When you have 16 slots, just how many can you afford for tree saccs? Barely any, which means he is probably hindered by 50% of his ve growth. On other hand if he goes sell it, he's facing likely issue of selling it for less than it's value and another problem is that anniversaries have fix amount of them issued. Meaning in future it's going to be more and more impossible to get it again. In short. Creats being collectibles are problem because they take combat creat space and don't help you in combat, because of this they actually hurt you (if you fall under that specific player group who wants to be both collector and competative fighter but have less than 55 slots and are broke to donate). Lastly, you can say that it's not a technically issue adding more creatures, especially not like those, yet 2 of those still lack their top two levels after 2 years. Meaning it doesn't matter if it's problem or not to do them, what matters is if it's priority to actually take time to do it. Obviously it wasn't. I just don't understand why exclusive collectible creatures, from my point of view they come with downsides. On other hand if you put exclusive collectible items instead, they would still have all the benefit of such creatures and no downsides. Combat wasn't touched in last 5 years, we keep getting told that stuff will be done to it after other priorities are solved but I don't think anything will happen. Devs will probably get insulted a lot now, but I actually expect that combat will ultimately share same fate with chapter 3. However, I'm glad what's happening with items at the moment so please keep working on that. Those are my arguments why I think exclusive collectible creats are bad, thanks for reading.
  5. Because they don't add anything meaningful to combat. They just "clog it up".
  6. I wanted to make a separate topic about such issue in near future but I can say main points in here. Rare creats or unreleased creats sounds fine and fair by me, but new exclusive creats hell no. No matter how underpowered or just collectible they are. It's stupid to waste time implementing such exclusive content that serves no purpose other than flashing something shiny to other players. You can do that much easier with items or medals or achievements. Something that bugs me a lot are all those crap creatures out there currently that do nothing but look nice. I'm mainly speaking about Anni aramors. They add nothing to combat system they just plague it because they are cloned creats with color and a bit higher max ve. They are collectibles and that's it. Such practice should be discontinued, but I know that Mur loves the idea of them so he won't stop pumping them out. Offering unreleased creats is VERY good idea. Because that will eventually put more of those into circulation and would force development on them eventually. Especially if they get some new ability that's broken. It would force tuning that creat or even larger parts of combat. Which is very good and very needed. Lastly we would finally get get truly new creat that will spice things up a bit rather than keep getting exclusive clone versions.
  7. Everything is temporary. Neg rep because you have anger issues with cats.
  8. Aeo, why would they want such title if this duke would only represent part of East population? As far as I read the point is to have more than one person no?
  9. I think of it like Roman Triumvirate. Afterall it looks like there will be more than one dukedom so it means rivalry. Before you know it East will become like Saudi Arabia :D People give power like Rophs said. Although rebel system is isolated from gameplay atm.
  10. Well this part confused me and I see I interpreted it right. See what Sasha said :p
  11. How you mean? I feel stupid :))
  12. Chat or clickies?
  13. Yeah you miss some. However it makes no sense to put East Gate on East map although it's part of East land. It should be put on mainland map since it's between Plains of Deceit and Tunnel of War.
  14. :blink: Isn't this actually just multiple visits to Fictionist's house and back to X scene?
  15. Boosting auras boost all creatures in ritual, only exception is creatureboost aura. Creatureboost aura boost specific CID creatures inside ritual by boosting ALL of their stats by X percent. Other boost auras that boost specific type of stats boost that specific stat on all creatures inside ritual, regardless if it's flat or percentage type of boost. Some of you may wonder why sometimes certain boost aura isn't applied, for example regenaura from trees. The reason for that is because X creature inside ritual doesn't have any regen to start with. If creature has certain stat at 0, boost won't work regardless if it's percentage or flat boost. (might be bug with flat boost?) For instance, you have tree lvl1 in def set on 0% influence and no tokens. Regenaura won't get applied because tree has 0 regen. But if for example you have 1 regen on your profile stat and you apply 100% for that same ritual, then tree will have regen stat and aura will be applied. Imps and bird have same attackbonus aura, so currently they boost everyone and second aura on higher level imps ain't working. I don't know where people were getting this ideas that it boosts up to certain level (might be secondary shop description that's displayed only after thing is bought, which is bad practice for being informative, but since I never bought it in shop idk). As Chew said it obviously ain't working how it's meant to work. But if you have both attackbonus aura working, that will be toooo overpowered if they both would be applied on same creature at same time, nobody wants to see 8-9 attackboosts on target all creature. (PS imps also have morale... another reason why this is terrible idea :p and then you also have sharpies....)
  16. Yes Imperial lvl2 and lvl3 have attackbonus aura twice. As far as I know it works in such a way that it boosts attack stat of all creatures in combat by 50%. However, only one boost is applied to all creatures. I failed to find a case where both auras from same imperial got applied at same time on same creature. Meaning one is (probably) redundant and does nothing.
  17. :)) Rocky says welcome.
  18. Original post updated. Clicky got improved with some useful and "necessary" things. Reason for this is because "certain bug got fixed" :rolleyes: :ph34r: and because Burns is slacking when it comes to preventing his MDP clicky from inactivity. So stuff that you used to check in there, you can now check in here. :p
  19. I know it can't be prevented, it can only be made harder or to take more time and effort to perform abuse. I would say it should be forbidden completely, but then again I know it would be fighting the losing battle. It won't do much good itself but I think there should be some AD requirement in first place for that shop branch.
  20. Okay fine. My apologizes for classifying all cases of abuse under the term "money laundering". Not all of them fall under that term but some do. All of exemplary cases given by me are illegal because they go against quoted rules. Also Chew too said in his early post it's illegal. So we've established that it's illegal and that it's happening. Problem is it's hard to notice such things and distinguish it. PS Grido posted before me.
  21. Once again, I'm mainly talking about ill-gotten goods. I fail to see how you remain blind to possibilities. If item was acquired on alt with ill-intent (such as sole purpose to launder it to main) it's illegal in my book. Furthermore there are many ill-ways to acquire goods with alts. Such as using 5$ signup bonus on your alt, using stats/loyalty on one account to acquire shared items that with help of middle man would be passed to your other account. List goes on. Next, you are mostly arguing linguistics in here about phrase "money laundering". Your argument isn't valid from my point of view because money laundering is the closest label that describes this to my knowledge. You argue that if item wasn't acquired by ill means that this whole thing is legal which circumvents the first out of three steps of laundering. Second step is passing the goods through complex scheme of transactions to obscure the origin of goods. Third step is return of goods to launderer after the origin has been obscured. What we have in MD: First step is acquisition of item regardless of how. Second step is passing the item in order to obscure the origin for purpose of bypassing the alt restriction trading mechanism (which is illegal act, quoted from rules below in spoiler tag). Third step is receiving the item after origin has been masked sufficiently. So that should cover up your linguistic interpretations, label it as you wish. By my estimation most of such illegal trades do have ill-gotten origin. Regardless of that, all of such actions are illegal because they have one thing in common: INTENT to bypass interface restrictions in order to have a gain on one of your accounts on the expense of another. [log='Rules']General rules: If something is restricted by the interface and you find a way to do it any way, assume it is a bug or exploit. If you proceed to take actions that the limitations of the interface suggest you should not be able to, you may be banned at any moment without warning. Alt Restrictions: No Trading of Creatures, Items or Avatars You may not take actions on one of your accounts that another of your accounts is able to gain direct profit from. Profiting can be in the form of reputation, or gaining of trade commodities such as creatures, items, applicable knowledge, any other form of game currency that may arise, or any advantage conferred by spells or abilities. Any funds of one of your accounts may not be used for the profit of another of your accounts. Knowledge, coins, activated credits, creatures, spells and abilities, and any other forms of currency that may emerge in the future may only be used to profit the account that holds them, or an unassociated account. Purchasing things for a "friend" on one of your accounts, who then gives them to another of your accounts, is still alt abuse, and if your "friend" is found to be a knowing party will also be subject to punishment. Joinining an alliance with several alts also counts, if it is to fill the seats for the sake of it [/log] PS shuffling cheat is the smallest issue if you ask me
  22. As Rhaegar put it simply, key word is intent. If item is acquired in legal means but for ill intent, that's dirty in my book. It's also a reason why it's impossible to prevent anything. It all depends on intent, which is hard to prove without extensive investigation, which again requires tremendous resources.
  23. First of all, I know I'm not allowed to talk how to abuse things. Secondly your math is wrong because you used 0,2 instead of 0,02. So it would be 3333 days. But that's all fair, I'm speaking of cheating in here (check the line above).
  24. Not if the sole acquisition of that item by alt was to circumvent the shuffle mechanism of shop or alt restriction when voting. Moreover the whole trade chain was done for purpose of bypassing alt trade system. Excuse me for using the word "technically", I wanted to say "basically". Technically/literally, Z you are correct, but I highly doubt this reasoning would stand if it were reported on MD Court. You can argue technicality in here but if such situation were to happen, Mur, Chew, BFH and Grido would definitely call it abuse. Bigger issue is what when situation is more foggy/complex? Items are SAME only thing that makes them different is ID. Which means that this is "laundering". You exchange the "dirty" item for SAME/IDENTICAL "clean" item. My alt gives you gold coin, while you give my main other gold coin with other ID. This is "clearly" against rules. It might not be said explicitly but there are many ways courts IRL interpret laws, literal interpretation is the only one that agrees with you. Luckily courts know that legislative tends to be clumsy when writing laws that's why there are logical, systematical, scientifical, caustical, lingvistical, historical, etc. methods of interpreting laws. You can just call this a loophole as dst said. Rhaegar explained it further. [hr] All I know that issue raised is against the rules, if not by literally, or to some of you not logically, it's definitely in spirit because there's certain behavior it's meant to prevent. That's all it matters. Z pointed out some nice examples and reasoning. So yes I agree making more restrictions would make it only harder for abusers but can't prevent them in end while it would restrict player freedom more and more. Unfortunately although I'm against all this abuses, I know very well that MD is powerless to prevent them. They can't stop many of those abuses. I could list a dozen of high profile abuses that "can't" get you caught, unless they are monitoring you for a year and making a detailed investigation and have all the reasoning for each of your transactions etc. (Basically it would take resources of a whole police station on murder investigation). [hr] How about using alts for grind farm? Creature aging? Multiplication of free creds which results in increased buying power and then getting those items laundered to main? Sasha you spent a large sum of money on shop, right? So would it be fair if I cheat out the system for 1000 credits without donating a dime? I don't think so.
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