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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. not bad :D http://storenow.net/my/?f=b0c5afee9c88c873decf388c7c760aa6
  2. The answer is: culture. Heroes are those who sacrifice themselves for others. It is only natural for beneficiars to celebrate their heroes. And in our culture soldiers are those who sacrifice themselves (for the good of the nation, blah blah). So it is cultural :P
  3. I am awesome!
  4. Name: TheRichMerchant Reason: I want to do it..? Examples of literary work: none that I can show atm :( I am willing to do my best with this; also, I promise not to complain if the story takes directions I would not like. I always recognise a good work, so I will definitely give credit where credit is due.
  5. Ungod


    No point of beating a dead horse. I kinda knew it. Moderators, please lock this topic.
  6. I just discovered the post. Silly me :P ................................................I spent 20 minutes writing and deleting what I was writing............................................................... Let me finish this fast lol: I have met here a LOT of interesting folks. Folks I would like to meet everyday irl, but irl I generally meet ******. The few friends I have do not balance the situation, no. I split the folks met here in two: hard brains and light heads (not the best formulation, but no one is perfect). The hard brains will always see MD as a game. They will be aware of this truth. This does not make their role-play bad, it means that behind something like *lies on the ground, next to the unicorns and aramors and fairies* there is a sense of ”i'm imagining things and we pretend that this is real”. The light heads will be ”drawn”/”sucked” into the game (mostly by the power of image; MD has a great visual impact) and sometimes create symbols where there are none. It is not about creating a landmark or imprinting your footsteps, it is about adding personal experiences to something and coming up with a symbol. This makes their experience in MD much more powerful, but also confusing. Confusing, since it is harder to understand what he/she means, since the symbol exists only in one's mind. Eventually, the light heads turn into hard brains :D in time. And...I forgot what I wanted to say with this. yeah, I wanted to say that there should always be the idea in your head that ”this is not real, we pretend this is real and this is where our fun derives from”. I honestly cannot deal with someone who does not agree that this is a game. We play it, it IS a game. Sure, if we go further we might find out this is more than a game and we might inquire about the nature of ”reality”, what is reality and such, what is a/our role and such and we might end up with headaches (I know I have, since I re-visited some concepts I believed in, since playing MD). I'm not sure it is worth it, but we can do it. The above does not contradict what you said, ironically. It came like that because I was a light head myself. Playing until dawn? Check. Hundreds of games? Check. Visually enchanted? Check (never played games for the math, only for the visuals). In the end, you just realise these games can be wonderful learning experiences, but if you forget, even for a second, that it's a game you play, you end up badly. The things I said about creating symbols and such...been there, done that. Damn, I wanted to write a short post. :rolleyes:
  7. this was dark and twisted...love it. ^_^
  8. Treasure hunt ended. :D Thank you all for participating. This topic can be closed.
  9. Ungod


    Some time ago (about two months) I wrote a little quest called Basics. It was coded and was available for everyone for more than a month now - with no rewards. I will now reward the first three who send me ingame the last message of the quest (as proof of completion) with: 1st and 2nd (same prize): one teleport to papercabin stone + 1 fresh remains 3rd: one mirrorritual stone + 1 fresh remains This quest is intended for new players, so only those with 21 or less AD are going to be rewarded. For hints (including for the first step), PM me ingame. Quest starts at Clash of Ages, at the clickable. Good luck!
  10. I liked Summer Breeze's ”haiku”. I like those small ”postcards”, if I can call them that. Here is one: ”A bee flies from the the flower of a water willow - spring has come.” Or, since it's winter: ”Sitting here, freezing - my boiler died. Where is the repairman?”
  11. I had a blast reading the poems, thanks for putting them here. :-)
  12. This is still on, although I will close it some time soon.
  13. I ask right away why I have lost (but maybe thats because Im too lazy to figure it out myself).
  14. The first one to send me the correct answer was Dark Demon (he has chosen the 3sc). I am (still) waiting for two more answers.
  15. Hint nr. 2: Only the last four digits of the code reveal the actual name of the scene. The other ones form the complete answer. The ”algorithm” is the same, though.
  16. Nim said she d offer 5 stones. If so, you and Yertle can have 2 stones each (I will have the teleport one).
  17. I would like the teleport to paper cabin stone.
  18. Hint: I have spent time to make the poem convincing, so convincing that you wouldn't notice it's only a front. Yes, the poem is only a front meant to distract; in fact, you don't need to read a single word/line in order to get the name of the scene.
  19. impressive number of team members
  20. The reward is 3 sc for the first one to solve the riddle. You can sponsor it if you want, ofc. Edit: Firestarter was so kind as to sponsor it with a BP archer and a Joker. The winner can choose between one of the creatures or the silver. That means the first three to send me the answer will get a reward. Edit 2: adding Valldore Nal to sponsors. :)
  21. Not all treasure hunts end up well. This one will, though, if someone sends me the correct answer. (no PM so far)
  22. The following poem contains the name of a scene in MagicDuel, which you will find with the aid of a code (there are four scene names in there, but using the code you will find the one I am after). The one who solves the riddle first will get three silver coins as a reward. PM me with the answer (not ingame). Do NOT write the answer on this topic. The poor live in the slums of hope until their hope is broken and they rise. But even then, the sight of gold, would surely make them hypnotized. A young man, on his daily walk through shops and stalls, in search for things to steal, discovered among petty things in ye old shop, a treasure map. ...He saw himself covered in gold, envisioned a big crowd calling his name - his dream of fame, of fortune, was so close - he had to dig and pray. A shovel - and the road awaits the one willing to go from scene to scene to look for treasures or to find how one can be trully serene... He dug under the maple tree, under the crying water willows, too, he dug under the tree of Bob until his shovel split in two. And tired, oh, so tired, he sat down, rubbing his hurting loins; he ripped the map in tiny shreds and in the well he tossed a coin, wishing for fortune and for fame. Code: 5-1-7-10-7-1-4-3-7-14-6-11-4-24
  23. It was enjoyable, thank you for putting this up.
  24. that is true..count me in.
  25. Same here. Nice.
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