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Everything posted by MaGoHi

  1. Mur what do you think about a riddle or puzzle on that item? something like this: a Player has the choice to do a puzzle/riddle there if the player doesnt do the puzzle/riddle the timer stays the same the correct answer decreases the time to wait the wrong answer increases it. This way you teach players that their actions matter
  2. I probably sounded sour sorry about that, what i have read so far about the mark of the beast was that they really had to do something special to get it i was just surprised to read the request for something i consider easy to obtain without any significant effort.
  3. Since being there is your job and the loyalty increases on its own i think its a joke that you ask for that
  4. Well Fang you are welcome to try to change my mind. So far i saw more words than actions from you and the action that i saw had a noble cause but it seemed that there was also something hidden, now that could have been just a side effect or my perception of it i dont deny that possibility. Other than that i dont see your character or personality having the traits that i think a leader needs.
  5. I dont want to offend you with my words since you tried your best with your words to get your message across. I do not see you fit as leader so i will not follow you.
  6. I hope that you can wait until there is a fix, i am sure they will fix it as soon as they can. You could read some forum topics meanwhile to pass your time
  7. I have no idea, really, i do remember there was more people at GoE that helped, but no specific names
  8. MaGoHi

    Battle tags

    uhm well x battles might actually be a challenge due to these low prey times we are currently in
  9. MaGoHi

    Battle tags

    will sacrificing count too ?
  10. DST you should start a different topic where people could mention their views on what makes them sad about the game that might be used as reference to improve the game, just an idea xD
  11. isnt that basically an average over all lists?
  12. Additionally to fangs ideas: heat put into items (total) Resources collected/traded/Used/Processed/Combined Resources Wasted (as in stack usage how many have been wasted through overflow) different tools used (total and listed) time spent idle/active (maybe a ratio) messages sent/ received creatures sacrificed ally member/leader/total count of allies citicenship (total and listed) consumables consumed credits spent Ap boots used Adepts (highest) hunter/hunted (person you won/ lost the most against) moodpanel entries (total) Role tags earned full equipment sets obtained weather changed victim of spells/magic (how often magic got used on a player) more might follow (this is what i can come up with for now)
  13. i see your points you are right there
  14. Firefox user working fine for me
  15. I think it would be a good idea in general, but there are things you have to take into consideration: you have to be careful not to make it pay2win, if people are more or less forced to use it they are also foreced to spend their credits on it while they maybe wanted to use on something else (this could lead to frustration and make them give up on MD) what are the ways to abuse this system and how can you prevent it?(thinking of perma mp3) could you implement some training in rituals or explanations as part of the starter island if there is no such thing yet?(to maybe even let them experiment "in a safe environment) would it be easier if you just gave them a certain amount of honor to start with? would it be easier if the honor was just frozen at a certain amount for the first x fights would it be easier if you couldnt get negative honor points in the first X lost fights well my thoughts on this matter, greetings Mag
  16. happy birthday !
  17. can confirm this also congrats Kyphis!
  18. well yeah, but i thought it would be cool ingame and if you dont even have to meet, just because it is easier, i like easier stuff xD and there would be no waiting after completion of the quest ps: you could also implement quests where you get some stuff you need in a next step or something, i just think it would make "doing a quest" a lot easier^^
  19. well yeah the initial idea was just that people dont actually have to meet the questmaker to get the reward, because due to timezones and online times it can happen that you just never meet and even with itc it can take a while, so the idea was just a place or box where the questmaker can put the reward for the players. so in my initial post i just thought that anyone could put a reward for any player in there, thats when we noticed that there could be some sort of "unwanted" use for storing stacks
  20. while i see that it would work i just want to say that the initial idea was to have a questmaker hand out rewards easier, if they have to pay for it they might not want to use it and therefore it could lead to people not using it in the way it was initially thought of PS: you could have some sort of it as reward box for quests that you put in as permanent ones, like you asked in Anni 4290 for
  21. got already one thanks
  22. i think since i'm on perma balance i cant compete
  23. happy birthday mate !
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