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Everything posted by MaGoHi

  1. i'd like to buy the memory stones
  2. i voted for more than 3 mil, because its so little i can get it myself
  3. Happy Birthday Valoryn
  4. well there is LotE so there could be Island(s) of the West Island(s) to the West
  5. Happy Birthday zooliii !!
  6. EDIT: well it would make loading the bushies easier, go for it
  7. Idk if this will help you, i'll post it anyway This is how many of a resource you can collect per day when the resource was at 100% and if you want the resource to be at 100% the next day Note: i dont guarantee that i didnt miss some only scenes one can access rather "easily" taken into calculation the numbers are a bit off because a source with only 1 wont be 1 the next day also contains old values of NC Rain refills Water sources, so on days with rain you can collect more Water theoretical values, if someone depletes you obviously cant harvest reasonably the next day Memory Stones Herbs mineralore Skull Lumber Resin Water Branches Tree Bark Mineral Water Sum 21 220 358 2 25 33 77 60 40 16
  8. "soon", now i just have to think of a nice ritual to harvest them and find a basket somewhere parsley and basil (or Baszilla xD) chives and lovage
  9. about 100 Water in the past week probably more
  10. couldnt resist:
  11. got fixed already, thank you, topic can be closed
  12. OK, the list with the rituals is back BUT there are errors when i try to create a new rit and when i try to view an existing rit creating new rit: viewing existing rit:
  13. nah, for now i'll wait until it gets a bit warmer outside, then they will get a nice place on the balcony
  14. apparently i had some hidden growing powers i had to turn the pots around, because the herbs started to bend towards the window for more sunlight basil and parsley (hand for scale) lovage and chives ( the chives finally start to get thicker)
  15. i never did much RP, but i would never base any of the RP i do on this age (11) so i dont need this implemented
  16. Happy Birthday Burns!
  17. they are still alive parsley and basil chives and lovage (yeah the chives kinda look sad xD)
  18. Creature cocoon/chrysalis
  19. Happy Birthday nadrolski
  20. Happy Birthday Clock Master!!
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