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Everything posted by MaGoHi

  1. @Fyrd Argentus could you list the scenes that we already depleted?
  2. Happy Birthday @Burns !
  3. yeah, the thing is i am alergic to whatever is blooming right now so i'd be hesitant to try that 😅
  4. the title of the topic "Gourmet" is misleading, my palette isnt refined enough for that 😅
  5. uhm i am tempted to say that these do not count since you did not have your game tag on a paper on the pictures and they look like they are out of a magazine
  6. a suggestion for next time, you can push rosemary branches under the skin of the bird too, the flavour turns out really well then
  7. when Nep is asking if a picture of a yakisoba pack is an ok entry PS: ofc i know he meant if he can just make that xD
  8. There has been a year since my hunger has grown to gargantian proportions and therefore I am demanding a new meal. I MAGOHI, BACON EMPEROR, THE EVER HUNGRY EATER OF A THOUSAND WORLDS, THE ONE WHO SHATTERED THE ILLUSION, DESTROYER OF DINNERS, VANQUISHER OF VEAL, ANNIHILATOR OF APPLES, WRECKER OF WURST, BANE OF THE BACON, RAZER OF THE STACKS OF RAMEN, THE BATTLECRUISER OF THE UNDERGROUND UNDER STEAM FOR DINNER, AND TERRORIST OF THE TIRAMISU DEMAND YOU COOK ME A MEAL. AGAIN! MY ARMY OF CHEFS BORE ME AND I DEMAND YOU COOK ME A MEAL TO SURPASS ALL THEIR EFFORTS. THEY SHALL JUDGE YOU, EITHER DECIDE TO FEED YOUR MEAL TO ME, OR YOUR PUNY LIFE. "I (Chewett) have mostly guaranteed that we can save the lives of MagicDuel people if we ensure we can prepare an exciting meal for MaGoHi. Please submit images of your meals (with the words MD in them somewhere) so that we may judge them." There is no theme this year, but as always if you can make them MD themed more points will be awarded! REWARDS: whatever chewetts gives you TIMELIMIT: IDK, chew didnt write that
  9. yeah it was a joke and i was obviously making fun of yt
  10. then youtube will come and remove the vote negative option so nobody gets their feelings hurt
  11. at least let me hate darvin
  12. give me the chance to vote you negative for implementing it in a way that i have to vote good and negative and cant skip both or either
  13. i know its not infinite, but it was weird to me that it was so much, but good if its for testing
  14. i mean we kinda started it so we he did the revenge thing already
  15. to be fair, movement is also odd to me, like why can i instantly jump 500 tiles in my own realm
  16. yeah i noticed, this is probably one of those momnents where we look completely different at things xD
  17. Steve:" hey bob do you remember the useless fields i have in the back of my empire, where there is nothing?" Bob: "yeah, why?" Steve:"Well i had this idea to distribute all the food i produce evenly in my empire, so i will never have a supply chain issue with my troops anymore" Bob:" So you want to tell me that the food is just wasted there, where most likely no troops will need them?" Steve:"well Yes!, but they could need them at some point!" Bob:"...ok"
  18. all this time i thought farms next to water give me an advantage, they dont xD
  19. yeah, right that was it i was trying to find out why you dont see that or if something changed sorry for not saying that in a reply to your question
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