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Everything posted by MaGoHi

  1. yes it should only contain things ingame and working, i have a seperate map with my ideas
  2. yeah this is great
  3. What group/land you represent in your request: Underground Amount of Storage wanted (items): 1000 Amount of Storage wanted (creatures): 100 How much you would pay (weekly) for this: Nothing, since Dst is still leader i can only write the application this wayidk what she would pay Location you would put your treasury: Somewhere in UG
  4. i could offer you a half assed, terrible translation if you want one xD
  5. is that the colored one? if yes then 3 please
  6. that is a very valid point you have, balance wise, i would also recommend not change too much there in terms of "punishment" of the dead person
  7. i do not agree, i dont see anyone just wasting a kill for no reason the tools have cooldown and unwarranted is very much subjective, i do see it more as making a point or the occational alliance/land disbanding mechanic that does give the players the power to change the game i do understand your personal feeling concern but thats also not something i can agree with, death as it is is not even permanent mechanic wise, it is an inconvenience for the killed party and that is the only way to "remove them from your sight" for a longer period than a spell like lock in chaos can, if you can not seperate your feeling for real death to fictional then you have to work on that yourself, i also lost people important to me but i never saw the ingame kill as a real death or felt any of the emotions that real death triggers, its not like it is a daily occurence in the game either as for the mp3/mp4 idea you had, that is also a bad idea in my opinion, there are more alts than new players and some of them do try to provoke on purpose, now people will most likely not waste a kill on an alt because they are hard to get, but belive me when i say i'd have loved to get rid of one or the other alt that was trying to piss me off that way principle loss could have positive side effects, considering how the calculations happen for shards i would hate statloss, so thats probably a reasonable punishment for me, but other people that want to lose stats might think different Creature stat loss is probably weird to think through, shards or abilities that you used shards to give on the other hand seem easy to think of i am very much against item loss(rp items, tools etc), resources that you can refarm make more sense to me here, nice resource sink side effect as Ailith stated i dont think it it is bad, as i stated above, it is an inconvenience that you can force on another player if you feel like they deserve it and that is enough punishment for the killed person this is also something i can not fully agree with, its not like we have laws about that within the realm, just because we project our morals and laws into the game becasue thats what we are used to from RL doesnt mean that the realm of MD has to have that i do think the price of a coin is alright, realistically its like buying a knife to stab someone, if i had a sword like ingame then i wouldnt even need that to kill an annoying cat for example there are not that many ways to negatively affect other peoples accounts, death, spells the only one that you cant really protect against and i do think they are needed
  8. to this i would like to add that i had the impression that Mur did not want that to be a mechanic, the point being that the posibillity to enter is there you are even allowed to, but if you encounter a death patrol you die since i am rarely on the same wavelength with Mur that could also mean my impressions are wrong BUT if you want it "stricter" i am sure that you could implement some sort of semi mechanic, the mechanic/automated part could be a counter and if you enter NC more than x times in a week/month/the past 14days you get a trigger that allows the death patrol to get you even if you are outside NC (not pulling you there but are allowed to hunt you down), this trigger could last up to a week and would also add extra thrill by having such a solution you could give the death patrol the leeway of having a RL outside of MD and still get the people that really go overboard with being in NC and people that occationally go in wont notice the difference to now
  9. again i want to make clear i stated the question just to get clarification on this, i know you do good work, even when you can not be there all the time as i understood it, it is intended that there are gaps that open up the possibility to enter when there is nobody awake as well, this is a game you dont have to be there 100% of the time, the issue with timezones was always there and there wont be a solution until there is a lot more players so that an entire day can be covered to 100% and yes this might seem unfair to some but you also stated yourself that you are not there all the time being afk or idle, this opens up the same opportunity
  10. i agree that there is a warning, i have not seen anything that the risk gets higher, yes many kill, many provide the kills, yes you are free to do that too if you have some personal reason for it, as player you can do whatever you want, if you let him be killed as death patrol then i would like to see an official statement that that it is alright to use the loophole in the wording and pay someone as death patrol to kill someone else with the reasoning of continuos trespassing, just to have it officially stated. i do not pursue this to get you in trouble or punished for using the loophole, i just want clarity in this matter because I was under the assumption and i think other people are as well that you can not be prosecuted for entering NC after you have left it
  11. thats why i asked here, as i said if its a personal matter then its fine, if it was official as death partol then its using a loophole since no written rules were broken by Lashtal, at the same time its not prohibited to enter NC, meaning you cant be prosecuted for doing that, only for being inside at that very moment
  12. the point i wanted to make is that i dont see this as a reasonable action from a death guard if it was done as role fulfillment, hence asking if its personal, because personal is acceptable https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3880 also it states that the deathpatrol is not allowed to kill outside of NC, the wording "There is NO rule to prevent you to go inside, it is difficult but it is possible, and the patrol might or might not be always there. however if you get caught, you get killed. " does not prohibit people from entering NC just states that you will be killed when you are indside and caught, furthermore "Necrovion death patrol is not allowed to kill outside the patrolled land. " states and is widely understood that the death patrol is only allowed to kill you within NC, meaning their duty ends once you leave the land, if Else was killed in official matter by Lasthal being a death patrol and using a loophole in wording then i would like to have this matter further investigated and if this is indeed intended to publically declare that this loophole was intended and that the death partol can hunt down people outside of NC for continuous "tresspassing" as long as they do not use their own tools.
  13. Do i understand this correctly that Lashtal let Else be killed out of personal reasons then, since the deathguard is only allowed to kill within necro and has no jurisdiction outside its borders, not as part of his death guard role?
  14. Happy belated Birthday!
  15. SUP MA DUDES AND DUDETTE(S), KNEEEL FOR I HAVE JUDGED Ledah - 3 GC anni crit DG - 2 GC anni crit Ailith - 1 GC anni crit RISE AS A COOK AND TRUE GOURMET! thanks for playing hope you liked the food
  16. the riddle at Champions Challenge is accessible without this wish
  17. only one participant so far, looks like there is freeeee rewards @Ailith @Lazarus @Ledah @Granos @Miq @otherpeople able to cook
  18. you can mark them
  19. there is section in the forum to report bug bug forum try to look up if someone already reported the bug if you can provide a screen shot it also helps a lot if it is a game breaking bug or exploit let the admins know directly
  20. difficult to answer not every type of player like all the quest types if you have unique or rare rewards more people might try to do your quest
  21. depending on the stats you can gain them by fighting, walking, using tools or sacrificing creatures some stats help with moving around in MD some make fighitng easier
  22. this is a spoiler, you will need some items and more people to create this
  23. you can see rules and restriction here:
  24. you will need to sacrifice a creature of the same type at an altar, it will show you information on how many shards you get before you sacrifice it. to use them open your creature page and then select the creature you are interested in putting shards on, you will be able to see a selection of abilities you can give to the creature and add them to your creature there, check out the description of the abilities to find what is right your creature
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