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Everything posted by Aethon

  1. How does 4th Jan (Monday) 21:00ST suit people?
  2. Won't be able to make tonight as having to look after nephews due to brother being in hospital. Can make tomorrow if everyone else can? 21st-23st
  3. Is there a day this week everyone is free? Please let me know best times and days for you all.
  4. Why anon when logs will show who bought it anyway? :/
  5. Unfortunately, due to a sudden RL change, I will not be able to hold the competition tonight. Instead, I propose same time, same place, tomorrow evening. (29th, 21ST) Does this suit people? Or should I delay longer?
  6. Rusty - 3gc
  7. Finished and added my real story (above) :)
  8. Looking to buy Santa's for coins, spellstones, resources etc. Send me your offers and I'll consider. Thanks, -A
  9. So here are my rather uh..."masterful" attempts of two things important to my character in MD: Orbs of heat and the Archivist book! And, to be in the season, a giant gift! And a bit eaten :D Nom nom nom.
  10. Yokin wins Sharptear
  11. Uh, as much as I appreciate the continued bidding, Eara won yesterday evening. Apologies for the lack of stating the times. Mechanical heart 2 is still available though. :)
  12. Got Dst's! But I feel mine won't arrive until after Christmas as I think I missed the postal deadline :(
  13. [log= Yami's Legends] Far into the future from now, children sit in the Archives "Yami! Yami! Tell us a story!" they yell in unison. Yami smiles, her body still weak and frail from her time sleeping "Hm, well...I know of one. It was written long ago by an Archivist named "Aethon". It's based upon feuds and war, death and deceit! It teaches us to choose our actions, and our allies, wisely." The children shuffle impatiently as Yami opens a strange, charred notebook and begin to read. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “They have arrived, Rider. Shall we kill them all? Be done with this foolishness.” the dragon snorts, gliding lazily, high in cold winter's sky. “No. That is not why we are here.” Nimrodel looks down upon the armies of the mainlands, sat elegantly upon the dragon's back. “We must let them fight their battles, if they so choose...”. She let's out a sigh “When will they learn that war brings nothing but harm and rarely resolution?” Draconas let's another, indignant, snort. “You expect too much from them, Rider.” The dragon scowls down upon the ground, his eyes watching the scene below with contempt “I do not know why you get you help them... They do not deserve it.” Nimrodel smiles softly, leaning forward and stroking his glassy, scaled , nape. “No one deserves death forced upon them, Draconas.” She gazes down upon the scene, a sad look in her eyes “Only one should have the right to deny life...their own life... and that is themselves.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Here they come...” he says with a hint of despair. Ungod turns, facing his king “Nad...please. This won't help; We need to speak to them no..”. “No.” Nadrolski barks, quickly cutting Ungod's speech short. “They disrespected our land and now they will pay!” “And Necrovion? They were simply defending their land and it's resources...” Ungod sighs. “War is not an answer...” he looks back towards the approaching armies “...especially when we're outnumbered.” The King laughs, “We are strong! Do you not trust in the strength of your king and his people?!” “No but...” Ungod tries to interject, but finds himself quickly cut off again by nad “Perhaps you are planning on joining them? To revolt against me?” The King glares at Ungod, daring him to speak against him. Ungod frowns in reply “Of course not, my King...” he turns away from the now smirking King and looks back towards the iminant death he faces “...but let us hope you're right about our strength...” he mutters under his breath. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “AH!” Nimrodel snaps from her daydream and grabs at her saddle, Draconas's wings beating down hard in the air, propelling them up and forward. “Sorry Rider.” the Dragon grinned, toothily “We were getting a bit too low to glide...” “Some warning next time!” She mumbles and looks back down, brushing away a stray, wind swept, lock of hair from her face. “Looks like they're talking now.” the Dragon state's “Odd how the Necrovion's decided to join forces with the Golemites.” “Yes, indeed it is...” Nimrodel frowns, her brain quickly running through a rolodex of possible reasons why Azull would help Golemus – Aside from their mutual interests in being rid of Nadrolski...why else would Azull agree? They'd been a feuding land for as long as she'd known..? Then again, Golemus didn't discrimate any land, when it came to starting feuds... Drachonas' deep, growling voice snapped her from her thoughts again as he spoke “They are speaking.” Nimrodel nodded, placing a hand on his nape again, voices suddenly clear as day as she listened through the Dragon's ears. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Surrender now and we shall be lenient with your punishment.” the Golemus king yelled, a discomforting calmness to his voice. “HA! I'd rather die than surrender to you and your pitiful 'Flopshade' army!” Ungod shakes his head and sighs, thinking to himself “Carry on like this and you will...” He frowns, noticing Azull whispering to his hand, Lashtal. “What are they planning...? Why are they here...?” “This is your last chance, Nadrolski. Surrender the crown or we will take it by force” the Golemus king yelled again. “Just do it for goodness sake. Why drag us down with your personal feuds?” “Ungod.” he blinked out from his internal speaking and looked toward Nad “Yes?”. The king grinned benevolently, “It's time to get some blades bloody.” With that he ran forward, roaring, his weapons raised and ready to strike. Ungod sighs “Here we go...”. He rushes forward, following relucntanly behind his fellow Bellians. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Death will come quick. Silent and unexpected. As is the Necrovion way...” A smile flickered on Azull's face. His plan was falling into place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic sparkled and cracked in the air below. Blades and shields clashed. Sunlight occasionally reflected off of steel, flickering and shining, covering the ground in morbid sparkles. It was a cold day, but the sunlight was unhindered by clouds up here. It's rays stroked Nim's skin, bathing her in warmth whilst the wind of flight provided a cooling breeze; it was an enjoyable and well balanced mix to relax in as she waited for the battle to play out. “Rider.” Nimrodel opened her eyes and cast her gaze to the battlefield. “What's happening?” She asked wearily. “The little ones are tiring” the Dragon let out a hearty chuckle “Such weak beings...” Nimrodel smiled. “Not all are as 'mighty' as you, Draco.” The dragon chuckled and turned slowly in the air as she leaned back, enjoying the breeze once more. A growl echoed through the Dragon's body and she opened her eyes again, sensing the change in Draco's thoughts. “What is it?” She said. He growled again. “Look.” Nimrodel frowned but leaned forward, placing her hand on his nape once more, seeing and hearing as he did. She saw warriors exhausted and injured. Some still fought whilst others lay on the ground, grasping wounds. “At least they have the sense to stop before death...” She thought to herself.” “Over there” Draco thought to her, looking down at a small group of warriors. “The kings meet. Grido is trying to reason, Azull has been silent.” Nimrodel frowned but continued to watch and listen... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It's over Nadrolski. It's time to surrender.” Grido exclaimed. Ungod watched, breathing heavily and clutching his injured arm. Somehow the three Kings had remained unscathed “Perhaps it's some 'Kingly' power?” he thought to himself, somehow finding the effort to chuckle quietly. They had fought as hard they could but, as he had predicted, the power and numbers of the two lands had overwhelmed their own. Now here they stood, face to face and surrounded. “We could have avoided all of this if they'd just kept their problems to themselves and not made things worse...” he thought to himself again. “You...think I'll just...give up and let you...kill me?” Nadrolski grimaced, clutching his side “A broken rib, most likely...” Ungod thought, turning his look towards the two other kings. “What's the plan now then? Hopefully something sensible...” Grido frowned and stepped forward “Killed? I don't want you killed? We just want you..” Azull stepped forward, speaking with calm and directed anger “..I do.” Grido turned his frown to Azull “We agreed that if he stepped down from ki...” Ungod furrows his brow into a frown to match Grido's “Was this Azull's reason to help..?” “No.” Azull interrupted Grido “You agreed that. I agreed I would help you to end this...” Azull turns to Nadrolski, the now dead king's body tumbling forward, a smile on his face. “...and now I have.” With that the Necrovion King turned and walked away, his plan fulfilled. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Azull stopped outside the Howling gates, smiling as a shadowy figure appeared beneath it. “You served me well...” He places a hand on the figure's shoulder. Lastal grins “The plan worked well...though I could have done it without the war.” Azull nods “That I do not doubt, but it would have lacked the impact I wished for.” he turns towards the gates “No one disrespects the Lands I have been trusted to rule over.” He turns back to Lashtal “And now all have seen what happens when one does.” Lashtal nods “And now?” Azull smiles. “And now we rest, friend.” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nimrodel removes her hand from Draco with a frown of her own. “Do we visit the Graveyard, Rider?” Draco asked, both a witness to the events that had just occurred. Whilst Grido was arguing with Azull, Azull had ordered for Lashtal to appear behind Nadrolski, killing him as he distracted Grido. He had wanted to get close without suspicion. He had known Grido would try to talk truce and therefore would be able to get them closer... He wanted a scene and he got one. She sighed “No Draco...” “But you said no one deserved to die, Rider?” The Dragon said, with confusion. “I also said that only one should have the right to deny life – their own life – and that is themselves” She shakes her head “Nadrolski was given the opportunities to negotiate, to surrender peacefully. He entered the battlefield believing he would die and was killed before given the belief otherwise.” She turns her head to the battlefield “It was his actions that caused this and it was his choice to pursue a road which he believed to have only one ending, for either party; Death.” The Dragon nodded in understanding “I see Rider.” She smiles softly “It is a sad loss, but it is an ending he chose. Therefore I shall not deny him of his own wish; for himself or another.” Nimrodel turns to face the wind. “For now, we Ride on, Draconas. If he seeks us, we shall help. If not...” She smiles and grips the saddle handle tightly “Aethon's be slacking lately. Fancy another bath?” Draconas grins, baring his teeth. “Certainly...” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yami closes the notebook with a smile. " And with that they turn, soaring off towards Willows Way, leaving the battlefield far behind them." The children all start shouting questions "What happened to Ungod!" "What did Azull and Lashtal do next?!, "How long was the dragon?!" The children, and Yami, all raise an eyebrow at the child asking about the dragons length, but Yami speaks calmly and with a warm smile "All these questions to be answered but such little time..." She yawns and stretches. "It's time for me to sleep again, children." The children all let out a resounding "Awww..." Yami chuckles "I will be around again tomorrow, worry not..." And with that she slowly drifted back into a dreamless sleep, a smile upon her face...for she had missed the realm dearly and was happy to be back home.[/log] Excuse any mistakes, it was 4am when I finished this. :P As a note, it is indeed a story within a story, though the main character should not be confused with one from the story within the story, for the main character is the story teller involved! :D Anyway, hope you enjoy! :)
  14. Please see below for the creatures and items I am selling. (The number in brackets represents minimum bid for the creature/item; min-max.) Angien (1gc-4gc) ID - 604749 Age- 1332 Heat- 4,359,726 Tokens - [blooddrop2]; [blooddrop3] Angien (1gc-4gc) ID - 798211 Age - 678 Heat - 5,583,612 Tokens - [claw1]; [blooddrop2] Bloodpact Archer (2gc-4gc) ID - 723661 Age - 677 Heat - 10,204,263 Tokens - [emeralglare]; [enlightening]; [jewelshards]; [osirisbelt]; [goldbelt]; [sunshine]; [blooddrop1] Sharptear (1gc-2gc) - 1gc; Yokin ID - 832631 Age - 175 Heat - 3,237,896 Tokens - N/A Reindrach (8gc-15gc) I will take offers on a fresh reindrach. I will only buy once a definite buyer has been confirmed and the price reaches minimum offer. Mechanical Heart (10sc-1gc) - Mechanical heart; 10sc; Nimrodel Quantity in Stock: 1x Bidding will end 48 hours after last bid (for that creature/item) or once the maximum bid is reached. Coins only.
  15. ST = Server Time. :)
  16. Very sorry to hear about your loss. You are in my thoughts, as I'm sure you are in the rest of MD's. Take care. -A
  17. How does Monday 28th 21:00 ST sound?
  18. I was thinking of holding this on the weekend of Christmas, perhaps boxing day (26th?). If that weekend is no good for anyone, the weekend after (2nd/3rd Jan) Alternatively, if weekends aren't great for people, please mention it. Players should start discussing when they're free and the times they could make. I'm usually available evenings more than days.
  19. Jubaris Wins. :) Topic may be closed.
  20. Root Warrior, 5sc
  21. Aethon

    Influence slider

    I always saw the fact of having high VE with High Stats as a balancing factor. With priests and lifestealers in use, the higher the VE the higher the stats needed to ensure such creatures don't have a huge effect. I personally would dislike the idea as you could attack with HUGE VE AND combo AND token influence. Seems way too OP to me. This would also be another one of those "pay to play" things... (up-voted by accident)
  22. Aethon 254077
  23. This quest is a slightly modified version off WittyLeWatt and Ungod's "A deranged parade". So thank you to them both for the idea! What is it? For this quest you will choose from a predetermined list of characters as to whom you wish to play as. Once chosen you will then have to roleplay as that character for the duration of the quest. Each of the characters will say/RP something, in a previously given order, until they create a story. The scene will be: Family Meal The Twist: 'Wildcards' will be given at random before each dinner. These wildcards will vary in ability, from allowing you to swap characters with another to causing a player to miss a go (or even yourself!). How long will it last? It will last for 10 lines per person. What are the characters? The characters are as follows: The Fireplace and Christmas TreeThe Roast TurkeyUncle Ned (a recovering alcoholic)Aunty Sue (highly OCD)Father Bray (Local priest, rather flamboyant)Ma' (Mother, very clumsy)Pa' (deaf in one ear, likes shotguns)Bobo (the demonic puppy)Greg (going through his teen angst phase)Nana Fanny (overly enthusiastic about Christmas)How do I pick and sign up? Please pick a 1st and 2nd choice from the list and then post below. Roles will be given on a "first come, first serve" basis. If more than ten participants sign up then there will be multiple "Dinners". So please ensure you announce who your first choice would have been, even if already taken! Where and when? Dates will be sorted once contestants have chosen roles. Each dinner will be held in MDA Hall. Judging Judging will be done by a panel and will be based upon creativity and how well your actions fit into the other's. PrizesWP + Earfocus stone+ Boost defence Stone + 2gc + 4 Christmas points.Acoustic Remains stone + Chaotic Boost Stone + Pimped Grasan + 1gc+Imperial Aramor+ 3 Christmas pointsBoost defence stone + Guardian Army stone + 5sc+ Imperial Aramor + 2 Christmas points. Every participant will receive the standard 1 Christmas point, should they not win. (Prizes will change depending on amount of contestants. Christmas points may/may not be awarded) Enjoy and get signing
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