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Everything posted by Aethon

  1. Updated main post. Memory stones stock replenished and for sale.
  2. Ok! So I've finally found time to start baking! :D I'll post it in segments of progression (I will include a final picture with both my player name and myself gorging a piece --should it go well! :P) Without further ado I give you...<insert dramatic musical piece here> The Treasure Keepers Secret Treasure Cake! [log= Ingredients!] From top to bottom, left to right. - 4 Medium Eggs (Room Temp) - 4 Tbs Bitter Cocoa -225g Self-raising Flour - 225g Caster Sugar -225g Unsalted Butter (Room Temp) -50g Mint Chocolate Balls -50g Candy and Chocolate Coated Peanuts -Full Fat Milk (To loosen mix) -Black Food Colouring - Good quality Vanilla Essence - Chocolate decoration icing (For decoration) Notes: -Sweets can be replaced with others of own choosing. - Chocolate decoration mix I made using 200g 90% cocoa dark chocolate, 2 tbs of Agave nectar, black food colouring and icing sugar to thicken. [/log] [log=Method!] First pre-heat your oven to 180oC. Then cream vanilla essence, sugar and butter together until smooth and thoroughly mixed. Next sieve cocoa powder and flour together before folding flour mix and eggs into the buttercream. Note: Add a small amount of flour to mix before adding the first egg, this will prevent the mix from curdling. From there on in add 1/4 flour mix to every 1 egg added, ensuring egg and flour are thoroughly folded together. Don't stir!! This will remove any air pockets in the mix! It's these pockets that allow for the cake to rise and be fluffy! The mix should be smooth and silky, with a moose (the chocolate sort, not the animal!) consistency. If the mix is too thick add a tablespoon of milk at a time until it becomes the desired consistency. (I always add at least 1 spoon of milk as a precaution) If the mix curdles (looks as if it's separated a little) add little but equal amounts of cocoa and flour to the mix, folding until un-curdled. Once the mix is ready grease two baking circular baking tins (I used 8" tins). Line the bottoms(inside) with a circle of greaseproof paper and flour the sides, tapping out any excess flour. Use plain flour not self-raising for this part. (Yes, my socks are different, they're meant to be :P) Once that's done, evenly split the mix between the two tins and spread so they fill the tin. When filled, drop each tin from a 3/4" height above the counter, allowing it to smack onto the worktop. This removes any large air pockets in the mix, stopping the cake from having large, cakeless, pockets inside it. Now place into the oven. Always gently close the door as slamming it will cause the cakes to fall in the middle. Bake for 30-35 minute until soft and spongy to touch, or a skewer can be placed through and come out clean. If you're using a convection oven, bake for 20 minutes and then cover with greaseproof paper (this will prevent the tops from burning.) [/log] More to come! :D
  3. Entry 1 Once upon a time long gone, There be a tale o'deathly cults. Oh, how ghastly were they drawn, Many stomachs they repulsed. Time and time again they warned Not to toy with open flames... But what was there to be scorned, 'Bout some silly dreadful games? Smear o'red on a young cheek Was a mark left forever burnt; Foul like blood to make you shriek! Oh, they knew but never learnt. They knew, they knew oh so well. Guttingly they chose to bear The sign o' the primal spell On display, aiming to scare. Mauled by lions or wild beasts, Still a face would be untouched. Good men were nothing but feasts To honor no longer clutched. But they knew, they knew, they did! That knights they could be no more, Once red lips would quickly skid Across their cheek like a roar. Oh cursed, wretched Sisterhood Know you what have you now done? Corrupted men to do no good, All in the name of spoiled fun. Ah, shield thy eyes, steel thy heart, Many horrors lie ahead! Womanly affairs they'll impart And over your face they will tread An ankle! Or maybe a thigh... Or maybe a hip or more. Too much! My eyes are all sore! Such torture, they'd rather die. Torture you say? You know not The meaning of it until Clothes'n'bags you watch by the Mill, While Sisters bathe and splash about. Beware, beware, guard your soul! Of the evil, gruesome Sisters. Their flesh-eating lipstick blisters On your face will forever roll. Entry 2 Once upon a time - true story - Valoryn was called to war. Say goodbye to kids and wife, for it's time to fight for glory, fight for your land, Valoryn! He stood straight and he stood tall Then he bid goodbye to all! Goodbye, home, goodbye, old pipe I shall miss you in the night, but it's time for me to go. Left his cane and left his robe, And took bow with him, and sword. One foot wide and two feet tall Was the sword he dragged behind. Triggity-doe, triggity-do, I'm missing a rhyme. On the road, he met a fairy fair-haired fair fairy faring in the forest some affairs. Ah, it's only you, Fintara... Phin..Fi..Lintara, sorry... Triggity-doe, triggity-do, Old Valoryn, how do you do? Alas, guardian Lintara, I was called to war today... Bless this warrior of Root! Oh, brave knight of rooted strength, Wish I could bestow on you A protective ward of leaves. But alas! I lost my wards while on an important business. Oh, fair fairy, where did you lost those wards? Want me to help? Lost..not really, more like stollen, stollen by a knator whelp, may it get its tonsils swollen! I don't know where it went... All that I can give to you is the blessing of the forest. ...and 30 gold coins I found and a magical sword and a drachorn to accompany you. ...It's okay...it's the thought that matters... Bim-bam, bim-bam, everybody fear ol' Val, as he walked through groves and jungles with a magic sword that dangles, and a drachorn by his side, burning flames from side to side. Fairy, fairy, on the wall, who's the toughest of them all? Get me down and I will tell you... Yak-brained fool, you let me go?! I'll just turn you into toad. Yet, the answer was... Valoryn! Go and ribbit it at GoE. Hahahahahahahaha! Oh, supper time!... Valoryn was going strong and it wasn't really long 'Till he met a hung-over Zleiphner, who was only four-legged. Z has learned from his one-eyed rider the secrets of giant's mead and how to use the drunken fist. Jump and fall and drink the drink, nevermind liver fatigue, be the stallion, the steed, one can always count on in need! I give you...........Zleiphner! Humbled by the introduction, Z swore to help Valoryn in all.... Triggity-doe, trigity-do, What did you do, Z, what did you do? Val will put saddle on you!! Hush, shush, through the bush, Cut, strike, through the night, Run, scream, for it seems, this is no longer Valoryn! This is no longer Valoryn... Who is this man, riding a flame steed, wielding a flame sword, annealed in drach's fire, hunting the deer? Entry 3 Once upon a time, when Elementals thrived When Drachorns were still pure, and Barren Souls alive A demon made its way into this old world's heart, And went to change its shape to fit a wicked thought. The realm began to turn, expanding far and wide While critters fled around, seeking a place to hide. Creatures emerged from naught, as if thought into life, Awaiting for a goal, confusion running rife. The demon carried on; the earth below it tapped, A whisper filled the air, and time seemed to have stopped. New entities arrived, shapeless, and feeling lost; Sliding around with care, and curious utmost. The more they crept within this world devoid of sense The more alive they felt, as questions would condense. The less questions remained and places left to see, The less devoid of shape these entities would be. Some grew to look for wealth, thinking it was the way; Some knowledge sought instead, to filter out dismay; Others for power went, victory to degust; But through this they all fell, by giving in to lust. The demon had its way; it knew what it brought in; The curious utmost, destruction's evil twin. Such is the way it went, this unforgiven crime; The long forgotten tale, Mur's Once Upon a Time. Entry 4 Once upon a time, in the age of four kings, there was a warrior who didn't fear a fight. Sir Liberty, who helped create the Knights of the Bell, had the Sword of Dazzling Light. That order was to stand in the name of all values of the land of Marind Bell, but Sir Liberty was a restless soul. To guard the peace was not in his nature. He sought for new battles and boldly went into the face of danger. Once, he consulted an oracle in underground to hear what enemies await him in the dark. The oracle, what seemed to be an old woman, brought a bowl of pure water from the fountains of Marind Bell, for it couldn't lie. "Varka is my name, and I will show you your destiny". She weaved her magic and said the words. Water replied, and as Sir Liberty looked at the bowl, images portrayed his future. Liberty saw himself in reflection, but without his head! "Where is my nemesis?!", Liberty shouted, only to invoke the barren wasteland, pitch black. Land of Necrovion, portrayed the water, followed by a playful laughter carried by the small waves of the stirred up bowl water. Liberty pondered for a long while about his fate. When a new king of Necrovion was crowned, the dark forces seemed to awake. King Jester looked as a true product of the treacherous land. His insanity and mockery of weakness of others paired with the dark reflection of the world that Necrovion portrays. Old Knight of the Bell was sure, the new king was his foretold enemy, if he could cut his roots before they grow, maybe the prophecy would be swayed, and he would get to keep his head. He prepared an army to strike hard and deep, but to ensure his odds, he made a pact with a warlord of the far west, Yrthilian, King of Golemus, who always sought for new victories and ways to confirm his might. Such was Liberty's determination, that he would pay any price to strike at the heart of Necrovion. But every payment, and every step closer to that heart, he was leaving parts of himself, oaths and values he used to infuse in the Knights of the Bell, now abandoning as a sacrifice for the final blow. Alas, the forces of dark did not wait. Liberty's ally was defeated by a trick used to strike him in his own homeland, which left the old knight into facing his enemy only with his own force, already lured in the depths of darkness. He and his comrades fought bravely, victory was near, but only to make his tragedy larger. Defeated was Sir Liberty, forced to give up the order of Knights of the Bell into the hands of his enemy. His folly would bring his own doom to the home of all Marind Bellians, if it wasn't for the great king of the old, Lifeline, warrior and a true thinker, who salvaged the remains and restored the Knights of the Bell, keeping Necrovion out of the ancient fence of the land. As for Liberty, he was forced to wonder the outlands, disappearing in the mist never to return. Entry 5 https://vid.me/38DD
  4. I think the amount of complaints and whining (not aimed at you Asth) about depletion is just rather sad. I see it as another one of these "people are getting too good at doing something so let's make it harder for them" (another example being the recent topic on stats and limiting them). Resources are available to everyone and anyone and they regenerate regularly. So why do people feel some sort of injustice when they're depleted? As a resource gather myself I say the following: Yes it can be annoying and frustrating when you go to harvest a resource and it's gone. No, I don't think to myself "that's so unfair". I think "Well I'll just have to get there first next time!" Complaining about the depletion is like trying to complain about the fact I rarely get a water bucket or candy box because people are quicker at grabbing them. There is nothing unfair, it's just you (players in general) lack the speed to grab the items or, unfortunately, are in a tricky time zone for MD. The same applies for the resources, except these actually regenerate! So you're even more likely to be able to grab a resource than the tool! If people wish to enforce community laws, rules and punishments, then that's fine, but it should be done through their own standing and power in MD. However, I do not think that special items or spells should be created purely for the desire to punish those that deplete. Whilst some players spend time grinding their stats for fighting, others grind in different areas for their own enjoyment. This attitude of "they've become too powerful" or "they hoard all the resources!" really needs to stop. It takes time, effort and commitment to do these things effectively and get to a certain standard; don't complain if you can't do it but we can... What shall we do next? Complain that Dst has WP's overflowing on her account and, because I have none, say "Remove them all! It's unfair!"? Or demand that players with over 100 silver give the the excess to the TK's? Seriously...please stop... <End Rant>
  5. Any feedback on what makes our ideas less feasible? Hard to know what to work on without any idea what's wrong...
  6. Aethon

    Q&A: Rain

    Some scenes seem to raise by 1 water every x mins (we have yet to work out if timings are set or random) whilst others considerably more. The minimum amount raised however is 0.25, I believe. Also heavy rain may cause a greater increase that light rain (not tested; theory only) and stormy weather seems to have no affect on the increase of water, even though rainwater may be collected... T'is a tricksy system and it wouldn't surprise me if it were flawed slightly? (Give me a message when you're free and I can set up some more weathers to test. :D) There's still quite a few "tests" to be done. It seems to be a lot trickier than I anticipated.
  7. I contacted Kyphis, a little while back now, about this when II joined the archivists. I believe that Kyphis and Curiose have things planned for it's revival, but I cannot say for sure nor can I estimate a time scale. I would suggest speaking to him perhaps first before going on with the idea -- though I'm certainly up for the revival as well. :)
  8. Happy Birthday :)
  9. I like like the idea of activating the device in LR and the different resources it could help to produce. My only question is -- Where would you get salt water from? Which sea? (Going slightly offtopic :P) I mean, I personally think that there is little to no evidence of the water surrounding GG to actually be a sea. Ok, so it has beaches -- so do lot's of large lakes, rivers, streams, etc --, it has a lighthouse -- one that obviously doesn't work, considering the boats crashed around it. So was it really built for the purpose we could assume from the nae? Or has it got some other meaning...?--, plantation near the storm docks looks little like plants found in the sea and why is it that, no matter what direction we walk, see no traces of another shoreline, the opposing to Golemus ones? So yeah, I don't actually see GG shores as a sea, more a large lake, so is there anywhere else you'd plan getting Sea water? (Not saying I'm correct, just pondering.)
  10. Aethon

    Q&A: Rain

    Today a storm appeared in MD. It lasted for approx. 1 hour. No water resources were raised. Area used for this test: Well of Tears Sky Visibilty: Sky is visible More tests to be done! :D
  11. Sold :)
  12. Bump :)
  13. Aethon

    Q&A: Rain

    It would be logical to think that heavy rain would cause a greater refill that light rain, but we know that sometimes logic doesn't work in MD :P As far as I know there's only Mild Rain and Heavy rain? Or, at least I think, it's only those two that actually have an effect on water levels. I don't think it rains during storm, though...I may be incorrect as I've never tried collecting during one. :P Update: Storm does indeed produce rain water! :D
  14. Updated
  15. Happy Birthday Dstling! I always told you you were old, now you're even older! And mustier! :P But seriously, have an awesome day kidnapping cats and celebrating your birthday! Hope it's a good one. :D
  16. Selling two fresh Sharptears for 10sc each ono. First come first serve.
  17. Her's was created before the changes and mine were created literally during. (I believe I was the first to be forced through the new system and acted as your test dummy for a few days :P) Edit: By forced I mean I had to be forced for things to work. :D
  18. Aethon

    Q&A: Rain

    Is it worth also stating that rain can cause "water holes" to over flow, raising it's harvestable amount above the maximum - i.e. 6/5? Spell Length https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2613 Areas that increase when raining https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3067
  19. Happy birthday. Have a nice one. :)
  20. I believe that Zen is perhaps giving others a chance to show their skills in graphics and editing. Yes, it may be a minority..but then again not everyone is able to draw, or paint or find stones good enough to paint on...(this is seriously annoying me right now... -_-) What I take from this is that she has seen there are many "draw your own <insert subject here>" quests and is trying to mix it up a little; to create a montage of sorts using unusual pieces. Whilst mine does not fit the rules (I think) I was just doing it for the fun and trying to learn a new tool -- and I'm happy I did! Now I'm really enjoying learning about the secrets of GIMP! :P I think this is a good quest to challenge yourself to something new; whether it be by trying to make real images look like something you'd find in MD, by editing colours, proportions, opacity, etc, or simply the challenge of trying to learn a new tool! I say kudos for thinking outside the box and putting an interesting twist on something old. P.s. She never said the art had to be amazing and I'd hope that funny entries, that show you at least tried, would still be given good consideration. :D
  21. After having a having small epiphany tonight I have begun to plan a few months of travelling. It'll happen close to the beginning of next year (probably Feb/March time) but as of yet I'm undecided where to travel. It'll probably be through precarious methods, spending as little of my student money on travel as possible :P, so I hope that I'll be able to travel far and wide to see some amazing places. I post here because I think this would be an awesome chance to meet some of you guys! If you'd be up for meeting (could even be a gathering) then let me know so I can see if I can plan it in my travelling! :) Of course, this is a while away so feel free to take your time to think or get to know me, but the offers there! Feel free to message me or post here. :)
  22. Papaver's ID is 250810 and mine is 254077, so I don't think she is all the much older than myself. Maybe 200-300 days or so It was over a period of time (for me), not all at once. My account was created during the MD birthday so June/July. I was told by Papaver and another (though not sure who, perhaps Kyphis) that she does not have a forum account?
  23. Meaning that it does not seem they all happened at a set time. It seems rather sporadic as to when it happens and (perhaps) which order. First the shop guards appeared then the dark slime, for me, but the Loreroot guards are still gone. In Papavers case all of the are back. The timing seems quite random as to when they appear, though there is bound to be an explanation.
  24. For Papaver ----- These are all the same images that I have for my own account apart from the guards (I have been lucky enough not to have them return). I believe it first happened on the date I created this topic. Since then things have been popping back up randomly and then not disappearing again.
  25. Updated items for sale and conversions.
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