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Everything posted by Aethon

  1. I'd be against only due to the fact that, from what I know, once you receive the tag you are able to keep it. This means that, should someone decide they no longer wish to be part of the tag group, but wish to keep the tag as a reminder of days gone by or as an "achievement", they would then be forced into being summoned, even though they may not wish to be or no longer have a place within the group. Which sort of leads me to: Perhaps if people could just be removed from the summoning list so that they may keep the title that they so rightly earned once before? Some may wish to keep the tag as a reminder or achievement of sorts. Just a suggestion. :)
  2. See the screen shots in the first post. :)
  3. Happy birthday Sir :)
  4. Alright, that's fine. :) So far they aren't causing a big problem, I can still get everywhere, they're just there when they shouldn't be. :P It's very strange.
  5. Bump. This has also now happened with the "Dark Slime" creature.
  6. When trying to use more than one resin collector at a time, the items stack and only allow the use of the first item-- the cool down affects all three tools. http://i.imgur.com/SnvtBUh.jpg Steps to reproduce: 1) Obtain 2 or more resin collectors. 2) Try using the item.
  7. 06:12 ST Today it happened again. Lagged out without warning. I get a ERR_CONNECTION_RESET message.
  8. Definitely helpful and, in my opinion, should be pinned for those that wish to know more about gathering. It's the only real, clear and precise, explanation on how gathering items work, "spoiler" or not.
  9. And with that brings the close of Golden Chains 2015. We hope that you managed to get who you hoped for and that you find many a "pleasant" jobs for them to do. If you should find them faulty, or malfunctioning, I'm afraid no refunds! Time patrol will have already bathed in the coins and thus dirtied them; we can't be giving out germ ridden coin in case you sue us on health and safety grounds! :P I would personally like to thank the following: Azull - Thank you for hosting this years auction, you did an excellent job, helping organise and post logs and also for being able to run it three times without losing your patience (too much :P). Time Patrol - Thank you for taking time to appear at each auction and take charge of the financial side of things -- Enjoy bathing in all those coins! Chewett - Thank you for the speedy production the slave leashes even though your time was hard pressed, it was most appreciated. Finally a big thank you to everyone that signed up for slavery and bought a slave, without you all there couldn't have been an auction! I have posted some statistics from this years auctions below. Enjoy reading, -A ------------- Golden Chains 2015 Statistics Total Slaves: 17 Total Slaves Sold:16 (1 sent to Salt Mines) Total Coins Spent: 352sc (23Gc 7Sc) Total Coins Given to Slaves: 212sc (14gc 2Sc) -- 60% Total Coins Given to TK: 140sc (9gc 5sc) -- 40% Biggest Spender: Assira the Black (72sc) Most Expensive Slave(s): Dst (47sc) & Emery(47sc)
  10. I believe it varied for people. Assira and Azull (correct me if I'm wrong) were still lagging loads when myself and Jester were pretty much perfectly fine at points.
  11. Saturday - MD began lagging from around 20:45pm (Server time) and lasted for around an hour. (Unfortunately the logs don't show exact times when it came back.) Today - MD began lagging from 20:15pm (server time) and lasted until 23:00 (roughly). Both times players began lagging, being kicked from the game and the page would not load at all. (I got a lot of timed out messages.) On Sunday sporadically people were able to log back in/reload the screen but were either lagging large amounts or soon the page timed out again. Anyone please feel free to add to my details if you believe parts to be missing or wrong.
  12. This has happened twice, at different times, whilst the auction has been going on. (Both Saturday and Today). If it is going to continue to happen then we can't keep on re-organising auctions every day -- the auctions take up mine, Azull's and Time Patrols time, as well as all those that attend. If, for some reason, it happens again then we (the organisers) will look into other possible options.
  13. Due to two unfortunate occurrences of MD dying, during the auction, the auction will again be postponed until tomorrow. 25th Aug 20:00 ST. This will be the final try. Apologies for any problems this may have caused.
  14. Think perhaps my cooking got out of hand...http://imgur.com/KdyIHiI

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rophs


      i made fried nutella raviolis recently

    3. Grido


      Reverse pizza?

    4. Aethon


      Calzone type thing. Stuffed it with Feta, Mozzarella, Spinach leaves, chestnut mushrooms and tomatoes :P

  15. Auction shall be postponed until this coming Monday (24th) and will be at 20:00ST Tranquil Plains. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. In the mean time, please feel free to finalise any won bids you may have -- slaves and TK's should contact me to confirm being paid. Thank you, -A Edit: Proxy bids are open again until Monday 24th, 16ST Please see the link below for the current slave details. Golden Chains 2015
  16. Ready your purses and count your gold, soon many a slave will be sold! There is just under 24 hours left until the next slave auction! Please remember to message me if you are unable to make the auction but still wish to make bids. I will be accepting postal bids until 18:00ST tomorrow evening.
  17. Looking to by creatures with a nice amount of heat (around 10mil-20mil). Message me if you'd like to strike up a deal. :)
  18. Blight In the silence of the night, forward crept the blight. It killed all but a few, destroyed everything we knew. Each and every night, forward crept the blight. In the light of the morning, were the sounds of mourning. For bodies lay in their beds, a sight to stay in one's head. Each and every night, forward crept the blight. The look upon their face, as death they did embrace, was still and cold, their bodies looking frail and old. Each and every night, forward crept the blight. Upon us the blight did come, it killed each of us in turn. Our life it stole, destroying all that made us whole. Each and every night, forward crept the blight..
  19. Happy belated birthday wishes! :)
  20. As above! Happy birthday, even if it is a little overdue! :)
  21. Here is a list of all slaves willing to be auctioned off. Enslavement time and minimum bids are included. Golden Chains List Please remember to contact me if you are unable to make the day but still wish to place a bid.
  22. My bid is 10sc Name: Aethon ID: 254077
  23. Sign ups are now finished! Thank you to those that have volunteered. A full list of "future slaves" shall be posted shortly.
  24. Please be aware that I shall be (mostly) away from 13th - 17th of August. During this time the sign-up is due to end. I will not be able to announce it on the day. Please count this as a warning; you only have 2 days left to register yourself to be auctioned. I will try and get a 24 hour warning put up, either by myself or another, but cannot guarantee it.
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