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Everything posted by Aethon

  1. Judging is now under way :)
  2. Entries to be in by 23:59 ST tonight please! Thank you! :)
  3. Aethon

    "The Warden"

    I forgot to mention a point about "fugitives" actually, now you mention breaking out. The Warden would be able to send these fugitives back, if caught, and increase their punishment. After all, if you broke out from prison then you'd have more consequences than just being sent back. It's only an idea though. :)
  4. Aethon

    "The Warden"

  5. Aethon

    "The Warden"

    Perhaps you'd care to elaborate? :)
  6. Aethon

    "The Warden"

    With the new "rules" (if that's the correct term to use) about respect and such I'd like to propose a new method of "punishment" or "law enforcement" for those cases where a "resolution" can't be given. The Warden A title that should make even the strongest of players tremble at it's speaking! This person would work alongside judges to make sure the fate or punishment of a player is carried out. The main purpose of "The Warden" would be to transport prisoners to and from the prison. Once there, The Warden oversees their stay and has "control" over them - like how dream weavers may have control over those they put into dreams. Behave badly, try to escape, throw abuse or generally upset/annoy The Warden, or anyone else, and you'll face the wrath. This could be a longer conviction, lowering of stats, etc. Behave well and show repentance then perhaps your life will be made easier and you'll be spared some time. The Warden (is the name and the big bold lettering scaring you yet?!) would have no say in the punishment of a "criminal" until they are in their domain. Small alterations to their time (a few days - a week) could be granted by The Warden but for larger alterations/punishments The Warden would have to confer with the judges. Obviously, as this role would be (what I assume to be) an "official" role there would need to be some monitoring involved to ensure The Warden was doing their job correctly. Like in all prisons The Warden would be given a little leeway as to how "rough" he can be with his inmates (*) but should also keep a level of dignity and respect. This idea would allow for real cases and punishments to be taken into consideration, enforcing the rules of "respect" through the public/judging body, rather than expecting Mur or Chewett to deal with all cases thus allowing them to concentrate on others matters. This is merely a brief description of the idea I've had in my head since the announcement and, as always, opinions are welcome. I would ask however that we try to keep ideas constructive and NO FLAMEWARS (I add this as it seems these "flamewars" spring up as randomly as spots on a pubescent teenager!) Beware "THE WARDEN" Thanks for reading, Aethon (*) Tongue in cheek joke!
  7. Three days left to submit entries! Hope there are more on their way!
  8. I don't know what I like more, you making your own birthday thread or then thanking yourself for it! :)) :)) Anyway, maligayang kaarawan! Have an awesome day sir and congratulations on living another year Here's to the hopes of many more! :)) ^_^
  9. My questions is: Who will decide who is superior and who is inferior and what influences such a "tag"? Is it being known about? Being liked? Having power? I could say I was superior than someone in many ways, but I could be equally inferior in others. So what will make me stand as inferior or superior? From what I've seen in other's reactions on the forums (to other subjects) I, personally, believe this could cause quite a bit of contention; telling someone they are worth less than someone else - it's never a nice thing to be told... But anyway, I look forward to seeing this in action!...I think? :)
  10. Bidding ended 07 May 2015 - 10:23pm, Rophs :)
  11. Nope. Never even seen them! :)) Edit: You can also see in the meeting of the roads I have no down arrow like everyone else has.
  12. Currently I have been told there should be five NPC characters I should be able to fight. There are currently zero. [log=Loreroot Guards:] [/log] [log=Meeting of the roads:][/log] [log=Shop Guards][/log] Edit: This has been like this since I started. Not just since I went to MP4. :)
  13. I think this could also be used as an example of disrespect. Because as Nimrodel rightly said: Now, I have no idea what the problems between the two are, but to openly bring that particular quarrel (one of particular controversy) into this topic, when you could have given unnamed examples of disrespect and not try to publicly shame someone, seems slightly disrespectful as well; I'd even say to both parties as neither of them may want accusations flung about in regards to their own, personal, disagreements. Perhaps instead of trying to "name and shame" in this topic we could refrain from pointing fingers and instead a) allow those with grievances speak for themselves and b) keep examples unnamed? Unless we're meant to throw names under the wheels here? In which case there should be a list started, as to not be seen as "picking" on one person? :) Just my opinions though. :)
  14. I don't think that would be the best idea as Wiki's usually require citation. How are you going to cite the realm quest? Unless you have screen shots of the words and actions of each person? :) As for documenting it - I had already begun crafting a representation of the storm quest in the form of a story, on my personal pages. I've not had the time or inspiration to finish it as of yet though.
  15. After talking to a few people I have decided that... Quest is open for another week!
  16. I'm very much under the belief that the following are also ways undermine the respect for a person: Saying "(s)he would say", "(s)he would feel", "(s)he would...", "(s)he wouldn't..." - Anything that is speaking for someone when they have not directly asked you to.You're disrespecting someone's trust/friendship/right to their own opinion (not to mention possibly spreading false ideas.) Stating what someone does or doesn't know, as if it were a fact - Truth is, 90% of the time you don't know what someone does or doesn't know, so stating they don't know something can quite often be disrespecting their intelligence. If you're unsure, ask. Don't say "You don't..." without clear evidence.
  17. I am creating what (I hope) will be a very big quest with big rewards. Unfortunately I will not be able to do this alone, so I am looking for the following to help organise the running of the quest. Confident MDScripter Dreamweaver Murder item. Once I have the above I can start dealing out "information" and then update this thread with what this quest is all about and will entail! Please send me a PM in game or in forum if you're willing to help!
  18. Turns out the page decided to not load correctly? It seems to be functioning alright now. Odd.. I cropped it because I thought it showed just below the account opening date, heh. Aka - I'm blind. Sorry :P
  19. Active day overview does't show up on my profile page, even after refreshing/logging in or out. Should show as "Active Days: 100% (16 out of 15)" (or something like that) Note: This seems to have only happened since I went through story mode yesterday.
  20. Although I have now progressed I am unable to exit story mode. http://storenow.net/my/?f=c1282aadb6de17f465f165b563d15a03 http://storenow.net/my/?f=ac67f0c7746a0648fa0f40a840ea65df
  21. Muratus del Mur - He doesn't have a problem with noobs! In fact, he'll happily play mean pranks on them (like get them drunk.) That's a positive I guess! WittyLeWatt - Always helpful, always fun and always a friendly person to be around! Proud to call her a friend :) I reached all requirements to progress to MP4 where I'll start training my stats properly! :D
  22. Or not... :mellow:
  23. I am happy to "take" either dreams or research interface? :)
  24. So, I've noticed through reading forums and listening to what people have told me that there's always quite a bit of conflict, negativity and...exchange of less "pleasant" talk. I feel there isn't quite the balancing amount of positivity, so I'd like to try and change that. There's a few things you could do here and I'll list a few. :) Give someone a compliment! - Feel like there's someone that's doing really well at something? Someone that you're good friends with that you just want to say something nice about? Whatever your reason, give someone a shout out and say something positive about them or their work! Every time you make a negative comment, make a positive one here! - It could be a congratulations, it could be the above idea or it could even be something good about the game? I know many of you will laugh or roll your eyes at it, but you'll be surprised how easy it is to make even one positive comment, about someone or something, and how often it can have a big impact on someone! I don't expect you all to love this, or even take part, but it would be nice to see some positivity balancing out the negativity! :D It doesn't take long to say a few words. :) (You could take Chewett's "Dedication to a friend" quest as an example of what to write!) So to start things off: Syrian - You've been there since the very beginning and you're still putting up with me! Guiding when I get lost, helping me when I get confused and training me (because I'm weak :(). Thank you for your patience and guidance, I consider you a good friend! :) Lintara - Again, you've been there since the beginning and you made me feel so welcome! You're always so happy and bubbly it becomes infectious! So thank you. :D Neno Veliki - I don't know you in game yet, but I didn't get a chance to congratulate you on your marriage! Hope you had a lovely day and here's to the rest of your life with the one you love! Congratulations! ^.^ Aeoshattr - You may be quiet, grumpy and still annoyed that I suited the name "Aeos" better than you :P but you're an awesome person to roleplay with and talk to. Thank you :) Story Makers - I have no idea what it was like before but I've heard people say that RP of such sorts as you orchestrate had been dead for a long time. Well thank you for reviving it. It's been great fun so far and it has definitely helped me to become integrated into the game and it's society quicker! :D
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