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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. Item 6 – A wishpoint: 515 plushies
  2. Same goes for Soulweavers, the mark says "marindsbell".
  3. Item 6 – A wishpoint: 500 plushies
  4. I got what I was looking for, this topic can be closed. Thank you.
  5. As the title says, I'm looking to buy one Soulweaver. High age is a plus, but I will only accept a creature with no tokens. I can pay with coins and/or 2022 plushies. Name your price, either here or via PM.
  6. Item 9 – Rustgold Drachorn (full tokening available) ID: 485146 Age: 4818 - 315
  7. "lock in chaos", "movebind" and perhaps "weaken" come to mind...
  8. The idea sounds interesting... One question: once redeemed, the creature will be mine forever or just rented? That "limited time" confuses me...
  9. Congratulations Stava!
  10. I'll put the extra plushies.
  11. "Follow your dream" is a matter of will and perseverance. Using the greek technique of isopsephy, 93 is the number for both "thelema" (= will) and "agape" (= love). Also, "lashtal" formula adds up to 93, and "lashtal" means (among many others) "purposeful will without lust for results". The tattoo could definitely have a 93 to picture points 1 to 3. This and the bonus element makes me think of a hooded skull. Music is vibration, water can be pictured as ripples on the surface. The band Coil used this concept for their logo: https://www.soleilmoon.com/shop/coil-name-logo-patch-11915/ All in all I would suggest a triangular shape where the (hooded) skull is the apex, the hands join under his chin as in sawadee kap and the number 93 at the centre / heart. The image is awful but it's just the get the idea. All this "warped" as if seen through the ripples on the surface.
  12. I just noticed in my creatures page that tormented souls are marked as "marindsbell" instead of "necrovion". I guess it's a mistake. Lowest priority.
  13. Item 6 – A Wishpoint: 300 plushies
  14. I like Chew's and Invie's ideas but please keep some room for unwanted results. For example: if the core golem creature was a (weaker) aramor, and I add knator shards to enhance its attack, I would either obtain an optimized creature or an aborted experiment (still usable in combat but with ridiculous/negative stats).
  15. I support this idea and would gladly provide anything in my possession for this purpose - for free.
  16. I'm afraid just tweaking the land stats won't impact that much. Indeed, anything that can help through the early days is good, but I think GWI should also be filled with attackable npcs. Sorry for being off-topic.
  17. weaken, intoxicate
  18. I think I understand the reasons of your anger / frustration. But, in support of the lazy ones (we are legion 🤪), allow me to underline a few things: - The community is quite small. If you don’t consider MD’s birthday, those online are few and scattered. Therefore, playing solitary and setting individual goals is often a necessity. Moreover, as far as I understand, some land weapons were implemented (MB’s and LR’s), others are not. Personally, I would love to see how they all work, but I am not a citizen of those lands. If I were a land leader, I’d not allow an outsider to see how my own very special land weapon work. - The coders interest and focus vary at a pace most people don’t follow. One might be interested in something that isn’t your priority right now, one might be frustrated by something left unfinished, one might realize the full potential of a feature months after you finished it. This can be frustrating on both ends, but I think it’s inevitable. - Sometimes misunderstandings happen. For example, see: Perhaps it’s not among the reasons of your anger, but this can be seen as another symptom of laziness. But, as Fyrd pointed, the big red warning sign at the beginning made me (and probably many others) think this topic was to be intended as a 2nd step. Like, first you have to be approved / confirmed somewhere else, then you can post here. - Last (actually this is little more than a joke): sometimes you are (admittedly) unfair. Sometimes someone gets cool stuff just because they were in the right place at the right time. Why should one work hard when they can just get lucky next time? 😜
  19. Felicitations to you both! Honeymoon in Necrovion?
  20. Sent via forum PM. Thank you Chewett!
  21. Apparently, the Shade ambassador has vanished. Perhaps too much was revealed, perhaps too little? We'll never know for sure. Anyway, I found a scribbled parchment by the Well of Tears. The calligraphy doesn't resemble any of yours, dear questers, so you might want to take a look at it: Interesting, uh? Now, given the disappearence of the ambassador, I had to judge your submissions by myself. I used these criteria: how much comprehensible it would be to the Shades (0 - 4 points) originality / inventive (0 - 3 points) effort (0 - 2 points) synthesis (0 - 1 point) As you can see, the maximum score is 10. Without further ado, here are the results: Eara Meraia: 8 Fyrd Argentus & Invie: 7 Aia, Else, Ailith: 6 Nep, Amber Rune: 5 Ledah: 3 When more people has the same score, the submission order will be used. Therefore, I expect you to pick your reward in this order: Eara, Fyrd Argentus, Invie, Aia, Else, Ailith, Nep, Amber Rune, Ledah. Reward pool (I'll update this as people choose): 1 wish point: Eara Meraya - delivered 30 gold note: Fyrd Argentus - delivered 30 gold note: Invie - delivered 30 gold note: Aia - delivered 10 gold note: Else - delivered 10 gold note: Nep - delivered 30 silver note: Ailith - delivered 30 silver note: Amber Rune - delivered 30 silver note: Ledah - delivered As a final note, I'm very happy for your participation and I hope you enjoyed it. Keep in mind lashtal is allergic to gold, so pick your prize as soon as you can.
  22. The Death Guard did notice, but Berserker's Charge is within the Dead...
  23. Perhaps I went too deep... Considering 231 / 666 came from power-ups, I think I collected 8700 bones over the years. Is this eligible for the mark of the beast?
  24. I'd suggest Ladah claim Necrovion's throne, which is empty and quite comfy if you don't mind cobwebs. There's even a clickie for that, and I'm happy to show him the exact location... ☠️
  25. Is there a deadline for this?
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