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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. Only one entry was submitted for this quest, but a nice one nonetheless. Behold the sexiest among the trees, Model n° 1 !!! Congratulations to the winner, Fyrd Argentus!!!
  2. Update: all participants get a free pass to Necrovion! It lasts for one week and you can spend it until autumn Equinox. 5 hours left: hurry hurry hurry!
  3. I have the same problem but I noticed you can delete messages one by one. Just open the message and delete it from there.
  4. lashtal using Firefox 89.0 on macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Low priority While joining an alliance (Caretakers) I lost 2500 honor. I didn't find any announcement mentioning this, is it supposed to work this way? Thank you.
  5. Internet is full of tutorials, perhaps not THAT focused on grasans but...
  6. Summer is coming, the sun is up in the sky and so is morale... For this quest you have to create a bathing suit for one of your creatures. Not draw, mind you, create. You can use whatever material and technique you wish, the more it is related to the creature you picked the better. One piece, two pieces... Three? Your call. Don't worry, you don't have to wear it, although... ???? Like all creative quests, the picture you take should include a visible MD sign and your name. Please send your submissions to me and Fyrd Argentus via forum PM, the deadline is June 20, 19 server time. On that evening we'll have a nice parade and the best suit will be chosen (public vote + 'passion for fashion' jury). The rewards depend on the number of submissions. Base reward (less than 5 submissions): 10 gold coins for the 1st place, 30 silver note for the 2nd place, 10 silver note for the 3rd place. 5 or more submissions: Additional prizes for all, including a WP for the 1st place.
  7. Info about recruitable creatures can be found at their recruitment facilities. As for unique / rare creatures, most informations are hidden from the public. However they might be obtained by asking someone who owns said creatures.
  8. I'd gladly take this opportunity, but I can't decide... I have both Fang Archbane and Miq in my list, but who should be killed first? I've been stuck in this dilemma for some time, when... Idea! Why not let the dice decide?
  9. I fail to see the point here. Besides keeping it (unless it's matter of space), you can immortalize it in a bestiary, totemize it...
  10. Not at level 3.
  11. @Fang Archbane: It's intended to work that way.
  12. I might be wrong, but I think that measure was intended to make alliance takeover less easy.
  13. : Crex came back into the realm of the living! : Else came back into the realm of the living! : Fang Archbane came back into the realm of the living! And now we have some fresh data to ponder on: Else and Fang revived by themselves (no external aid that I'm aware of) in 5 days. I think it's fine for a player who experienced death for the first time. You should be able to recover quickly (and 5 days is quickly, in MD terms, not even a holiday). I think it's trivial if that can be achieved multiple times.
  14. What land you represent in your request: Necrovion Amount of Storage wanted (items): 66 Amount of Storage wanted (creatures): 6 How much you would pay for this: I'd rather pay a one time fee in top spender ticket(s), otherwise we can arrange a weekly or monthly deal. Location you would put your treasury: 1_2x-3_2, Within the Accursed Growth, "a damp cocoon" clicky.
  15. You did what???? ????
  16. Thank you MaGo, you put in better words what I was about to write and saved all of us time. As for the topic: Perhaps I wouldn't touch death itself. The only change I'd make is: once you used a revival method, said method is no longer available to you for a period of time.
  17. Moreover, and out of character: Perhaps you don't know, but sometimes there are complaints because someone is sneaking into Necrovion very often, without paying, just because he/she lives in a different timezone. This is unfair to all those who pay their tiny price for a regular visit. This might be seen as me sleeping on duty (it happens), me closing an eye (true only for mp3, A25 or quest-makers who contacted me in advance), or... me doing favoritism. Which I hate. So what to do against regular trespassers who sneak in while I sleep? Luckily, there are friends. And some of them have killing tools, hurray!
  18. It's not prohibited to enter Necrovion. But there's a big warning at the entrance, stating you do it at your own risk. And if you do so repeatedly, the risk gets bigger. As Death Patrol, I can use my tools only within Necrovion borders. Many others can kill at will, or for a price. I can use such services as I wish, just like everyone else. Don't you agree?
  19. Now it works for me as well. Super fast, thank you.
  20. lashtal on MacBook running macOS Mojave and Firefox browser. Low priority. Walking on friendly territory does not generate heat anymore.
  21. Do you mean... Miq could be the one? ???????????????????? Otherwise we're a bit off-topic since this thread was about Miq's adventures in Necrovion.
  22. Thanks for the clarification, it makes sense. How do I mark them as important?
  23. Thank you Kaya, I was aware of their decay. "You cannot send a message back because the PM is too old. Send a new PM if you wish to reply." Still, I can read the PM, I have a couple that are 11 months 4 weeks old. I was wondering when they disappear from the inbox.
  24. Today I realized I lost some of the older private messages - both sent and received. I'm pretty sure I didn't canceled them on purpose (I mean in-game PMs, not the forum ones). I don't think I have exceeded the limit because I used to have more. Do private messages get canceled once they are too old? If so, when do they become "too old"?
  25. This is brilliant! Also, hilarious you got attacked while performing, you should consider something like "don't shoot on the pianist"... Seriously though, should you upload the video somewhere please let me know ????
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