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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. It will be revealed, just not yet... 🤪 But I can say that one of your submissions, at some point, got very close to Mur's answer. Anyway, since the possibilities are many, to rate your entries is a matter of fine tuning. Apologies if it requires some more time (and patience).
  2. And here we are folks, 9 submissions! I'll be contacting the Shades in the next few days, hoping they know at least what a day is! Jokes asides, I wanted to thank all the participants, I enjoyed reading your submissions. I'll post the results in this thread, stay tuned!
  3. Quick update: since we have 7 submissions right now, the rewards include: 1 wish point 2 x 30 gold note 1 x 30 gold note 2 x 10 gold note 2 x 30 silver note 1 x 30 silver note 2 x 10 silver note Your submissions will get a score, the highest score will pick first and so on.
  4. I'd take the WP if nobody takes it first.
  5. On one hand, challenges make me think [almost] everything is possible. With enough force of will and perseverance, there are very few things one can't accomplish. On the other hand, every challenge I faced taught me I'd never feel truly content. That twinkle of satisfaction is soon clouded by a bigger challenge or, better put, the real one. Great, you passed this tough exam, in 2 weeks you have this other one, which is the real badass. Oh, hey you got a degree, now good luck getting a job. Awesome, you quit smoking, stopped eating meat, what about dairy products? Is there even an end, a point? I learnt to approach challenges a bit like the horizon. You advance one step, it gets one step away. It makes you advance, which is great. At the same time, it's not meant to be reached, so take it easy.
  6. Aaaand with Invie's we reached 5 submissions! So, the best submission will be eligible for a WP. 11 days left, so plenty of time to add yours... I'll avoid any comment until the end. Enjoy the celebrations!
  7. Recently I was approached by a conglomerate of Shades. They seemed uncomfortable to see people inside Necrovion. I tried to explain the terms of our agreement: sacrificing a personal item gets one to stay one week. Although eager (so to speak) to get personal effects, they didn't seem to get the concept of "week"... So, I'm afraid I need your help here: how would you explain Shades what a week is? Your submission can be written, sketched or whatever you wish, just keep in mind it should be understandable to them. Please post it in this thread before Saturday 30 April - 23.59 s.t. Submissions will be judged by a shade ambassador who'll remain anonymous and by myself. Rewards depend on how many entries we get: for sure there will be huge amounts of gold; if we get 5 submissions or more I'll toss a WP as well. Have fun and happy MD birthday!
  8. "Dead-only quests" is the key imo. I'd love to see dead-only combat as well, but stat gain should be different. I mean, you shouldn't be able to train stats while dead but perhaps you could train some other stuff... principle points?
  9. Same here... April fools in advance?
  10. It seems I missed all the fun... Sneaky bastards! 😁
  11. I have a similar issue.
  12. Welcome robertmartin, nice to meet you.
  13. Not as extreme as Ledah, still...
  14. Congratulations!
  15. My 2% here: I think newbies shouldn't focus too much on grinding / advancing mind power but I get Fyrd's point. Given the current low population, maybe remove MP restriction and add some NPCs to train on? They could be "themed", so that newbies can learn gradually about combat, lands and creatures. Like, one NPC in front of each mainland's gate, each having a set of creatures belonging to that specific land. All of them could respawn once defeated, perhaps with increased stats?
  16. Ouch! The video works for me... Anybody else having issues? Anyway, yes, it's Datura (D. Wrightii and D. Innoxia) and its flower is said to come from Shiva's chest. 🙂
  17. Is the quest still active? If so, here's a bump. 😜
  18. Having collected almost 40 pictures (around 100 MB) for this quest, and seeing how Max total size is 3.91 MB, I decided to submit my entry as a video (around 50 MB). It documents 4 months of cares (april - august) to my beloved plants. I hope you enjoy it. P.S. As stated in the video, this plant is extremely toxic. You're warned.
  19. I'd say yes, do it! 100% vit slider = 0% tokens and vice versa. As Mallos wrote, it's the best balance for those with low stats.
  20. Congratulations Invie! And congratulations to Fyrd for running the most voracious guild of our times.
  21. Welcome back Duke of Malfi!
  22. I had the same issue, here's a possible solution ????
  23. item 7 x 3 (lockinchaos stone) - 36 Plushies item 10 x 3 (sendtogoe stone) - 45 Plushies 81 in total
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