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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. Hello, I haven't received bounties on my e-mail account (tried everything, including spam). Also, I tried changing the e-mail address associated to my account but I'm not allowed (it says that address is already used, perhaps because of Molquert?). What to do? Give this thread the lowest priority, I think the problem is only mine.
  2. Item 5 (wind drachorn): 21 x 14th Hollow Warrior Plushies Question: is it possible to bid in 12th Hollow Warrior Plushies as well?
  3. 1000 loyalty is quite a lot, but 5000 honor too. Still, I think it's doable, and the item is pretty handy. My 2%: it's fine as it is.
  4. "A man who is doing his true Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." (I'm pretty sure it goes for women too, but Aleyster Crowley phrased it as above)
  5. Sorry for bothering, but this one gets me invalid link, retry0 https://magicduel.com/ui/advertlinks/redir.php?r=-QLe4SBlhjONH-8ITLrtiw,,
  6. Top MMORPG List I have issues with this one too, endless loading once again.
  7. Very interesting concept, thanks for sharing it with us all! I can see an analogy between heat veins and the circulatory system: all lands except Necrovion behaving like "systemic circulation", while Necrovion can be seen like "pulmonary circulation".
  8. Hello, I noticed the following issues while voting for free credits: http://www.mmorpgtoplist.com/in.php?site=33450 and http://gamelist.bbgsite.com/io/index/id/28.shtml gives you "unable to find this website" message; http://www.gamingsites100.com Endless loading, landing nowhere https://revistacariere.ro/articol/refuzat-sa-devina-sclavul-societatii gives you "Pagina nu a fost găsită" message. I use Firefox 72.0.2. Not sure if they should be reported as "bugs" but... Thanks!
  9. I must say I like both Shemhazaj and Aia's suggestions.
  10. lashtal


    The history of mankind is a history of migrations. Be it for food, wealth, climate, wars or whatever. I think building walls, creating a 'us vs them' culture is kinda shortsighted. For sure it may have positive short-terms implications, from a strictly economic point of view. But we are expanding so rapidly, and our influence on our habitat is so dramatic, that we should start to think more in perspective, and as a "whole". OR, we could stop making children, realize we are fucked up anyway and walk hand in hand towards extinction, but that's a bit unpopular.
  11. I'm all for the change, it makes perfect sense. Either "worldly intertia" or "material intertia" sounds fine imo and could replace old VP. As for VE, it could follow the same path... "spiritual inertia"? Also, let's not forget exploring points. I'm not entirely sure about the concept behind, but still...
  12. Tainted angien (only if un-tokened, otherwise ignore my offer): 5 gold note 5 gold coins 30 silver note 45 silver coins Should be 15 gc globally.
  13. In addiction to what Chew said, it seems one cannot view "all announcements" anymore. The page keep loading forever but nothing happens.
  14. Probably the issues I'm enountering are there because the new interface is still being completed. Therefore, apologies if I'm stating obvious things. However, I'd like to point the following (I'm using a normal MacBook Pro with Firefox browser, I have no smartphone so I have no idea how it looks there): - items are not usable, if you click on "use" or "open item" nothing happens; - inventory is a bit of a mess, no categories, no compact look, only big boxes for each and every tool/item/resource. - creature pages: I was very happy to see the images that were badly cropped are now ok. Minor issue: the description of the creature, its target and abilities are placed above the image. - the "idle" and "log out" buttons are very well hidden, I had the suspect you wanted us to stay online all the time ????
  15. 939393
  16. Nice works, expecially the second one!
  17. Swordsman 1: 15 sc
  18. @DARK DEMON Have fun
  19. Confirmed, thank you!
  20. Territory: MagicDuel Archive Lands Coord: 3_librarytunnel_1 Territory: No Man's Land Coord: 3_librarytunnel_2 Territory: No Man's Land Coord: 3_librarytunnel_3 Territory: No Man's Land Coord: 3_librarytunnel_4 Territory: No Man's Land Coord: 3_librarytunnel_5 Territory: No Man's Land Coord: 3_librarytunnel_6 Territory: No Man's Land Coord: 3_librarytunnel_7 Territory: No Man's Land Coord: 3_librarytunnel_8 Territory: No Man's Land Coord: 3_librarytunnel_9
  21. As per ann. 4017 "Fenth are matter stripped by everything else, Heat is energy, power stripped by any identity (pure), Wiiya is identity stripped of matter and energy". I see Wiiya as the product of fermentation of living matter, its gas being like the distillation of its owner's identity. Curiously, the Wiiya I have in my possession is meant as a gift but I still have to figure out who'll get it. So in this case it seems quite matter without an identity :-D
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