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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. False, you can have logs checked, they will confirm No one was online and perfectly visible. I, on the other hand, was still under night-mode since Jubaris's entrance. I passed an item to No one to reveal myself and as a first warning, in order to scare him and let him buy time at the same time. If one's being childish here, that's you dst.
  2. @Mallos: you're being catastrophic. There are more than 3 re-usable revival tools, there are consumable ones and where we used to have Molquert now we have Caretakers' revival quest. Of those 33 people, only 5-6 are still dead and most of them are inactive.
  3. To clarify things a bit. Death Patrols murder anyone they see in Necrovion, no distinctions. Since I started patrolling, I murdered 33 people. Among these, only one was caused by a Nomad bringing in someone else (Syrian using bringing on No one).
  4. In all honesty I don't know (or don't remember) who kicked you out or why. I know why I disbanded the guild, the lack of effectiveness and the lack of interest (I gave a month for people to show up/sign up). Back then, my consideration was "why 4 semi-inactive alts in a guild when a single MP6 can be much more effective?" Of course the situation has changed since then, we have no MP6 anymore. Mur's conclusion seemed pretty open by the way:
  5. I guess that's the way. In the meanwhile, I'd suggest to observe, talk to people and look for active quests.
  6. I hope this is useful: Ann. 1765 - [2011-03-25 00:21:59 - Stage 10] - Permalink - Posted By No more Experience, but HEAT - Concept change I am glad to announce one of the most important concept changes in the past years in MD. There is no more "Experience", its now the same with HEAT. Functionality at this point remains the same but things will change over time according to this concept. Heat is finally what it was supposed to be from the start and "Experience" as a concept is gone. XP was never too much "MD Style" anyway. Player XP, Creature XP = Stored Heat Max XP, or XP cap = Max heat tolerance You dont gain xp but you store/refill heat You dont lose XP but you free stored hear The name changes are already in place and will be followed in time by functionality changes, things like heat burn, a more dynamic system of skill limits and more. This is a major change even if it might not seem so at this moment. The merger between heat and "xp" made heat be the "blood" of all activities in md, its used in some items to power them up, its used in fights, in creatures, in skills, character development and so on. The heat of the "erolin device" (glowing thin in right corner of the interface) is also heat , same heat as your stored heat, only in unstable form. Also from a story point of view, without any current implementation, Heat is the counterbalance of liquid dust and will be later called "negative heat" (as in "minus" not as in "bad", not the same with "cold"). This means a lot more but in the end it makes all perfect sense since the Shades are the counterbalance of the players too. This change fits as a glove on how things were already in MD, it is not shaking too much, but the name change might make you understand more of how things work in md. As usual, opinions about this are welcome on the forum. --Mur TLDR: you have to fulfill the tasks you can find in the top left icon (scroll), once done you can advance the next Mind Power.
  7. A system and a theory
    To organize and analyze
    And at the end realize
    That nobody knows
    If it really happened

    1. Mallos


      Is someone undeserving when they were favored but spoke out too harshly? What if they didn't speak out?

  8. @dst Ok, noted.
  9. Ok, to sum up: Aeoshattr and dst are signed up for Aug 23 (in case they don't manage to fulfill the heat requirement in time, they can choose to delay the entrance to Aug 30). Mallos is signed up for Aug 30. Blackrider can enter again on Aug 23 only if there's nobody else (he has been inside this week already).
  10. Here's what I use on daily base: Top links: Announcements, Quests, Free Credits Bottom links: I never used them Right bar links: Role tags, Inventory, Mood Panel, Public Logs, Who's online
  11. @Aeoshattr @Mallos @Sunfire Noted.
  12. @dst Yeah I know (and quite dislike the way it is), but getting a 4-5 glue pack would be a waste anyway, plus I would have to pay much more for it. In case nobody can get me 1 glue, I have access to resource splitters in MD shop, we can try and arrange something different.
  13. As the title says, I'm looking to get 1 unit of glue. I can pay with coins, credits or bones. Thank you.
  14. Next group can gain access on August 23, lasting one week as usual. Sunfire is automatically signed-up since he hasn't fulfilled his task in time for the current one. nadrolski hasn't fulfilled his task for the second week in a row, therefore his application has been cancelled and he dropped to the bottom of the list. In the eventuality of a new application, it will be considered with lowest priority. 3 spots available from now, sign up by posting below.
  15. My yoga teacher always underlines the importance of a proper evacuation and gas expulsion, "first thing in the morning".
  16. If one's goal is to reach Eon's or Lightsage's stats, I agree... On the other hand, I got more than 1000 wins on my creatures in the past couple of months, most of them with only samon as target and having to deal with balance as well.
  17. I'm sorry to inform the community that Aeoshattr and blackshade rider disappeared in Necrovion 2 days ago. Since their entrance, nobody saw their traces or heard from them anymore... :-p Next entrance group (3 people max) will be on August 16, lasting a week. nadrolski is automatically signed-up for this tour since he hasn't fulfilled his task in time for the current one. So, there are 2 places available... First comes, first get lost!
  18. I scored 2/10, I invented many answers but it was fun. I see no flaw in the functionality, but perhaps fixed, yes/no or multiple answers could avoid you from re-checking all the answers. Nice job.
  19. CV945846967P6 Testing.
  20. Just to clarify, lvl3 Molima produces resources - although different ones. Instead of death spores it produces toxic gas (which is referred to as Grasan's toxic fart). The other issues (Drain Darkness ability and its uselessness in combat) are confirmed.
  21. Thanks to samon, this feature is now functional. Aeoshattr and nadrolski, check your messages. There's still one place available for 9 August.
  22. I tried Chrome but nothing strange happened. (but I use Mac, I guess I don't count)
  23. It seems a clarification from nadrolski is needed here (given he's the one banning you).
  24. All gone, topic can be closed, thanks.
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