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Everything posted by lashtal

  1. Welcome back :-)
  2. I have a 12th anniversary edition barren soul / hollow warrior ready to depart.
  3. Very nice idea, I'd support it.
  4. Indyra was the first person who helped me figuring out what MD was about.
  5. In addition to Fang and MaGo's: - the "use" of items/tools - forum posts visited (not sure if browsing the forum can be considered in-game activity but I think you get what I mean)
  6. My laptop is more or less the same age as yours. I find Chrome very heavy and it doesn't work all the time (I experienced the same issue with the right bar). Firefox is just fine on the other hand.
  7. This is very interesting, if you think it fits I will sponsor a swordsman creature.
  8. Yes Sunfire, my faith doesn't allow me to recruit the creatures you mentioned :-p
  9. Well, this certainly is interesting and adds spice to the combat tournament. Unfortunately, I have a very limited selection of creatures, actually I have none of those I'm supposed to use for this round :-) Therefore I surrender to my mighty opponent and wish her to rock the arena!
  10. Ok not sure I got this right but... 1,3,5,7,11,13,17,19
  11. From 22 s.t.? Too late?
  12. Tomorrow at 22 s.t. sounds nice.
  13. lashtal id: 221376
  14. lashtal

    Coffee or Tea?

    Different beverages for different times of the day, imo. I prefer a strong expresso in the morning, otherwise I can't make it to work, but I fuel myself with green tea in the afternoon. Either way, I dislike sugar: it covers any other taste.
  15. December 2?
  16. I nominate Faceless Noob for the adventuring award: his dedication and genuine attitude surprised me in a couple of situations. As for the other categories, the names I have in mind were already suggested by others.
  17. My wish list for this year: - one-time revival for all those murdered in Necrovion; - removal of all alts buried in Necrovion (ported to GoE).
  18. Nope, it works fine for me.
  19. This is good to hear... I wish to remind you all that heat requirements are veeery low for MP3s.
  20. Anybody in for this week?
  21. Rewards have been delivered (except from Sunfire's Elu - please contact Aethon for it), please let me know if you didn't get it! Thanks again to all of you.
  22. After one week of invisible struggle, the echoes of a spell prevailed over the other and a winner was chosen... In the finals match Sunfire won against Dark Demon; while dst won over jakubhi in the duel for 3rd and 4th place. We have had several inspiring spells, a powerful magic display, but now we have the winners... : 1st - Sunfire 2nd - Dark Demon 3rd - dst 4th - jakubhi ... and the rewards! - A horseman creature; - A wish point; - A 11th anniversary Barren Soul; - An Elucubration creature (I heard it's colored...) As stated in the previous post, Sunfire will pick first, then DD, then dst, and then jakubhi. Congratulations to all and thank you Aethon for helping me run this contest.
  23. I told you we should have left Ungod to the crabs... :-p If provided in advance with a day and a time I can manage to be there.
  24. The tournament is progressing slowly but steadily and we are approaching the final matches. After prevailing over Faceless Noob, Dark Demon won once again, this time against jakubhi, thus reaching the finals. Meanwhile, Sunfire won against dst in a very close match. The next few days will see Sunfire VS Dark Demon for 1st - 2nd place; and dst VS jakubhi for 3rd - 4th place. All of them will get nice rewards, but who's gonna be the winner? Stay tuned!
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