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  1. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fire Starter in Place(s) without Skill DMG?   
    Now, this is a new idea

    I was about to contact [color=#ff0000]Mur [/color]directly, but maybe bothering him with such things is [u]the[/u] bad idea

    Here it is: in order to bring most of the population back at MD, a place could be made so skill dmg won't apply there. Or whichever place the community thinks is better.

    Now, lately I do fight less and Idle more, but when RL comes into play then I get much less time to spent here. And this time gets more lonely everyday. I am not keen on switching countries just to improve that
    I am really missing many old folks there

    I am making this suggestion from the [b]point of view and gain[/b] new players might have, not from any personal matter. If more skilled fighters are drawn to MDP for example, my guess is more newcomers would get the chance to learn new things. And with more information the hunger for it grows.

    Another plus is that we all will know where one place for grinding ( or even meeting others ) would be, and it will be easier.

    Right now I see mostly MP3s and MP4s there, with MP5 hunting for herbs, idling in sanctuaries or else.

    We are missing some of the old flavor MD has.

    Again, just thinking out loud. I have nothing against Skill DMG, only for some side effects that came after it.

    All opinions welcomed
  2. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Burns in Treasure Keepers - Awarding Service - Job Opening   
    How unfortunate that the leader of the TKs doesn't even take the time to search his own threads, even when it only takes 10 seconds...

    This is the thread you need currently. The whole job description changed a little, so read from top
  3. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Innundo in Treasure Keepers - Awarding Service - Job Opening   
    My humblest apologies...

    You must be having a bad day... How unfortunate.

    I remember a time when MD members were more polite, even when correcting others.
  4. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Treasure Keepers - Awarding Service - Job Opening   
    No, I'm just this "way".

    Ask around. lol
  5. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in Treasure Keepers - Awarding Service - Job Opening   
    First off, this topic is years old.

    Second, Mur doesn't control the TKs, or it's members.

    If you would like to apply to the TKs, please go to the TK forum, and apply in the appropriate thread.
  6. Downvote
    lashtal reacted to Seigheart in [Necrovion] Scholar of Necrovion History   
    Its good to see someone so ambitious but at the same time, a lot of the Vets won't like it if a relative newb came by and claimed to be a Necrovion History expert. Infact, a lot of them will probably demean you for it.

    I would suggest a lesser role for now, and build up to this one instead. That seems to be a much more reasonable path. Good luck!
  7. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Curiose in [Necrovion] Scholar of Necrovion History   
    Draguul, this is the area in which your Character's Story is told... Now, if you had a question, you could have a Mod move this to the proper section.

    Or, you could have PM'd Udgard himself with your query.

    He never claimed he was an expert. He said he was studying under Peace. One could be a scholor, and still learn, as it will be their profession in the future. I see no reason why anyone would ever demean him for learning things about Necrovion. I certainly see no reason why he shoul dhave to go for something 'lesser' just because of some imaginary fact that people would argue at him for it.

    If he wants it to be his role, then by damn, LET IT BE HIS ROLE. As long as he's learning the things he's learning, and making strides to become a better person within this role, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with what he is doing. Perhaps he wants to better Necrovion. Or maybe he wishes to do something for MD in the future. everyone has that capability. To belittle them and suggest they go for something lesser is ridiculous.
  8. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Return   
    You pick at Rhaegar for your own enjoyment and act as if you have morality on your side and expect people to bow their heads and offer you cooperation. Your actions caused the reaction, dont try to belittle it as if it is some sort of personal issue. You made this bed.
  9. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to phantasm in Return   
    maybe because he steals alliances, laughs at the people, and then makes them beg for it back? Then acts all high and mighty like he did them a favor for taking the alliance
  10. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Forderin in Puzzle   
    An idea for a GG creature... just a rough sketch for now, but if the idea picks up we can add to it. Sort of in the line of the techno-magical idea.

    Block Puzzle
    A 5x5 block cube, made of something that looks like iron, somewhat rusted, and old.
    You haven't figured out how to work it yet, but keep working on it. You'll figure it out eventually.
    Solve the puzzle for a great reward.

    Abilities: None (like an egg)
    Targets: None

    Block Lion
    You've managed to move some parts of the cube around, and now it looks sort of like a lion.
    It doesn't move on its own, or do anything, really, except make your opponents stare and let their guard down for a moment.
    You doubt that this is the true solution to the puzzle.

    Abilities: Weaken defence.
    Targets: Weak creatures

    Iron Terror
    As you continue to work with the puzzle, you begin to see how it works, not just on the outisde, but on the inside.
    You can feel a faint energy inside it,and the movements come easier, forming the puzzle into a war machine.
    The rust is gone from the metal, it feels stronger, and it seems like the pieces that make up the creature are more numerous.
    It can now strike your foes, although it is still weak.
    You feel you are moving closer to the puzzle's answer.

    Abilities: Damage
    Targets: Random

    Steel Falcon
    You realize that not just the puzzle, but the blocks that make up the puzzle can take almost any shape, so you start over and form a new shape.
    Energy pulses through the puzzle now, pieces rearranging themselves as you focus your efforts and your will upon it.
    It begins to mold to your desire for strength, the metal becoming harder and more resilient, taking the shape of a Falcon,
    and becomes a precise machine capable of dealing huge amounts of damage to your strongest foes.
    However, you know this is not the solution, but a step that will give you the strength to reach it.

    Abilities: Aimed Hit
    Targets: Strong Creatures

    Gleaming Claw
    The puzzle grows larger as it vanquishes your foes. You no longer need to touch the puzzle; focusing your will upon it is enough
    to form and reshape the metal. You no longer know what metal makes up the puzzle, but nothing seems to scratch it.
    Through your connection to the puzzle, you can feel it needs huge amounts of energy to continue to transform.
    You direct it to feed upon the life force of your foes, and it warps and rearrages to become a giant claw,
    latching onto your foes and draining their strength.

    Abilities: Steal Life
    Targets: Random, Strong Creatures, Weak Creatures, Dying

    Silver Drake
    The puzzle has grown huge, and with its size, its loyalty to you increases. Your will merges with the energy now raging through the
    puzzle like a storm, and you feel confident you know the solution. You work the puzzle into a war machine, a Silver Drake.
    Its fierce energy can now be turned upon your enemies, striking many foes. The machine now looks like it is made of silver,
    and with each strike the metal rings with a pure sound. The segments between the complex pieces of the puzzle are now barely visible,
    making you sure this powerful creature is indeed the solution.
    Deep within the puzzle, you feel preparations beginning, although their purpose is beyond your understanding.
    This creature rapidly destroys the vitality of your opponent.

    Abilities: Damage
    Targets: All

    Gold Cube
    All of a sudden, in a moment, you understand the purpose of the puzzle, and its answer. With a flash of brilliant light and a heat wave,
    the puzzle transforms into a floating cube of pure gold, five segments wide, by five segments tall, by five segments deep,
    the same size and shape as when it started, but with an uncontainable power within. The puzzle now glows with a strong golden light.
    You see now that the true puzzle was within your own mind. Rather than focusing on how to figure out how to demolish your foes, you have learned to build your own energy and strength.
    Your allies see it and take heart; your foes gaze on it with terror. This creature adds greatly to the amount of vitality in a fight.

    Abilities: Heal, Regenerate
    Targets: All (friendly creatures)
    Aura: Increase the power skill of all friendly creatures in the fight.
    Aura: Increase the defense of all friendly creatures in the fight.
    Aura: Increase the attack of all friendly creatures in the fight.
    Aura: Increase the initiative of all friendly creatures in the fight.
    Aura: Increase the luck of all friendly creatures in the fight.

    Comments and criticism appreciated
  11. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Fire Starter in Removal of avys   
    And I [u]hardly [/u]could say that Eon has no reason to kill you
  12. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to J-D in What you think about Skill Damage?   
    Precisely. If we work together it's not that difficult to A) prevent/recover from skilldamage and B) give skilldamage to Eon.

    I think that while skilldamage is annoying, its presence is ultimately a good thing for the game. It makes people work together.
  13. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Heat is neat! Your Fusioneers quest!   
    6 days passed, 10 people started it, 7 completed it...

    But! There's one day left!!!
    Since some timeless dust fell from our pockets and seems to have messed with the gears of the Lighthouse, Time is not linear, so everything may change!!

    So far, the fastest is still Shadowseeker, the 7th quester is Guillak!

    (the quest will stay there also after the deadline, so you'll still have the possibility to try it, for fun)
  14. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Heat is neat! Your Fusioneers quest!   
    Time is over, thanks to all those who participated!!!

    The winners - Shadowseeker being the fastest (429 seconds) and Guillak being the 7th - will be contacted "Soon"

    The quest will keep running, just for fun, for all those who know that "heat is neat"... Enjoy!
  15. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Maebius in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    I would agree, it was very interesting to choose an interesting New Thing (the Attractor), to spur us into action.

    I also really liked how the gatekeepers/guards were free to make up their own challenges. That sort of cooperation and creativity is probably what klightsage means by "the good old days" (though I argue these are pretty awesome days too). It added a nice flavor to the entire Challenge, having to get through the individual Riddles on our own, with a pretty difficult-yet-acceptable Penalty for failure. Challenge fit the Rewards, I'm sure.

    I'll admit being somewhat selfishly frustrated by the timing, as I wasn't online as much as I could have been, but that does nothing to diminish the effort of the Guards themselves and the added Challenge of getting through all of them at the times they were available. It's a volunteer effort after all, and I commend those who gave their time to sit and ask the same sorts of questions over and over to those struggling through the Dominion. Well done.

    My only thought was to have extended it one more day or so. (but that more a selfish thought). With the timezone differences I simply did not have enough days to shift around my work schedule and be awake for each of the guards at the appropriate time. So I left. Again, though, that is more -my- issue than any proper complaint against the Challenge itself overall. Waiting for the next Guard was a nice opportunity to talk to those who had gotten forced back, and were waiting to move onward again, so share ideas and chat together, on myriad random topics.
  16. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Muratus del Mur in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    As i am not very much online lately, i might be somewhat disconnected from the MD-reality of the events I organize. Therefore i created this topic to hear a honest opinion about the "Dominion Journey" event and maybe learn something from your remarks and use that for the next events.

    I will also share a bit of the concept behind this event. A short dissection of this quest might help some of you to better organize their own quests on other occasions.

    ---- long read ahead, you can skip ---

    The concept behind the event is simple. Here are the 'ingredients':

    1) The Moment
    A quest can't start just so or it won't get enough attention. The birthday event was a perfect moment to put in motion something i wanted for a long time

    2) The Attractors
    To put things in motion you need a powerful 'attractor'. My name guarantees the rewards will be 'awesome' and I realize not many quest makers afford such 'attractors', but on various occasions the rewards can and were officially sponsored. The attractor in this case was both powerful and unknown, mystery adds up to the value of an awesome reward, but careful not to disappoint. Attractors are the magnet, the motif that gives energy to an event. In this event there were three attractors: The dominion visit, the rewards in case of success and the event in itself. This last attractor is an advantage of any good quest maker, people learn their quests are entertaining and will participate also just for the fun, that is very important.

    3) The Breaks
    Leaving the attractors out in the open means everybody will storm in to get whatever they can grab ad there is no quest for that. You need some sort of breaks so to speak to slow down the rewards gaining. A single task/riddle would qualify this setup as a quest, but not as a full size event.. big difference! The breaks need to be suitable for the power of the attractors. If the attractors are not so powerful the breaks need to be fewer and less 'breaking'. If the attractor is powerful, you need progressive breaks, not just a big one, because its not a lottery. In this event the breaks were the 8 people in the organizing team.

    4) The Flavor
    This is where i experimented something new, from my point of view. As you know, the riddles and quests were not planned by me but by the organizing team, the 5 challengers and the 3 gate keepers. This means that each one will add to the event his own style and flavor. The overall setup (the deathwhisper tunnel) and the advancing system (fail you start over, win you move on - russian roulette style) were the glue to bring these challengers in a coherent form. This chain of questmakers, both experienced and totally unexperienced provided the variety needed to balance the boredom of the tunnel, in a way. There is a part of the flavor that i will not detail and that one will happen for the 10 that managed to pass the last gate keeper

    Possible Mistakes:

    1) One unavoidable issue is related to the timezones of the people in the organizing team. However i never intend to make things easy, so the only thing you could see as a real issue is if ALL challangers were on same timezone... but as long as they were not, it means all the participants were facing same timezone issue so the odds were equal.. or am i wrong?

    2) I gave free hand to all challangers to do whatever riddles they could think of. I think things could have been better if the riddles were entirely non md related and even 'google-able' so to speak. md-related riddles could have been reserved for the gate keepers only.

    Back doors

    You might have noticed there was a ap requirement for the scenes. I said you should not jump over a gate keeper, but you could have walked by him if you could 'afford' the action points cost. I could have given the challangers a picke stoc to give to those that fail (or make it automated), ..that could have been very very interesting.. but i thought of it only too late.
    Joining forces to solve a riddle is not cheating. The purpose of such an event is to entertain, to put things in motion, and doing _everything_ to solve the riddle is in general ok. In my opinion.
    Trading the gatekeeper items is also ok, someone very skilled, able to pass a gatekeeper riddles repeatedly , could have 'earned' lots of silver for letting others in with the items he aquired.
    All this might look as cheating for some, but remember md is a realm for both the "good" and the "bad".

    Thats about it.


    Feedback is welcome
  17. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to lightsage in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    To start of: I really enjoyed this. There were some creative riddles and the likes but it was not mainly the assignments at the gates that caused this.

    I do feel I should give a compliment to Kyphis for posing interesting questions for all.

    What I enjoyed most was the feeling of coherence in a way, people being at the challenger unable to pass sharing probable online times, sharing experiences of what was to come if gates were passed. Quite frankly, the 'mood' reminded me of the good ol' days.

    That being said, there are some points for improvement:

    In my opinion the best riddles have but one solution. I encountered some riddles that had a multitude of possible solutions, the 'correct' one being arbitrary and not necessarily the one fitting best. This was slightly frustrated. If you make riddles that have alternate solutions you might want to consider counting them as correct if fitting as well or beter than the intended solution.

    A much smaller issue was time zones, I think it was Windy whom was only able to log in for a few hours a day. On a few days these hours happened to be situated in the middle of the night CET, which was inconvenient. I can imagine different challengers had their online time in different time zone’s nightly hours.

    I was surprised by the amount of online time quite a few of the challengers/gatekeepers put in. Thank you for investing so much of your time into an enjoyable event.
  18. Upvote
    lashtal got a reaction from MRAlyon in Happy BDay Alyon   

    Tanti auguri!!!!
  19. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Prince Marvolo in Ambiance sounds   
    I think it would also be nice of the weather spells are able to trigger sound, rain sounds, storm sounds, etc.
  20. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to DarkRaptor in MD Mixed Scene Portrait   
    Use your skill to identify all the MD scenes in the mixed portraits and win this contest!
    Your task is to point and identify in the picture, by name or coordinate, all parts of the MD scenes you can discover.

    Submit your participation to me using forum PM, please note: Only your first submission will be accepted.

    The Winner participation will be the one that finds more scenes on the image, fastest submission time will used in case of draw.

    As rewards we will have: ( not much.. i know but the council will also support the 3 first places.. :-D )
    1. A Aged and Heated Angien
    2. Imperial Aramor + Joker
    3. Imperial Aramor

    ( i may need a bit to recruit the imps because of the honor.. )

    Submission limit for the quest will be April 24 23:59 Server Time.

    As usual, no alts, no cheating, no laziness.. etc.. Have fun!


    [EDIT]: Submission limit extended
  21. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to Guillak in What creature are you?   
    [size=2][I have just realized the two other birthday quest topics have been moved, so I'm posting that here too—mods feel free to move as necessary][/size]

    The Musical Portrait game is not over, yet here is a variant already … This one is much shorter, simpler, and MD-oriented.

    Most people can identify themselves to one or several creatures. The goal here is to let others choose for you, and see if it matches your expectations. Perhaps this will make you think about various aspects of your own personality?

    [b]~ Rules ~[/b][list]
    [*]Participants register in a first phase;
    [*]Once the registration phase is over, each participant chooses one creature amongst the list of basic ones (see below) for every other participant;
    [*]Eventually, everyone can see what creatures have been assigned to what participant, and in what proportion. The winner is the one whose choices are closest to those of the majority (same as detailed in the [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11656-your-musical-portrait/page__st__20#entry107912"]Musical Portrait post[/url], but all votes have the same weight).
    [*]No alt please.
    [*]This is still valid: [size=2][quote name='Guillak' timestamp='1333211735' post='107912']I kindly ask everyone not to try anything like team up to vote for the same songs in order to get better scores. Although the goal is to get as close as possible as the others, there are way too many songs to choose from for two people to accidentally end up with the same 60 votes. Any miraculous similarity between votes will be automatically detected.[/quote][/size]
    [b]~ Rewards ~[/b]

    Council offers rewards for the top three!

    I have no clue what. But I assume it's worth it!

    [b]~ How to start ~[/b]

    Use the password "Who am I" at the rope in the Paper Cabin (same as BFH). This will add your name to the list of participants, and you will be able to see the current list of participants, so you can start thinking about your choices. Registration will be open for a couple days, then you'll have until the end of the birthday to submit your entries (another clickie, or the same updated).

    [b]~ Creatures ~[/b]

    15 families from the main lands, as displayed on [url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/The_Bestiary"]MD Wiki[/url]:[list]
    [*]No-Man's Land: Grasan, Barren Soul, Aramor
    [*]Marind's Bell: Angien, Archer, Elemental, Bird
    [*]Loreroot: Tree, Lorerootian Archer, Knator, Water Being, Toxicodendrite
    [*]Necrovion: Unholy Priest, Tormented Soul
    [*]Golemus Golemicarum: Drachorn
    [*](BLANK): null vote is possible, and is selected by default. If you leave it as is, you will score 0 for that participant.
    Clickies were not much tested, so if you see anything strange, please tell me …
  22. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to duxie in The Grail   
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif] yet another ribaldry in official form... [/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]how can you or dst claim that she was not treated fairly or [u]inadequately[/u] to others if neither you, nor dst have any evidence proving that?[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]and no, i do not need to prove anything which you want me to force. that's the duty of an accuser, otherwise it's a lack of evidence, it's just a grievance at the best.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]her evidence is only a fact that she was treated this way, but it doesn't show that others were treated differently (which in fact they were not).[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]it doesn't prove that the quest was not fair, not equal to everyone, which is her main accusation without [u]any[/u] evidence.[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]actually [u]all this[/u] is her quest, not the one i got rewarded for. for this one she has her fun and reward already.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]for "The Grail" one she was simply too lazy or not motivated enough. that's the only not equal thing between her and other participants.[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]in fact i do not care already, you can take that WP and feel happy with another victory, as this is not my battle anymore.[/font][/size]
    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]this trial and few other public stuff i saw in my MD experience is the fact, that MD community is ruled for few, not for the total majority, and i have too much of this "democracy" in my RL to handle one more at my free time.[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]have fun [/font][/size]
  23. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Development Focus - Alliances   
    Personally I don't think that alliances that came about because of someone's efforts and what they did should just be handed to random people because the idea is cool and people like it. If someone starts 'being' that alliance then fine, but I have literally never seen that once. Im talking about things like DS right now.

    I answer your question with a question: Why should alliances that are not based on fighting and were not formed by fighting be ruled and governed by fighting? On one hand its too simple, it takes nothing into account of what the alliance is or what the ruler should represent- ie for example, if you put a big bad bull-dog at the head of my alliance, it would totally dismantle the reason it exists in the first place. On the other, its just sheer lazy stupidity to leave it like that. Same with gathering ones, why should fighters rule them? It makes, literally, no sense.

  24. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to No one in Non Fighting Guilds And Their Fighting Issues   
    This is a funny topic.
    [b][u][i]EDIT:[/i][/u] Sorry for the long post.
    There are 2 parts:
    - my comments on what others said
    - ideas on topic[/b]

    [quote name='dst' date='10 August 2010 - 01:49 PM' timestamp='1281437385' post='65583']
    Brainstorming idea:give the non fighting guild members the option to kill their crits(or kill them by default when they join the guild). No crits, no fight, no headache.
    This should be forced as to no crit from entering untill the exit from that alliance. And no age for crits too. Also, the creatures should be stored away.
    Just like the suggested illusion.

    [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' date='10 August 2010 - 07:56 PM' timestamp='1281459398' post='65623']
    My thought would be to shift the system so that instead of guild members not being able to attack each other, it is the other way around, nobody else can attack and fight them but they can fight with each other in order to gain heat/exp to level artwork of crits if they want to.

    Z, you disappoint me. Can't you even conceive the magnitude of abuses ?

    [quote name='Ratsplat' date='11 August 2010 - 05:32 AM' timestamp='1281493939' post='65700']
    If non fighting guilds are given too much defense, or just not being able to get attacked, then resource gathering would be too easy. Two ideas i have might be somewhat good:

    1: If you are collecting resources in your own territory...
    ...without worrying about dying.

    2. Make it so that people not in your non fighting guild cant attack you, but you will have to fight with NPCs to reach your resources.
    NPC Fights were never the goal of the game. For an experienced MDer, fighting (winning / losing) means no threat what so ever.
    Collecting resources is not the point of this topic.

    Also ... heat ? why would they need heat ?
    Ok, buying heat would be an interesting features.
    But heat from alliance fights ? Are you joking ? if you cannot fight with the guilds ... there are not that many ppl to attack.

    As for land erolin ... that would be interesting .
    I can only imagine its use and its limits. Maybe with max limit of 200-250k heat. Heat drop at normal rate. Heat being stored like normal heat.

    [b]--- ON TOPIC ---[/b]

    IMO, the guilds should not be considered as special alliances with special restrictions.
    Indeed, if you don't care about the fighting ... there are ways not to fight & not to be attacked (as already told in this topic to kill your own creatures).

    [u]Heat [/u]? There should be no need for heat to a guild. But if Mur wants to implement the gathering of resources with heat ... then it MUST be from import .
    That way you [u]trade resources[/u] for something and will not make the guild a the center of MD.
    And resources should be available to whomever requests them for the fair price of heat.
    Any other kind of price ... it is not fair (not that MD was intended to be fair) but might lead to abuses (of power and influence if not other kind).

    [u]"better support non fighting guilds?"[/u]
    Depends on what do you mean ?
    1. statuses ? ... 1kk is too much and fighters will take it over.
    Give them Regeneration 1500. That will solve their problem.
    Briskess is a MUST NOT if you want to give the heat.

    2. protection ? from fights ... that must be on personal level.
    there are 2 ways that I can see now: when joining a guild , [u]after 1 day[/u] (to prevent abuses) you receive the possibility to kill all your creatures (only one time for each join).
    Another way would be the illusion for the entire period (immediate illusion will trigger some abuses).

    3. protection ? from alliance fights
    Make possible some sort of alliance statuses .
    Make possible that one guild to pick another fighting guild as protector (add its statuses) but only with based on agreement of the other alliance.
    Limit the protection to max 2 guilds for each fighting alliance.
    That way they get some extra protection and will lead to more cooperative playing (hopefully).
  25. Upvote
    lashtal reacted to No one in Non Fighting Guilds And Their Fighting Issues   
    I know that this is a really old topic, but please bare with me and this topic bump.

    We all know that guilds have been created, heat storages have been created, items have been created for each guild.

    But how do the guilds work now ? Do they use heat storages ? Do they fight ?
    Can some one please share the status on them now ?
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