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Everything posted by jakubhi

  1. So, some days ago, Ledah has shared a poem about me (in Of Heads and Tales - Two Quests of the Eighteenth Anniversary). I was touched. It felt very nice to be praised for my bravery and my ability to retreat from certain places with great speed. I decided that I would repay Ledah's kindness. (picture of unknown (you know who) figure, made with Dall-e)
  2. I have mostly finished my exams at Uni for this semester. The exam period took longer than month, mostly because I did not manage to get some subjects on the first try. I was very close to droppping out because of one programming subject, but after lots of stress I managed to get it done. The next semester starts in a few days, so I don't really have time to relax, but I am glad that I may continue in my studies. Also, if all goes well, I will begin my first job (paid internship) during summer with one of the IT companies which cooperate with our school.
  3. Many things can be broken, without you doing anything fishy:) (bugs). There is the possibility that avatar is of level 2+ (I have actually no idea how many levels of avatars we have..?). Simply put, you were perhaps given an opportunity to buy an avatar you could not use (due to not having unlocked the extra feature). Which should not be possible, from what I know. *shrugs Or maybe there is a problem with the avatar itself (wrong size,..)
  4. Another creation which I have heard from the being:
  5. The quest is now closed! The Puppeteer and Fyrd, thank you for participating:)
  6. I would like to see how the sweets you are having for the upcoming holidays look like! Your taks is: Send a photo (single or multiple, that is up to you) of a cake/pie/some desert you are planning to eat during the upcoming holiday! Important, don't forget to put a paper with your ingame name on it in the photo so I can see that you are the author of the photo. Reward: I will buy 3 cakes (the ones from the Muffin Man at Heresy Lane) to every participant!:) edit: Deadline is 31 december 2022.
  7. Maybe I should create a separate bug post for this.. but, the trigger windows is a bit broken, as shown on the screenshot below. This happens even if you change nothing, just click the "d" button and then the "s". EDIT 1: My setup (with misplaced help button because I can not save the layout with it in place): With the help button in place: Side note for probable bug - the idle / out buttons do not work with my setups
  8. Seems like I didn't:) Thanks for the clarification.
  9. The results: 1th place - Invie - 99 points, Congratulations ! 2th place - Else - 98 points, a very close second place, the difference was with a very well hidden web near LR backdoor ! 3th place - Ivorak - 96 points, very close too ! 4th place - death ray - 87 points, a respectable score! Yet again, thank you for participating. Please, choose your rewards (as a reply to this post) in the order : Invie, Else, Ivorak. And if I understood Fyrd correctly, it seems like death ray is getting probably the most prized reward. I honestly feel that I should add something to the top three rewards:D
  10. 3 people have their final score so far, waiting for the last one to send notes for their screenshots, should be soon:) The results will be announced here.
  11. Halloween decoration explorer quest is now closed! Please send me your screenshots in forum pms. After a few days, I will announce the final results. Thank you for joining the quest!
  12. @. deathray You can still edit the photos on the phone to draw the circles OR if the picture is too small, just add a text note with the photo saying which decorations are in the scene. Or, is the problem something else?
  13. You do not have to take screenshots of the entire scene if you don't want to, a screenshot of a decoration itself is good too:) Just don't zoom in too much so I can tell the difference between the decorations. Sorry for the confusion, both ways are good !
  14. Just a reminder, some decorations may disappear on 6.11. The last day of Halloween decorations explorer quest is mostly for you to sort out your findings and ask any last minute questions !:) After the 6.11, I will take a few days to go through your screenshots (and weed out any non-halloween decorations:P ) and announce the final results and winners. PLEASE, do not forget to somehow point out the decorations you found inside the screenshots, this can be done with some red circles/arrows or just a simple text notes under the screenshot. PS: I will give everyone feedback on their screenshots
  15. This post is for clarification and current ranking, I will be updating it from time to time:) Clarifications: (added 31.10): - The decorations inside Necro WON'T count. If the decoration has something to do with Necro but it is not INSIDE the Necro, the decoration counts (*cough* before the gate *cough*) - Each individual pumpkin (no matter if it has a smile or not) counts as a decoration. Say no to pumpkin discrimination! Current ranking (2.11): 1) Invie - 97 2) Ivorak - 95 3) death ray - 53 PLEASE, if you edit your count, dont delete the old count but just cross it like ---this--- For example, if you previously posted 45, and now want to write 50, the post would be: ---45--- 50 Thank you
  16. Task: Find all of the new Halloween decorations around the realm, and then write (as a reply to this post) the number you have found. After the event ends, the top three people will be required to send me screenshots of all the decorations they found:P The decorations in hidden scenes which are not open to public do NOT count. Example of a halloween decoration would be the web at GoE. Please, if you are not sure if something counts as the decoration, send me a screenshot of it, and I will judge if it counts as one or not. If two or more people send the same number of discovered decorations, the one who sent the number first has a higher ranking. The event ends 6.11 Rewards for top 3 (each person may choose one, winner chooses first): - 15th Anniversary Barren Soul (colored) (current age: 928) - Mirrorritual stone - 10 silver
  17. It is interesting that there are some teapots which seem to be normal while others have the same problem. I guess this does not only depend on the type of the item.
  18. There is a problem with the Rope tool. Parts of the description are missing, like it's name in inventory, or when you grab it. + it is not possible to use it.
  19. 1x Item 3: Anni custom pin badge (25 plushies) 1x Item 4: Avatar goldening Token (200 plushies) 2x Item 10: 10 creature slots. (200 plushies) total: 425 plushies thank you
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