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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. This gives me a good thought, my idea is to kill off the people in the realm, why should I wait 2 months for my next kill tool usage when I could just convince Azull and Syrian to teleport everyone alive into necrovion right now?
  2. I'm not placing a blame when was that ever a question? So you're saying they do not have the bringin spell replaced? At dst, the point remains you lost the spell (or got told not to use it, or whatever) around the same time, my knowledge is irrelevant and the actual reason for you losing it is irrelevant. Don't help me I don't care. Why don't you want to correct me though? You also don't care? What's funny is how Azull works towards my goals still, yet I wanted to help him and just shows hatred towards me in wanting me dead, I see why you would dislike me now since I killed you Aeoshattr but Azull's death had no direct connection to me. Continue your squabbles, this is what I wanted.
  3. " It is only able to be cast on members of the land you were king of and you must be in that land when casting the spell. " I'm not mistaken when I say I was never or never have been a member of Necrovion or the necrovion nomads or the land of the dead. So this seems an like a bug that he's able to cast it on me and Aethon. " All Ex leaders have 2 casts of this new spell to replace bringin. This is an important change since these spells should only be used on their citizens and this now acknowledges this limitation. "
  4. Yes that's why I mention "trade agreement" as I had one made between Peace and Azull and Grido I believe, anytime before this they were telling us not to let any necros use our tools and nobody was to use stone detectors other than Golemians. This was at least 3 or 4 years ago
  5. Is this why I'm waking up in random places? Cute but annoying, I have things to do like harvesting herbs. dst losing her opennecro spell upon necro closing is similar to this situation I don't see why they would be able to get people into necro (to die) involuntarily if dst can't even get them in voluntarily.
  6. I've stated before I am a hypocrite now does that make me one or can I show an example in peace
  7. Do you Miq? Because I believe the whole time I was in Golemus it seemed the only one to offer tools to a necrovion was me. And the only one to make a trade agreement with them was me. Public ones would be nice but do we really need more tools like that right now? Or people to show us interest in these sorts of behaviors such as making heat stones and buying them. Honestly I don't want to keep a monopoly and would hope Blackrider would be the same as I would be very willing to work with other lands to make heat stones and often distribute them for free.
  8. My point is it's a 1 day ban and has happened once so far, what's the big deal.
  9. Miq these tools over the past have went from public with the Fusioneers to very personal nowadays and I do not support the shift backwards they should stay personal. But a guild would be possible with only 1 tool and all it needs is a land and some activity. The only lands I think need a guild like this are either Golemus or Necrovion. Tags on the other hand and roles related to such items would be fine to make public.
  10. I'm sorry but I can't make a statement for MB lands as this would be above my line of command for that area. But since I have the tool I might as well do their land a favor?
  11. I banned him with his tool, because he was depleting water below the 66% range. To my current knowledge the water in this location will not replenish to full the next day, when I can determine if this is true or not I will allow nadrolski to have buckets again.
  12. You get a bit extra active heat when using the heat stone originally, but this doesn't add up into a whole new heat stone unless you use all 3 heat spell casts (making 3 extra heat stones with this extra heat is not possible), which is largely inefficient in a market-style scenario as you don't want to waste all of your memory stones just for timeless dust.
  13. What about this picture? It looks like the box is open, though not really as it has a seal on it.
  14. Ok so I thought I was going crazy but maybe nadrolski is trying to top me. Mallos took his first action with the tool legislators! It wasn't even his own tool though... I don't know why he's giving it to me.
  15. You gave the tool to me after I joined from your invite. I don't remember exactly when Rophs took the tool from me, it could have been before I rejoined by your invite or after, but the point remains the same (he did take the tool from me and held it from me without my permission). And I did not want to wipe the slate clean, I wanted to remove (Gort Hedera and Laylah) the two confirmed alts in the guild to make room for (at the time) active players being Fang Archbane, Achshan Bemunah, and Panthea (while I would leave again).
  16. Aeoshattr I have a right to "whine" and be ignored, maybe I would love it. Don't respond then? It's fine, I don't mind, people will respond if they want to. Ban me or something. To be completely clear here I'm more asking for Blackshade and Fang to have something to do. So I'm "whining" for them because I don't think much would happen otherwise, I will "whine" because I do not mind if people hate me for my "whining" (further edit, I had years to whine, but I didn't. I do now because I have reason now other than just to whine... people that want it, the alliance that is) AND yes even if I don't join the alliance, I can harvest memory stones for them. It ALSO gives me something to do. Makes the world go around. Sorry for killing you. ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
  17. @Change I know I did not kick you out at any point during my involvement. I also remember asking you if I could come back to help lead the alliance when you invited me back, though I probably didn't speak with you much more about who was "leading" and who would be "leading" but I did receive the Fusioning tool from you (before giving it to Rophs) which I do wonder, can you tell me after I left and all my members were removed, did Rophs ever let anyone use the tool after?
  18. Thus is your opinions (dst if i had to be honest most of your posts i see when they are directed at players you dont like are very offtopic, don't hold much weight in evidence and are mostly negative while only looking to discredit what one has said, downvote me all you like I will state this). I've only accused you and rophs (of holding my tools) and change (of not doing much I guess?) and I haven't even accused Grido of removing me though I thought he did. Of course lashtal but the "alts" reason doesn't say why they were all not doing anything, the briskness hints at that but again even players with low briskness but sufficient knowledge can make a heat stone within a few (10 maybe?) minutes. What was so wrong asides from "no leadership" and what was so bad when I was there leading it? Why was I kicked, if I hadn't been I may have continued working within the alliance (not because i was planning to leave with Panthea, Fang Archbane, Achshan Bemunah, Change, and Rophs as the active Fusioneers, for them to decide what to do, I know Ackshan and Change would have been capable of making Stones because they have done either done so or proven to me able) and I looked over the reasons dst posted as reasons for why it should stay disbanded and none of them strike me as "concrete absolute proof this guild could not or would not work" just that it didn't (well I don't wonder why after what happened) Does Syrian even make heat stones anymore? How many did she make? I'd bet a guild would be much more suited to do so than a single mp6 (or wanna-be since neither Syrian and Nimrodel have it). I don't want her tool back from her. I want the guild reinstated under Blackshade Rider and Fang Archane and Falronn if he must be involved. I'm sure they would agree here, Blackshade has a tool himself, has intent, and Fang is within Golemus already and ready to help us in this goal. The only problem is Grido does not want Blackshade Rider to have any involvement. He can state his own reasons here if he so wishes. I think Grido may have some other thoughts to speak though... That he may not want to yet. Should I have just kicked Change and Rophs (and forced him to give the fusioneers tool back) and left with Ackshan Fang and Panthea being the members? Wouldn't that make me evil? I'd be willing to bet that the guild would still be alive though.
  19. I want less spam in general (though I love it) and to get rid of Falronn's wretched selflessness that he left behind in me and all that remains of him. I want to take over the realm for the betterment of the noobs and further increasing their activity and integration within the realm. I want a mass revival ceremony to be performed so more veterans can be around to help me in these actions. I want to unite us all together so we can walk all acts of this realm seperately while being helped by all other acts (such as Lorerootians gathering lumber to help Golemians build a ship). I want to be mouthsewed so that I will not speak within the realm anymore. I want this topic to tell me what it was that I didn't know at the time, why the guild would not work and why it had to be disbanded. But my wants are petty, I just want some help.
  20. I accuse you of being the mastermind that has influenced Rophs into taking control over Change (and indirectly me) and removing my members from the guild and giving leadership back to Change (where nothing was done) which led to the disbanding. I'd prefer if my other questions could be answered now, by anyone really.
  21. It isn't my proof it's Roph's proof and later revealed truths that you were involved within the TW's downfall. My assumption now is that you were also involved with Rophs in the Fusioneers downfall (READ ASSUMPTION). I Accuse you of being a less smart player (in all serious im not but you see what she does?), your evidence must be null now. Dst is perfect though, her evidence (she shown none so far against my assumption) is perfect and thus must be correct. Read between the lines people. I'm trying to find out. Others will try to cover up. Rophs, what were your intents with the fusioneers? Change, what did you do to lead the Fusioneers? Can anyone tell me if not Grido, who kicked me and my allies from the guild?
  22. Have you forgot who brought up the disbanding and why it was "evil" or do you not want to talk about it? You were "in control" of Rophs and he was in my guild the Fusioneers, he was also the main reason why I stopped working from within the Fusioneers due to him holding my tool irresponsibly against me even when I asked him for it back not once but at least several times. He also says that he spoke to someone with more "helpful advice from a player more experienced in alliance related operational security takeovers" which I question if this was you or not. Do remember it was you who helped to take over the Tainted Warriors within Necrovion, shall I find and post that topic here (don't expect me to)? With what "right" is my free speech and freedom to my opinions. I think you are evil.
  23. "Save" or "destroy" depends who you ask aye? Your intentions weren't wrong, I spoke to Panthea previous to my removal and she asked me if she should kick you rophs (and change) and I told her it was up to her. So for the fact that she didn't you were lucky at that point. But more lucky I didn't do so myself really. Anyways for the events after this is not much left to be said as we all saw what happened. @rophs is it likely that someone (such as dst or grido) told you to hold the tool and keep it from me?
  24. To revive and old dead (and long since needing closure) topic I feel I must clarify my reasons as they are relevant to some of my actions nowadays. This blatant disregard for what someone has said in favor of someone else's words is what I think is killing the community within MD and has been for years now. We should strive to accept players as they are now not who they were and not who they want to be (as this is entirely up to them, not us, and can change at any moment). My reasons for wanting mp6 were exactly as I stated in the original post and I stand by these no matter who says what, I will work to better MD in -my own- way always.
  25. Is it possible an aramor kicked me from the guild? an old screenshot my friend took^ Hmm I do think what went wrong was the system auto kicked me from the guild when panthea accepted my invite (due to too many people in the guild), and then all would have been fine then if not for Ackshan reinviting me back (which wasn't his fault as none of us realized the alliance would kick us immediately). The guild went downhill after my involvement ceased and all the members I set up turned against eachother... The ordering here in my posts might be a bit off I dont remember what invites i sent and when, after i had been removed initially.
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