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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. Well entropy is the general answer you are looking for I think. Entropy was --lower-- n the early universe, you could think of that as extra gas particles spread evenly-ish throughout, and due to gravity among some other nuanced interactions it can collapse to form the less organized, more strewn about in bits and pieces solar system including stars and planets. Some time in the distant future this entropy will (as always?) continue to increase, energy spreads apart in the universe, and the stars we see today will cease to exist as they fail the delicate dance of maintaining thermal equilibrium.. The weak interaction is what powers nuclear fusion in the sun, creating an equilibrium with gravity pushing the material into the core of the star and the heat trying to radiate outwards. Eventually stars lose the battle, but what is left is what I was asking about, or perhaps of what came before too. If/when most everything is set to dissipate, does the remainder react to itself/the rest?
  2. : Mallos sacrificed Falronn (Elemental V) Mallos: So close, yet so far... : Mallos throws the dice and gets 2
  3. I can confirm this: Applying Mallos's Creature Tokens at 0% [blooddrop2] Innocence (793959) gets 0 initiative (10 percent) Applying Mallos's Creature Tokens at 50% [blooddrop2] Innocence (793959) gets 0 initiative (10 percent) Applying Mallos's Creature Tokens at 100% [blooddrop2] Innocence (793959) gets 0 initiative (10 percent) Both of us are missing the prerequisite principle combinations for blooddrop2 and I can guess this is what is causing the token to apply stats that it doesn't list. Can someone else with the correct principles test their blooddrop2 token and see if it works as intended then?
  4. At the risk of necroposting so hard I get tempbanned or something, I had an idea a while back and this is a good place to post it. : test : test Chewett: Chat is working again : test Basically the idea would be a certain scene where names don't show up in chat, and possibly also the "Players online here:" list. I think the prospect of chat not showing who it is from is interesting enough, I also know we have those masquerade masks now and those can be rather fun, but a limitation I observe is that you can still somewhat easily determine who is who in smaller areas judging on badges among a few other details. So the point would be to make sure it is indiscernible who is who at least from a chat perspective. Similarly this could be a spell to cast to grant the scene these attributes for a period of time, like the voice spell, instead of a specific location (off the top of my head I can't think of where such a location would be appropriate). I prefer this idea, spells are fun, a set location permanently attracting people for the novelty is similar to GGG or a recent suggestion by Ivorak. I'm not so sure attracting attention to specific areas is a good thing when it is done by the system as opposed to by the people, think about how most system activities like mining allow you to gather in multiple areas, sacrifice in different altars, sit in various sanctuaries etc, allowing you to choose where to be . In my opinion things that attract a crowd are best left to the players to control so that they can reap the benefits of the interactions while they last, rather than siphoning all of the activity from various lands into a point that has no guarantee of player to player interaction. Bit of a tangent sorry
  5. "Herbs + Rainwater + Container = Base Substance " I have a bit of a laundry list of people's inventories that I want to fill with stuff but I think I can manage to supply you with some eastern (or otherwise) herbs for your practices.
  6. The title says blood drop 2, you paste blood drop two description and it is the correct one, claim blood drop 2 is giving you initiative, then begin to look at how blood drop 1 is affecting your stats: [blooddrop1] Blood Drop I Gives a bonus if owner has a certain combination of principles. Entropy and Darkness gives 10% attack, Imagination and Light gives 20% initiative, Cyclicity and Time gives 10% defence. Ledah has imagination and light, the blood drop two from the logs posted I believe is showing up as an error of some kind, that it is in fact blood drop one labeled as a blood drop two in the logs.See: A bit more of me being wrong I guess: [blooddrop2] Chochinbi (860222) gets 0 initiative (10 percent) Gaki (860223)'s creature tokens [blooddrop1] [blooddrop1] Gaki (860223) gets 1 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination If my assumption is accurate then it brings to question why these tokens that would then be similar are behaving differently, I will try to look into this myself.
  7. was this extreme or no? :P
  8. That is easy enough nowadays Because why not: 200 candy!
  9. I vote no because its 'use' is a forced one, we have to use it as we cannot attack during it, if it were optional that may be a different story. For how it used to operate there may have been uses for it, as example I used it to guarantee a day I can move around the realm at no risk of losing my heads but the day itself doesn't register as very "useful" to me.
  10. Mallos

    New ideas

    Alternative (once a year) day of tranquility
  11. Now that the day of tranquility is gone (that pesky day we had twice a month that disallowed anyone to attack on the 12th and 24th) I have been waiting for the $%@king day where we finally have some serenity, and I propose this would happen once a year. I suggest the date March 9th for personal reasons, to remind us of the day we lost our serenity < / 3
  12. As an Easterner, I would expect 3 to 4 points to earn the crown, I question why you would intend for 8 points. I only see one here that is worthy of a point in my eyes and it's not this one: 2. Having a plan to protect the herbs in the East (before Eon got his crown point for copying me, I should note) What's your plan?
  13. Something like this maybe? https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/all
  14. I see a lot of arguing about who holds the crown lately, but of the two who hold the most points to the crown neither are actively trying to become the King. Maybe they don't have enough points to do so yet or in Eon's case transferring points doesn't work, but I feel this is a very strong point towards what the King of the East would be likely to do. Join us, we have cake and tea Ann. 2773 Priority: 1 [2013-09-10 04:18:08 - Stage 12] Tribunal Crown I am starting a long term quest for whoever wants to become King of the East Lands (excluding DoM). It will be based on points that you gather..and how you gather them is a secret some will discover most won't. Eon and Shadowseeker are entitled to one ..or two..points as a start, if they can remind me (in-game only) why they deserve them. Once a point is obtained by someone I will post in TB forum the reason, so others can see it and understand the nature of this quest.
  15. Miq I'm sure we will have a spot for you as well as Pipstickz in the East, everyone is welcome. Specially Loreroot
  16. Burn the goat! Who needs goat milk anyways?
  17. I'd love to participate! But most my creatures have tokens
  18. As long as there is no other force to interfere. What about the weak force that results in nuclear decay, does that cause the egg to move in these scenarios?
  19. " "Undefined entity commonly reffered to as a Shade. Usually being a Fragment of a Larger Cluster " So if shades are part of a whole what would that mean about why they don't move around? Where does war fit in to the difference between aramors and shades? Historically (in the AL) Golemus and Necrovion were at war and for a long time now that doesn't seem to be the case .
  20. You could have two different velocities for the objects so that they never collide.
  21. Maybe plus votes and general praise? So in this case.... It moves around but it has mostly chosen the shrine as its home. Is there a reason for that specifically? If it moved elsewhere... Where?
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