At the risk of necroposting so hard I get tempbanned or something, I had an idea a while back and this is a good place to post it.
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Chewett: Chat is working again
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Basically the idea would be a certain scene where names don't show up in chat, and possibly also the "Players online here:" list. I think the prospect of chat not showing who it is from is interesting enough, I also know we have those masquerade masks now and those can be rather fun, but a limitation I observe is that you can still somewhat easily determine who is who in smaller areas judging on badges among a few other details. So the point would be to make sure it is indiscernible who is who at least from a chat perspective.
Similarly this could be a spell to cast to grant the scene these attributes for a period of time, like the voice spell, instead of a specific location (off the top of my head I can't think of where such a location would be appropriate). I prefer this idea, spells are fun, a set location permanently attracting people for the novelty is similar to GGG or a recent suggestion by Ivorak. I'm not so sure attracting attention to specific areas is a good thing when it is done by the system as opposed to by the people, think about how most system activities like mining allow you to gather in multiple areas, sacrifice in different altars, sit in various sanctuaries etc, allowing you to choose where to be . In my opinion things that attract a crowd are best left to the players to control so that they can reap the benefits of the interactions while they last, rather than siphoning all of the activity from various lands into a point that has no guarantee of player to player interaction. Bit of a tangent sorry