Currently I doubt I will notice this change, only when I hit 0 action points which only really happens if I cross a huge gate, then I will notice and be annoyed. The problem is that newer players will much more often hit 0 action points, this hurts them not us.
The past approach to our action points was to give us viscosity, then to give us action points for active days, then to increase costs for gates, then to give us cartography. Excuse me if I miss one, like land loyalty, or this was out of order. But to put it in general terms: Higher AP cost, more AP, higher AP cost, lower AP cost.
I'm glad to see you try something new, reduce our AP gains, but I don't think this is the correct solution to make AP meaningful. I think action points were most meaningful right when viscosity was introduced, before we accumulated huge action point stores that are simply going unspent. Since you want us to have these large stores of action points, it makes sense that we could gain less action points over time but this doesn't really end up in us running out of points unless there are sufficient sources to spend the AP on, which I don't believe there are. All this does to us is make the regen period when we run out longer, and that is frustrating. With the increased max AP it already took longer to regenerate it all, this just double punishes that.
Even viscosity itself is meaningless now with land loyalty. Maybe make viscosity bypass land loyalty and cost AP no matter what. This makes land loyalty somewhat useless for ap reduction so you can also add an extra ap cost like the East has to all lands, this ends up hurting new players again though.