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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. This is the date of the last bounty email I have been sent, 3/30/2024, I've been collecting them since but none are in my emails
  2. very interesting, crits are sold now looking to buy a colored fire ele paying gold/colored water ele
  3. I have one 2k aged along with a 2k aged elemental, not exactly looking to trade them but possible I will trade these also. If you are offering the joker I am not interested.
  4. want to buy colored fire elemental the red one pm me
  5. Mallos


    They added a black cat and Handy Pockets got one
  6. https://magicduel.com/member.php?p=Mallos&override=true pretty much the only way, I don't see the error you describe
  7. I check often enough, mostly for bounties to redeem and to keep my account logged in as a training dummy. If someone wants to talk there is always the discord for people who are there, although this is a bad substitute for the game and can siphon activity from here to there, to a lesser degree the forum does this too. A lot of the activity I used to manage was directly people related, quests run by people that I no longer have interest in rewards or activity for. Or more specifically people that I had questions for, about lore of the game or game related features, most of which the questions have dried up now. Some specific time is an idea I had recently to spur more activity but what I learn from time based games is you often get different crowds to show up for different times, so whoever may be relevant may never be there at those times. Moreso people tend to get very small time windows that they will show up at and adjusting a time to suit any wider range of people is near impossible and doing certain tasks takes too much time. Essentially you need to find the regulars and cater to them and you will only have so many of them on average. I think there needs to be more "daily quests" type of materials, just something to bring us here, historically this was resource gathering as those are reset daily and people would come around to gather, spells and item resets are more of the weekly type of quest. Perhaps mp6 and kingship/alliances/housing could be expanded to accommodate these types of daily activities in order for those active to participate in the related power structure.
  8. Ok so Ledah has won the last contest! You can receive your reward from Aia. Nobody actually won second place prize, though Ishtari was close to qualifying, I will give them a gold coin consolation when I see them next. I was going to give an extra reward for anyone who could bring the info to me but nobody really did, oh well, was just some fun since I wasnt around to reward the victors immediately (no computer)
  9. it has been reduced in frequency to a point that I'm not so bothered by it any more
  10. Studies show I may have not checked who the winner of the last contest was, if someone can correlate the information well enough I will reward the victors
  11. Yes I will accept this sponsorship, and move the 10 gold note down to the 2nd place prize, and remind people they have half a month left to use a heads clicky (I have placed in 3 separate lands) 3 days in a row to qualify.
  12. My mistake I thought that was a new player roles and legends post. This head contest in part one is also similar to a heads contest I ran previously, the main flaw in having to pass heads to a player is requiring the player to be online constantly through the quest duration, for this I had Fyrd develop a code to check heads for me and the clicky can take place of the player. Passing the heads to the player has some specific implications though easily remedied if you are allowed to take the heads back.
  13. I am holding a heads contest at the start of the month February until the end of the month, highest head count wins - only valid if a player has used a location 3 days in a row. 10 gold note reward for the winner.
  14. "There also needs to be some more incentives for fighting for alliances, it could be something simple tied to sacrificing, maybe there is a service offered that alliances uniquely posses. Any alliance with a high enough score (of some variable?) can provide the usage of altars for people who are not balanced - that player would need to give the alliance some offering for their usage, that will then go to the respective stock." Here is the basis for a new idea surrounding alliances. It could be a clickable item in your land that is unique to it, it may have multiple functions. One such may interact with heads, others described above. Overall I think there needs to be some agreement between alliance members in their land as to what the function should do for them. Here we may discuss this.
  15. The bar at the bottom can be clicked on to open and close vertically, inside it are many options similar to the compass on the left.
  16. Item 1: Anni creature 2022. Price: 25 plushies (limit: 1 p.p.) Item 2: Anni creature 2022. Price: 80 plushies (no limit) Item 4: Avatar goldening Token (can be used to make any avatar gold), Price: 200 plushies Item 7: random rp item. Price: 15 plushies Total 320 plushies
  17. My last secret head contest utilized negative heads, these do not show up on profile, the number used was not enough to cancel out these heads however duplication is possible it seems. I have reset all the heads and gave Miq back 399 heads, if anyone else has gained or lost from this scenario they can post here and I will consider to reimburse them. Do post if this issue continues.
  18. Curse, turntofrog
  19. Several tool locations have had their tools lose their names, functionality appears intact
  20. If you can consider it, you can see it is placing the rarity at further and further links down the chain, I give four outcomes here, a lot of things can be boiled down to simple points like if/then and why, the why here is to me like why are you placing it further down the chain. The one that I object to is the non-infinite substances in a computer game like this, we have a special case that nothing is zero-sum if you don't want it to be and people still want it to be. I don't care how rare it is, it just shouldn't be gone from the world, why write the code for it when you will not use it?
  21. In Pokemon Go you have shinies, which anyone can catch if they are lucky enough, but you also have exclusive event limited pikachus and squirtles with glasses etc, which if you weren't there you are square ⬜ or otherwise waiting for the devs to be kind enough to rerun the event. If you say that they are not being created anymore, while also saying they will be auctioned, there is some discrepancy there. At least they can come from old stock but the reason I have to repeat "log in again" is that the stock is not infinite nor necessarily well balanced.
  22. no you can get 8 out of the shop each reset, they each take 1 wishpoint to use, the wishpoints can be sufficiently deep in the WP shop to deter alt farms, such as 5 or 8 wishpoints required to be spent before the wish is available. What is with the notion that you need special things and nobody else can have them? Don't we play video games to have fun with stuff? Here you should consider not that it is scarce, but limited or unavailable. Consider the portion of players who own a creature that has a fixed quantity who will never log in again for various reasons. Consider the portion of players who own a creature that has a fixed quantity who will log in again but will not sell it. Consider the portion of players who own a creature that has a fixed quantity and will log in again, but the price for them to sell it to you is too high, someone else will buy it. Consider the portion of players who own a creature that has a fixed quantity who will log in again and sell it to you. Then consider that you want that creature.
  23. We already have wish shop options for creatures, while I think a wish typically outvalues the creatures, the wp itself is not the valuable aspect it is the ability to use it to get what you want that is valuable. What people want is subjective, but a lot of people want anniversary creatures and even more people have no avenue to obtain them. If you consider the scarcity of these creatures along with their value, why should anyone ever trade them to someone else? If I am to answer that, my idea is that they no longer care about what creatures they have, people who do care will not trade them away, so we are forced to wait until people stop wanting their things to obtain them. This option circumvents that process and is specifically meant to do away with the notion that things should be completely fixed in quantity.
  24. yours forever, the limited time I say because maybe there isn't just anniversary creatures that will be redeemable, like other limited stuffs like the withermoss
  25. This "limited creature voucher" would be at the end of a shop section, maybe the timed or permanent boosters, you could have like 8 of them in that section. When purchased they are just a ticket in your inventory, but with the corresponding wish shop option chosen you can redeem them for a limited time available (anniversary) creature. Every time a new creature is made as well as for all the old ones that would be available through this ticket, you can add the corresponding wish shop option for that creature that will use these tickets to make that creature.
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