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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. wishpoint for every consecutive year :p
  2. To build on what Ledah says here and Mur's original idea of backdoors into an alliance, we could give a sort of multi-citizenship/multi-layered alliance. Basically differentiate guilds and alliance, but have them be a part of the same thing. The guilds can be where you gain the backdoor and anyone can get in with no input other than their own actions, if they meet the parameter set they will automatically be invited to join the guild. The alliance would work as they do today, by invite only and are more centered towards land affairs- not tool/resource based tasks or tasks related to the backdoor. The point is the guild would be a functional subclass of the alliance. The same system, for example, Woodcutters and Guardians of the Root could be the same alliance, but Woodcutters would be the guild inside and under the domain of the alliance Guardians of the Root. All other functions could be the similar to how they work now, such as alliance leaders could kick out alliance and guild members (but maybe not guild leaders), and guild leaders could kick out guild members although guild leaders could not kick out alliance members. Similar invitation premise, except I would suggest that only guild members could invite other guild members, and alliance members could only invite other alliance members, to preserve the backdoor method as the main way into the guild. I would like to sugggest that you could be a member of multiple guilds, but only one alliance. This way, you can be a tradesman of multiple professions. Guilds would not have citizenship bonuses applied to their members, only alliances would have this.
  3. If this was the case, it could be that when a higher mind power level attacks a lower mindpower level they are only able to use 0% slider. Even more, you could make it that their tokens have no affect on the battle. Both of these compensate for their relatively higher stats and higher level creatures. Those two alone are not exactly enough to even the playing field though. You could even consider making it so any creatures that the lower mp level player could not use in the fight due to level restrictions are frozen for the higher mp level player. It is so easy to gloss over what the dev thinks to make our own suggestions >.<
  4. So Dark Demon won the last one, congrats, unfortunately he has also since quit. I did give him the silver though. I paused the topic due to a few reasons, mostly my ideas would run out sorta, also the idea I wanted to run required going outside, and covid started already so that's not good. I will continue to run this but... If people can give ideas to me by pm I will give you a silver coin if I pick the idea for the week. I just want them to be lower effort, no requiring an essay or something, you can see past ideas to see the theme. ____ And this weeks theme is: Hey, I was thinking it would be a cool idea to ask people about their favorite place to spend time, bonus if they have a picture/drawing. a place, be it sanctuary or favorite memory offers a lot of insight into people and their story Thank you Steno for the idea.
  5. I completely disagree that the paper cabin entrance was dependent upon players, it was only encouraged for LHOs to take part in the new player experience, there was nothing you needed of any player to advance. I don't think it has relevance to the island but I am of the opinion that the paper cabin story was much more compelling to me wanting to play the game, and the island is lacking of a story of any sort. Maybe the island could benefit from a story as has been stated in this thread.
  6. At least in your case you can try to ask for another heatstone from someone, if not that there are supposed to be multiple ways to exit the island. I have definitely encountered a softlock of not having the map for the island upon entering it, not to mention that it is tradeable which could softlock you (and please don't put untradeable items in our inventories) and I'm inclined to believe you would have softlocked yourself in some fashion or another, using the heatstone would be too easy to do for a new player. I had noticed quite a few ways to potentially softlock while there but I think there may need to be a discussion on the validity of being able to complete the island without encountering a scenario like this.
  7. Let me make something of an analogy: I used to run a minecraft alpha server with a pretty steady 10-20 people on it at any moment and a bunch of regulars. It was mainly freebuild and spleef, which drew all the attention, but had some other interesting game modes as minecraft added more commands being zombie or lava survival, CTF, and mazes. As I continued to explore new options for the server I had the idea to make an adventure mode. The premise was that you would start in a purgatory underground area and face some rather trivial challenge to escape to the earth layer, where you would face two stairwells, one up to heaven and the other to hell. Heaven would be the freebuild area where I hoped the players would create an ever expanding landscape made by the players of which could become the quest hub zone. Hell would be the true quest area you are sent to in order to face the main challenges that would constitute the adventure. While these are all seemingly good ideas, the mistake I made was to remove the main landing page of my server which garnered the attention to begin with. It was to be a temporary decision on my part in order to facilitate the building of the new areas which would later make up the quests, but the players interest in the new areas was immediately depleted since it deviated from the standard set by the server and the norms in other servers, as well as my interest in continuing the project would disappear due to lack of available tools and commands from minecraft to complete my goals and in the end I would stop hosting the server. I should have kept the main entrance to my server open and allowed the players to opt into the new mode in order to retain the main crowd. The analogy immediately evident to me upon opening of the purgatory style Gateway Island and closing of the old Paper Cabin entrance to the game was the closing of my server's main entrance in favor of the new adventure opening. There may be more similarities to discern between the two scenarios of my server and MagicDuel, but the main takeaway is I would suggest to at least allow the Paper Cabin opening to be chosen and preferably be the default. I don't think, at least so far, that starting on the island has a higher player retention rate as it is much less populated, and we are a community game if anything. This actively reduces the amount of people a new player will encounter and perhaps more importantly it currently requires established players to act as shepherds to the newbies, reducing the population available on the mainland which is the main allure to the game. I don't think the allure of starting on the island to get to the mainland is better than starting on the mainland to have an extra island to discover considering the island is really only a husk of what the mainlands have to offer.
  8. Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawConfigItem has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/config.class.php on line 37Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawConfig has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/config.class.php on line 80Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawEditorPage has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 22Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawEditor has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 91Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SPAW_Wysiwyg has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 840Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawTbItem has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/toolbar.class.php on line 37Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawTbButton has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/toolbar.class.php on line 103Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawTbDropdown has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/toolbar.class.php on line 158Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawToolbar has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/toolbar.class.php on line 217Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawTheme has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/theme.class.php on line 22Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SpawLang has a deprecated constructor in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/lang.class.php on line 23 Editing Document - Personal hate list -- Default -- -- Transparent (Custom) -- Old paper I Old decorated paper Leather notebook (needs html) Deprecated: Non-static method SpawToolbar::getToolbar() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 231 Deprecated: Non-static method SpawToolbar::getToolbar() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 231 Deprecated: Non-static method SpawToolbar::getToolbar() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 231 Deprecated: Non-static method SpawToolbar::getToolbar() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 231 Deprecated: Non-static method SpawToolbar::getToolbar() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 231 Deprecated: Non-static method SpawToolbar::getToolbar() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 231 Deprecated: Non-static method SpawToolbar::getToolbar() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 231 Deprecated: Non-static method SpawAgent::getAgent() should not be called statically in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php on line 590 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function eregi() in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/util.class.php:185 Stack trace: #0 /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php(590): SpawAgent::getAgent() #1 /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/editor.class.php(830): SpawEditor->getHtml() #2 /home/magicdue/public_html/dlg/dlg.docwrite.php(216): SpawEditor->show() #3 {main} thrown in /home/magicdue/public_html/lib/spaw/class/util.class.php on line 185
  9. I just say combiner to stick with the common nomenclature, yes your guillotine is more of a marketplace, or a multifaceted combiner. Introducing more stat gain options will certainly not eliminate the will to train for stats, although for someone perhaps like you who may be less interested in combat it introduces another way to grind for those stats in a medium you enjoy more. If I have to comment on the death chance I am not against the idea being there but I suggest it should be rather minuscule, less than 10%, maybe even less than 5%, or you will often end up with people not using it entirely. If we want to parallel real life the chances are quite small that any day to day trade you participate in will result in some adverse effects on you, mostly that is from black market type deals.
  10. Well your suggestion implies that there are some hypothetical bad guys trying to kill you for your resources, it makes sense that if you aren't killed there's a chance they failed the attack on you. Meaning you beat them in combat = you gain stats for that. While it doesn't have to be the main use for your suggestion it would be a nice side effect that would be attractive for some people. You are fine to disagree with me but I must disagree with your disagreement! Look at it in a sense of what are people trading and buying. Specifically for us we tend to trade with resources and gold, and buy items and creatures. The resources and gold are not the end result, it is not what you want, it is what you need to get what you want. In most cases we use the resources in a creature/item combiner to get something else. Although there are very limited uses currently because we do not have a flushed out economy on the scale such as @MaGoHi has suggested, and I think we need something like that. The gold tends to be used to buy creatures and custom/rp items. I would suggest that we make more ways for us to actually create tools/rp items, but there are problems with those. RP items themselves would need tons of effort to actualize the uses for each resource in order to make the items. Creating tools with resources, while I support the idea, it has been pointed out that this does not solve the end goal of the economy, rather exacerbates it, you are just making tools to create more resources to make more tools and so on. So my main idea is give us ways to create implements that grant stat gains upon use. Such as a treadmill, punching bag, dumbbells and etc. Because players certainly want stats as much as they want every other thing you can buy, except you can not buy stats outside of the shop. Furthermore you can also make more craft-able and customize-able armor sets using our resources, anything that affects combat in ways other than purely through combat actions. Your combiner idea is potentially one place we could buy these implements. "Nah, the economy is usually enforced by weapons, don't think otherwise."
  11. Hijacking this topic here, I'll just copypasta ???? something I wrote in a pm convo that went nowhere, I think too many pm convos are happening where it should be an open forum topic, I see people reading their pms all the time. "What do people want, mostly two things, stats and creatures. A third thing, shop common/uncommon items but those are 'fixed' as it is. How to fix the economy, give us uses for our resources in order to make stats. We already have uses for resources in order to make creatures but this is super underwhelming and rare currently, plus it will be hard to either make more creatures to build or to justify removing more creatures from current recruitment standards. I will honestly say the creature rarity just tends to make me not care anymore, specifically unobtainable creatures, and creatures are my favorite thing in the game asides from players. So find ways to make stats be rewarded by taking up our thousands of resources piled up." I would prefer to see a use for this "guillotine" to gain stats as well, as per my suggestion. Whether that be buying them outright or gaining them when a failed 'kill attempt' on you has occured.
  12. Bring back torch contest and modify it so the land winner of the torch contest would have their land expand one scene into No Man's Land towards GoE, and subsequently further towards the other lands. Losing the contest would decrease your influence by one scene. The influence would never pass the opposing land's gates. The Path of Loneliness would be skipped over, always a part of Established Housings. The goal would be to gain as much influence over NML as possible in order for your citizens to have easier effort moving in the area, and particularly to be able to enter your land with the land loyalty afforded through controlling your gate, and even to control other lands gates! Any more thoughts/ideas?
  13. Mallos


    Not to be confused with creatures, although they would take their forms. Basically have a minipet you can display and it would show up somewhere on screen for you, and potentially in certain tagged scenes for others as well! I've always loved minipets in games and this would give another aspect to creature collecting, sometimes people just like the looks and don't care for the combat abilties. Although maybe these minipets could even be expanded to take part in mini-combat (purely for fun) with other people's minipets in those specially tagged scenes. Other ideas are welcome.
  14. Does anyone else have more?
  15. Technically a "shade" but the distinction is that they are the kind you will find in the old tutorial in NML, not ones you can find in Necrovion which would also be generally called shades or from a certain creature recruiter which are sword shades.
  16. Want To Trade a tutorial shade for one of the following: Independent herb basket Permanent kill tool Wind Ward documents CTC694965ATWIT46MDC Stored Heat 688967 Age 2853 Tokens Claw I This is not an auction and I maintain the right to deny any offers.
  17. Being the negative stats opposite person that I am, my VP has never been better. Although my vitality is steadily decreasing well one regen later and it is fixing itself, but i'm not too sure yet, will check back soon
  18. Morlecid sat at the Undermined Foundations next to Steno, questioning his loyalty. "We must act soon..." ___ Meanwhile the shades remain inside Necrovion coalescing around the stone of twisted souls as normal, though now protected by the death patrol once again. No word was heard from the little old man for quite some time, or so it seemed.
  19. Looking for my old avatar, I will pay 4 silver for it currently, perhaps more! "There's an old saying, if you love something, throw it away" https://img.ifunny.co/videos/d61140ab7a9fbb6463ae6158586668dfb34ac457285c8c06ddea3663683e02f0_1.mp4
  20. Aelis wins the silver! ... Can a hollow warrior talk with cats? ???? This week let's hear what your favorite movie or movies are, and maybe why. Again don't spoil stuff __ Well my favorite is V for Vendetta, not much to add I guess except maybe vive la révolution! My others would be Boondock Saints, I am Legend, The Wolf of Wall Street, Django Unchained, Interstellar. All good.
  21. Well I think heads are rather iconic to the realm by now, I don't care what they are called but if you did rename them to toilet paper, it could be a fun joke for a while but hopefully not a permanent joke. There is more toiletpaper where that came from Syrian but sometimes I need to let others have a chance
  22. As the self-appointed King of Flowers I am the person that can help you with that goal.
  23. Mirus wins the silver! Dishonorable mention to Dark Demon, maybe we will roast you some day. This week I want to hear what your favorite character from a book is, and why! Also if spoilers be kind to mark it as such by using the spoiler tag, the eye icon in the formatting menu above the reply box Credit to Steno for the idea, using this one because I wanted to do similar, but yes if you have ideas you can PM them to me and I might use them some week. I just want them to be lower effort, no requiring an essay or something, you can see past ideas to see the theme. ____ Well my favorite character is Walter O'Dim from The Dark Tower series, because he is the main antagonist at least in the first book
  24. Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on null in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/marketitems/iteminterface/itemmixer.php on line 32 So I was making tea with Tissy, we finished one batch, and I had them give me the teapot/recipe book, after finishing the second batch I notice upon clicking through the page of the teapot ITEMS READY HEAT BURNING FULL Materials to be processed are depending on instructions/recipe used. When heat extincts all loaded items required to operate the device will be consumed. You get all this stuff below in the scene: Teapot READY A nicely decorated teapot for preparing tea. Available instructions in the area (recheck): aromatictea Next instruction in 35 No messages... Heat: 17594 (min: 16000) Listening to instructions... Now preparing: Aromatic Tea (check status) ##ALL INSTRUCTIONS PERFORMED## Players online here: 3 | RP Reality requirement: loose Clicking the Continue button on this page gives you the error above, Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on null in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/marketitems/iteminterface/itemmixer.php on line 32 But clicking the "Check status" button will continue to give you tea as many times as you click it, maybe not before clicking the continue button again.
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