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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. that is a part of the paper cabin start yes I believe some of the story triggers for it were reset lately, that is probably causing the story to start for them
  2. The lowest score has won! Congrats to Kyphis. Due to poor participation I am withholding that special item.
  3. you still have about a week to win 10 gold and a special item!
  4. Asides from the sync issue, here is more information, I will spare us the screenshots but I think it proves there is something going wrong with the browser not running when not in focus, this issue is repeatable and does seem to set back a few minutes when it happens. Directions to reproduce: [✿❁⚘☘] *From: Aksel (ID:261634) Title: Regen timer Do this: - refresh your page few times to make sure your regen is synced to server -take stopwatch and make it start when you see that timer went to zero - once timer goes to zero don't do anything in md for 2 minutes, no chatting refreshing clicking, just nothing - when 2 minutes have passed do something, for example refresh page few times, upon that you will see that timer went back for those exact two minutes you were doing nothing - stopwatch is your control, you will see that regen happened two minutes later than it should have
  5. While I can't conclude there is anything going wrong with the regen itself, the clock telling us when it will happen is lying and having trouble displaying proper values. Below you can see proof of things it is doing like jumping forward 10 seconds at a time, or when it reaches 49 etc it will go back up to 50 and then resume counting down, or otherwise lying about when it will occur.
  6. I will shorten this contest to two weeks so at the 15th it will be over. if you don't PM me for instructions on how to participate I am sure you won't win
  7. As far as I am aware this is a visual error and not a bug, this is something I see often, older hardware/software maybe but the regen timer gets out of sync just like my windows clock will get out of sync, same as I have to resync the windows clock to an internet time I have to resync my regen timer to the server. From the issue I am experiencing nothing is going wrong other than I don't know when the actual regen will occur until I refresh my page. The actual regen occurs with or without my knowledge, no AP is missed or is where it should otherwise be. If someone is making the claim that the regen is not occurring or occurring when it should not I would like to see proof of that, or a more specific claim, here I can not tell if that is what is being claimed. I will try to test that myself.
  8. The stat buff they have is fine, I think it is an issue as described but not offered a proper remedy here. But the remedy is to offer a wider variety of creatures. To not spoil everything: New players attacking eachother with defense boosts will be able to figure out that if they needed wins, they can give eachother defenses that are not set to 100% slider, if they do not want to suffer losses they can use this defense boost to better protect against them.
  9. weapon shards can be like this process, except that adding them before recruitment isn't the option
  10. Mallos


    real items to do so like a jetpack are hefty/expensive. MD styled items may be so as well if not sufficiently magically imbued. Something like a zeppelin to fly from somewhere would be a massive effort to craft and utilize.
  11. This gets in the way of the hand drawn aspect. I think at best it would be layers, you have a hand drawn layer, there may be other layers you can select/add some visuals to, certain trophies or cosmetic items in your inventory alongside your avatar. A colored filter. Some effect that when clicked can transform your avatar in a small way, interacting with them and they respond in a sense.
  12. A secret heads contest is beginning today until the end of the month, PM me for further instructions on how to participate. The winner will receive one 10 Gold Note Second place will receive 3 gold coins.
  13. I can echo that if you want to participate in future heads contests let that be known here. I do.
  14. Mallos

    chess variants

    I am cancelling this tournament due to no participation/interest, however if you want to play the templates they are below. A short description for each round followed by positions to copy/paste and then the ruleset for the templates to be used are provided here in this spoiler tag:
  15. https://magicduel.com/new_begining.php?refererID=228421#directlink Home page link when beginning a new character, as well as the referral link. "Beginning" and "referrer" are misspelled, I think this is quite harmful to the willingness of people to click these links when they look like poorly written phishing links.
  16. I don't stay low honor on purpose but rather that I stay a target for other players and as such I am siphoned of my honor by these players. That is for the reason I want as many negative stats as possible, this also entails that I would stay in a negative balance. I like to see the result of my negative balance is that I am literally unable to gain losses, at which point other players may gain free wins (in a net sum=0 scenario) to remain balanced. I would also agree that the votes probably shouldn't be weighted. __ "How about the most extreme option, i do a score from all sorts of factors such as active days, consecutive, wishpoints, credits, medals, etc, and calculate a voting power based on that? Question is, should less evolved characters be able to count significantly in this popularity score? Or older players will always have the strongest vote?" __ Something seems wrong to me about the votes but it is probably the intended outcome, who you like. I don't think less evolved characters matter less in the vote.
  17. I would be among the top for the consecutive days vote, yet one of the lowest scoring for honor power. Yet I could also be one of the highest scoring for honor power but personal choices make me the lowest. In my view if you made it that you needed both, that would be the most fair.
  18. my votes if i remember correctly along with reasoning fyrd+ valoryn- Fyrd has been active and good with a25 lately, I had much like for his old clicky questline in the past. Valoryn inactive as can be chewett+ antyvas- Chewett has been doing good coding and other activity lately. Antyvas inactive if not for gathering, but I have never heard from this player personally, almost put nad here but I can't put nadrolski in a bad light even if hes the same as Antyvas lately aia+ chriselnenepr- Aia has been valuable to md in recent years even if less active currently. Chrisel manages to sneak his way into my alliance without talking to me first and seems to have an idea about the game that is outdated fang+ ledah- Fang is basically my best friend online and he has more care for things than people will realize. Ledah has been sullying the name of the caretakers with death instead of life
  19. Yeah that is a good point and my thought is that if we choose someone we like/dislike it is too easy to have that be the pick from then on, without thinking if they still deserve those votes.
  20. Might make sense that you can't vote the same person twice in a row, in order to give the list some variety or I foresee a lot of the same people being chosen each time.
  21. On hidden scenes, they make it very easy to win if you have access and very few other people do. I think they should be closed for everyone, or that you can't gain points if you are inside these scenes.
  22. Death Ray has 128 heads on MMDDYY:012922 HHMMSS:030531 Ledah has 62 heads on MMDDYY:012622 HHMMSS:080741 Patron Saint has 36 heads on MMDDYY:012922 HHMMSS:051236 I have elected to keep the score list hidden for now.
  23. 1gc
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