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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. 61) Mur is your schizophrenic alter ego whom you do not know about.
  2. I think MoM has a point here, a lower AP cost to exit would be more reasonable. Perhaps the exit cost should be something around 80-140, so it is still reasonable to get out. You want them to stay out but why make them stuck in if they get there through other means? I believe there are people who can summon other people... what if they were a bit mischievious and summoned people inside the gates to get them stuck? (I laughed at myself when I saw the announcement. If my activity days were at 100% I would just be gaining the ability to enter Golemus Golemicarum today. Still got a long way to go though.)
  3. Mallos

    If not MD...

    A few of you mentioned minecraft, I have my own classic server that I like to play around and act like god on . I'm not on it all that often though, as I am usually playing ogame or (more and more now) MagicDuel. Ask me sometime if you would want to come see my server. Occasionally I will play xbox or something, that's only if I get really bored though. I prefer to hang out with friends than do anything else, but lately my friends have been very busy so I don't do that much.
  4. Mallos

    Music Thread

    I like metal and hard rock, and stuff like that. Here's my favorite band: -Avenged Sevenfold [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbFFGOv2gtg&feature=fvwrel"]Bat Country[/url] And some of my other favorites: -Atreyu [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq6zRL8EXkY"]Storm To Pass[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjJL2kQnvP8&feature=related"]Slow Burn[/url] -Disturbed [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVinwOpllQk"]Ten Thousand Fists[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_254H1rX-Y&feature=fvst"]Criminal[/url] -Korn [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8fm3Z7jgWM&ob=av2e"]Evolution[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSJXle3LP_Q&feature=relmfu"]Coming Undone[/url]
  5. My town's name will never be the same to me, MURrieta. Hahaha.

    1. MoM



  6. You know you've been on MD too much when... -You read every page of this topic. -You laughed at a lot of the jokes. -You read these while waiting for your AP to regenerate. -Some of your ideas were said already. -You've done several of the things mentioned. (above were things I did, below are things in real life) -You didn't hear someone and try to look in the chat for what they said. -You think you can hear what people said several hours ago. -You notice there is nobody around and are worried there will be a lot of viscosity. -You get lost and cant find any arrows telling you where to go. -You get beat up and try to find the nearest sanctuary. -You notice it is the 12th or 24th of the month and feel a lot safer.
  7. Hi, my name is Trent, and I play the character Falronn. I'm not exactly new in the game but I have decided to introduce myself here now. I will probably not be roleplaying here on the forum much, not sure if people do that all the time or not at all or somewhere in between, but I guess I will when it seems necessary. I will try to be more active on the forum. I am a regular forum user in other another game I play (ogame) so I probably will do fine in this forum. Hope to see you ingame sometime. [url]http://magicduel.com/players/Falronn[/url]
  8. [quote]The first is among the researchers. I think we could start with the four cubes, the three roads, and the dark slime, as these elements stand out quite a bit. [/quote] Lots of speculation is done while researching when there is little factual information to study, so I will speculate on a few things. In my opinion the cube we encounter in the storyline in some ways represents the world we are in, and we are within its walls. Now these four cubes, lesser in significance to the first cube, are within this world (and the first cube) and could therefore be representing places within the world. When standing in the Meeting Of Roads the road to the left leads to Loreroot, the road to the right leads to Marind Bell, and the road to the bottom leads to No Man's Land which in turn leads to Necrovion and Golemus Golemicarum. I believe the four cubes are representing these four kingdoms and the three paths are guiding the way to them. My reason for thinking the third path connects the way to the other two kingdoms is the slime. It consists of a shade and an elemental. These two beings seem to represent the other two kingdoms, the shade Necrovion (for the kingdom is of darkness) and the elemental Golemus Golemicarum (in their devotion to magic). Rumi you thought the steps to each kingdom could be of some importance, maybe these extra numbers are of some importance too. Steps, 2 Loreroot, 3 Marind bell, 5 Necrovion, 10 Golemus Golemicarum. 1 sun, 2 clouds, 3 paths, 4 kingdoms. It also eludes what me the meaning of the numbers may be, perhaps someone else could figure it out.
  9. I would be interested in helping with research and possibly seed gathering along with whatever labor may be necessary in putting the garden together.
  10. What about blackberry or boysenberry bushes? They do well in the heat and sun, and can survive through quite cold winters. They also taste great.
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