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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. The combat system is what really kept me. I like the creatures + I grind negative stats.

    1. Mallos


      taking the negative to find the positive is what I like to do.

    2. Ars Alchemy

      Ars Alchemy

      and it helps you gain higher honer

  2. I tied mp6 into the combat system in a strange way, idk if it works but it's a suggestion from an earlier post in here. I think Principles need work, as they currently don't have any use asides from tokens. It might be fun to make some connections between those and some other point in MD.
  3. I think it would be information loss...
  4. To be clear I mean the item recallers would be personal for the player that has that specific killing item to be recalled. They would not remove everyone's tools to a location. All they would help is to negate a step between management of MD and getting their killing tool for them if it wasn't returned on time. What it would take is coding these recallers for the people who have killing tools and perhaps giving it to them, if they want it. Though it doesn't seem like players want this too much. 3 yes / 5 no currently.
  5. I agree with what they are saying here. The game really seems like it's in beta still once you understand it a bit better, which can give players a sense of want for things they don't have. With all the stuff being added this want can be disappointing if not fulfilled. This can and probably puts a strain on the developers (Mur/Chew) to fix or add new items, but sometimes it can be too much. We need to look back at what we are creating and figure out what's best for the community as a whole and in large, get that done and then perhaps focus more on advertising when MD is ready to "reset" and let a bunch more people in (as well as the vets that have quit if they would join again). nadrolski Posted August 7 "MP6." What I remember of mp6 was there were a few players who had it at any given time, and a lot of the time these players might change and let another player take their spot as mp6, letting another person be able to upgrade their creatures or try it out/etc. There were around 2-3 at any time though maybe more. So work on mp6 would be nice as currently we have none. It only seems like Syrian and Nimrodel are trying to become mp6, both hovering around 20-25 adepts if i'm not mistaken. I've asked a few players if they would like to adept either of them and so far none that I've asked were willing to change to be their adept though players can be hard to find currently. So even if one of them stopped trying for mp6 I doubt the other would be able to reach mp6 or if they did they may not be a very stable one. Even worse if a third would try to become mp6 they would possibly leech adepts from one of the current ones or be unable to gain adepts completely, ruining any of their chances to become mp6. With a higher population I feel these same problems would persist except 1 may still reach it to mp6 while more would encounter something of this same issue.
  6. I definitely don't like taking tools from inactive players, it's near the same as taking back all their gold, sure it's not being used but it's still theirs and why do we need it? We could just make more. As for stealing tools, the tools could be role tools or very valuable or personal (such as killing tools) and for any stealing thereafter there is hardly any options you can go through that will get your tool back other than complain to admins (Mur/Chew) and any social/roleplay aspect of this is bound to be frustrating and just turn into a witch hunt. In the end I would think it's not worth it and would rather just not give the tool out as I've had one stolen from me before *cough cough* not that I did much about it (what could I do anyways). But why should there not be options ingame other than complain to a higher power? " When such tools are lent, there are agreements done for the return/usage/others. If the agreement is broken by either party, the "victim" can always report/sue/etc. " Ok so say I fail to make this agreement beforehand or it is implied based on the situation that the tool should be returned, and yet it wasnt. Or say I don't have any screenshots or records of my agreement due to loss of information or whatnot. To me as a player of MagicDuel (ingame) I now have to go to the forum (out of game) and post a formal complaint to a higher power with my little to no evidence of why I should be getting my tool back. Asides from the huge public exposure this may cause depending on where I post this complaint (exposure I may not want), this causes me personally a huge disconnect in my playstyle that I do not/often will not take the jump to report the problem as I like to keep ingame things ingame and forum things on the forum. I don't like to mix the two. This may not be a problem for others so much as me but it's still an issue one could have. If that's not a good reason I don't have much else to argue for this idea. It just popped as related to Ungod's topic Handling new players as it helps to get more quests done rather than all the killings be "because I dont like you" or "because I dont like what you did"
  7. Mallos

    New ideas

    Giving a re caller to killing tools (I also posted it in the wrong forum )
  8. The filter weeds them out after they join not before, also it might be changing considering the new tutorial they are planning to release. So any new players are always welcome.
  9. I think killing tools should have an item recaller so the owner of the tool can take it back whenever they please. Due to the rarity of these items they are highly valuable and thus if loaned out the user will have a lot of responsibility to return the item, of which they may not do. My reasons for thinking they need a recaller are that if the items can be loaned out to anyone who will pay if the owner likes the request, it is beneficial for both parties (except the dead obviously). This pushes more towards frequent killing tool usage and this may be a good thing as it will generate some quests (if players purchase for that) and it could be a balance to allow more revival tool usage along with quests like Molquert or the Caretaker's Revival's request when it comes out. A reason for not giving this same item recaller to revival tools although they are similar is that dulls some of the sense of reviving someone if you are just giving your tool to someone else to do it. A reason for it would be that it could also generate loans of revival tools.
  10. The combat system. It's been underused and for a while now there has been somewhat of an issue with huge stats (mostly the few players who have them and other players being unable to catch up, which may deter players from using the system entirely). I think a way to fix this problem could be to set a "soft" cap to stats, at which the stats gained afterwards will be incremental and rather insignificant on a small time scale. This is much like the way active days to action points works in that the rewards get less and less as time goes on and it would still reward the players that have huge stats for training, just not as much. With this fix it would encourage other players to train and reach that soft cap to their stats while allowing players who have reached the soft cap to compete with other players in a manner that is fair while still being allowed to gain an advantage. *edit: Basically get to a certain number of stats and then at that point the stats you gain is less than normal and stays like that forever or perhaps until you upgrade mp levels. Perhaps the point at which the soft cap starts at could be where most players think they would never reach stat-wise in their normal training behaviors, personally I would say around 100,000 attack and variations of the other stats (maybe 5 to 10 thousand for others, 50,000 for defense) since they dont seem to increase as quickly. This whole change effectively just softens up stat gaining in a way that makes it easier (to some degrees) to be a very powerful fighter.
  11. Personally I find depleting to be taking resources below the 66% threshold, at which the next day the resource won't regen to full and it will make it more difficult to harvest resources efficiently. It may be of use to differentiate it from harvesting all of the resources at a given location.
  12. Perhaps if someone could find some legitimate voting sites for games that would put MD in their system, and we could then add the links to the Free Credits page. If MD is registered for enough sites it could be considered to turn the 0.02 credits per vote back to 0.01 (which might encourage more purchases from the shop). Just some thoughts I had.
  13. The Caretakers Revival's request quest is not fully coded yet if I'm not mistaken:
  14. Might cause some potential alt issues if you actually log into your account so don't do that.
  15. I've obtained one, this topic can be closed as well as my last few:
  16. Status: hibernating hibernating Observing game, no important changes in progress. during this stage please do not contact me for anything. This is usually happening when advertising is running very intensive. Other Marind Bell citizens have taken shared items and darkraptor is the only one getting banned after taking a bucket. Since the reason given for the ban was "for depleting water inside Marind Bell" I would assume nadrolski might not ban darkraptor if he was to only take a bucket but not deplete within MB. If that is the case then the issue here seems to be if nadrolski should use his tool to prevent non-MB citizens from depleting water from MB sources. Given that land leaders can specify how to perform the tool guardian role and that depletion is a natural effect of tool usage, it wouldn't be too far fetched to assume that a guardian might ban a player for depleting. But this line from the announcement seems to point against making a monopoly for your land: "They should guard the tools from abuse, not from people they personally dislike or from non citizens." It would seem like depletion should be countered no matter who is committing the act, and any actions should be unbiased. Although for this situation specifically water from MB is a special case, since it gets refilled by rain, and this removes some of the argument for why darkraptor needs to be banned at all since it can hardly be counted as depleting. All in all I feel as if darkraptor should not be being banned, though I can see some of the reasons why he was.
  17. I want to buy a bloodpact archer, post here or pm me details.
  18. "Tool Guardians on duty! 10 new roles have been assigned. The Guardians of Tools will guard the shared item dispatchers and make sure shared tools won't be abused or sabotaged. They can forcefully take back the tools you got from their guarded dispatcher and lock you down for a long time, if they think you abuse them in any way. Further instructions or details about how they should perform their role can be specified by the land leaders / Kings if needed. They should guard the tools from abuse, not from people they personally dislike or from non citizens. Tools of a land can be grabbed by non citizens too, unless they are limited by land loyalty. That said, I am hoping that the Guardians won't do abuses of their own." Perhaps if nadrolski or other tool guardians would like to disclose what an abuse of the tools means to them it would be better for situations like this.
  19. I think it grows to better help us, and everything working up to the last level is it growing. It's now better adapted to help our needs.
  20. darkraptor :item-grabban "for depleting water inside Marind Bell" Perhaps nadrolski could explain why he's banning you from taking the tools there, presumably the water buckets?
  21. So why try to give the role to Sunfire?
  22. Did you get any points towards the crown?
  23. It's never great to see someone leave.
  24. I want to buy 2-3 root warriors, reply or pm if you have one to sell to me. ***No longer needed
  25. I would like to purchase a pack of playing cards or a bloodstained pack of playing cards, PM me if you would like to sell one. **No longer needed
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