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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. 5 gold 10 silver
  2. *Clock Master*: burst_188* He might have signed up for the big heads contest.
  3. They could have used a burst, then your log wouldn't show the fight anymore. Did you lose any rits at the time?
  4. 5 gold note.
  5. Mallos

    Random Quotes

    Dark Tower train, the first one in my signature below:
  6. I'll sponsor this quest with a WP.
  7. I don't feel pissed on that PO is getting out of jail, quite the opposite. You know, just my opinion. Actually... What was the reason she got jailed for again?
  8. This happens on occasion, I don't know why. But a simple fix is to clear the chat in the scene, like: Mallos: . Mallos: . Mallos: . Mallos: . Mallos: . etc Or move away from the scene, and you shouldn't get the errors unless you enter it again.
  9. This happens normally with different browsers. Doing this can (I think?) put you into the multi account interface though, essentially idling the accounts. Also you can get in trouble for having your accounts interact with each other in certain ways.
  10. Scene loading is a bit slower where there use to be no delay (though my computer did this a week or so ago, it might be on my end for the moment). United states of America
  11. ^ So here is the long awaited summary! Well... not exactly a summary (I hate paraphrasing), but if you didn't read the whole aramor log here are various smaller bits of info you can read in its place. Excuse the ridiculously named titles for each section. :P Events occurring [log (Shades and aramors missing)] *Clock Master*:It seems the Empty ones gone missing lashtal:only 4 of them are present, including Abra Falronn:Right now I would like to bring up the point of how most of them have dissapeared. Falronn:If you have not noticed, take a look in the distance. The aramors, as well as tiny men, have left somewhere. Only a few remain. Falronn:The same goes for the shades I am told. Dragual Monarth:Where could they be going? Falronn:I do not know. Abra walks off on occasion but he can usually be found somewhere in the realm, for instance, at the Aramory. Brulant: *muses aloud* Do you think they left together, or the Shades reacted to the changes in GG? Falronn:I would suppose the shades reacted as the aramors decided to leave. Falronn:Abra told Burns they moved. To where we do not know. Brulant:Has anyone checked the East? Falronn:But lets focus on that for now. The aramors are gone. Falronn:And so are the shades. Yes... if someone could check the East? Fire Starter:Yes, but another question arises - Did they disappear, or they left/hide somewhere? Falronn:They may have hidden, but where? Would we not see 60-70 aramors/tiny men somewhere? samon:maybe they got lost in the maze? Fire Starter:I know places, that aren't shown correctly on this map. It won't be hard to hide. samon:GoC would make sence as well Tal:I took the gg route through the maze a few hrs ago Tal:no aramors or anything els e there Fire Starter:Nothing in lost, everything transforms. Maybe today is the Day. Fang Archbane:so lets look at some facts. what do we know? the Empty Aramors and Tiny Men are gone. so are the Drachorns. i havnt heard a yes or no on the shades yet. so the question is... what on earth is going on Falronn:Yes the shades are gone. (The drachorns are just recruitable creatures Fang. Not like the aramors) Falronn:So. They are all missing. We do not know where to. What of the ones that remain? samon:is there anything special about the aramors that are left? samon:has anyone spoken to Abra since the aramors started to disappear? Falronn:Abra, Teresa, Tessara, chix18, vernus, and justinjc14 are the aramors left. Falronn:The names may not be important. Falronn:Burns spoke to Abra, but he is not around at the moment. Fang Archbane:wait. question. Abra only said they moved. he never said that they moved somewhere else in this realm. it is very well that they could have left. completely. Falronn:And it is a possibility they have left for good. Or even just for now. But how would they do so? lashtal:And why today? Fang Archbane:well, its not that they COULDNT do it before. im just guessing they didnt WANT to before. every day makes new changes. new reasons. they might have gained a reason to leave. TODAY Tal:angien/shade relation? Fang Archbane:my two Wolfen cents? i think theyre repairing the ship, thats why theyve gone missing (theyre in it) and the tiny men want to tag with[/log] [log (Shade and aramors reacting to being missing)] Falronn:About Brulants earlier question. Did the shades react to the aramors leaving, or did they leave as well? samon:it could very well be that they balance eachother out Fire Starter:I am not edjucated as Brulant and I can only guess. The two lands are connected. That leaves no question for me about when the Shades left. samon:and that when an aramor disappears a shade has to disappear as well Tal:could it be a reaction to the closing of the angien shrine? Tal:angien/shade relation? Brulant:The Angien/Shade relation isn't the same as the GG/Shade relation. Fang Archbane:either way, the shades are related to both the angiens, AND GG. if the angiens leave, the shades go whack, if the shades go whack, maybe the aramors do too. maybe the aramors are following the SHADES. Fang Archbane:not the other way around... Falronn:That's something to think about. What if the shades did leave first? Fire Starter:Well, they didn't. So I don't see the point thinking over something, that didn't happened Fang Archbane:my best guess, from what ive heard so far, and mind you im rather new and untaught, is that the shades are rebelling. or maybe just leaving to find a NEW balance. Falronn:What of the shades balancing the aramors. What do you guys think of that. [/log] [log (Aramors leaving golemus)] Necromancer Mortis:What if all the Aramors were brought out of GG, overwhelm the curse. Falronn:That is the thing. When they leave, they reappear back inside after a while. Brulant:Is there a pattern to it? joshdragon:And do we know what causes them to do that? Falronn:No we do not. That is part of why we are here. Fang Archbane:so were trying to break the teleportation pattern since that should fix all the problem in one small chain? Falronn:A pattern... I couldn't say there is one, I have not seen it happen more than a few times with Abra. Kyphis:Fun thought for you to think on while I nap.... Kyphis:The Aramors are Not trying to Leave Golemus Golemicarum. Fang Archbane:so that means one of two things. they do not know what they do... OR, they are being taken. joshdragon:The second one seems much more likely. Falronn:To quote Abra: "I wish to be freed of the shackle named Golemus for now. Perhaps one day I will wish to sail once more? But not now. " Fang Archbane:the ship is broken. abra is unpleased with his imprisonment. and the tiny men might be using them to make something? Brulant:There's a difference between not wanting to leave somewhere and being unable to leave that place, isn't there? joshdragon:Maybe they want to stay in Golemus but don't want to be FORCED to stay. Fang Archbane:so call golemus home, but be allowed to leave whenever they want?... Brulant:If you're chained to a wall, you may hate the the chains but enjoy the view. Imprisonment, if Abra is speaking truly for all empty aramors, is never fun. Brulant:Is it just Abra, or is it all empty aramors? Falronn:I am led to believe all of them. But there is little proof. Fang Archbane:i think that since Abra is the only living empty aramor (that can speak) it should be safe to assume he speaks for all of them. but hell, i might be wrong. Dragual Monarth:What if we deliver Abra to the Aramory? Will he disappear then? Falronn:No. He has visited it before, but he continues to return to Golemus. Nightbane Strongarm:Do the armors usaly leave through this gate? Falronn:That is the only way I have seen Abra leave. I do not know if they can leave through other ways. Falronn:With the exception that Awiiya used to summon Abra to him. Nightbane Strongarm:then perhaps they should try leaving Golemus through the maze. That seems more connected to the main then this gate [/log] Plans [log (Taking an interest)] Falronn:I think the interest here is quite high, if I'm not mistaken. Though we need to begin finding those questions and searching for the answers. Brulant:Right. So how do we approach that interest? Phantom Orchid:How has the meeting been? Fire Starter:Big theories, based on the absence of facts Falronn:May we evaluate those theories? Phantom Orchid:How else could there be so many paths in the face of one truth? Phantom Orchid:That is what makes a fine mystery Falronn:Opinions are what I am looking for. I want to know what you all think, and get you thinking more. [/log] [log (Repair the ship)] Falronn:We are here because the aramors are stuck within Golemus. I hope that we can find a way to free them. Necromancer Mortis:So what's the plan? Brulant:The plan is to discuss possible plans, I think. Fire Starter:Falronn, have Abra said any hint when this rescue should be done? Falronn:No, Abra has not expected a time. He just hopes that we can. Fire Starter:Anyone with access to the ship? They might try to repair and sail away :D Fire Starter:But for that we should donate some lumber [/log] [log (Mur theory)] Fang Archbane:so what we need is an MP6 on crack with time twisting teleportation powers... anyone come to mind?... Fang Archbane:other than the very obvious Mur who more likely than not wouldnt get involved >->;;; Brulant:Mur wouldn't get involved anyways. Fang Archbane:i know that. even if he was, asking him questions would only most likely lead to trouble. am i right Brulant? Fang Archbane:i mean *scratches his head* for all we know, Murs responsible, in which case, theres no way in HELL hed help us... Fang Archbane:cause it never hurts to be prepared~ unless Murs involved. but things always hurt when Murs involved o-o;;; Kyphis:.... Mur is involved >.> Fang Archbane:first, to say anything further, i must ask, who currently has murs leash? Fang Archbane: *organizes his thoughts* i know mur. hes a... interesting guy to say the least. if we tried to make Mur do anything, all of us would be banished to the shadow realm. Fang Archbane:so what im about to suggest, is both crazy, and dangerous... to me =] Fang Archbane:i suggest, whomever has his leash comes here, tugs him, and we wait till he appears. we stay here ant think till then, brainstorm to our best Fang Archbane:my plan is this. Mur is a man of intellect. he likes to learn, and teach equally, so if we were to get him here, i feel we could... make him want, to help us Fang Archbane:by which of course i mean, guide us in the right direction. Fang Archbane:right falronn, which is why we need to make him think he WANTS to =] Fang Archbane:thats right. im talking about manipulating mur. SO well in fact, that even this genius of a demi-god doesnt know ere doing it, or maybe he DOES, and thats why he wants to, =] Fang Archbane:if anything, simply to see where this all leads. hell be testing US, but well be testing HIM >=] Falronn:Well, I think we need to show him we want this done first. Falronn:I know I am trying my best to do so, this meeting was a lot about raising the interest of others. Fang Archbane:i feel he would react well to our attempted manipulation of him >:3 Fang Archbane:i mean, he took the leash like a boss~ on his knees and at the ready 8D joshdragon:Why would he react well to that? :Fang Archbane prays to God Mur doesnt read that, since he knows it would mean swift punishment and a whipping Fang Archbane:becaues, its just like Mur, to be unpredicatable as all HELL =] Fang Archbane:to beat Mur at his own game (pardon the pun xD) ya gotta think like him :3 which is why i think my twisted misguided ever learning mind is the best bet here :3 Kyphis:The GOAL is to free the aramors, yes? Kyphis:The target we strive for is not the same as the try objective Kyphis:The objective is the journey Kyphis:Without the journey, the goal has meaning external of us Kyphis:However, where the Demon to be involved, his interest would be to have a goal Internal to us Fang Archbane:so he wouldnt help us, in laymans terms, because this is something we have to do for OURSELVES... am i wrong?... Kyphis:And while he can take action to affect our results, he would not be working to help us to our goal, of freeing the aramors, but to his goal Kyphis:No, he might help us Kyphis:Yes. He won't take away the journey Fang Archbane:so if he would do ANYTHING... it would simply be to make the journey HARDER for us... so we could learn MORE?... Kyphis:He might change it, but he won't see us to the end Kyphis:Or if he takes us to the end, it will only lead back to the begining. Kyphis:He might interfere, but he would only change the parrameters. And that, ultimately, just makes us have to start again[/log] [log (Once aramors are freed)] Dragual Monarth:What do you think will happen once they are freed? Falronn:That's a hard question to answer Dragual. Perhaps we could focus on that later. Nightbane Strongarm:so dragual what has been your thoughts on this? Dragual Monarth:I want to know why we should free them. Nightbane Strongarm:hmm i have a strange feeling that you have a reason not to free them :Dragual Monarth smiles Nightbane Strongarm:if i am correct, may i hear your reason Dragual Monarth:I willsay nothing further on that matter.[/log] Thoughts on stuff [log (Aramors empty of:)] Falronn:Hmm... What do you all suppose the aramors are empty of? Dragual Monarth:A soul. samon:or a body Fire Starter: *smiles* Purpouse. Something to drive them. Fang Archbane:well, the simplest answer, empty of "all else". thats what "empty" means. a void. a "lack" of anything else. Falronn:Dragual, you mentioned you thought they were empty of souls. Falronn:I agree with this. My research has led me to believe the same. Dragual Monarth:And to create a soul, you need to create a cube. Ensetym:I would bet they are timeless[/log] [log (Time to aramors)] Fire Starter: *raises his voice a bit* One moment please. Can we finish the speculation about the "time" , which aramors experience? Falronn:Abra has repeatedly mentioned he does not like the concept of time. Falronn:Abra does not like time, and the aramors seem to not know what it is or follow it. Falronn:From what I thought, the shades were timeless. That seems to be a resemblance. Fang Archbane:does it flow differently for them than it does us? or do you mean that time does not exist for them at all? and is abras concept of time now different than a regular EA, since hes got life? Falronn:Time is an invention by us, and we all run on it. Fang Archbane:so they dont aknowledge or accept it... which means time doesnt exist to thme. hrm. interesting. Falronn:What is the significance of aramors, and shades for that matter, being timeless.[/log] [log (Wraiths wreck)] Nightbane Strongarm:excuse if this seems a dumb question. but it is belived that the armours are connected to GG correct? Falronn:Connected how? There are connections I am sure. Nightbane Strongarm:my bet is the boat Falronn:Yes, the boat brought them to Golemus. Nightbane Strongarm:so it is not reasonble that the boat is might be what connects them to Golemus Falronn:It could be. Kyphis:The Aramors have no furthe connection to the boat. Once it conveyed them to land, they left it Kyphis:They have not returned, nor do they pay it much attention Nightbane Strongarm:Perhaps that becuase it is on land Kyphis Falronn:They were heading to the aramory were they not? Nightbane Strongarm:dont know, im just connecting the pieces I know of Nightbane Strongarm:@Kyphis so despite it not being payed attention too, it could still be someway connected. just an opion is all Nightbane Strongarm:i think it might be worth a try sticking that boat on the mainland and see what happens Nightbane Strongarm:the thoughts abit of a stretc, but i do have a reason behind it Nightbane Strongarm:for if im understanding, they were pretty much stuck on the boat till it crashed on Golemus. So what woulda happened if they crashed on the mainland instead? Falronn:Yes, if Golemus was not in the way, and they crashed here? Falronn:Next to the aramory.[/log] [log (Kyphis on ideas)] Kyphis:Oh, that. I'm frowning when someone mixes fact with assumption, and fiction with reality Kyphis:Its not at you per say, its me saying that I disagree with what you are saying on a conseptual level Kyphis:For example.... :Kyphis pulls a small wooden box from his coat :Kyphis holds the cube uo so it can be seen Kyphis:*The cube, does not exist Kyphis:It has physical form if you acknowledge it, but it is an idea Kyphis:Not to say an idea CAN'T be a physical thing, but to say that an idea ISN'T a physical thing Kyphis:An idea can be represented phsyically... :Kyphis turns the cube, throws it in the air and catches it Kyphis:And an idea can be based on physical things... Kyphis:But the idea itself isn't physical. Kyphis:So while an idea CAN be physical, it itself still isn't Kyphis:So ask yourself, what is the cube? Kyphis:And at what point does the idea end, and the reality begin? Falronn:The idea is the search for reality if you asked me Kyphis. Find me the point at which the reality is not within the ideas, and those are where the idea is shut down.[/log] [log (Kyphis running in circles)] Kyphis:HOLY HELL I've solved it Kyphis:Soon as this meeting is over, I'm paying the Demon a Visit Falronn:Kyphis, what is your revelation? Kyphis:Can't say as I would tell, but here are four facts: Kyphis:The Mirror is a window, the window not a mirror Kyphis:The Mirror is Broken Kyphis:The Window is not broken Kyphis:The Mirror is round Kyphis:I don't quite understand why that last one is important, but it is Dragual Monarth:Kyphis... Dragual Monarth:Circles. Brulant:Circles! Kyphis:If you insist, Dragual.... Dragual Monarth: *nods* I do. Kyphis: *runs around in a circle, flapping his arms* Whoop! Whoop-whoop whoop Kyphis: *ceases this fullishness* Satisfied? Falronn:Run home Kyphis! Run and do not stop! Fang Archbane:extremely. the bird bit did it for me, honestly Dragual Monarth:Not yet. *grins* Brulant:Run, Kyphis, run! Fang Archbane:i like that foolish side of you better Kyphis, and old fossil like us needs to know when to let loos ;D Handy Pockets:or when to be quiet and listen. Handy Pockets:oh, Handy Pockets:did I say that Handy Pockets: *covers her face* . sorry Fang Archbane:Kets, ive been told that so many times, its almost lost its meaning =] Fang Archbane:ask Mur =] i drive Mur nuts :3 Brulant: *sighs wretchedly* You give me a headache sometimes, Fang.[/log] Crazy ideas [log (Hairbrained schemes)] Falronn:Well, anyone have any hair-brained schemes to free Abra/ Brulant:Keep him awake for eternity. Paracelsus:wear him Dragual Monarth:Kill him. joshdragon:Summon him to wherever he wants to go and movelock him every five minutes. joshdragon:Do we have any non-harebrained schemes? Brulant:What about you, Falronn? Falronn:Me? Hmm... Dragual Monarth:Kill him. Falronn:No not kill him... Brulant: *shrugs* I guess it would make the problem go away. Nightbane Strongarm:hmm seems a bit unessary, and i fail to see how it would make the problem go away Falronn:Perhaps it's just another fancy answer. Falronn:This was an idea of mine. The meeting.[/log] [log (Fang's crazy idea)] Fang Archbane:we know the shades and empty aramors are connected right?... Fang Archbane:now, stop me if this is a ridiculous idea but... Fang Archbane:what if the reason theyre connected... the reason one followed the other is... that they used to have SHADES inside them?.. joshdragon:It's a bit far fetched, but... *shrugs* possible. Fang Archbane:i thought shades had no real "form".... i didnt think that suggestion to be too crazy... Fire Starter:I haven't said what you said, Fang, but some conclusions are made with lack of some information Fang Archbane:well, regardless of wether the tiny men have a direct connection to the shades or not, its safe to say the aramors DO... so maybe the tinys connection to shades is simply that the aramors are... Fang Archbane:Shades. i believe Shades used to be what was IN the now Empty Aramors. Fang Archbane: *turns back to Falronn* and i also believe THATS why they are connected. Fang Archbane:it makes sense to me, as far as i know, Shades have no definite SHAPE, they can morph to what they want, and thus, i feel they could have been the... Fenth, if you will to the aramor... Fang Archbane:both are timeless, both work well together, and the shade has the will and way to make the aramor do as it wishes. i feel it could have been a perfect match[/log] [log (Fire Starter's crazy idea)] Fire Starter:The most close relation for me is a Fenth Fire Starter:So, Falronn, what do you think? The Aramors resembles the outer shell of a Reality, which is caught inside. Only that the essence is nowhere to be found yet. Fire Starter:Maybe we should provide some? Falronn:These are your thoughts on the fenths, in relation to the aramors correct? Fire Starter:Have anyone tried to pass some Fenths to an Empty Aramor? Falronn:I have. Falronn:I first passed a fenth to Abra. That was when he first awoke and spoke to me. Fire Starter:And? Nothing happened? How many you gave? Falronn:I gave him one. I was suprised he awoke. Brulant:Fenths are a whole lot of reality without much else. Brulant:Maybe you could collect fenths for them. *smiles softly* Fire Starter:Exactly - a reality, that needs a shape to fit in. Ensetym:Can't they sacrifice their creatures? Ensetym:At least it produces a few fenths.. Falronn:They may be able to Ensetym. Though we would have to be able to get them to try that. Fire Starter:One more thing - we should try with ITCs. Falronn:And then get them to harvest them. Fire Starter:I said it somewhere above - we could try to fill the empty aramors with something. Something we can create. Maybe we could try and experiment with a formula for a Soul. Fire Starter:Stuff like that. Mostly raw reality should be needed Dragual Monarth:You speak of creating a cube. Fire Starter:or just to put the right amount of Reality into an Aramor. Haven't Abra said, that ze time is "Different" Fang Archbane:so if we fill them, wouldnt they stop being so empty?... then theyd just be aramors... like abra? think about that... Fang Archbane:we know that NOW. fenths and empty aramors and shades are timeless and so are thoughts but what if... Fang Archbane:what if we could somehow, re incorperate the ideas that those three had used... try this one more time. except this time add fenths. if we could do that we could create a constant source of reality to Fang Archbane:fuel the empty aramors. and if thats all they need then they wouldnt have to leave. if thats not the case, well, back to square one, pardon the pun[/log] [log (Kyphis' crazy idea)] Fang Archbane:you know what i just thought of? completely random, but what would happen if an empty aramor were sacrificed?... not that im CONDONING such behavior but... what would happen?... Kyphis: *coughs* That's... actually part of a backup plan >.> Kyphis: *grins* I have a variety of backup plans. I dounbt any of them will become necessary, but I like to be prepared Kyphis:And there are others with plans of their own[/log] [log (Nightbane's crazy idea)] Nightbane Strongarm:okay back. Im corious, do any of you think it might be a problem like the device at berserkers way? Nightbane Strongarm:i simply wonder if what up with the armours is similar to the berseker way device Nightbane Strongarm:well if im recalling correctly. the device traps something, a soul apprently Nightbane Strongarm:and the armours seem trapped here Nightbane Strongarm:i dont know. but what reall makes me consider that these might be similar is something i have reread in the devices notes Nightbane Strongarm:not sure if i should aywhat part of the notes since it may be considered a "spoiler"[/log]
  12. Mallos Memory stone
  13. "People never change their opinion on someone. First expression is always last expression in this realm." Not true. So whether or not negative votes remain, which I'm a bit for but rather don't mind either way, I think we should be able to tell how many up-votes a particular post has received. Also, I don't think being able to see who has voted on what is a bad idea.
  14. If you mean the fenths weilder then there are certain combinations of principles that are given at different altars... this would be taking out the option of a new player getting those certain principles when sacrificing creatures. That could make tokens less effective in general.
  15. Mallos


  16. 100 candies made by myself, none were given to me. Had quite a few melt on the way. [img]http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp252/trento007/candy.jpg[/img]
  17. [b]Name:[/b] Mallos [b]Duration[/b][b]:[/b] 4 months max [b]Reason[/b][b]:[/b] I can: provide entertainment through means of rolling dice and gambling; provide many different types of candy for your satisfaction; locate (and subsequently stalk) people for you; be your personal mp4 training partner. [u]Who doesn't want a pet pig?!?!?![/u] [b]Percentage[/b][b]: [/b]10% [b]L[/b][b]imitations or special wishes: [/b]Will kick Fang Archbane a few times, whether or not you want me to.
  18. "[i]Your avatar will be returned to MD Avatar gallery for someone else to use if you are inactive for more than 6 months. If your avatar returns to shop you will be refunded the credit spent for it."[/i] You will have to find it in the shop again.
  19. Lumber Saws (LR only) Branch axes (LR only) Bark knifes (LR Only) Resin collectors (LR only) um... that's pretty specific on only Loreroot can use them DD. (unless you mean the usable resources themselves, tea requires branches) Like I said in No one's topics though, I don't think the gathering tools themselves should be balanced but make uses for all the useless resources (Ex. lumber).
  20. The Golemus lab doesn't have sand melters, those are a Necrovion tool.
  21. Yes. There's already too many useless resources.
  22. I don't care I can see how some might dislike the availability of tools such as to gather water or memory stones due to loyalty restrictions and other such things, but if you really need them I'm sure you will find a way to get some. Like, ask someone who can get the items (who knows, maybe there's a dwarf that offers some free memory stones). I don't mind how the tools are separate and unbalanced, everything shouldn't be completely balanced or there would be no point to pick one over another. But if there is planning to balance them don't change the tools but instead change the uses for the items gathered. As in, keep the existing, but expand upon and create the new.
  23. No There seems to be enough unless they are depleted. Even then, I don't gather often.
  24. Yes I didn't particularly -want- many resources in the first place asides from memory stones, which I can get.
  25. Yes. Usually for the fun of it or just to not let them go to waste (like fenths). I usually hand them out to random people shortly afterwards.
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