The quest has started! In order to find the heat stones, there are clues for you to follow. These clues reference a certain scene name within the four mainlands, No Mans Land, and the MDA. These scene names are the passwords for the clickies that the heat stones will be hidden in.
Example: Berserker's Way
Although, for any scene names with punctuation in them (such as periods . or apostrophes '), you must remove the punctuation. For the above example it would look like:
Berserkers Way
The scene names the clues reference will allow you to open the clickie in question, but, you will need to find the clickie for yourself. You will get no indication of where the clickie is and what password it goes to.
As a slight hint.. There is a pattern to which scene names go to which land. Heheh...
Clues are as follows:
Creature - Bee - Sacrifice - Portal - Arrow - Carnival - Star - Castle - House - Garden -Puzzle - Capitol - Bird - Pyramid - Tree - Book - Curse - Time - Boat
Good luck!
Side note, the IDs for the heat stones are as follows. If the stone is not one of these IDs its not one of mine. They cannot be redeemed for the reward otherwise.
41909, 41910, 41911, 41912, 41913, 41915, 41927, 41929, 41932, 41933, 41934, 41937, 41938, 41939, 41940, 41946, 41969, 42847, 42849