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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. Good points, what Lib said. Why I dislike the the "strongly" options is because it skews the results. Its basically the same if you just look at them as only agree or disagree options as well, but I could guess there might be willingness to choose the strongly option just to help support the effort more (like the outspoken people) rather than because you actually do strongly agree. But i guess its kind of the same thing. I still dont like it though.
  2. Ok. As to why I say that myself Chewett, its because ive been leading an oligarchy in another game for about a year and a half now (and administrating our own personal alliance's forum for the same time). Weve had an on and off playerbase from 50-80 players within us, many of which have left/joined over time. Mind you this is a time based war game though (ogame). To not bore you with the details: Our oligarchy is public as to who runs it. A lot of the time we have friends and sometimes people who dislike us. We hold complete power. Point is we make all the decisions that are of any importance and nobody questions us and there havent been any complaints. Id like to attribute this to the fact that they know who we are and know we are suitable for the job at hand. Considering one of us wasnt found suitabe, I could imagine there would be complaints. With the amount of discontent I hear about the council ingame and now in this topic (which even though the votes are balanced, balanced is -bad- and there should be a majority of approval for even the bit of discontent to be overlooked) I find that perhaps the council members are not suitable for the job. But how do we know? We dont know who they are. At any rate something should be done in my opinion.
  3. [Quote] There are three types of lies; Lies, damn lies and statistics. [/quote] 70% of all statistics are made up. Haha no, but i dont agree with any of that. About the voting, the only thing I dislike is the agree and strongly agree options. You should only be able to agree or disagree, no strongly. About this whole thread: I think the council is good for the health of MD, i mean without it (and Mur) we definitely wouldnt be in a good situation, its a good thing we have them. But, I think there could be a better way of doing things (transparency). Oh, and to quote myself here: [Quote] if you say that them having names will cause trouble then thats something they should have to deal with as part of their jobs.[/quote]
  4. Map markers for the lands of the east.
  5. Soulweaver 3 gold
  6. 2 gold for the soulweaver.
  7. No no no Fang! Eon drinks tea...
  8. Hmm... Could code your fairy dust to take away an action point to everyone in the scene each time you pass by? Could make the good "itchy" affect.
  9. Pimps sold. Still buying a soulweaver.
  10. 5 pimps all fresh, first bid of a silver will win them. Want to buy a soulweaver, any age works.
  11. You can beat me up Fang. Heheh...
  12. Mallos


    Since it seems popular, I agree with samon also. The quote in Seigh's post leads me to believe he didn't see the email and that it was known to be the case. Perhaps a bit more civility could have been used here... its not that hard to contact someone to be honest, ingame PM would be the best option. I know fang reads the ones I send him. Sure it may have been a while but were more efforts made to contact him before surprising him with this? I see the fact that none of the items were used or transferred in any way to be good for fangs case. Perhaps fang could have been more responsible with getting the items to where they needed to be (although keep in mind he has been killed twice lately), but at the same time wasn't the irresponsibility what he was jailed for the week for?
  13. Cause prime numbers are cool and even numbers cannot be prime numbers with the exception of 2.
  14. Heh.. thanks Maebius, though the quest is mostly over now. Congrats to ignnus who gathered 10 to win the wishpoint. And to darkraptor who has won second place for the soulweaver. Id like to close this topic now and end the quest. Apologies to those of you that found the quest hard/frustrating. Although, there are still four heat stones hidden out there, if you can manage to find them (perhaps before the code gets taken down) you are welcome to keep them.
  15. No. Sorry, edited that into my above post. Hint: (most) scene names do not correspond to the land the scene name is of. Err.... kind of, strike that last bit. I'm getting ahead of myself. There's a hint for you anyways.
  16. 19 different scene names (each open a different clickie) 19 different clickies (each in a different scene) The scene names are not where the clickie is.
  17. Mallos


    Oh Fang is serious I can assure you. And his idea could be the kinds of ideas the realm might need. Not specifically the idea itself (although it is interesting) but the ingenuity of the thought.
  18. The quest has started! In order to find the heat stones, there are clues for you to follow. These clues reference a certain scene name within the four mainlands, No Mans Land, and the MDA. These scene names are the passwords for the clickies that the heat stones will be hidden in. Example: Berserker's Way Although, for any scene names with punctuation in them (such as periods . or apostrophes '), you must remove the punctuation. For the above example it would look like: Berserkers Way The scene names the clues reference will allow you to open the clickie in question, but, you will need to find the clickie for yourself. You will get no indication of where the clickie is and what password it goes to. As a slight hint.. There is a pattern to which scene names go to which land. Heheh... _________ Clues are as follows: Creature - Bee - Sacrifice - Portal - Arrow - Carnival - Star - Castle - House - Garden -Puzzle - Capitol - Bird - Pyramid - Tree - Book - Curse - Time - Boat Good luck! ___ Side note, the IDs for the heat stones are as follows. If the stone is not one of these IDs its not one of mine. They cannot be redeemed for the reward otherwise. 41909, 41910, 41911, 41912, 41913, 41915, 41927, 41929, 41932, 41933, 41934, 41937, 41938, 41939, 41940, 41946, 41969, 42847, 42849
  19. Mallos


    If anything... the seats shouldn't be 30, more like 5. Interesting idea but a little rediculous as well. And how would you prove (or require) genuine interest in exploring?
  20. I have the IDs of each. No fooling me.
  21. With the holiday seasons the realm has grown rather cold lately. In an attempt to correct this, Ive solidified heat and spread it throughout the realm. In the four mainlands, No Mans Land, and the MDA, Ive hidden heat stones in strategic locations (inside clickies, retrievable by ITC). There are 19 in total. There is a catch though: In each of these lands, there is a single stone of which can only be claimed by a member of that land. This leaves 14 (13 free plus one for your land) retrievable by anyone. In order to win you must gather a majority of the heat stones. 10 or more for first prize, and the collector with the second and third most heat stones will win second and third place. Prizes are as follows: First place- A wishpoint Second place- A soulweaver Third place- An aged angien ________ While collecting, be careful not to use the heat stones or you will not be able to turn them in to me. When someone collects 10 turn them into me for the wishpoint. If nobody is able to collect 10 by the end of the Xmas festival second and third prizes will be given to the top two collectors of the heat stones. [U]The quest will begin at December 21st, 00:00 server time.[/u] Clues to retrieving the heat stones will be posted here at that time. If you have questions you may ask here. (Thanks to fellow Fusioneer Gort Hedera who provided the coding and other aspects to make this quest possible)
  22. I can walk again! Heh... Oh, and Ive got a quest coming soon.

  23. Try using your Id instead of your player name: 214273
  24. Could either increase the rate at which the system counts you as inactive for the votes or make it so if you dont vote it doesnt have such a negative impact. I'd opt for the second option. If you didnt vote, its probably not because you wanted to vote no. Abstain would work well in that case, its basically the same thing. And if theres a lot who dont vote, it wont necessarily make it easy to control the votes. If you didnt want Eon in your land youd vote against him if you cared so much. Same if you did want him in your land.
  25. A soulweaver.
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