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  1. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Tipu in Fugitive Quest 1 "The Master of all Stealer"   
    The dark age has begun.

    The lord Tipu unleashing the first ever [b]Fugitive quest : " The Master of all Stealer "[/b]

    [b]Mission[/b] : Is to steal others property by what ever means(Rules apply see below).
    It can be either coins, items, creatures, avatars, or anything that can be stolen.(use ur imagination to the fullest).
    Cheating, lies, backstabbing, bullying, blackmailing, robing, anything goes.

    (Even Fugitives have Honor and Code)
    [b]Rules[/b] : 1) Bugs/ Scripts not allowed.
    2) Hacking/ Stealing passwords of others account not allowed.
    3) U need to hold the "stolen property" until the end of this Quest. U may if u want can return the stolen property back on good will after the Quest ends or can keep it to satisfy ur greedy needs hehe.
    4) All ur fugitive adventures( proof with screen shots) should be posted in this part of the forums. So that we can verify ur bragging.
    5) If someone complains ur action to council members or take u to court then its ur problem and this Quest won't protect u. So take calculative risk. (There is no gain without a pain)
    6) Don't even think of cheating me. If u dare then u will be a Victim to my Fart Attack for eternity hehe.

    [b]Duration[/b] : The Quest will run until 31 Dec 2011.

    [b]Judging[/b]: The winners will be judged by three judges. (Judges will be announced latter currently hunting them down)
    Judging will be based on the valuable of the stolen items, planning, tricks, time, and other things too.

    [b]Rewards [/b]: Sponsored by treasure keepers.

    Remember the cheaters who get caught r called fools but those who don't get caught r called Fugitives. Do u have what it takes to be a Fugitive? if so then show the world ur dark side hehe.

    MDers Start insuring ur valuables items or creatures or urself...Yes whether u like it or not u r already a part of this Quest. Cos' this is no ordinary Quest it is FUGITIVE GUEST and during this time Hell will be relocated down to Magic duel.

    Let the chaos Begin...

  2. Downvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Watcher in Alms for the Poor   
    I love the spirit Z....Merry Christmasssss to all:P
  3. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Alms for the Poor   
    I love the spirit Z....Merry Christmasssss to all:P
  4. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Maebius in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1323527525' post='97626']
    HQ - No. Why? Aren't forum PMs and in Game PMs enough? We have ITC, CTC, MDC, WPC. It's EASY to transfer something.

    Agreed, I'm not sure what teh issue is that prompted this sort of question.

    It's not difficult to send an ITC, or CTC, or MDC, via forum or PM, or anything really. Might delay "in-person handing" of an item for an hour or twelve, but either way, using these methods means the TK doesnt' need to track down anyone hiding, nor does the recipient have to chase down a TK. If they want a prize, there are plenty of ways to contact folks in and out of game.

    For those without forum access, who refuse to email, THEN there's always the option of finding a TK to get their item in-game, which puts the onus on the recipient anyway, to "work around their personal restrictions" in a sense. Accountability is not the same as efficiency.
  5. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Seigheart in What is going on?   
    Because, you know, the TKs have been burned to the ground, that we don't do anything. That I have all this "power" that went to my head.

    Of course I would upset people. They aren't getting everything they wanted. Sorry, but that's life. I have to keep a check of balances here.

    Yes, I deem quests worthy or not. I can't just go sponsoring absolutely anything someone claims is a quest. That's just ridiculous.

    You clearly put a lot of thought into your post Cury.

    And claiming that I've burned down the TKs. Well, considering that you effectively put me in charge of the TKs when you had your hissy fit, what does that say about you?
  6. Upvote
    Kiley reacted to Muratus del Mur in What is going on?   
    curiose, those codes better not be from the times you were leading the tk..that would put fyrd in a very unpleasant situation when i will be confiscating them.
  7. Downvote
    Kiley reacted to Curiose in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    The only way that people seem to even listen on this game is by yelling at them. It just seems fitting to insult those back who have insulted me.

    But sure. I apologize.

    Not like it matters, eh?
  8. Downvote
    Kiley reacted to Curiose in What is going on?   
    Figures you'd burn things to the ground.

    Figures that you would upset people.

    Figures that you would complicate things and only deem things 'worthy.'

    Figures that power would go to your head.

    Figures that you truly don't want to help people, and do not realize the role of sponsorship.

    Fyrd, I think I have some old WP codes for you. I will sponsor.
  9. Downvote
    Kiley reacted to Zorica in MD Awards 2011 - Nominations   
    as for the rookie list...

    i cant provide a full list of course, but i can make a start.

    i dont know how old they are (except myself) but here are a few:

    - Duke of Malfi (already in an alliance, dont know about role and his interest in researching the realm)
    - Quas (see Duke)
    - Guillak (i know from chats and other readings that he is very interested in the symbols of the realm)
    - Zori Ca (thats me, 50 days old)

    some words about me:

    i am not a roleplayer or better: i dont take MD as a RPG. i think RL is roleplay enough. i am very interested in fighting mechanics but most important even more interested in researching the realm and its symbols.
    i am not a citizen/in an alliance. i just cant decide yet. maybe i stay unallied and without citizenship forever. take me as an independent seeker for now. can this be a role?
  10. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Pipstickz in Happy Birthday ZenTao   
    Happy Birthday Zen:)
  11. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Pipstickz in Happy Birthday   
    Happy Birthday Old Man:P
  12. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Kaya in Day of the community   
    I can donate a few heat stones as well:)
  13. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Blood Prince in Away! Away!   
    Hey MD:)

    As some of you have noticed I've not been to talkative lately. I just accepted a new job and am going through "training from hell"..but yeah for a good job. I will be in the program for the next several weeks but hope things settle shortly after that. Miss everyone tons...Have fun and wish me luck.

  14. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Pipstickz in Away! Away!   
    Hey MD:)

    As some of you have noticed I've not been to talkative lately. I just accepted a new job and am going through "training from hell"..but yeah for a good job. I will be in the program for the next several weeks but hope things settle shortly after that. Miss everyone tons...Have fun and wish me luck.

  15. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Mighty Pirate in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  16. Downvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Tarquinus in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  17. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Yrthilian in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  18. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Azull in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  19. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from dst in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  20. Downvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Chewett in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  21. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  22. Downvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Shemhazaj in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  23. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Ivorak in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  24. Upvote
    Kiley got a reaction from Pipstickz in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
  25. Downvote
    Kiley got a reaction from cutler121 in Is this allowed?   
    As leader of the Fusioneers, I take full responsibility for the actions of all guild members. I was aware of MPs actions and supported it, but will go on record saying that greed was not my motivation. Anyone that has dealt with me knows that the last thing I am is greedy. In truth I thought it humorous and that it would lead many to a scavenger hunt of sorts. The who, what, and what the hell happened:) I do hope this does not turn into a forum war as this is the last thing I wanted. Mighty Pirate's character goes hand in hand with his actions. He is a pirate afterall. As for the other members of the guild, they were not aware of his actions.
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