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Posts posted by Dragual

  1. [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1328657663' post='103768']
    . As my vision was still focusing as I stood up I called out.

    A little confusing there.

    [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1328657663' post='103768']
    “Hold on a tick. That’s me I said looking at the women. At least I think so…” I said quietly allowed.

    Just missing a few quotations. :P

    A really interesting beginning to a story. :) I like it. As for you're character name, what if you use a name of a player here in MD (with their consent)? I know that as a writer you generally try to avoid that but... It could be interesting to see a story that YOU make for a friend of yours. :)

  2. [b]Water[/b][color=#000000][font=Georgia,] [/font][/color]

    [color=#000000][font=Georgia,]Water collected from lake or fountain, common water. Primary resource[/font][/color]

    [b]Toxic plants[/b][color=#000000][font=Georgia,] [/font][/color]


    [center][center] [/center][/center]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]
    [left][left] [b]Rainbow candy[/b]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]
    [left][left] consumable
    [left][left] [/left][/left]
    [left][left] Rainbow colored candy, will give you an extra boost of vitality


  3. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1328423274' post='103489']
    So you're saying that Magic Duel should both advocate and frown upon the use of drugs and alcohol?

    I'm saying that many things exist in game that you can do are frowned upon. For example, depleting resources. Now you can't get jailed for that, but my point remains.

    Edit: And you would say nothing about my Purse Cutter tool idea? So MD can advocate stealing?

    Edit number 2: It also doesn't even have to be a drug. It could be an ingredient for some sort of poison...

  4. [quote name='Maebius' timestamp='1328409074' post='103472']
    I kinda don't like this idea. Water is already horridly depleted in Marind Bell, and this would just give people even more reason to continue doing so.

    Perhaps we could seriously increase the max amount of water available in certain areas? And, to be honest, how is it possible that so little water is available at a lake?

  5. What about various different punishments depending on the amount of illegal items you have. So, you you have like, 200 Nightshade and get caught with it, you can even get sent to jail the moment you are marked with it. Like a triggered effect... Or is that to much?

  6. I recall Mur talking about some items that can get you jailed, and this is what I eventually started to think about...

    Hidden items are items that can only be viewed by you. These are items that can get you jailed if you are caught with them. It could be things like Nightshade or Nightshade Harvesting tools. Nightshade would be a resource that can be harvested in the underground, and if you DO deplete it, the message that says that you did still shows up. Also, when trading these items, it still says so in chat. This could kinda make a "black market" in MD.

    To counter these hidden items will be a search warrant. The search warrant will be a shared item with limited uses. If someone with a search warrant does find that another person has hidden items, they can "mark" the items, making them detectable by all players. This "marking" would go away after a certain period of time... Say, after the next shared tools reset.

  7. Also, what if for every place DURING a war someone dies, there are bones left? Like one or two? This would leave a sort of battlefield memorial as most people cannot harvest bone. >>

    Edit: I also think that death during wartime should have some penalties. Maybe something like you are movelocked and attacklocked for the duration of the battle? Maybe you could be sent back to the GoE and locked there?

  8. Hmm... Well the idea was to prevent non-citizens or soldiers from walking on the battle field... So... Maybe a cost? As it should be a danger to walk in the middle of a war zone.

    What about War Time Ally Stats? Like i.e TW gets there normal stat increase from being TW but in the times of war, they get even more.

  9. I agree, but there are some lands that would like to keep the element of surprise. I just feel that this would strip them of that right.

    Also what if ONLY citizens and enemy soldiers were allowed inside a land that is at war? So, if for some reason GG Ally is attacking Loreroot (Again, completely random example...) Then anyone NOT part of the war is instantly removed. Note, this would not remove citizens of a land who choose not to get involved in the war, only those from other lands who have nothing to do with the battle.

  10. Can we stay on the main topic please? So what if there are no kings? That just means that a LAND can't declare war on another LAND until such things are dealt with. The idea is that BOTH Land Leaders and Ally Leaders can use this ability/spell/item. Then, once Land Leaders are taken care of, they too would get this "feature".

    In addition, I'd like to say I support the idea of Spoils of War. Perhaps it could be done with Yrth's resource idea and maybe a small stealing from the enemy Vault? But I do understand if that can be a problem with Land's deciding to become raiders...

  11. What if we make it to were the Leaders declare war on just a specific Ally, and then either side has the ability to add any citizen to their ally for the duration of the war? And then, have there be three ways to end the war. Either A, you run out of time... Say, 7 days and B you kill all enemy soldiers. And finally C, the opposing Ally surrenders. As for B, this could also lead to a draw if both sides lose the same amount of troops.

  12. What if there was a spell to declare war? This spell would be available ONLY to Land Leaders(Kings? Council?) and to Military Ally Leaders. This spell would not cost any heat and could be an item instead. Like, maybe a saber of some sort? This spell/item could only be used at the gates of the enemy. And then any other Allys or lands that wish to get involved in the war can run to the gates and choose whether they are joining the attackers or the defenders. This could create a sort of system for warfare. Also, the Attackers could choose who specifically they are attacking while using the spell/item. Maybe this could also effect how easily the enemies enter said gates?

    Example- KoB decide that for some reason or anther they want to attack GG and any citizen in the lands. (Just a random example) Said leader of KoB would approach the Gates of Ages and declare war against Land GG.

    (Sorry this seems so illegible... I guess my mind is groggy from not being able to get on MD lately. :( )

    Note- I have no idea about any future wars, this is just another random idea I had. :P

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