Fire Starter Posted April 3, 2012 Report Posted April 3, 2012 [cquote]We would like to explain a few things of the current development concepts and ask for some input from you as to what you think has priority. All these ideas will be worked on eventually, but we need to focus our efforts on one of them to begin with. Land Loyalty The recent implementation of Land Loyalty for shared items is part of a much larger change to do with the Land restructuring since the end of Kingship that you have been waiting for. You probably understood by now that it means shared items can only be collected by people who have been in the land for a period of time, but that these items can then be given to whoever they think should have them. This change is to get ready for some much more powerful items that will need a large amount of land loyalty to grab, this will ensure that only people who are very loyal to a land are able to take and use these items. These new powerful items shall be similar to the ones monarchs had, but will be much more flexible. Treasuries These are a piece of work that has been promised by Mur ..."soon"... that we really wanted to get finished. Not only will this feature help The Treasure Keepers with their duties, but also other people with roles that require them storing a large amount of creatures or items that are kept for their role. Treasuries also offer a means to use the Torch Contest Score and BHC prize money to benefit the lands that win. Torch Contest score will be used to "buy" creatures, items and other abilities for a successful land via the treasury managers. Citizens Currently lands are unable to promote citizens. This is a major problem as citizens are the lifeblood of a land, not to mention more technical issues. Citizens will be able to join a land by applying at a capital, and being voted in by their peers. You control your land, if you dont care, you dont have to go and vote. This leads to no central authority approving applications as before, and the whole land gets a chance to cast their individual votes. You control your land, not one person who is deemed to know the lands interest. Voting will be weighted based on your land loyalty score and as an applicant you will have to reach a certain percentage of the total land loyalty of all the current citizens in order to be admitted. Alliances Alliance takeovers have been rife as of late and have led us to look at a better system for determining alliance leaders. The current system is older than the fossils, and not designed for a time when someone can gain 10k loyalty a week (or a day!). This planned feature will reclassify alliances into particular types, where each will be under slightly different rules regarding leadership and takeovers. It will make alliance takeovers for some alliances impossible, specifically administrative alliances, but for some it wont change the system at all. With all of the above, a new wave of land diplomacy will be triggered with alliance takeovers, politics and bargaining. Tagging The final change that is being planned is a revamp of the tag system. Currently the only people that can do universal tag and description changes are the council. We want tags to be more fluid and represent what you are more easily. Currently there are two main types of tag, one that is personal to yourself, describing your role, and a general one for summon spells. This change will allow people to have multiple tags and allow flash mobs of warriors to form and attack an enemy capital or skilled woodcutters to be able to harvest more resources through careful practice. Phew! Still with us? These ideas are all ready to be coded up and implemented, but we need to put some work into getting them to work just right with everything else. This is why we are asking for your ideas as to what we will start work on implementing. Make a couple of topics about these ideas, we need your feedback so we can make it work well. Our differing viewpoints might make the idea ok, but all of your feedback will make it great! Work on these ideas will commence after MD Birthday as we are currently working on planning and managing the whole event so have little time for other things until then. We shall keep you updated as to the progress on the work. Please vote on the topic and tell us which one you think should be worked on first. Vote for one, two or all of them![/cquote] Chewett and Prince Marvolo 2
Burns Posted April 3, 2012 Report Posted April 3, 2012 I want to vote for finished MP6 and the MP5 creature limits to be put into effect, the combat situation is disgusting with us using all kinds of angiens, drachs and so on, and the 'more recent' = younger than a year MP5 not even getting a chaos archer. I know that it's not your priority, but that's the daily business, and should get fixed. Kaya, Jubaris and Chewett 2 1
Isabella Finch Posted April 3, 2012 Report Posted April 3, 2012 I searched for alternate threads about this but found none. So if this is posted and not wanted, please feel free to move it or delete it. I did read the entire box of text and I have to admit... I don't really get it. Especially the tags option. In my opinion, this should be the least focused on. If it is about personal tags then isn't it just something we can place on our personal pages? Maybe I just don't understand, but I don't see the full need for these, especially since people say wat they want others to know about them in their papers they go out of their way to get so people can read about their character. So what is adding tags going to do? I seen Necromancer Mortis had done this, I was thinking it was purely rp. Maybe it is. And even so, I still don't see what good it does... As with the other two options. They were explained a tiny bit, but not enough for someone brand new to the game in comparison to people that have played for years. Could this maybe be "dumned" down a bit? I have seen the reasons for [i]not[/i] joining an alliance, aka you get your rear handed to you on a silver platter by baddies too intimidating to even look at let alone fight against and actually hold your own. Pros however for joining an alliance have completely escaped me. And citizenship, it seems is just for getting special items for gathering special items to make special items? Unless I am mistaken on that, but that is the gist I have gotten so far, which doesn't seem right. If I wanted Isabella to get any items she would have to join Marind Bell because she has a hard chance, if any at all, to go anywhere else. When, based on her character, it seems Necrovian or East lands would be much better suited. And I doubt land jumping just because you want to be a citizen to get ingrediants but then moving to another better one as you get the chance is even allowed. And if it is, it is probably frowned upon. Also, they were slightly described, but you didn't say what the votes would do.. If Citizenship gets the most, for example, what will be changed about it compared to how it is now? I tried asking one person about this and he said he wasn't even voting because none of it even concerned him. So would I be wasting my time with this as well, since I am so new to th game or does this all affect anyone no matter how old or new? Ivorak, Kaya, Chewett and 1 other 3 1
Root Admin Chewett Posted April 3, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted April 3, 2012 [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1333451339' post='108145'] Please vote on the topic and tell us which one you think [b]should be worked on first[/b]. Vote for one, two or all of them![/cquote] [/quote] Methinks they want us to pick which one is done first, no?
Isabella Finch Posted April 3, 2012 Report Posted April 3, 2012 [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1333460847' post='108170'] Methinks they want us to pick which one is done first, no? [/quote] I got that part. But since my opinion was asked, I would like to know all the details before giving it. If that makes sense?
Fang Archbane Posted April 3, 2012 Report Posted April 3, 2012 Personally I'm all for alliances getting done first, the alliance takeover syndrome running around sickens me to my core. ~Fang Chewett and ignnus 2
No one Posted April 3, 2012 Report Posted April 3, 2012 Hi, Here are my 2 cents: I vote none of the options ( Citizenship Alliances Tags ). As I have seen, there are 5 topics (Land Loyalty, Treasuries, Citizens, Alliances, Tagging). I will vote for Treasuries for personal reasons as I hate how the current treasurer is doing his business. As for the other topics ... i do know that I will most probably hate the changes. But since the old issues are not being finalized ... whatever you are doing will just add more ideas that are not finished. As for me having fun, here are some comments: Citizenship : I do hope that you will not remove the option of getting a citizenship by joining a alliance. And ... what will happen if none or very few will vote ? What will happen with ppl that become inactive with a big portion of land loyalty , how will this be accieved : "to reach a certain percentage of the total land loyalty of all the current citizens in order to be admitted" ? Land Loyalty : i am still waiting for you to [b]split equitably [/b]the items accross all lands. Related question : why does the Chat obfuscator requires Loreroot loyalty ? I know that it was created to be used against Dst, but still, why is she forbidden to take some (or me for that matter, or Eon or ppl from the East or GG or Necro ). Treasuries : the idea is good (remove the items for Fenrir) but the terms are so generic that I am sure will not cover all abuses. Therefor I will apply for a treasury myself (as my role complies with the requirements). I will check on you later dst and Watcher 1 1
Liberty4life Posted April 3, 2012 Report Posted April 3, 2012 yeah me wanna vote for treasuries tooo... Watcher and Chewett 2
Eon Posted April 3, 2012 Report Posted April 3, 2012 What alliances will and won't be affected exactly? Mur has already stated he's fine with alliance takeovers. Will only the TK's, Dragon people, and Mur's alliance be deemed non-takeover alliances? Those are the only ones I can see being considered administrative alliances. If people can't keep control over their alliance then they don't deserve to have it. Jubaris, nadrolski, Sasha Lilias and 5 others 2 6
phantasm Posted April 4, 2012 Report Posted April 4, 2012 The sum of my whole thoughts on this....progress ideas... can be said with three letters....[size=5][b]lol[/b][/size] Brulant, Watcher, Chewett and 2 others 5
Root Admin Chewett Posted April 4, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted April 4, 2012 [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1333533340' post='108241'] The sum of my whole thoughts on this....progress ideas... can be said with three letters....[size=5][b]lol[/b][/size] [/quote] As usual, your input into all things related to magicduel is incredibly helpful. You are farcical... "prince" of darkness =))On a more useful note: i moved many of these posts to the citizenship topic, as they were mainly discussing that phantasm, dst, Pipstickz and 1 other 3 1
Liberty4life Posted April 4, 2012 Report Posted April 4, 2012 why nobody answered to the question: why we got 5 topics to vote on but we are able to vote for only 3 of them? Watcher 1
Root Admin Chewett Posted April 4, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted April 4, 2012 Land loyalty and treasuries are done no? From the sounds of it, all the other stuff is "future" planned, but the concepts are implemented, treasuries work (sieg has one) and some items have land loyaty
Rumi Posted April 4, 2012 Report Posted April 4, 2012 (edited) [cquote] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Burns – Please email us stating what you feel needs to be fixed for MP6, we are looking into what Mur had planned with regards to this and would like your input, as a previously long-time MP6. It would be even better if you could discuss with other MP6 and give us group feedback.[/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Isabella - Tags will have more power than just being words soon, these custom tags will be used to place your status inside a land and will affect the actions you perform. Tags also define you in an official way for any works that may relate to said tag, it isn’t just a sticker, it comes with responsibilities and abilities generally. With all of the ideas we are giving the general outline of each feature, we haven't given each specific because we don't want to say this will happen as plans change and with a loose outline we are giving you more creative authority to reply to us with your ideas. The aspects of being a citizen are more than just having special tools, it is being affiliated with a land, being with people of the same ilk. We suggest you talk to various people of different lands, and see why they joined their land, there are reasons why some lands appear more difficult to join etc.[/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]No One – In terms of citizenship voting: the issues you bring up have been considered and the specifics with relation to what level is considered a good majority will probably be adjusted based on your feedback when the system is implemented, so start discussions on the citizenship thread for us to look at please. Citizenship will still be gained when joining an alliance, this is not expected to change. The specific requirement for a vote succeeding is being discussed, factors such as people not voting and people with large land loyalty not being around are all being considered. It is likely that if a player has not been active for 2 weeks then they will not be accounted for in the land loyalty calculation. Your feedback once the feature has been implemented will be taken into account too, to see if its too hard or easy to be voted in. In terms of land loyalty for items we asked for you to post up comments on the new land loyalty feature, and we have fixed the ones that were reported, such as the GG lab items, but we did not see you report these. As the feature is based on the items needing loyalty of the land they are made from, we needed to adjust some items. These have now been fixed – see the most recent announcement about them. Send us an email with specifics or start a forum topic if you need to so we can look at your concerns in detail.[/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Eon - The conceptual measure of control to be reflected accurately over an alliance is most definitely not the amount of loyalty you have gained, for fighting alliances maybe, but not for many of the alliances. Taking over some alliances will be harder, but not impossible.[/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Change - We were thinking of a time limit for voting, a week or so, and discussing the possibility of voting for/against, and weighing the votes there. We suggest posting and discussing your comments on that specific post.[/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Kamisha has made a number of topics to discuss on specific issues, please use them, and make more if there are other topics you want us to look at.[/background][/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3][/cquote][/size][/font] Edited April 4, 2012 by Rumi Tarquinus 1
Kaya Posted April 7, 2012 Report Posted April 7, 2012 I agree with Burns that MP6 should be changed first, or at least soon. After that I think first citizenship should be changed, followed by alliances and as last tags. Citizenship affects most players and alliances are important at this moment because of the resent takeovers. While tags are an interesting feature they're not as important as the others at the moment. Also I think land loyalty needs to be more dynamic. Loyalty is more than just logging in every day.
BFH Posted April 8, 2012 Report Posted April 8, 2012 Mp6! Yes long issue and Mursy promised it or at least scheduled it for last summer. Mp6 has big issues with adepts atm, worshipers and some of the spells for the level are useless.
Root Admin Chewett Posted April 8, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted April 8, 2012 [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1333887340' post='108488'] Mp6! Yes long issue and Mursy promised it or at least scheduled it for last summer. Mp6 has big issues with adepts atm, worshipers and some of the spells for the level are useless. [/quote] murry promised chp3 next week lol, so mp6 will be in a short 20 years or so? Liberty4life 1
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