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The value of Life in MD


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[quote name='J-D' timestamp='1340500242' post='115900']
Is it right for a killer to walk away freely? Of course not. But of course, there is the matter of: what can we do to punish the killer? The system is obviously quite unbalanced. The people with the killing and reviving items are the most powerful people around. With a few exceptions, these people tend to be greedy.
You underestimate the power that the community as a whole possesses. There are ways to punish someone, we just need to know who to punish, yeah?

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[quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1340520928' post='115909']
You underestimate the power that the community as a whole possesses. There are ways to punish someone, we just need to know who to punish, yeah?

As long as the killer stays silent we have know way to know for certain. We all know Seigheart killed Chewett. That's a start. On the other hand, Spartiatis claims that Eon was the one who killed him, which makes sense, but we have no way of knowing 100% that it was him unless he, too, speaks up and says so.

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[quote name='J-D' timestamp='1340543002' post='115942']
As long as the killer stays silent we have know way to know for certain. We all know Seigheart killed Chewett. That's a start. On the other hand, Spartiatis claims that Eon was the one who killed him, which makes sense, but we have no way of knowing 100% that it was him unless he, too, speaks up and says so.

it could also be one of the guardians of bob, they have assassin tools too, and spartiatis cut down bob a few days before he was killed.
but unless someone confesses, there is no way to be sure about who killed who.

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[quote name='Grido' timestamp='1340486135' post='115884']
considering there's idk how many various threads already about the dead and various ways to revive them, how about you all decide on a single idea, and all back that? If you have 20 ideas and support is spread it'll be weaker than if you all back the same idea.
Well, I would be happy to see 20 ideas implemented. NOT a problem!

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I think we should now as a community bundle our energy and decide which way is working best or should work best. I think Grido is right. It is no use to splinter our energy and try 20 ways to revive the dead at the same time. We really have to do something. This murdering is a serious threat and we should have a ritual at the ready. I am not an expert on this, but I am sure there are among us. So please come forward and let's make a ritual as a community, so that we never chase somebody away again.

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  • 2 months later...

[quote name='No one' timestamp='1347877116' post='121926']
Considering the new "ability" enhancement to be taken into consideration that with "herbalism" skill you can end up gathering 2 herbs instead on one, maybe you can enhance this killing devices [b]with[/b] the [b]"killing" skill [/b]that [b]you can to kill 2 for the price of 1[/b].[/quote]Would we make killing a new stat as well? Whoever has the highest can have the assasin's role. Lovely, isn't it? Let's just kill everyone, shall we?
[quote]Now, that we had our fun, let get to the point: why should you get a resistance ?
Are there ppl getting killed by hundreds or even by dozen? Are those items / spell so free and widely spread that all MD is in danger of getting killed ?

As I remember, the items & spells have been given to specific ppl with specific limits. Anyone crossing its limit is punishable. [/quote]Punishable?

Who has been punished for killing Phantom Orchid? Who was punished for killing Spartiatis? Who was punished for killed Chewy? Who has ever been punished for killing Seigheart so many times?

Special people? Others bought those items, others won them. That does not make them special. It turns them inresponsible every single time one uses the item. They do not think of the concequences.

In RL if I give you a gun, will you go so freely and start to shoot people just because you got a new toy? How much would you enjoy if I gave the toy to another then and he shoots you?[quote]Also, currently the resurrection process is so easy that getting dead might be simply an adventure just as MP6 seems to be with no pain and no real commitment.[/quote]
Reaaaaally? I would like to remind you, that there only a handful of people who are strong enough to defeat Molquert's Guards. And one needs to have good relationships with them in order to proceed to that plan. Currently, I don't have anyone else strong enough to fight for me except Ignnus. And frankly, that is only because I have not bothered enough to go ask for more help yet.[quote]No, I vote against the resistance.
I am even against the easy resurrection system that has been used recently.

I do hope that the system will improve and things will get harder (to resurrect and play while dead) so that ppl will respect this condition.
[/quote]I vote against death in general. People have no respect for it and just see it as a game. Can't you all see how time consuming the whole death matter is? It isn't a role play matter anymore, only mechanic.

But if I had to choose something for the sake of the discussion, I vote for every killing item to have a backfire chance, same thing as it can happen with a real weapon.

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Buhuhu. Players are getting killed. There are several ways to resurrect them but we are too lazy to apply them. What do we do? We try to change the system.
If you think that way why not have also the revival spell/item/whatever backfire? As in it can also not work. Or spells. Or fights. Or broken minds.

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Dst I am not crying, I thought you knew me better than that. You know how easily I am adjusting to the several changes the game has been put through and even the changes that will come.

Death has become nothing more than a game, within a game where death should have a more symbolic meaning in my opinion.

Spartiatis quit the game because someone killed him and was left unpunished. Despite the efforts of all the community to revive him, his gameplay was ruinned. Molquert's option combines fighting, roleplaying but it is also timeconsuming. That is because there are certain who are unwilling to help others by just using an item to them to revive them. Be it because they charge them, or because they do not like that specific corpse.

I would expect the veterans to be more friendly in the matter of death to those in need and not turn their backs on it or propose things that would even make it worse.

If you can propose something that will balance everything and would be a plus for all and not just for your personal satisfaction, then all are free to do so. Rumi suggested something and I am all into it.

Don't forget, the game is evolving and it will continue to evolve but as it is, it is us, the community as a whole to guide the game to a certain direction that is pleasant (to play with) for those who are already here and most importantly, for those that will continue to come into this game.

But then again... what do I know, right?

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[color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2368 - [2012-08-07 02:24:14 - Stage 11][/color]
The head of the Treasure Keepers is starting to smell. We can't stand it anymore. We have called in a specialist to fix this but some strong-hearted adventurers need to go and find this specialist. His name is Molquert, and Molquert will now appear whenever anyone in the realm dies. The problem is Molquert never does anything for free.
Beware, he cannot hear anyone from the land of the living unless they have defeated both of his guards so first find them, declare your intentions and they will attack you. Defeat them, then you need to find Molquert. Do not try to trick Molquert, his guards will be keeping him informed and trying to trick him could end very badly for you...
[color=#b22222][u][b]This is the first stage in the implementation of a new revival process.[/b][/u][/color]
Good Luck!

So let's wait and see. Why change something that's not even finished yet?

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Define abuse.

And how can you minimize the "death" effect? Any change towards that way will simply change the death to something else: death attempt, murder attempt etc. It's unfair to this mechanism to nerf it just because we see it as a "negative" thingy. I see bad RP as a negative thingy but I never asked for it to be "nerfed" (oh well...I tried but god knows those bad RP-ers are worse than <insert the worst thing you can think of> :D).
If you apply such change to death then apply it to ALL existing spells/items/actions.

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Auch, Peace, I did not expect you to be so against death. I am sorry that this displeases you.

But "death" should have been a punishment easier then the mighty "Ban". Unfortunately some enjoy mocking the punishment and the ones that punished them.
And by doing that they attract the wrath on the humble ones that try to help them.

It is all down the slope from there and more get killed to stop the revival of the unfit. Some do not deserve to play in any other way then "dead".

You, Peace, managed to play it gracefully and I doubt that on your request there would not have been many to assist you in your revival at any time and any cost.
And you played it without the cheat of a "leash".
But for the sake of some (you all know who) death must exists as a pre-ban punishment.

I as many others in this game cannot "ban" ppl, but, if one can afford, one can ask for a punishment from council or others.

You know it all to well that with RP you can "die" and "come back". What was the backfire for your trip to the other side ? Why not give a chance for the rest of the players to play in peace away from the disturbance of the few ?

If the price for that, Peace, is the backfire effect (different from the 1 / month use), then be it. But a lot of spells would require the same amendment.

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Really?? Death a pre-ban punishment? What have those killed done that is so severe to warrant such action (yes Seigheart included)?

Im inclined to think anyone may do mostly whatever they please as long as it follows the ingame restrictions. Death stops this.

As I see it death has been thrown around too freely lately. Take when the kings were killed as an example. Lots of death but wasnt it all planned out? They were all more responsible with it then.

Nowadays.. Why was nadrolski killed? "Disturbance?"

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[quote name='No one' timestamp='1347913099' post='121971']
It is all down the slope from there and more get killed to stop the revival of the unfit. Some do not deserve to play in any other way then "dead".
Remember when the word "elitism" was floating around the forum? I didn't think feelings like that actually existed. Thank you for proving to me that some have an ego big enough to think things like this.

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