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Fyrd Argentus - Major Rededication of Focus

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Fyrd Argentus (speaking ooc) has been grappling with Death in the realm since the beginning of the Lost Path Adventure. Concerns have increased as players have been killed, and others been demoralized by having no apparent way to recover from this, and left the realm. Always there is the seeming arbitrary power the older characters have over the newcomers. Fyrd has attempted several activities personally to rectify this situation, but it has become clear that a group voice must be raised to address concerns of such magnitude.

This thread announces the formation of a GROUP with a common dedication to improving the lot of new players, and their retention in the realm. First efforts will be dedicated to establishing a revival path that allows new players to feel secure in their time and emotional investment to the realm. Other issues will be tackled as needed with this same goal.

Fyrd is setting aside his claim on leadership of the (now defunct) Legend Speakers alliance to lead this group. In fact, he is dropping his MDA citizenship and joining the Underground to learn from those that have braved the shadows before him. Please note, this new group has NOTHING to do with the Underground or Shattered Illusions alliance.

How can you join and support this effort?
In increasing order of commitment…..
1. You can pledge resources on this thread or privately, in case an important tool can be purchased.
2. You can support the growth of the Community Garden, which is a wellspring of life and potential source tools for revival of the dead.
3. You can sign on as a "Friend" of this group.
4. You can sign up as an adept or worshipper of Fyrd Argentus.

Yes, Fyrd is going for MP6 again. As Protector, Fyrd will represent the voice of this group. Signing up as a Friend, Adept, or Worshipper is to say that Fyrd speaks for you in matters related to the charter of this group.

Now all we need is a good name.

Now, we have a thread for The Plan:

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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1. I often give out resources and similar for nothing more than free, and would be glad to provide to this project anything that I might be able to supply. I will also submit my 8 sc and any other small coins I happen to get my hands on.
2. I already support the Garden effort.
3. You can definitely count me as a friend.

Edited by Falronn
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[*]You speak of revival, of the dead, but also of the dying (MD is slowly withering away, but it needn't be this way). I suggest the name [i]Redivivus[/i] for this group, as it reflects that goal perfectly and also because of the intriguing shape/sound of the word.
[*]My assistant/friend Etluc has been carrying my dagger around for awhile. He does so in the capacity of an executioner. He will not kill indiscriminately, but offers his services to each land to carry out executions of those who have committed murder. This is intended to serve as a deterrent to murder. If you are a citizen of one of the lands, you should urge your fellow countrymen to secure Etluc's services, knowing that your spent coin will go to a good cause; we are hereby pledging all revenue from this service towards this effort initiated by Fyrd.
[*]I am pledging 5 gold to this effort, and will match all future donations (up to an additional 15 gold) by all those not on the Active Veterans, Wishpoint Top, Most Popular, or Item Owners lists (I'd encourage those on these lists to pledge similar matching bids if you can).

I am a friend/supporter of this effort. I'll do more when I can.

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[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. I have no silver to my name but, im happy to help however i can :3[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. I dont know much of the Community Garden, but i do know i like the general idea of it.[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. I am your friend, in and out of this topic. Count this Wolf in.[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. Done. I have adepted Fyrd and will proceed to worship you once/if Peace happens to fall. I cant simply leave her, as 30% of 20K loyalty down the drain is... depressing ^-^[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Im always glad to help Fyrd. If you need anything else, feel free to ask =][/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Edit: and may i suggest the name "Twilight Brigade".

I feel it captures the middle ground in between life and death. those that try and spread it, versus those that try and stop it. That mystical time at sundown, when nothings really true anymore, and life could swing in any direction. we are the middle ground. we are the life force that will bring back others. and if you so choose to accept the name, we are, the Twilight Brigade.[/font][/color]

Edited by Fang Archbane
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[quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1349122946' post='122747']
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Edit: and may i suggest the name "Twilight Brigade".[/font][/color]
...you spelled "Dawn " wrong, Fang. :P Sun's rising, not setting, the way I see folks being Revived.

On topic: You have my Help, if ever it is needed, Fyrd.

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Ivorak, I applaud your effort.

The problem with death in the realm is that it has seemed so capricious and arbitrary. The victims have no recourse, no idea what happened, why, or what to do about it. Even paying 20 GC seems a temporary solution and a waste of coin, as it will just happen again, and again.

Your effort should instill a bit more sense of justice and stability. Perhaps it will keep people from leaving the realm.

You should publicize this more.

(And thanks everybody for the outpouring of support. All I can take credit for is putting my finger on the issue. We will only restore balance together.)

p.s. I'm serious that I don't want this group to stop at beating the death-balance problem. We need to find ways to actively encourage player retention, and remove obstacles to that, or this realm will go POOF. So we need a broad name.... Junior suggested VISION and we're playing with acronyms that will fit that...

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
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I will support you on a case by case basis, with resources, knowledge and anything else I deem appropriate. Also I'll try my best at making an interesting revival recipe.

When more death items entered the realm, death itself died. I'm not here to fight death, but to resurrect it.

As for the name, While "Twilight Brigade" does fit the cause of the group it doesn't really fit MD, so I like "Redivivus" better.

On a side note, you can now visit Spartiatis' Grave by using "urn" at the Ash Arch.

Edited by samon
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[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1349128470' post='122757']
p.s. I'm serious that I don't want this group to stop at beating the death-balance problem. We need to find ways to actively encourage player retention, and remove obstacles to that, or this realm will go POOF.

I am all for this ^0^

And as the leader of the Treasure Keepers, may i suggest more quests? They do not have to be large, deep rooted, or complicated :D

They can be anything as complicated as Bunnys War Ceremony, or as simple (yet blatantly AWESOME Ox<) as Maebius' hangman :3

The TK will be more than glad to sponsor all decently made quests, as long as effort seems to have been made, so that we can all, as a whole, revive MagicDuel together ^^

I miss the days when the Park was full of Newbies and not one LHO ever got a break xD

Lets get back to the good old days :3

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Quests are good. I hear the creature children's choir in the back room of my hut is having a hard time getting organized..... I may step in on that while making no headway on the death thing. I firmly believe this is the best part of MD.

BUT you got to have players, and they got to stick around long enough to find the quests, and not be driven off by -- well, you know ....

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What about the name "Dar De Duh" (deutsch: "Geschenk des Geistes / der Seele") (english: "Gift of the Soul")? (the english translation is from myself so feel free to correct it if it´s wrong)

It´s the title of the debut album of a band from Romania called DORDEDUH. A fantastic Debut by the way ;).

I found the title very inspiring for the whole idea.

What are your thoughts?


Edited by Menhir
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[font=comic sans ms,cursive][i]As someone caught in the middle of life and death twice, both in a different way, I will support your cause Fyrd. I consider you a friend for a long time now even if our paths never crossed.[/i][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][i]Necrovion's bones are free for your cause. [/i][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][i]As for the Community Garden, it is a project we look forward to be part of soon.[/i][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][i]Just... don't take my adepts, I would like to remain a Protector for a tad longer, please.[/i][/font]

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[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. I support the growth of the Community Garden.[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. I announce myself as a friend of this movement[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. I am your adept.[/font][/color]

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[quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1349128470' post='122757']
p.s. I'm serious that I don't want this group to stop at beating the death-balance problem. We need to find ways to actively encourage player retention, and remove obstacles to that, or this realm will go POOF. So we need a broad name.... Junior suggested VISION and we're playing with acronyms that will fit that...

For easy reference, here are some related initiatives/features/etc. that I think do or could contribute to our goal of community building. [list]
[*][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/236-community-garden/"]The Community Garden[/url] - get involved with the quests, donate to the treasury, help out with the initial plots.
[*][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/calendar/"]The Community Calendar[/url] - Ackshan suggests we use the community calendar to promote events ([url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13038-community-calendar/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13038-community-calendar/[/url]). That's kind of obvious, but it hasn't been done too much.
[*][url="http://sync.in/quN91n6iM0"]"What can you do for MD?"[/url] - I created this document that anyone can edit a while ago for some ideas to combat negativity. Add your own ideas.
I'll add more things here as I rediscover them.

Also, here are some things I'd like to do. The first involves creating something the archivists can archive:

There has been talk of relaunching the newspaper. While the idea of relaunching the MD newspaper as an "official" monthly is laudable, I think there should be several competing papers that are hopefully more agile and regular. They could focus on different topics or otherwise differentiate their offering. Imagine a periodical called "The Sharpshooter" for instance, tasked with writing social exposes. Myself, I was thinking about launching a weekly (I was toying with the name "Glazbeno Gazette"), with short summaries of important happenings. If we record happenings well, it will give others the impression that more occurs in MD than they experience personally, encouraging to get involved more. I also hope to hire some newer players to write for the paper, giving them further incentive to get involved as well as a way to prove themselves. Those who want to help out should tune in to the [url="http://perigords.tumblr.com/"]Piedmont and Perigord's[/url] page, and send me some ideas/feedback at the email listed there.

Secondly, Zyrxae and I have been discussing something related to the MD University. For more info about that, you'd have to contact Zyrxae, we only discussed it briefly.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='samon' timestamp='1349208577' post='122877']
What about Yggdrasil, the Norse life tree in which the 9 worlds from Norse mythology are placed. [b]As a reference to both life and the realm in general.[/b]

Mur has always discouraged outside and RL stuff, he likes unique stuff. However that doesnt mean that we must obey, this isnt Mur's world anymore.

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I thought the idea of a life tree to be very fitting to the groups purpose, and as Yggdrasil also functions a a realm between worlds that feeds and nurtures all it's inhabitants, it could be seen as a symbol to connect the real world to the realm of MD. As such I'm more speaking about the concept behind the tree than about the tree itself. It's true that n original name would be better, but I can't help but see the life tree as the most fitting symbol to the group.

Perhaps the more general "Tree of Life" would be better? These can be found in cultures over the entire globe and, in a way, even in MD itself.

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I'm much more fond of Redivivus or Vision than Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil just seems to rooted in a specific tradition. The more general Tree of Life, though, it isn't shabby. I do like it, more and more. Or (forgive me for more Latin) how about Visus, meaning the power of sight or a vision.

I am against acronyms, but Vision on it's own works fine.

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