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Fang Archbane

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Im sure by now youve all seen the newest ton of fun the Council has thrown my way, and i would like to make something CRYSTAL clear.

I did not move the stones or even try to because if i do, then all of the Codes i gave BFH will go invalid, and thus out of sheer LOGIC, i left the stones where they were. Count them. Ten of each. UNTOUCHED. I have not tampered, used, meddled, or changed the stones in ANY way.

As for the Soulweaver. Both Soulweavers are mine, and i DEMAND it back. I bought my first Soulweaver a while ago, and the SECOND, was a gift from a FRIEND.

Now then. I dont blame the ignorant Council at all for not knowing how the stones and all that other junk work. All i ask, is that my Soulweaver is returned to me ASAP, my Jailing gets lifted, and the stones, i dont give two cents about the stones, if the Council wants to break BMMORPG for a third time, i say let them.

I didnt mind when they took 3 creatures last time, and jailed me for a week. I made foolish decisions, and i deserved what i got. This however, is unjust, ignorant, and down right ridiculous.

So ill only say this one more time Council. Give me back my Soulweaver, and free me from jail, or im going straight over your heads and this WILL get ugly.

Edit: oh, i forgot to mention the notes. No, i wasnt stealing them. Prior to all the bs that happened while i was leaving the TKs, i was buying back all the notes and trying to get them into one place so i could take inventory of them. Seriously. Its not that complicated of a situation.

Edited by Fang Archbane
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The soulweaver cannot be yours fang since it has never been on any account but inside the treasury.

The log of that creature confirms this as it has never been traded to anyone (taking creatures out of treasury does not edit the log), was logged being taken out of the treasury at 2012-11-18 19:30:27 and has no log to state that it was bought in the treasury.

Furthermore, i know for a fact that i myself created this creature under request for more creatures in the treasury.

The stones should have been moved but you never replied to my email regarding this.

Only one soulweaver was taken, and this one was definately owned by the treasury. ID794000


PS: BMMORPG stones will not be broken as i transferred them in a way that the codes were not changed, as i detailed i would do when you replied to me confirming they were ok Fang, but you never replied to that email.

Edited by Nimrodel
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Lets break this down shall we?

"The soulweaver cannot be yours fang since it has never been on any account but inside the treasury.

Well then. My bad. I guess my Gifted Soulweaver was the one you guys took the first time to put into the vault. My bad. Its difficult to keep track of things when the creators of the game are stealing from you.

Now lets assume that what hes saying is true. Ok. Fair enough. My bad. One of the Soulweavers i took out to gift got left in my inventory, oh no, the horror, it got heat, aaaaaaaaah run for the hills. My bad Bugsman. Keep the SW, i dont care at this point, just unjail me so i can go back to idling at the PC and helping the new guys.

"The stones should have been moved but you never replied to my email regarding this.

WHAT EMAIL!?>!?? i dont use the Treasury@ email anymore, im not the HEAD TK. And if you mean my ACTUAL email adress, then no, i received nothing there from you either Bugsman.

"PS: BMMORPG stones will not be broken as i transferred them in a way that the codes were not changed, as i detailed i would do when you replied to me confirming they were ok Fang, but you never replied to that email.

I never read such an email. See previous retort.

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[quote][color=#000000]The email i sent to you was while you were the TK leader, i also have a number of other outstanding questions which i guess don't matter any more, but to quote an email i received from you "im not very good with keeping track of emails i think i have replied to everything"[/quote][/color]


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First of all, Merry Christmas council/bugs... You really know how to time things...

Anyway, anyone bothered sending Fang a reminder before jailing him? It sounds like a big part of the problem here is miscommunication. Even Fang wouldn't be stupid enough to think he would be able to get away with holding back such massive amounts, right?

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Hm.... feel the need to reply here, and second Samon.
This is an odd one.

On one hand, christmas Eve jailings seem a bit petty. Particularly if the explanation of holding stones for BMMORPG is valid, since I do know there were issues with the trade codes of them before when TK leadership shifted, it broke before when a TK traded out of treasuries, etc...and Fang did not have direct access to a Treasury while being Dead. Samons idea of "Reminder pls?", even if sent via those fancy in-game PMs from ourselves (Postman, Santa, God-accnt?, etc).
I'll have to do some more in-depth searching but probably can find forum-posts to support that argument as it sounds like something I'd read before a month or two ago.

On the other hand, I'm guessing "Hey, I demand you do this nao!" is probably not the best way to phrase your defense arguments...
(I'd write it off as well-understood frustration to waking up to such an announcement at this time of year, just when "the fun stuff" was going on, though.)

What's done is done, but I wanted to share my perspective, as an outside observer.
Jailing is perhaps needed for the crime. I only question the timing, and if the situation could be re-worked to teach a lesson about leading groups and being email-smarter, which seems to be a sticking point to communications with Fang. MD teaches us many things. Sometimes harshly, sometimes not, but there are usually ways to lessen the sting of lessons, and still make them stick.

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Thirding samon's post, mostly because I accidentally downranked it and want to give it more weight. The timing is bad and the justice is rash.

(The announcement wording is deceptive about the nature of the error and) we all know that on MD as in life the negatives are best kept private to minimize resonance, unless someone does something truly horrible.

I see the soulweaver situation as ambiguous enough to not be a reason to publicly damn Fang. I still carry a silver coin from the treasury in my inventory that was destined for a winner of Maebius Madness #3. It was there at the time our keys were stripped. I have been instructed by TK to deliver it to a fairly inactive player -- at the first opportunity, which may not be for a while. Fang's situation may be similar. (I haven't asked.)

(edited due to bizarre grammatical choices)

Edited by Ackshan Bemunah
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Since it seems popular, I agree with samon also.

The quote in Seigh's post leads me to believe he didn't see the email and that it was known to be the case. Perhaps a bit more civility could have been used here... its not that hard to contact someone to be honest, ingame PM would be the best option. I know fang reads the ones I send him.

Sure it may have been a while but were more efforts made to contact him before surprising him with this?

I see the fact that none of the items were used or transferred in any way to be good for fangs case.

Perhaps fang could have been more responsible with getting the items to where they needed to be (although keep in mind he has been killed twice lately), but at the same time wasn't the irresponsibility what he was jailed for the week for?

Edited by Mallos
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[b]Christmas Pardon[/b]
Fang has posted on the forum stating his reasons for keeping all of the items, and while he should have returned them we have decided that it is much nicer this time of year to pardon him.
His jail sentence is revoked as of now.
We shall be contacting him to see if he wants to do some form of "community work" as repayment for what he did, helping out here and there but this not compulsory.
Merry Christmas!

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#008000]Mods please close the topic :D[/color][/font][/font]

Edited by DARK DEMON
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No, no, the Council has given me hope where none used to lay.

If they can still forgive, than they are still human, and that, is good enough for me.

They once again have my trust and acceptance. For now.

And of course ill help the Community in any way i may.

I find that to be a just and fitting end to this road i took.

Merry Murmas indeed.

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