Nimrodel Posted July 21, 2013 Report Posted July 21, 2013 (edited) This topic was made public to satisfy my ego, of course, but that does not make it a farce in an way. The things pointed out here are very helpful for me. What scares me is that on the majority of the points, i have nothing to change..or i can't..or i don't know how..or i consider i shouldn't .... well...i made this topic, its a step, i shall see how i use this info afterwards. Its expected that most share same views about what the terrible mur does wrong.. so having it as public post is helpful for me to be able to reply to all of you, instead of making this via pms that i will never reply. This "favoritism" thing pops up everywhere, so i would like you _all_ that named it as a problem, to send me, or post in here if you "dare", a list of playernames that you, personally, consider i favor in an unfair way.. Based on that i shall analyze if my reasons to favor one or the other are justified or a weakness. In some cases, favors are part of my gratitude towards those players for their efforts. In other cases these "favors" are my way of expressing confidence of what that player could be/become other cases ..probably..something else happens that i need to understand. oh yeah, name in a few words what is it that i favor about one or the other player you name. seriously..lets deal with this whole favoritism thing now. p.s. i will answer to the other points later ..i need to make myself a list I would like to know what gratitude you wanted to show towards fang (who made it to mp7 with his illusionist meteor), seig (who was sponsored with a spell doc as a reward for a quest that should've ensured him some punishment), and leixer (who got a drachorn in those days when GGs were rare for being 'persistent'. All he was persistant was at beating the crap out of the system by putting his finger in all the loopholes he could find and tearing the system apart.). I'd like to say that there were certain instances when I felt Eon was shown favouritsm as well but oh well he worked his way for what he got, even though knowingly or unknowingly a lot of people suffered because of him. And by suffer i do not mean skill damage or resource collecting. Other stuff. They are the most recent ones. There are a lot more names, players of the past. Reflect on it or ask around. People close to you will tell you how many older players can be added up in this list. Actually most of the former RPCs were shown favouritism till they took it for granted and started beating the system and things got out of hand. Wasnt that the reason why you kicked the rpc system in the guts? Because they became really arrogant? Why do you think they became arrogant? Because they had Mur on their side. Very few of them deserved that post. Many made it just because they knew you out of game as well. Indyra is another huge example for favouritism. Lair keepers didnt even last for a few months. Edited July 21, 2013 by Nimrodel dst and emerald arcanix 2 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted July 21, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted July 21, 2013 perfect, keep posting, i will make a list of playernames and reply in one for all as a note , i received such a reply: "I'm not talking about you favoring, I'm talking about you not doing anything when other people favor dst over me." Please..i am talking about MY favoritism, not others, or favoritism in general in md. Not doing anything towards someone or in a given situation could be considered a favor only if i do something in other similar cases. Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted July 21, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted July 21, 2013 (edited) Current list of favorised players: nimrodel: Fang Archbane - (who made it to mp7 with his illusionist meteor), after discussing with fang in private, i realised there are aspects of his character that might be needed more in md. His intentions were of most honest kind but he had no tools. I considered him a character with good intentions but no way of actually putting them in practice, and there was also no use of the mp7 features at that moment. Giving him mp7 was an opportunity for both me and him, for me to experiment what happens and for him to put in practice what he presented as his dream. There was no competition over a similar role, so why am i accused of favorising him..i favorised him against who? I simply boosted a potential md role. Seigheart - (who was sponsored with a spell doc as a reward for a quest that should've ensured him some punishment), i name my sponsorship before the quest starts, and i intend to keep my promises because they are basically made to the winners not just to the organizer. Punishing someone for a bad quest never happened and never will, as long as the quest comes from that person initiative, it can;t be considered a chore. Leixer - (who got a drachorn in those days when GGs were rare for being 'persistent'. All he was persistant was at beating the crap out of the system by putting his finger in all the loopholes he could find and tearing the system apart.). i do not remember the exact story. It might be the case that from time to time i give things about to be extinct, to random people i get in contact with or that are online at that time. Something so rare, could have similar effects in the hands of someone earning it or someone that received it for free. Again, i do not remember the exact story. Eon - was shown favouritsm as well. a lot of people suffered because of him. what eon did bad was based on things totally ok for everyone else. Just numbers differ. He only used earned abilities and powers, nothing special at you expect me to punish someone in public because he becomes inconfortable to the community? Indyra - is another huge example for favouritism. Lair keepers didnt even last for a few months. in this case it is possible that my personal, almost family relation with her, influenced things a bit. She had the advantage to be able to explain me in detail her intentions with the lair, and i had the confort of being able to explain someone face to face what i wanted to happen with that guild. Faced with such a good opportunity to get the lair and drachs back in game under someone that i knew for sure that she knows what to do, was too tempting to ignore. She got her role both as favor and as an earned role. Many earn a role that they never get. So yes, it is a favor, but was not detrimental to others or to md. What she did later with the role could have happend to anyone else that starts something but abandons it due to personal rl issues...yet you do not comment on those situations... updates: no one: Phantom Orchid - What's the story with her / him? Got out of jail, got revived i got her out of jail a couple of days later than she was supposed to be put. This happend after a very debateable jail time, that can be considered one month more than initially intended. After getting out, somehow she gets killed, right after that. I was aware that killing her is perfectly "legal", yet as a player, i offered her a reviving elixir, gift...she used the elixir and revived. Why i did it? mainly because i found it almost offending to me that she got killed just when i released her...and at the same time way to mocking towards i acted, as a favor if you prefer calling it that. I did not use any authority in this, i did not accuse as abuse or did anything else to the was a role vs role situation. Burns: Cryxus, flag/tag group. had a role that aimed for this ability, and from time to time i grant abilities that are fit, without any other reason. MR's (mostly MRD), got an ally. had a role that aimed for this feature, and from time to time i grant abilities that are fit, without any other reason. Shadowseeker, got a flag/tag group. in a long series of research related discoveries, ss gained my trust and admiration, so i gave him things that i believed fit with his achievements Udgard and yrth, crafter abilities and ally. because of their assumed roles, combined with dedication and good understanding of how items should work and how their values should be preserved Shoeps... yeah. "yeah" is not enough detail to describe potential favoritism Shoeps reached a top authority postion and for that he received access to any needed tools and immunity to any rules except my own indications. It is happening same way now with council, and shoeps was at that time equivalent of council. Renavoid, almost as much as Shoeps. there is an enormous difference between shoeps and renavoid. However both achieved very well contoured roles, with great personality, i consider they EARNED whatever i gave them. Do i need to remember any of you that there is an endless list of abilities that you can;t get any other way other than given by me or someone in council? From time to time i needed to give out certain things and i did so to people that i considered they both deserved and were able to handle such benefits. Khalazdad, practically a whole land to himself. Key changes to md social dynamics are essence to give lands personality. A leader of such presence was needed, and a leader of such skill appeared. Connecting one+one together is so obvious and simple, so why should i not give such things out if they are expected, needed and the opportunity comes? Maybe i should remove any variation between characters and make you all perfectly equall? ..i assume that will please you, but will also make things lifeless. Khal story, boosted by me actions and his skill, remains a key element in md history, a much needed element. Peace, countless things over many, many years, creatures, items, illusions and so on. same as khal. Cutler, Rendril and Chewett, freedom in coding stuff. THEY EARNED IT, all of them giving coding access is probably the one thing that happens just once every many years and when it does, imagine i need to trust those people skill and understanding of md with my life. If you place of "favors" list that i gave anyone coding access, then you are basically saying i am sabotaging my own 'baby' dst, huge freedom. yet not coding freedom her freedom comes from an odd perspective. She managed over the years to adapt and swim around rules, control her impulses and achive anything she wanted without breaking the rules. When she did cross the line, she ended up in jail. Nobody else acts as a sort of policeman, investigator. She did that long before any tools were available to other words she earned her role, quite the hard way, On top of that, as i already said, her role is very useful to md. Fenrir/Seigheart, allowed to avoid punishments repeatedly (e.g. Ann.1616 & 1674) (Note, not saying that people don't deserve another chance) bahh..i really wish to remember what that was about. It was something very interesting and the announcemnt was part of the setup for something.. I keep this answer open for when i remember what it was about Liberty, alt abuse as role. yes, the only person to go so wild about alts, and keep it unhidden. Liberty was actually very dedicated to those alts and everything was basically part of his role. I gave this role, once, because it was fitting to how he behaved toward those alts. Diversity is healthy, having an illegality as an official role, is is the exception that is always needed. Same way like with many others, i had no other reasons other than to give a shape to somethign that already had a shape, if you understand what i mean. Alyon, flag group where ally already existed. not sure what you are talking about, it could be possible i give things forgetting they are already given. i do mistakes. not sure this was one, because i don;t remember what this is about really. Chewett: dst - Why her role? Why can she abuse and cause rifts and it be called "working" no one - See dst, mostly pending reply eon - why skilldamage, his killing role? skilldamage comes with boss heads. killing role? why? are you serious? who else? ..ask why a killing role, not why eon. considering his achievements in fighting and a reputation as a killer actually, this role was perfectly fitting. myself - Why everything? as i discussed with you in private, placing you on the favors list is sad for me. I will answer it here, for everyone you were the first one to exceed me in active days. That, for me, means you cared more about being active than i did. You were trusted with admin related roles long before and never stepped once wrong. You had needed will, knoweledge and power of learning to understand the fine details of what means md seen from code perspective. A coder place was one thing needed and expecting someone suitable, i connected one+one. It was mainly intuition not reasoning behind such a decision, but i prefer to present the reasoning part. It proved i was right i believe. phantom - Why her dreamcatcher with massive powers? Why her new role? dreamcatcher role was suitable at that time for her, it was also a new ability that needed someone and that someone i found in her role/character. My decision still remains, and i can;t give her the same role back due to the way she (ab)used it, but i can give her a new role, similar in concept with that one. Also a new role will be using features not tested before, so she will be a pioneer for this branch awiiya - Why the tree? research related discovery related to seeds i believe. Also i wanted to put at good use a feature i used too rare, clickables that apear only when player is online. Also because awii was simly perfect for such a presence in the realm, who else deserving a tree? Creating diversity and niceley represented roles is a crime now? i thought we (WE) aim to do that for all players, now you question why i did it for one perfect occasion? ----update 2 --- BFH - Why being able to ban? because he proved that he can deal with powerful tools and that he can be really hard to influence and incorruptible by personal grudges. We needed an additional person with ban ability, he was dealing with large numbers of people, so ..why not? He has his limits in who he can ban, just to avoid situations where i would normally close an eye. For example, older players (ad based) are more allowed to do damage than newer players, in those cases it needs to be me or council to decide if they get banned. In some cases, like with phantom, it needs a longer time for such a decision to be taken. The older you get the more immune you get. BFH deals with the people that are not that immune, and he is active enough to handle such a role. Did he stepped wrong so far? Fang - Why MP7? needed a free/unrestricted live test of mp7 to see its impacts. Needed also to give him a chance to fulfill his dream and to allow him to be of help, as he considered that being mp7 will help him train others that can;t train otherwise. Please read the other explenations o posted so far, they all make together a better picture of why Grido - Why let his inactivity continue? Why choose him for LHO leader? because i am hoping one day he returns more active Council - Why protect them? for obvious reason. One of them is to give them the freedom to act the same against people they consider friends and people they consider enemies, anonymity offers a certain power. They are also immune to any rule, because they can make rules. To keep them immune is better to keep them unknown, or their reputation will be torn to pieces be everyone and everything will be blamed on them as individuals. They also need full authority, if i don't protect their identity, their authority as a character will mix with their council role authority , and they will have little to say. Sieg - Why the repeated chances? i saw in him a lot of potential, i was convinced his character will do good, and i am still convinced he would have done so if not hunted down. But because of enormous pressure from both players and council, i gave up. He gave up also, after many many tries of doing good, he failed, but also lost interest because eve3rybody was so ready to stone him. His reputation was tained once due to en event that was forgiven, and since then everything went terribly wrong for him. I in his place would have left long ago, he staid and tried hard...i value such perseverence. Mur - Why do you get to randomly implement stuff that A) doesnt work and B) needs a shedload of work and C) doesnt intergrate with game nicely a) it works , i put the guidelines for the concept, the details to make it perfectly work should be finished by someone else, or by me later. consider them test features to have them in md and consider them when doing other features. b) they don't work fully because they need more work, these two points are related. They need more work because i focus on making the concept, then the details i find boring, sadly, and i get vusy with other stuff c)everything i do, integrates perfectly with the game, its not always in the same time interval, some integrate perfectly with things not already created :) Many development areas are bugged and not used, but they are needed to be there even in that form. Consider for example autumn2050, many of the things there are based on bugged features or unfinished ones, yet without those, the event could not be created. DD - Why does he get the sendtotrialofagony spell? Why? nobody else wished it, he proposed it, it was created...WHY NOT give the one that proposed it a chance to use it? Peace - She has been given shedloads of random stuff, why? nothing random the random stuff like avatar changes or quest related items, were given by me as i was playing loooooong ago. the other things simply fitted with her role and she was ancient enough to be trusted with them. Jester - Why does he get a second/third/forth change? he repeatedly abuses things his actions are fitting with his character. He also hides a lot more than he shows and i believe his contribution/influence on md realm is not yet over Kyphis - Why him? Relating to recent things skilled, organized, creative ... intuition picked him he DOES an excepelent job "related to recent things" Rophs - Why him? Relating to recent things he was NOT involved, i do not know what you are talking about Nimrodel - Why a wish? Why not just "New things come and go, tough luck" like everyone else? not sure what you are talking about Princ Rheagar - Why dreamweaving? one day he sent me a pm with a very useful perspective on things. the moment he showed me there is something under his skull that i consider valuable, i admited it and he got what requested. It requires great courage to admit your own mistakes in front of a man that i once wanted destroyed. Windy - Why the pub? i wanted to make it, am i not allowed to play now? Shadowseeker - Why his interface? earned it big time. His research observations are worthy to fill many research sections. He will be a great addition to the research thing. He deserved it, he got it. simple. Cutler - Why all his powers? very talented character. Zleiphneir - Why all the stuff, alliance, eg this is getting annoying. ask him Junior - Why the many chances? lovable character, did lots of good things for md back when in advertisers, deserved some sort of appreciation back. i included him on a knaty related quest, to test him, he did good, he received from me things suited to his performance and character. I guess you can name that favor, yet i don;t feel "guilty" at all for that. Burns - Why the drachs? don;t rememeber I am Bored - Why the role? stood weeks in a place where he has been forgotten, vey very...VERY smart person, and very perseverent, He also has a high tolerance to boredom, so , i gave him a role to suit him. Ailith - Why her neutral roles? ask her Bottom line...;you ask me why i give out roles that re fitting to the person receiving them??? what the fuck is it favor in giving roles that fit, in order to expand md and make it more interesting? @Nim: Becomming more favored, was part of the rpc thing, of course, how else to give them authority. I can't remember why rpc system was disbanded. yes people become arogant if they have me "on their side"..sadly. You say very few of the old rpc deserved that, in my view almost all deserved it. I say almost because i know of 1, possibly 2, that were true favors, but i won't name them here, that would be not a nice thing for me to do, not here and now. The rest, i considered all to deserve their position. "Many made it just because they knew you out of game as well." - that is a general missconception. I meet people usualy AFTER they do something to deserve my attention, and some even if they deserve it, they don't receive it. I must exclude here relatives..its hard to negociate favors with relatives. Edited July 24, 2013 by Muratus del Mur updated favors Phantom Orchid, Nimrodel and Mallos 2 1 Quote
Burns Posted July 21, 2013 Report Posted July 21, 2013 As foreword, i'm not going to make a difference as to whether or not freebies were justified in my list, that's what you need to crack your head about. In fact, i think some of them were worked hard for and very justified, while i found others were unfair to the degree that made me want to punch you. Cryxus, flag/tag group. MR's (mostly MRD), got an ally. Shadowseeker, got a flag/tag group. Udgard and yrth, crafter abilities and ally. Shoeps... yeah. Renavoid, almost as much as Shoeps. Khalazdad, practically a whole land to himself. Peace, countless things over many, many years, creatures, items, illusions and so on. Cutler, Rendril and Chewett, freedom in coding stuff. dst, huge freedom. Fenrir/Seigheart, allowed to avoid punishments repeatedly (e.g. Ann.1616 & 1674) (Note, not saying that people don't deserve another chance) Liberty, alt abuse as role. Alyon, flag group where ally already existed. From the top of my head. Again, i think some of these favors are very justified, and i think some of the ones where i don't think so might be because i don't have all the information, but i'm very sure that a good few of these are out of proportion to the work people invested. DARK DEMON, dst, Ivorak and 1 other 4 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted July 21, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted July 21, 2013 (edited) So im going to post a list, people will be offended, im not trying to offend you. So if you are offended. Meh. have a nice day and drink some tea. If you are easily offended, dont like me, whatever. Please dont click the spoiler button. Otherwise, i accept no liability... blah blah blah removed PS: please also do not be offended if i havent offfended you, or left you off the list :) Edited July 22, 2013 by Chewett Jester, awiiya, dst and 4 others 6 1 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted July 21, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted July 21, 2013 Chew, i assume you can take direct hits so i won't mind my language, as you don;t do with yours :D are you simply making a charade out of this? You named some people and some reasons on that list that you know for certain what is all about them. Are you simply posting what people espect to hear? What a waste of time if you do that. If not, and i hope its not that, i will take that list as real and analyze each entry. Are you seriously saying i favor all people on that list? You do realise that with all the lists combined, i start to favor more people that are currently active in if i favor all, where is the damage?? Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted July 21, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted July 21, 2013 Chew, i assume you can take direct hits so i won't mind my language, as you don;t do with yours :DI am always honest, and will not dance around with words with you. It seems only fair that you are also the same. So as iv told you before, be brutal, speak your mind.are you simply making a charade out of this? You named some people and some reasons on that list that you know for certain what is all about them. Are you simply posting what people espect to hear? What a waste of time if you do that. If not, and i hope its not that, i will take that list as real and analyze each entry.Again, we have had problems communicating before, and it shall continue. I post that list as an accuarate representation of what i would like to know. Its a long list yes, and personally i think this topic is a waste of time. But if you are going to offer real reasons for doing so, then why should i not ask questions? The worst you can do is say "im not going to answer".If you are going to offer, im going to see what i can learn.Furthermore, your comment on "some reasons on that list you know for certain". None of those on that list i know for certain. Not once have we ever had a discussion specifically asking why X got Y. I think i know some of the reasons on that list, from what we have discussed and talked before. As an example, rophs. You pulled him into one of our chats for autumn2050 i believe? Now, we never discussed why, and from what i saw it seemed pretty random, but i dont know for certain, and would like to know the reasoning.Are you seriously saying i favor all people on that list? You do realise that with all the lists combined, i start to favor more people that are currently active in if i favor all, where is the damage??Yes, At one time period of another you gave everyone on this list chances and powers you havent given to others. Why them? There are a large majority of people that dont deal with you, and are not on this list. Im sure some will agree that they have got powers/things by directly talking to you, and if they hadnt, they wouldnt have done so.The sheer fact is, that people who associate with you, and such, get more powers. You could deny this, but i think its pretty clear. So i want know on what basis you are thinking these people are deserving.Example: When i told you i could code PHP, and would be willing to help out with some things, Why did you give me some projects? If i hadnt talked to you, and the conversation not came around, would i still be coding for MD? Undoubtly not. So to sum it up, no, this list is not "all of MD" this is merely a list of those you know in MD. Which is most definately not all of MD. Quote
DARK DEMON Posted July 21, 2013 Report Posted July 21, 2013 (edited) Yeah, one thing I've noticed is that those who get their roles from Mur... there's no argument about it, whereas if someone wants to create and follow a role of his own (which may even help MD later on) he gets faced with sooo much opposition from the community... There needs to be a person like Mur, who does what the people want, or people will never get what they want and MD will cripple. Think back and you'll realize that this really is what will happen. All those favored people... is it a bad thing? Had Mur not "favored" Chew and given him code access, would MD be as it is now, without a coding Wookie whom we so rely on? Of course, there needs to be some control (which Mur can take the responsibility for) on those people who are favored (aka given powers) too, when they do something which is disliked by a part of the community, or even a single person if it is injustice. I'm not saying control to the extent that the people can't have fun with their powers (cause that's the point), but just enough to not let them go overboard. Favoritism is not the worst thing about Mur. The worst thing is that he leaves the people he favored to do whatever they want, aka he should control them when they begin to even slightly abuse their powers. (I have repeatedly made this a point in-game many times that vets are given too much authority in this realm and there is no one to say "no" to them.. most just support because of their reputation) Edited July 21, 2013 by DARK DEMON dst, Vicious, Jester and 4 others 4 3 Quote
Jester Posted July 21, 2013 Report Posted July 21, 2013 (edited) DD: Choosing a ridiculous role and one you can't possibly back up is what is discouraged by the community. Most people are encouraged by the community when they pick a role. Being given one by Mur just makes it official. EDITED: Mur does take responsibility for people he gives powers to. Off the top of my head, Poe was jailed, and I lost all my Kingship powers after abusing them. Chewett: I haven't seen anyone do anything remotely resembling what I've done before, so how do you know that I'm being favored? People in MD are given lots of chances.. Permanent bans are very rare in MD and its very rare for someone with my activity to get one. Edited July 21, 2013 by Jester Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted July 21, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted July 21, 2013 i added that list to the big list, waiting for more names of people one or the other think i favored. Apparently favoritism is one of my biggest issues so lets get to the bottom of all this once and for all. You will not like the outcome of this, but if you doubted my reasoning, now you have to deal with the consequences @DD exactly how i think...someone needs to give such things, and if a public vote is not an option, or a very fair process of selecting people is not efficient (or time efficient) ...i use the only one thing that can compensate all this, my intuition. When i selected Chew for this i used intuition, sustained by details such as (loyalty, perseverence - proof: active days, skill not proved but compensated by a good communication with him (at that time) etc) ..all these factors, that are very personal , helped me decide to give chew his powers... This does mean i favored him more than it a bad thing i look for reasons why to favor one or the other more? I might understand this entire problem wrong. Or you do. In some cases its a race, in others it is a search. If it is a race, then favoritism is damaging. If i look for people to give favors, then thats a good thing, right? or not? I will reply to ALL player entries in that long list I updated in my initial post about favors....oneee by oneee....and not only reply I thought my judgement in md is respected _as it is_ ...its clear to me its if you want something totally open, totally free of my intuition and judgement , but "FAIR" and free of any favors, fine, lets see how md will look after this.--- even if i reply to each entry, there is one thing that might explain many entries there. If i "feel" that a person is more "interesting" that he/she is able to show, and if that hidden treasure inside that person is more imprtant than the risk that person presents to md community , i will allow that person to come back, ignore some of the rules, give some unfair advantages and so on. MD is about the people in it, i never meant it to be "fair" in any way. For this sort of decision you must use intuition and feel, does not fit so much with logic but logic does help. I think i define the very meaning of favoritism here... so ..what to do? I can exclude myself and my decisions from md future, apparently they are harmful, lets see how all of you will deal with being "fair" and doing no "favors"..can't wait to see that, in fact, i dream for that day when md will be able to promote interesting people by using some fixed and fair judging system. i am angry, but i believe i am correct and coherent in what i say, feel free to tell me otherwise Phantom Orchid 1 Quote
Eon Posted July 21, 2013 Report Posted July 21, 2013 (edited) Yeah, one thing I've noticed is that those who get their roles from Mur... there's no argument about it, whereas if someone wants to create and follow a role of his own (which may even help MD later on) he gets faced with sooo much opposition from the community... People get faced with opposition when they expect things to just be handed to them. If I remember correctly in your case, you decided you wanted to become "Death" and thought the council would grant you a name change just because you asked for it, or considered asking for it. You should try to study those who have roles and find out how they got them. Firestarter (I think it was him) roleplayed about his cloud for the longest time before eventually getting a cloud (and possibly a tag and description). Put in the work, be realistic, be active and it'll most likely come. Edited July 21, 2013 by Eon Chewett, dragonrider7, Pipstickz and 6 others 7 2 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted July 22, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted July 22, 2013 I have removed my list of names and i no longer care for reasons. please remove it from your main list mur since i will respect your request for no moderation to be performed. Quote
DARK DEMON Posted July 22, 2013 Report Posted July 22, 2013 (edited) People get faced with opposition when they expect things to just be handed to them. If I remember correctly in your case, you decided you wanted to become "Death" and thought the council would grant you a name change just because you asked for it, or considered asking for it. You should try to study those who have roles and find out how they got them. Firestarter (I think it was him) roleplayed about his cloud for the longest time before eventually getting a cloud (and possibly a tag and description). Put in the work, be realistic, be active and it'll most likely come. I admit I was young and foolish back then, but now that you brought this up... the way I was treated is no way someone of my age at that time should be treated, ever. There were nicer ways to stop me, and had Chew not come up to me and helped at that point, I most probably would not be playing MD right now. That was the first or second time, in fact, that I realized how much authority the vets have, i.e nobody can say "no" to them. Mur is the only person who can, isn't it? Edited July 22, 2013 by DARK DEMON dst 1 Quote
dst Posted July 22, 2013 Report Posted July 22, 2013 When cybersexers were active, Akasha (as far as I recall) made logs of Clock Master and Czez that were in the depths of labyrinth (away from public),hen she distributed those logs to at least dozen of people I think that was me. I pulled the logs on them. Akasha was not even playing back then. I don't remember if I distributed them but it is possible that I put them on storenow. I know few cases where you recognized she was not right, but you did nothing to stop her. I was NEVER wrong in what I have said. The info I provided were ALWAYS accurate. So I think you are talking about the WAY I presented/used the info. Quote
Jubaris Posted July 22, 2013 Report Posted July 22, 2013 I think that was me. I pulled the logs on them. Akasha was not even playing back then. I don't remember if I distributed them but it is possible that I put them on storenow. I was NEVER wrong in what I have said. The info I provided were ALWAYS accurate. So I think you are talking about the WAY I presented/used the info. I'm 99% sure it was her, and I'm 99,99999999% sure she was active and involved in that topic. (i'll start searching up some threads just in case) I know you picked up a number of logs, but as far as I know she distributed it to mainland kings, leaders, all kinds of representatives. I didn't say Mur recognized you were wrong in sense you lied (not sure I ever saw you lie :P) or present false data, but in the sense that you're morally wrong. It is a matter of a specific case - Mur and Czez had a private exchange of PMs and, as far as Czez told me, Mur portrayed sympathies and recognition of her status. (i can't remember did she tell me it was confidential, but she's not playing anymore and I believe that the possible benefit of this small revelation would make her forgive me on this) But it ended on that, few words of comfort. I don't know all the details about it, did it refer to that cybersex thing, or to something after it. Quote
dst Posted July 22, 2013 Report Posted July 22, 2013 I didn't say Mur recognized you were wrong in sense you lied (not sure I ever saw you lie :P) or present false data, but in the sense that you're morally wrong. Ha! You nailed it! MD doesn't have a real moral code. So as long as I didn't break any rules, how could he stop me? On what ground? If you remember he did punish me with 1 week of jail for the fuss I made on forum 2 years ago. ps: mods, I think you should split a bit the topic... Quote
Jubaris Posted July 22, 2013 Report Posted July 22, 2013 I think we kinda do :P Mur often speaks about common sense and criticizes certain things in "you should have known not to do this" manner. Like when Phantom Orchid did that dream on you without waiting you to actually see the riddle, we can argue that she didn't break a rule technically (she made a dream, you didn't answer a riddle and you get a punishment, it wasn't said anywhere that players need to read the riddles, so let's play dumb and say it's legit), but some other details are considered too. All of this goes in favour of what I said. Once again, I wish to bring up that I am not saying that everyone must behave morally, that would destroy the point of this game... Just that any admin-related power must be used appropriately, otherwise an admin function loses its neutrality/objectivity and point of the game is violated. One of Mur's roles is to make sure any admin is doing his job, it's his responsibility because it is his game. Of course, this game is his creation and he creates the rules, maybe he is applying a different perspective, but I would like a clarification so we put an end to this. Quote
Nimrodel Posted July 24, 2013 Author Report Posted July 24, 2013 (edited) Current list of favorised players: nimrodel: Fang Archbane - (who made it to mp7 with his illusionist meteor), after discussing with fang in private, i realised there are aspects of his character that might be needed more in md. His intentions were of most honest kind but he had no tools. I considered him a character with good intentions but no way of actually putting them in practice, and there was also no use of the mp7 features at that moment. Giving him mp7 was an opportunity for both me and him, for me to experiment what happens and for him to put in practice what he presented as his dream. There was no competition over a similar role, so why am i accused of favorising him..i favorised him against who? I simply boosted a potential md role. Seigheart - (who was sponsored with a spell doc as a reward for a quest that should've ensured him some punishment), i name my sponsorship before the quest starts, and i intend to keep my promises because they are basically made to the winners not just to the organizer. Punishing someone for a bad quest never happened and never will, as long as the quest comes from that person initiative, it can;t be considered a chore. Leixer - (who got a drachorn in those days when GGs were rare for being 'persistent'. All he was persistant was at beating the crap out of the system by putting his finger in all the loopholes he could find and tearing the system apart.). i do not remember the exact story. It might be the case that from time to time i give things about to be extinct, to random people i get in contact with or that are online at that time. Something so rare, could have similar effects in the hands of someone earning it or someone that received it for free. Again, i do not remember the exact story. Eon - was shown favouritsm as well. a lot of people suffered because of him. what eon did bad was based on things totally ok for everyone else. Just numbers differ. He only used earned abilities and powers, nothing special at you expect me to punish someone in public because he becomes inconfortable to the community? Indyra - is another huge example for favouritism. Lair keepers didnt even last for a few months. in this case it is possible that my personal, almost family relation with her, influenced things a bit. She had the advantage to be able to explain me in detail her intentions with the lair, and i had the confort of being able to explain someone face to face what i wanted to happen with that guild. Faced with such a good opportunity to get the lair and drachs back in game under someone that i knew for sure that she knows what to do, was too tempting to ignore. She got her role both as favor and as an earned role. Many earn a role that they never get. So yes, it is a favor, but was not detrimental to others or to md. What she did later with the role could have happend to anyone else that starts something but abandons it due to personal rl issues...yet you do not comment on those situations... 1. Fang: You gave him the role because he was one of the very few who ran around you even when you were barely active in the game. Cant blame you for not knowing anyonelse, we hardly saw you in game. Ok. Taken that you gave fang a role without being influenced by any kind of feelings that might have made you partial, Did you find out how he was doing in the role? Probably not. I understand that you had numerous things going on in your life. But when you've planted an unknown seed not knowing what kind of tree it'd become, you should monitor it. It might become a bush that could destroy the whole flora of the place and before that happens it should be uprooted. If you can't do that, please don't plant any more seeds. 2. Seig: In other words you are encouraging troll behaviour when it comes to quest making? Set a quest which involves killing people but dont bother distributing the rewards is ok with you? If I set such a quest, would you go all the way to kill people and then spread revival elixirs for me? 3. Leix : I shall not comment because you don't seem to remember the details anymore. 4.Eon: I have mentioned twice in the whole thread, once in bold letters, that I agree Eon worked his way through to the top. And that I am not asking why you did not punish him for skill damage or herb depletion or such silly stuff. I was one of the people who was not really bothered by it. What I asked was there were times when Eon did stuff which would've been punished otherwise. stuff that people complained about. Repeatedly to you and even rendril. But not a single thing was done. The PMs were read and ignored. How is that not favouritism? 5. Indyra: I understand your family obligations towards indy. I accept them as good reasons as well. What I will not accept completely is " What she did later with the role could have happend to anyone else that starts something but abandons it due to personal rl issues" She was inactive big time even before she got the lair keepers. And extensively after it. If that is allowed, why was the CoE not given back to members even after they created a hue and cry for it in the forum? Arguments ran for days together. No matter what methods they tried or how clumsily they handled the whole presentation, they did want it back. Nothing was done in that regard and atm, loreroot is one more alliance less. (grammar edit) Edited July 24, 2013 by Nimrodel Shemhazaj, Phantom Orchid, Aelis and 1 other 4 Quote
Fang Archbane Posted July 24, 2013 Report Posted July 24, 2013 1. Fang: You gave him the role because he was one of the very few who ran around you even when you were barely active in the game. Cant blame you for not knowing anyone else, we hardly saw you in game. Ok. Taken that you gave fang a role without being influenced by any kind of feelings that might have made you partial, Did you find out how he was doing in the role? Probably not. I understand that you had numerous things going on in your life. But when you've planted an unknown seed not knowing what kind of tree it'd become, you should monitor it. It might become a bush that could destroy the whole flora of the place and before that happens it should be uprooted. If you can't do that, please don't plant any more seeds. He didnt have to follow the bush he planted. It followed him. I kept Mur informed, in my own way, with what i thought he needed to know, and then some. Trust me. Hes heard more than hes wanted to from me more than once. Besides. This little bush is smart enough. I know that since Mur gave me my Gift, anything i say, do, break, fix, etc, goes under his jurisdiction. If i mess up, its his reputation on the line. If i do good, same thing. Realistically? Ive been laying so low as of late due to working 6 days a week, that i seriously can not POSSIBLY be breaking anything. But if you have any other statements concerning me Nim, just let me know. Ill be more than happy to clarify what im allowed to/feel the need to. No one and dst 2 Quote
Nimrodel Posted July 24, 2013 Author Report Posted July 24, 2013 He didnt have to follow the bush he planted. It followed him. I kept Mur informed, in my own way, with what i thought he needed to know, and then some. Trust me. Hes heard more than hes wanted to from me more than once. Besides. This little bush is smart enough. I know that since Mur gave me my Gift, anything i say, do, break, fix, etc, goes under his jurisdiction. If i mess up, its his reputation on the line. If i do good, same thing. Realistically? Ive been laying so low as of late due to working 6 days a week, that i seriously can not POSSIBLY be breaking anything. But if you have any other statements concerning me Nim, just let me know. Ill be more than happy to clarify what im allowed to/feel the need to. Hmm.. I wonder what other people have to say about this. People who havent liked you getting the mp7 stuff. Also, you did put his reputation on line. Your name was the first to come up in this thread. Does that say anything? Anyway, I didnt want to hear any explanation from you. Just wanted to hear how Mur explained himself. We all have seen you talk and work in the game, we all have our own opinions about you. so technically you neednt explain yourself. Also, don't really know what and how you told Mur stuff. I cant vouch for the accuracy of the information you gave him about yourself. Plix Plox, No one, dst and 1 other 4 Quote
BFH Posted July 24, 2013 Report Posted July 24, 2013 BFH - Why being able to ban? All the things I got on MD certainly haven't been for my own use. Ban certainly was on a time were LHO's were extremely vulnerable and spammers invaded MD... I was given the spell to HELP the community. It was restricted as well, I never used it on an old player (except yesterday with DoF, which is also FOR the community), just on newbs who were spammers. The other spells given by council or Mur. Have been given to use on open community events, which I organized without expecting anything in return. I earned the trust of both admins and community. And the tools I have come as consequence of that. And I dont think anyone has something to tell against the use of my tools. I dont think someone can even tell I abused my tools or tell something against my integrity. And if someone dare to tell there's favoritism with me I would simply tell them to earn the trust by proving he/she can be trusted. AND on a sidenote, if any player wants to receive tools like I received them, they can. Get involved, be part of the community. Break with the impossibles. Ask around people will support your first moves as they did with me. Once you earned trust you wont even have to tell it two times. And I keep telling this kind of topics are stupid. This is a small community there will be always the idea that someone is 'preferred' or 'a favorite' against other. Phantom Orchid, Peace, Dragual and 2 others 5 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted July 24, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted July 24, 2013 "People who havent liked you getting the mp7 stuff." so..people didn't liked fang GETTING that thing in the first place? then how could you not be biased in judging what he did with this ability????? Also, you miss one essential point. One single person with one unique ability, will cause modification to the realm one way or an other. It is not like a diseas that is spreading it happens with bugs. It is a stone that causes ripples. You simply can't live with the fact that such a powerful tool was given to a "nobody" THAT is the issue, same with BFH...ENVY...people envy others getting never actually think of "why", you think "why not you" bfh worked unbelievably hard and gained my trust and admiration. His work volume exceeds most of the people i met in md. He is extreamly correct and objective in decisions, and managed to use very powrful tools with great care. When an additional hand was needed to control bans, he was perfect candidate (for this and for many other things too) From my point of view, i think things like this: i have "features" and "potential roles", and i need to associate them. I grab a player form the many available and i give that person stuff to play with. I could do it randomly but why to risk doing it randomly when md is so good at filtering people out. I honestly do not care between your personal competition, if i find someone that deserves, wishes and is suitable to a role, and i have the needed tools for that role, and the time, i will give that role to the first one requesting it. So far there were very very few people to fight over the same role anyway. Phantom Orchid, No one, Fang Archbane and 2 others 4 1 Quote
Root Admin Muratus del Mur Posted July 24, 2013 Root Admin Report Posted July 24, 2013 i updated the list with "favored" peopke and explenation to each Quote
Nimrodel Posted July 25, 2013 Author Report Posted July 25, 2013 (edited) "People who havent liked you getting the mp7 stuff." so..people didn't liked fang GETTING that thing in the first place? then how could you not be biased in judging what he did with this ability????? Also, you miss one essential point. One single person with one unique ability, will cause modification to the realm one way or an other. It is not like a diseas that is spreading it happens with bugs. It is a stone that causes ripples. You simply can't live with the fact that such a powerful tool was given to a "nobody" THAT is the issue, same with BFH...ENVY...people envy others getting never actually think of "why", you think "why not you" bfh worked unbelievably hard and gained my trust and admiration. His work volume exceeds most of the people i met in md. He is extreamly correct and objective in decisions, and managed to use very powrful tools with great care. When an additional hand was needed to control bans, he was perfect candidate (for this and for many other things too) From my point of view, i think things like this: i have "features" and "potential roles", and i need to associate them. I grab a player form the many available and i give that person stuff to play with. I could do it randomly but why to risk doing it randomly when md is so good at filtering people out. I honestly do not care between your personal competition, if i find someone that deserves, wishes and is suitable to a role, and i have the needed tools for that role, and the time, i will give that role to the first one requesting it. So far there were very very few people to fight over the same role anyway. Bah. My poor english is to blame again here. Again, by like i meant, did you follow what happened after you gave him the ability to be mp7? Do you know why people disliked fang getting that priviledge? Have you even bothered to ask around? Majority didnt have any issue with it when he got it. They had issues FEW DAYS AFTER he got it. Ripples you say? Envy you say? Might be true when it come7 to bfh (I've seen him work really hard for it. I am happy with what he did and the powers he got.) But i can assure you that it was not the case with fang. I still can't believe after reading all my posts you came to the conclusion that people were being jealous. Clearly shows how much you are trying to defend your ego. If thats the case, i'm sorry that I ever posted in this thread. What chew said is true I guess. Edited. trying to improve my crappy english Edited July 25, 2013 by Nimrodel dst and Mallos 1 1 Quote
Pipstickz Posted July 25, 2013 Report Posted July 25, 2013 I still can't believe after reading all my posts you came to the conclusion that people were being jealous. Clearly shows how much you are trying to defend your ego. If thats the case, i'm sorry that I ever posted in this thread. What chew said is true I guess. Edited. trying to improve my crappy english I certainly felt jealous that Fang got this shiny, uncommon feature when he got it. If I ever said he shouldn't have it (I don't think I did, but I don't remember), that's really the only reason why. I would've come up with some bs reason so I would seem less petty, but that's the root of it. Anybody that is listening will be able to tell, Mur is willing to try to change his behavior to suit us. If you have a problem with him, you owe it to yourself to take a step back and try to resolve it calmly. Stop the forum negativity curse. Quote
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