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Volition - How much have you gained?


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It has been two weeks since the volition skill was announced.  Mur would like to know how much of the skill you've built up in that time.


Whoever sees this post is asked to reply with your active days, total volition, and whether or not you've tried increase/grind the skill (yes or no). This will help determine how many points are required for item creation, a related feature to be implemented in the future.


I'll start:


AD: 1864

Volition: 2.06

Grinding?: No



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  • Root Admin

This information is very valuable..it helps me understand the rate that volition will be aquired and by that i can adjust the requirements for the things that will be using it.


I could have checked these values in the db, but the point is that i need data from that sort of people that bother writing here, wish to give feedback, get involved..for those i aim to fine-tune things..the others will just have to deal with whatever will be.


Based on the provided data i believe a volition of about 5 would be normal for someone not interested much in it, a value of 20 will be enough for those trying a bit to get it and a value of 40 will be reserved for those that really want that increase.


Of course all these values will fluctuate a lot based on the future use and purpose of volition...anyhow, this was an initial test and data is still very very valuable.


Please keep posting


Mods please close this topic in a day or two. There will be an other one later with a slight change (volition use presented will influence will to aquire volition..thats second part of the test)


Thank you

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  • Root Admin

Based on the provided data i believe a volition of about 5 would be normal for someone not interested much in it, a value of 20 will be enough for those trying a bit to get it and a value of 40 will be reserved for those that really want that increase.

Iv walked to GoE a couple times, and went to the shrine (its a +40 most days) and already have 3.something. Literally nothing else since this feature came out.

Everyone will reach 5 within a really short period of time. 40 will also be reached pretty quickly.
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AD: 1947
Volition: 2.58


That's from walking between GoE and Paper Cabin about once every 3 days, because that's all the time i have for role-playing right now :(

Also, i'm beating Chewie when it comes to lazyness, now we have the proof :))

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  • Root Admin

MDP -> Willows Sanct gave me 0.3 volition

Iv walked those scenes between 10 and 3k, lets assume that its 3k

If every scene i moved into, gave me volition, i would have 900 volition

Assuming that 10% of them gave me it, i would still have 90.

Now scale that up to Archives (nearly always at 40 visc - given that a multiplier of 5 and walked a lot during GGG days)
no mans land - given a multiplier of 1
LR - 4 scale factor - walked a lot
NC - 3 scale factor - walked a bit
GG - 3 scale factor - walked a bit

90 * (1 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 3) = 17 * 90 = 1530

Now lets pretend i walked the lands evenly over my years

1530 / 8 = 191

And lets again assume i devide it equally to each month

191 / 12 = ~16

In two months, i reach your "reserved" value of those who really want to increase it? Thats silly.

The only reason im not already on the 19 or so from the first month of it is because im not playing atm.

In addition, this 16 fits well with most people who are actively playing MD, see above.



40 is easily achievable without any form of grinding, just move around each day as the above people have shown you.

Edited by Chewett
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Change 5.08. No real sustained grinding, just running around randomly like I usually do (except now I have more motivation to). I've been too busy to run around lately, but when I'm less busy I'll be definitely having fun running around collecting heat and volition.

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