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Bug abuse from fang


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Fang Archbane:Well, thats odd. Im not supposed to get any stats from fights i have in MP7, but i can still get honor and loyalty.
Fang Archbane:*Shrugs* oh well, im not complaining


 I've tested the honor thingy the next day and guess what? Honor is gained! So, this is definitely a bug. But why should he report it? It's really not in his best interest to do so.


It is not his first offense and defo a big one. Bug abuse has been heavily punished in the past so I expect the same this time.

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I've tested the honor thingy the next day and guess what? Honor is gained!

I noticed this too, when I started fighting again a couple of days ago for a few fights (under 10). I forgot that I was at the XP cap until I attacked once, and then I noticed that I still gained honor. I forget if I attacked again after noticing this, but if I did, it was for the purpose of trying out a ritual, not to gain honor. Now if I started grinding for honor right afterwards without trying to lower my xp first, then that'd be bug abuse.
I'm hoping this is what you meant by he's guilty, dst, since otherwise I'm sure that many people have noticed peculiarities that might be bugs and might not, but their brains don't register them as significant, and they don't act to take advantage of them after noticing them. What's my point in saying this (since I'm pretty sure that you agree, dst)? We need to perhaps more clearly define bug abuse, and how often someone can do it before they are strictly punished.
For instance, let's say I had forgotten about this honor peculiarity and after a week I started grinding for honor. Now, I'd like to think that my brain is good enough at recognizing similar situations to remember my one or two second thoughts on how it was a strange feature, and then, before taking advantage of the 'feature' by grinding 100 honor, I'd look to see if it was a reported bug, and then if it wasn't, I'd report it as a potential bug. Then, I'd stop fighting until I either reduced my xp or until the issue was resolved.
However, if I totally forgot about my thoughts that the feature was strange and just grinded honor without thinking that it was strange to be able to, I shouldn't be punished for that bug abuse except for being given a warning.




Five cases of me 'forgetting' though, is a different story, and this is what Fang seems to be approaching in terms of spoilers. I haven't paid attention to his other possible bug exploits to know if he's done many things like this, but I'm sure dst knows. Yes, MD doesn't want to permanently ban someone who might donate to or help MD in some way (whether it be its popularity, finances, etc). However, not banning someone because of their age, or involvement in the community is starting to make MD a bit ridiculous. It's like a bunch of kids who learned various ways to exploit things vs. the kids (like me) who are scared to death about possibly exploiting anything (those who have talked to me would know this about me).


If MD is a game where the goal is to try and break/bend the rules as much as you can, then say it on the front page. Yes, that wouldn't be a good idea, but are the people who have ideas on what limitations a feature was intended to have and follow them so bad? For instance, apparently there is a way to create more than 20 copies of a ritual at once. Yet the interface normally doesn't allow this. Doesn't this mean that MD intends for you to not create more than 20? Why then, should I try and look for the 'obvious' and 'simple' (according to those that I've asked) way to circumvent this ritual limit if the limit looks to be intentional? While (apparently?), this limit is going to be tweaked/changed in the future, my point still stands. Why should someone who respects these kind of limits be punished (by being limited by the limits) while those who don't respect them gain an advantage?


MD sounds to me like a game about breaking limits, and seeing, like in real life, who are the smart rebels who bend the rules and get ahead, and who are the stupid lawful ones who respect the laws that someone has put forth. If so, then MD is like real life in yet another way, but do most people really need a game to realize this fact?


I guess my point with this whole post is that MD needs to define itself more clearly as a game that's not mainly about rebellion. If it is a game about rebellion, then carry on doing what you're doing MD. I'll be the last to catch on as always. If MD is not intended to be a game about breaking/bending all of the rules, then maybe it should act more like it isn't.

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I know explaining this is going to be a waste of my time, but i might as well try, i have nothing better to do atm.

"Fang Archbane:Well, thats odd. Im not supposed to get any stats from fights i have in MP7, but i can still get honor and loyalty."

Yeah. When Chewy changed the way MP7 works, he changed it so i could gain no stats. Ergo, energeticism, power, etc etc. via fighting at the MP7 stage.

I meant i simply found it odd that i could still gain honor and loyalty. As far as i know, Chewy never meant for that to be made otherwise, and im not breaking any rules.

"Fang Archbane:*Shrugs* oh well, im not complaining"

Look above. I couldnt care less. This isnt a bug, its the way its supposed to be (to the extent of my knowledge), i was just acknowledging its existance.

But its cute to see you read everything i write. I hope you stay up at nights trying to find new ways to bug me. i could care less about what you do, its your business, but feel free to waste your time trying to come after me.



 I've tested the honor thingy the next day and guess what? Honor is gained! So, this is definitely a bug. But why should he report it? It's really not in his best interest to do so.


Yay. You wasted your time to state in the end that what i said stood true. Thank you for being my personal tester for 5 seconds. But ill repeat myself since things dont seem to enter your noggin on the first try, its not a bug, as far as i know, its meant to be that way, as is the rest of MD.


It is not his first offense and defo a big one. Bug abuse has been heavily punished in the past so I expect the same this time.


First offense? No id agree with you, its not an offense at all. Ive offended in the past, sure, but i wont have you make up rules for me to break unknowingly. Youre not nearly that important.

And sure, expect them to punish me heavily over nothing. I guarantee you i wont see a single punishment, not even a letter of warning for this.

Now lets recap since i know you dont get things on the first run through.


One last time.

Its nothing, and i couldnt care less.

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Yes, it's nothing you could care less BUT the problem is mp7 lets you attack ANT MIND POWER. Plus, as the ANN says (I will not look for it because you can all find it) NO STATS SHOULD BE GAINED! So yes, it's a bug and you didn't report it. I am not talking about TESTING because I dont' expect you to be that deep. But you didn't report it and that's an offense. Go check the Rules if you have doubts. 


Btw: the forum allows just one user/player so you either stop using granite wolf or fang archbane. I shall inform Chewett about this so you'll not "forget"/"care less"/etc.

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Yes, it's nothing you could care less BUT the problem is mp7 lets you attack ANT MIND POWER.


Im going to assume you Typod, and im going to assume thats supposed to say "ANY". That being said, yes, yes i can attack any mind power that is correct, as far as i know.


Plus, as the ANN says (I will not look for it because you can all find it) NO STATS SHOULD BE GAINED!


Right. No stats. As in no Statistics. As in Briskness, Initiative, etc. Then again thats how i read it, that might be down to speculation, but thats how i read it.


So yes, it's a bug and you didn't report it.


Even if it is a bug, and im pretty sure its not, i dont care. Do you get that? I just dont care. If its a bug, oh well, im going to go about my day like i normally do, Make Fang do what he normally does, etc etc. Did you happen to mention that Fang normally only attacks allied MP5s? No, no you didnt. Just thought id throw that in there, since im sure thats a tid bit youd make sure to leave out.


I am not talking about TESTING because I dont' expect you to be that deep.


Youre right. I wouldnt and couldnt test, why again? Lets go back to the base point, i couldnt care less.


But you didn't report it and that's an offense.


If you say so DST. I honestly dont care, and thats the real magic of it. I stopped caring about anything you could do, think, or possibly scheme. Youre worthless to me, and this little attempt at getting me in trouble is just the cutest in my eyes. Its nice to see you no life as hard as i first imagined.


Go check the Rules if you have doubts. 


Who would know the rules better than DST? Even the man that wrote them is destined to know them less than the one obbssessed with bending them to her will. Lets backtrack a bit though, and i cant emphasize this enough, i dont care.


Btw: the forum allows just one user/player so you either stop using granite wolf or fang archbane. I shall inform Chewett about this so you'll not "forget"/"care less"/etc.


Last i checked one wasnt allowed to scream out alts just because they were in the mood. Last i checked, MD has no alt checking tools that are under your control so youre just speculating. Last i checked, Fang and Granite are completely unrelated to one another and havnt so much as met in MD, which would be impossible if you ask me.

That being said, Fangs forum profile is to actually talk, retort, post, etc.

Granites demenaar is different. he is quite secluded and does not like the anger the forums seem to bring about, example a being something like this. Granites forum profile is used only to read, and to message others as himself, Granite Wolf.

Feel free to inform Chewett, i dont care which he deletes since i need neither. I rarely use the forum and couldnt (once again folks, smile for me because at this point her anger is comical) give two nubs less.

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  • Root Admin

Last i checked one wasnt allowed to scream out alts just because they were in the mood. Last i checked, MD has no alt checking tools that are under your control so youre just speculating. Last i checked, Fang and Granite are completely unrelated to one another and havnt so much as met in MD, which would be impossible if you ask me.

That being said, Fangs forum profile is to actually talk, retort, post, etc.

Granites demenaar is different. he is quite secluded and does not like the anger the forums seem to bring about, example a being something like this. Granites forum profile is used only to read, and to message others as himself, Granite Wolf.

Feel free to inform Chewett, i dont care which he deletes since i need neither. I rarely use the forum and couldnt (once again folks, smile for me because at this point her anger is comical) give two nubs less.

You are not above the rules and are not special to be allowed two.

Yeah. When Chewy changed the way MP7 works, he changed it so i could gain no stats. Ergo, energeticism, power, etc etc. via fighting at the MP7 stage.

It was changed because after you promised Mur you wouldnt farm MP3's you spent many months doing this and bragging about it. Then after you were reminded and promised again you continued.

First offense? No id agree with you, its not an offense at all. Ive offended in the past, sure, but i wont have you make up rules for me to break unknowingly. Youre not nearly that important.

And sure, expect them to punish me heavily over nothing. I guarantee you i wont see a single punishment, not even a letter of warning for this.

I am discussing your abuse and past abuses with council.
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I'm surprised that people wanted a public council if they didn't want public accountability for things. Take it to which council? Also, it's not a witch hunt if the person is a witch (not that I disapprove of witches.).

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The forum is the best way to bring out atrocities. People know whats going on thanks to the forum. Call it slander, I call it information. It's up to you really how you choose to take it or use it or do nothing about it.


I call it slander, take it negatively, have no power over it, and wish it didn't exist.

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dst why didn't you just post this on your blog?


note: The above sentence is addressing dst, not anyone else. Please do not answer that question with your own speculation if you are not dst.


edit: replaced a this with a that and made the post more clear

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So... take it directly to the council and get something done about it, or not, if that's what they decide to do. 


No one here on the forum has any power. All you are doing is promoting ill feelings towards people by these silly witch hunts.


Report it to the Council. That is all you need to do dst. "Letting people know" and "Wanting to get something done about it" are not valid reasons to ostracize someone in the forum.


Witch Hunts/Upheavals are not to be done for every little thing someone does.


It's like have a revolution because your mayor smokes crack. Yes, its not right, but it's not like he's off on a killing spree either.

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It's like have a revolution because your mayor smokes crack. Yes, its not right, but it's not like he's off on a killing spree either.


Right, because someone has to murder someone before they are really breaking the law. Everything else is fine. I mean, laws were meant for smart people to break them, right? That's why they're there.


If everything except for murder is fine, then what's wrong with dst's 'slander'? I didn't know that slander was murder. Taking it to council only works if the people in the councils don't like Fang/whoever is being reported. Otherwise, it's better to tell someone's misdeeds to a large audience so that there's less chance of all of the audience being willing to ignore the misdeeds/let them go.

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  • Root Admin

After discussion with the council I have been asked to issue a formal final warning to you Fang about abusing bugs. Your past, including abusing WP giving powers, the treasury to get achievements, creature trading between alts using a third party, attacking MP3's after being told and promising not to and disregard for rules means this final warning is being issued. If you abuse something again you will lose the power to become MP7.

Since Mur was the one to give Fang these powers, and also the "only one who can judge me" according to Fang, I ran the abuses and the suggested warning to Fang and he agrees it is good.

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