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What needs work?


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I was actually thinking about opening a topic about stuff that was started and not finished, at least recently. I hope it's related and that I'm not getting it wrong, so here's a short list:

  1. Creatures:
    1. Aqua Creature
    2. Molima bugs (level 3, I think does not have any functional aspect)
    3. Horseman / Sword Shade issues (which I've e-mailed)
  2.  - will add more after I actually wake up properly -
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The MD community.

For a community based game...it's very small, ridiculously so.

Maybe you're quite content with the little crowd you have at the moment, and want to make more and more things to do for a tiny population...but to me that seems kind of silly.

From what I've read MD has been getting smaller and smaller for years now, work is constantly being done, yet...for what? A new "tutorial" was made yet there's barely anyone to use it... There are more active alts/returned players than actual new ones...

Maybe it's time to start advertising before it becomes too late? Lets be honest; would you want to stay in a game that seemingly only has 10 people on at any one time? Especially when MP3 is hard enough as it is...


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  • Root Admin
23 hours ago, Mallos said:

The Caretakers Revival's request quest is not fully coded yet if I'm not mistaken:


>No permission to view


19 hours ago, nadrolski said:


Such as? What would this improve?


17 hours ago, Aeoshattr said:

I was actually thinking about opening a topic about stuff that was started and not finished, at least recently. I hope it's related and that I'm not getting it wrong, so here's a short list:

  1. Creatures:
    1. Aqua Creature
    2. Molima bugs (level 3, I think does not have any functional aspect)
    3. Horseman / Sword Shade issues (which I've e-mailed)
  2.  - will add more after I actually wake up properly -

Do these have any plans, what do they need, are there threads around (I have seen your email)


13 hours ago, Ungod said:

More uses for resources/resource combiners.

Got any exciting plans? Shall I make some?


13 hours ago, Myth said:

[removed because I'm an idiot]

Nah we all make foolish moves now and then, today mine is posting here ;)


7 hours ago, Rophs said:

The incomplete parts of A25 required for Lighthouse stuff

On Cutler's Statue Pedestal the hovertext is still Empty Pedestal even though the pedestal is definitely not empty.

I will note the last down.

The first down, something something having issues with those actually working on that and not getting great feedback/responses *coughs* i wonder if you know who I mean :)

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At this point i would like to remind you on what i sent you(chewett) a while ago when ou asked me what i wished for the world of MD

in short and for all: consider what people want more and dont just do what Mur wants

Edited by MaGoHi
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  • Root Admin
22 hours ago, Jubaris said:

I think MD has a priority of you dispatching my trophy and announcing to the world the new equilibrium champion as per good manners of a host

Its ony my list ;) Life has been... busy... I wouldnt forget my favourite football hooligan! :P


13 hours ago, nadrolski said:

" Such as? "

If minimum number of adepts requirement could be lightened.

Lands could have one Protector representative.

What would this improve? "

More magic, more fun.

What's so magic about MagicDuel Adventure if it is more only on adventures?

That seems vaguely fair, what would you give them?


2 hours ago, MaGoHi said:

At this point i would like to remind you on what i sent you(chewett) a while ago when ou asked me what i wished for the world of MD

in short and for all: consider what people want more and dont just do what Mur wants

A long long time ago, I did what Mur asked.

Now I play MD my way, working on what I feel is best. And typically that is achieved by talking to people and working out from that.

My style is uniquely different from Mur's, I like to see what people want, and then sometimes give them what they need.

Im going to be in London this weekend but I think I will try and make some time.

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On 8/8/2016 at 2:44 PM, Aethon said:

The MD community.

For a community based game...it's very small, ridiculously so.

Maybe you're quite content with the little crowd you have at the moment, and want to make more and more things to do for a tiny population...but to me that seems kind of silly.

From what I've read MD has been getting smaller and smaller for years now, work is constantly being done, yet...for what? A new "tutorial" was made yet there's barely anyone to use it... There are more active alts/returned players than actual new ones...

Maybe it's time to start advertising before it becomes too late? Lets be honest; would you want to stay in a game that seemingly only has 10 people on at any one time? Especially when MP3 is hard enough as it is...


Perhaps if someone could find some legitimate voting sites for games that would put MD in their system, and we could then add the links to the Free Credits page. If MD is registered for enough sites it could be considered to turn the 0.02 credits per vote back to 0.01 (which might encourage more purchases from the shop).

Just some thoughts I had.

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23 hours ago, nadrolski said:

" Such as? "

If minimum number of adepts requirement could be lightened.

Lands could have one Protector representative.

What would this improve? "

More magic, more fun.

What's so magic about MagicDuel Adventure if it is more only on adventures?

People who ask for a MP6 protector do not understand what a MP6 means especially indirectly. MP6 is perfect as it is, particularly the lack of any MP6 in the realm. 


On 8/8/2016 at 8:03 AM, Aeoshattr said:

I was actually thinking about opening a topic about stuff that was started and not finished, at least recently. I hope it's related and that I'm not getting it wrong, so here's a short list:

  1. Creatures:
    1. Aqua Creature
    2. Molima bugs (level 3, I think does not have any functional aspect)
    3. Horseman / Sword Shade issues (which I've e-mailed)
  2.  - will add more after I actually wake up properly -

@Chewett - I didn't open any topics, thinking that particularly the Horseman and Sword Shade problems would be considered spoilers (and I'd get caught in a witch hunt). I'll detail a bit, since I gather this is not the case (I hope):


1. Aqua creature was announced, felt like it got into quite an advanced stage of development, but then never got released. I was thinking it could be released, depending on progress made on it?

2.  Molima Bugs: topic here. Essentially the molima lvl 3 has an ability that doesn't exist (Drain Darkness) and literally nothing about molima lvl 3 is functional (resource production, combat, etc).

3. Horseman (lvl 2) - cropping on the image is quite bad; cropping on the lvl 1 is not great either (you can see where its hooves are cut off), but lvl 2 is really bad. I'm not sure if this is intended or not. 
Sword Shade (lvl 2) - requires MP6 to progress to lvl 3. I recollect MP6 requirements were abolished long ago, and there was an announcement about this which I believe I linked in the e-mail. Again, I wanted confirmation whether that was intended or not (since you could use a WP to level it to lvl 3, but then according to the wish shop it would be nonfunctional in rituals so...........)

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1 hour ago, Aeoshattr said:

 2.  Molima Bugs: topic here. Essentially the molima lvl 3 has an ability that doesn't exist (Drain Darkness) and literally nothing about molima lvl 3 is functional (resource production, combat, etc).

Just to clarify, lvl3 Molima produces resources - although different ones.

Instead of death spores it produces toxic gas (which is referred to as Grasan's toxic fart). 

The other issues (Drain Darkness ability and its uselessness in combat) are confirmed.

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2 hours ago, Aeoshattr said:

People who ask for a MP6 protector do not understand what a MP6 means especially indirectly. MP6 is perfect as it is, particularly the lack of any MP6 in the realm. 

Its not perfect. The number of adepts / difficulty in being a protector is fine, but I feel the entire purpose/concept (why people beg to be MP6 and why people adept a wannabe-MP6) is in the gutter. Yeah sure call me offensive but its the truth. Give them real life-and-death powers, and make it like "once you adept someone, you cannot change for 90 days" and people will think twice or thrice before adepting someone. This way you're actually giving value. In light of this, maybe the number of adepts can be lowered, sure, but the real problem doesn't lie in numbers.

Edited by DARK DEMON
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9 hours ago, lashtal said:

Just to clarify, lvl3 Molima produces resources - although different ones.

Instead of death spores it produces toxic gas (which is referred to as Grasan's toxic fart). 

The other issues (Drain Darkness ability and its uselessness in combat) are confirmed.

The resources it creates were the original intended, toxic gas included. After level three it returns to death spores.

There was a conversation about it as it was being created. I'll edit this later once I've found the log.


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  • Root Admin
On 10/08/2016 at 3:42 AM, Mallos said:

Perhaps if someone could find some legitimate voting sites for games that would put MD in their system, and we could then add the links to the Free Credits page. If MD is registered for

Its a nice Idea. We had BFH for this for a long long time but I dont know what is happening with him atm, he is quite busy with his life.


On 10/08/2016 at 8:21 PM, Sephirah Caelum said:


Mur was trying to code some items to revive the dead. I (or maybe phantasm?) could send the messages we exchanged with Mur, so you could work or know what Mallos is reffering about.

Maybe, if mur is doing it then thats fine. If I wasnt copied into it I assume im not wanted to help. If you do want me help feel free to copy me into stuff, etc.

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On ‎10‎/‎08‎/‎2016 at 3:42 AM, Mallos said:

Perhaps if someone could find some legitimate voting sites for games that would put MD in their system, and we could then add the links to the Free Credits page. If MD is registered for enough sites it could be considered to turn the 0.02 credits per vote back to 0.01 (which might encourage more purchases from the shop).

Just some thoughts I had.

Voting would be insufficient to actually cause any major increase to the population. In fact, we are number 34 on bbogd and featured on bmmorpg...yet we rarely have new players. The voting does little or nothing to attract new players and (most likely) costs more to advertise and have set up than the revenue of money/players it brings in.

As browser games are becoming less and less used, due to desktop versions, the game either needs to A) Completely redesign it's structure and join the desktop versions or B) Pour the advertising money into other, more successful areas - Facebook banners, click links on websites, etc. Otherwise it's pointless.

It'll take effort, but it's doable. Otherwise at this rate...a few more years and this'll be gone completely I reckon.

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The combat system.

It's been underused and for a while now there has been somewhat of an issue with huge stats (mostly the few players who have them and other players being unable to catch up, which may deter players from using the system entirely). I think a way to fix this problem could be to set a "soft" cap to stats, at which the stats gained afterwards will be incremental and rather insignificant on a small time scale. This is much like the way active days to action points works in that the rewards get less and less as time goes on and it would still reward the players that have huge stats for training, just not as much. With this fix it would encourage other players to train and reach that soft cap to their stats while allowing players who have reached the soft cap to compete with other players in a manner that is fair while still being allowed to gain an advantage.

*edit: Basically get to a certain number of stats and then at that point the stats you gain is less than normal and stays like that forever or perhaps until you upgrade mp levels.

Perhaps the point at which the soft cap starts at could be where most players think they would never reach stat-wise in their normal training behaviors, personally I would say around 100,000 attack and variations of the other stats (maybe 5 to 10 thousand for others, 50,000 for defense) since they dont seem to increase as quickly.

This whole change effectively just softens up stat gaining in a way that makes it easier (to some degrees) to be a very powerful fighter.

Edited by Mallos
sometimes I mess up the grammer, other times I add stuff
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