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Mystery tournament III

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Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to announce the third edition of the  Mystery Tournament! 

This tournament isnt like any you have seen before, sign up here to prove your skill in battle.
As the name suggests, this tournament has some twists, in this case it means that each round will follow different rules, which will only be made public moments before the round is bound to begin.

however a few rules will be the same for all rounds:

  • each round will be a statless competition, meaning no influence (0%) and no tokens, no combo, unless the round's rules state explicitly it is allowed
  • no spells (or any other factor that can alter the fight other than the creature selection) unless the round's rules state explicitly it is allowed
  • knockout, winner has 1 offensive and defensive victory
  • max freezes per ritual: 2



1) 3gc + anniv + wp
2) 2gc + anniv
3) 1gc + anniv


depending registrations


if you choose to participate post your playername below
singup closes april 18th 23:59:59

Participants - MP5 (min. 6 participants)

Aia del Mana



Paritcipants - MP4 (min. 6 participants)


Edited by Sunfire
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7 hours ago, Sunfire said:

however a few rules will be the same for all rounds:

  • each round will be a statless competition, meaning no influence (0%) and no tokens, no combo, unless the round's rules state explicitly it is allowed

I feel like I ask this every time a combat tournament comes around, but I'm going to ask anyways. So, players with no untokened creatures aren't allowed to compete?

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it would be a gamble to sign up with only tokened creats, but i would advise against it

some rounds might include tokens, others might not, it would be a pitty to lose a round on the matter of not having usable creatures


I'll accept the sponsorship if any mindpower reaches 8 participants (if both do i'll ask TK to sponsor the other)

Edited by Sunfire
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5 minutes ago, Sunfire said:

it would be a gamble to sign up with only tokened creats, but i would advise against it

some rounds might include tokens, others might not, it would be a pitty to lose a round on the matter of not having usable creatures

So you must be afraid of losing! (just kidding)

Sounds to be like I'm preemptively disqualified again.

Edited by Pipstickz
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1 hour ago, Pipstickz said:

So you must be afraid of losing! (just kidding)

Sounds to be like I'm preemptively disqualified again.

I have signed up with no clue about what creatures I have that are untokened.

Not saying that will change your, or other peoples minds, just saying.

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10 hours ago, Chewett said:

I have signed up with no clue about what creatures I have that are untokened.

Not saying that will change your, or other peoples minds, just saying.

By no means do I wish to discourage participation, my MD time is rather limited and I'm trying to plan carefully. If others are on the fence, I wholeheartedly say give it a shot, do it for me! I'd personally just rather not gamble with my very participation:

11 hours ago, Sunfire said:

it would be a gamble to sign up with only tokened creats, but i would advise against it


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