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First of all, what a combo! Instant :bar_inventory:

The scene looks very good, i guess a couple more tries would make it perfect. But even as it is, it looks like a scene in MD, awesome!

The avatar is very well coloured, as well.

Edited by Ungod
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On 6/7/2018 at 6:49 AM, Sashimi said:

After i visited Necrovion, i drew this "Skeleton Assembler" for Lashtal, inspiration from Altar pot/Cinerary urn, combined it with some local features & a rice cooker, so you can cook the bones with it! : P

Skeleton Assembler_onsite.jpg

has it been uploaded offically? If so I would like to use it ingame.

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6 hours ago, Chewett said:

has it been uploaded offically? If so I would like to use it ingame.

Oh I don't know how to upload scene item, pls let me know the size/format..etc, I'll send it to you asap! : )

Edited by Sashimi
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