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MD Screen on big monitor


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  • Root Admin

You people complain that the elements are not centered but then complain why the edge panels are so far away when they are.

Word by word what you are asking is the old interface, (that is still available under old-layout.php btw)

Screens of that size are wide for a reason, otherwise they would have made them vertical not horizontal. Why would i try to fit everything central and on vertical when there is so much space horizontally?


Are you sure its about not liking the new layout and not actually about not liking change in md in general?

I am sorry, maybe later i will do other layouts  md fully suports variable layout..but now ita just crazy to do what you ask when entire design moves in the opposite direction, i am actually sad i can't make something you all like.

Ps. Fang, mallos was showing me the wings in the scene, i asked him for that scene screen..so your comment made no sense

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1 hour ago, Muratus del Mur said:

You people complain that the elements are not centered but then complain why the edge panels are so far away when they are.

Word by word what you are asking is the old interface, (that is still available under old-layout.php btw)

Screens of that size are wide for a reason, otherwise they would have made them vertical not horizontal. Why would i try to fit everything central and on vertical when there is so much space horizontally?


Are you sure its about not liking the new layout and not actually about not liking change in md in general?

I am sorry, maybe later i will do other layouts  md fully suports variable layout..but now ita just crazy to do what you ask when entire design moves in the opposite direction, i am actually sad i can't make something you all like.

Ps. Fang, mallos was showing me the wings in the scene, i asked him for that scene screen..so your comment made no sense

You make changes as big as this, be prepared for complaints, I don't even think anyone here is complaining, I think they're just pointing out some issues as you instructed them to do. Nobody even asked that you change the interface, you did it on your own volition because of your one of your newfound motivation bursts. This will stagnate again soon, guaranteed.

Personally, I don't like the interface change and I don't think this is the kind of change that is MD needs right now.

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  • Root Admin

Oh but MD needed this and quite badly. 

I am happy people give me feedback on the interface, i qm just not happy that i can't satisfy everyones taste with it 

To make it clear , without flashless interface MD would have permanently died in just a couple of months, making it impossible to migrate later. Flash support is being dropped by all browsers permanently, and is already disabled by default.

Without a wider interface we would have been stuck in a pre 2000 style design, unable to add anything new and usefull to it. 

Without mobile friendly responsive, interface MD already paid a drastic price losing more than 70% of its audience.

Without more space for tools and interface, the tools wpuld have been difficult to use, and they are md's future in what the gameplay is, and what things are being created for its players, by its players.

All this made this new interface absolutely mandatory, and i am saying this for years, i just intervened now before it would have been too late.

If this stagnates soon, it is already something anyone else would have taken many months of work to accomplish as it is now, and thats no overestimation.

I don't afford to hire a couple designers to make a look everyone would like, and a coder to code it, and me alone this is what could do, Chew does his part as well, thats it, Period.

I was hoping to get constructive observations, not the feeling that i disturbed you by creating something absolutely unavoidable, that you think its just my passing mood.




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  • Root Admin

About very large screens, i might have an ideea to improve it...i can move a narrow view on one side and move the panels as standalone boxes on the right side.

I am not sure when this ..or if..will happen, as its very hard to test without a screen that size, and apparently can't count on feedback from you , as it proved when working on the warventure interface (i had to move it live to start getting any real help from you ppl)


I'll think on some solution for this screen size.. but i am done reading .. i was hoping for a motivation boost to make me keep on going, not what i got instead, and i mean the overall (lack of) reaction. At least we are safe from the flash apocalypse due in a a few months.

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5 hours ago, Muratus del Mur said:

Word by word what you are asking is the old interface, (that is still available under old-layout.php btw)

Mur, take it as a sign of love for another interface you designed. Undying love, even.


@peeps: two days ago I met an angry VorniC at GoE (scene still on flash); the scene didn't load for him and he was on phone. He was like 'nothing works, why isn't MD focusing on fixing these things'. I told him to come back in a week :D 

I, too, found only one viable browser that supported flash on mobile and I don't know if it's still available. It's not like Mur woke up one morning and decided to f*** up MD and upset a bunch of players...so instead of complaining, try to say something like 'This looks great, but could you perhaps...'. 

I, for one, think more about stuff like quests and some other things that need our attention. There's a lot of work to be done.

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  • Root Admin

the part you don't see about this new layout is that there are basically 7 (seven!) page layouts combined with 4 inner page layouts, and each time i add something, or change something, i need to be sure its working on all of them. I am not complaining, i am just saying..

The great part about it is that now i have total freedom to do stuff i never dared to image before :D

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i actually really look those minimalistic UI boxes on the right, the one's shown in chew's screenshot. is it at al possible to get a total theme like that across other elements such as the menu bar at the bottom? i think it might also be nice to have one of those menu's on the right that pop in for the heat orbs as well , with the option to pin , that way there's some overall symmetry and consistency between side elements.  it's really comfy to have those elements on the right scroll with the user now tha ti've played around a little bit with the UI, and it would be nice to have the hdeat orb element do the same as well


edit: would it be difficult to add a global text scale modifer to the whole site? having the chat text a few points larger is a huge help but some other elements are very tiny as well

Edited by Syrian
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i think also you could take the title of the bottom right menu "inventory, public logs" ( b5fb7c94d27dd6a037459f7e8cf18c58.png
https://gyazo.com/b5fb7c94d27dd6a037459f7e8cf18c58 ) etc , and turn that into an expandable list/ menu rather than having icons at the bottom of the screen, as you have to go to the bottom to open up a menu, and then back over to the right to interact with what you wanted to open.


this could then mean the bottom popup section could be used for player stats, such as AP/VP/Heat, inside it's own box, rather than floating above it and clipping with other text inside the page.



edit: i definitely DEFINETLY did not do my idea's and thoughts justice, but here is a terrible paint edit of the idea''s/placements that i was talking about , hopefully my terrible editing skills doesn't take away from the ideas about the page layout.




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  • Root Admin

Whatever solution i will find for this, needs to be something that works nice on any screen size. Having the bar on the right slide up and down when its already sliding left right, is not an option.


I'll think of something, keep sending suggestions , i might see things from new perspectives


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