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A new value unit - donating hours of my life :)

Muratus del Mur

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  • Root Admin

Over the years, in MD, many people learned things that eventually changed their life.

In 15 years of MagicDuel, this is probably the most valuable thing thing one could obtain, along with lifetime friends.

I want to revive this "MD spirit" 

So...what is this about? Let me try to explain it

People can be divided in two categories, and all people belong to both :) so how is this ? Each one of us has questions but also answers. In your line of work, you might be paid with 100Eur/hour or 2Eur/hour, its still an hour of your life. There are many young people that might spend years of their life searching for something they love to do, or discover that something in the most unexpected place. Myself, i teached things i knew to md people, sometimes "pro-bono" other times because i needed them to do things, but either way, in the end, they learned something new.


I wish to introduce a new value unit, lets call it "lecture coins". 

One lecture coin equals one hour of your life sharing knowledge from your line of work, regardless what your work is. You might be a good programmer, or a doctor (and yes we have several in md), or you might be simply a delivery guy thinking you have nothing valuable to share. One lecture coin equals one hours of your life, and in that hour you must share your knowledge from your field of work, as best as you can, as if your life depended on it.

The person "listening" and learning from you, will discover the tips and tricks of your particular line of work, and might love it, or might just expand his knowledge about it for other use, regardless, that person, the pupil, will pay you one lecture coin for that hour of your life. With that coin you can "buy" time from someone else, equal also one hour of their time, sharing detailed and valuable info from their own knowledge.

You might think...some peoples time values more than others, and thats true...but knowledge is knowledge, and if you are looking for it, its valuable, regardles how much it costs as monetary value its still an HOUR of someones life.


The rules are these:

For one full hour, you will try to answer any question, but  also provide unrequested info from your personal expertise, as if you would have to teach someone to do your job the next day. 

You will put all possible effort into this, during that hour, and that person will rate you at the end, telling if you provided info that was valuable, or not.

In exchange, you receive a lecture coin, that you will be able to use for same purpose yourself.

Also, you will have a "menu" presenting all possible knowledge fields you could cover, regardless how stupid or valuable they might be. You could be a SEO expert or lawyer, asking for 600$/hour, or a pizza guy that could share tips and tricks about how to do that job better, its equal value. Think that you might change lives forever, losing just an hour or two of your life, you might make someone a better person, or earn a lifetime friend.


I will be the first to donate time of my life to this. I will sponsor lecture coins to anyone that wishes to participate, and get people that want to listen to what they have to say, for one hour, and these lecture coins are payment i will accept for my own time, sharing information the best i can, from any field i might have something to say about.

As example, i will show you my menu, for anyone interested:

My current "Menu" is this:


- Learning programming in general

- Tips and tricks about webdevelopment and webdev tips and tricks accumlated over years, not easy to find online

- How to start to learn python (:D i am new to it too, but i will share an hour with you, guiding you through the best and most time saving info i can)

- Any question you could ask a webdeveloper with 20years experience paid with 50$/h, i will consider you paid me 50$ and act accordingly, but will do only knowlede sharing, not work in your place.

- neural networks, robotics, and anything related i might know

- a random choice of art related activity i will pick, that you could replicate

-  Anything else i might know and you know how to ask, to the best of my ability

- a mix of all of the above, trying to the best of my ability to find something that interests you personally. I will consider you pay me double my hourly rate, only if you are satisfied in the end, even if its all for free.

- psychological adice and personal experience share of how to overcome addictions (why not, i've become an expert from my own experience and from others)

- cooking lessons of my favorite food adapted to your resources


I will start sharing 3 hours of my life to either individuals, or groups, and expect other professionals out there to contribute the same way.

Do you want to participate and learn new stuff. Either participate as a student or as a teacher.


Thats it.. i hope this initiative resonates with you, because i think MD is about knowing people and learning from them, so if you are here, lets get organized :)



Overall i plan to put in motion 100 lecture coins, that will circulate in exchange of hours of your knowldge. 100 should be more than enough, but i will start with sponsoring you if you offer to share hours, or learn, and with hours of my time, each valuing one symbolic coin. 

These coins will be also given as items in your md inventory, and medals will come for those that gather most.


My time is very limited so i will select the people i wish to dedicate time to, but just ask...or offer.


Thats all.



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  • Root Admin

In order to benefit from the lecture coin, i wish to moderate any such initiative. This means: i should be informed of who the teacher is, who the student(s) are/is, so i can ask them if you really gave your best, and reward you your lecture coin for the hour you donated to this cause.  I reserve the right to deny any coin rewarding for such activity that i feel it might be scam or undeserved.


Also, in other words, if you have something valuable to share and find interested people, i will sponsor 1 coin per hour, up to 100 coins total. After this, coins should be put back in circulation by time exchange of similar sort.

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  • Root Admin

sorry this is not how it works, and not retroactively. If i would give these coins for past actions, it means they are all already given, both me, chew, and several others had shared a lot of their valuable time with others already.

Lets do this organized. You announce public what you "menu" is, people subscribe to whatever they want to learn from you, then i will personally supervise or interview the participants and decide if coins are to be given, or not.

Lets don't turn these into a token of appreciation between friends, they are not a "like button"

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There goes Mur with his meta quests again :P 


I'd like to share some info, but since it's not from my work, but just topics I've been reading on for a while now, I'm not sure I qualify. What I'd like to present is information on herbalism (our relationship with plants, general uses etc) and religion (outline, comparative studies, purpose etc). 


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will you also provide an opportunity to have these conversations in a private places, like sunny bedroom. I can imagine that some people would prefer to keep the content of these lectures private (especially in my field of work). 

anther question: can people suggest their own topics they want to have a lecture on? 

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  • Root Admin

My Menu is as followed:

Electronics, I build and review electronics particularly with the Wemos and Arduino platforms. I can advise how to build electronics, etc.

IoT devices, I have a range of Internet of Things devices including rare Linux developer boards my company manufactured, Raspberry Pi units, and various Renesas boards. I have built a Raspberry Pi Cluster which I use to demonstrate the principles of distributed computing.

Programming - I am a programmer by  trade, Senior Software Engineer I  by job title, where I work on an automation system designed to automate the testing of GPU/CPU/Radio/Ray Tracing Silicon IP systems. I am experienced in: PHP, SQL, Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Unit Testing. I have worked with some C, C++, C#, SCHEME, MATLAB, AngularJS, Node.js. I can explain concepts from basic computer science to more complicated areas such as race conditions, performance optimisation, big o notation, etc.

Linux/Windows system management/maintenance - I am experienced in a variety of Linux and windows operating systems and am able to explain and offer advice about them, including building software/configuring it.

CV Review - In my profession I have went over hundreds of CV's and held numerous phone/face to face interviews. I am able to review a CV if you would like (More value will be for CV's in engineering/technical professions but a lot of the concepts are general) and give advise on improving it.

Building your own PC - I build PC's and can provide advice how you can build your own PC or upgrading it.

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33 minutes ago, klatdees said:

does that make me a bad MD player?

does it? this is just an initiative that you can overlook and go about your other goals in MD, no? besides, you can be the one learning instead of teaching


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  • Root Admin
1 hour ago, klatdees said:

If I don't think that I have an hour's worth of shareable things to share, does that make me a bad MD player?

There must be surely stuff you can talk about, most people can. Can you speak other languages? Can you teach about your country/Religion/Schooling/interests/life?

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 My menu:

Occultism in general:

  • - Franz Bardon Hermetic System.
  • - Thelema and Magick
  • - Projeciology (Astral Projection)
  • - AMORC (Open and Public Knowledge only...)
  • - Chaos Magick  (The 40 Servants, Fotamecus, Abralas...) 
  • - IOT (Illuminates of Thanateros)(Open and Public Knowledge only...)

Related to my RL work:

  • - Brazilian Tax System
  • - Brazilian accessory obligations
  • - Bookkeeping and Accounting


  • -  D&D and others tabletop RPGs
  • - Old JRPGs and strategy games
  • - Horror movies
  • - Brazilian Portuguese


Edited by Dhyone
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  • Root Admin
23 hours ago, Eara Meraia said:

will you also provide an opportunity to have these conversations in a private places, like sunny bedroom. I can imagine that some people would prefer to keep the content of these lectures private (especially in my field of work). 

anther question: can people suggest their own topics they want to have a lecture on? 

of course, you can go via any form of chat, or sunny bedroom you prefer, as long as you provide me a way to see you had that discussion and you are not just rewarding sponsored coins to friends. I will not have time to actually read what you talk, but i will just have a glance to see if the discussion is about the inteded topic, and then i will ask both teacher and student how they considered the lecture.

This form of verification is just with these first coins, later on you will be free to exchange or trade them totally private, but now, in the beginning, is important they are received for actual value, so they will be used for actual value later.


22 hours ago, klatdees said:

If I don't think that I have an hour's worth of shareable things to share, does that make me a bad MD player?

Then you fall in the category that has a lot to listen. This is not about bragging who has more to say, its about honest and valuable knowledge exchange. If you have nothing to share, but you are also not interested in anything current or future "menus", then probably yes...but if you just have nothing to say, yet you do wish to learn more, then you are a "good" MD player....if you wish that sort of classification :)


On 6/14/2020 at 11:52 AM, Ungod said:

I'd like to share some info, but since it's not from my work, but just topics I've been reading on for a while now, I'm not sure I qualify. What I'd like to present is information on herbalism (our relationship with plants, general uses etc) and religion (outline, comparative studies, purpose etc). 

It is risky to allow non-professional opinions into this, however, there are countless fields that could not possibly have "an expert" , and some people that are simply enthusiastic about a more abstract subject, could have a lot to share about it. Like you saw, i put on my menu "Python" even if i just learned it last week, but i put it on the menu because i think i have valuable things to say to a _beginner_. 

You can join with whatever you want, but in such cases, i will be extra careful and will review the info more indepth, to decide if its worth a coin or not, because that coin will mean you ere entitled of someone elses "hour". So yes, join, if you think you have valuable stuff to say, otherwise, join as listener to someone elses topics, i will sponsor the coin to the teacher anyway.


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  • Root Admin

To avoid this topic going dead due to my lack of time, i need someone to help me create and maintain a list of menus, like an assistant. The assistant will not have access to reviewing private lectures, but eventually he/she might also help me maintain a list of given and transfered lecture coins (excel, shared doc).

Anyone interested, post here, i will pick one person. The assistant will also receive periodic rewards for their activity, as usual.

Thank you

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alright. my menu then:

1) Clinical psychology. Professional advice on anxiety and mood disorders, PTSD, OCD, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, dissociations  etc. It can be a short view on personal situation or some general information...whatever you would like to know about psychological illnesses, treatment, medications, diagnostics. It also can be subclinical issue like stress or fatigue. Depending on a specific question, context can be private or public. 

2) Surviving and adapting to living, working and studying in a foreign country. I did it a few times myself. Can share some useful experiences to those who want to venture abroad. 

3) Studying of foreign languages. As somebody who speaks 6 languages and has degree in linguistics, I possibly might be able to give some advice to those who struggle with languages

4) Sour-dough starter and bread. I can teach you how to make a delicious bread at home with nothing but flower, water and patience^^

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I'll add some skills that have that some may find interesting :)

  • Cooking tips and tricks
  • Programming. Chew would be the more experienced person, but I can answer questions for those starting out and basic information. My knowledge range from: Verilog/System Verilog, C/C++, Python, Java, JS/Jquery,  CSS/HTML, and a bit of Autohotkey. I may not have too much expertise, but I do have a perspective of a recent learner :)
  • Basic economics. While I do not know much more in-depth knowledge, I am very interested about economics in general, and do have some knowledge based on my own research and education
  • Mathematics, especially discrete. Well, I did not follow this field of study, sometimes I wish I did, but if it's not some too high level mathematics, I may interest you in some ways :)

Teaching, is a good way to learn, and to strengthen your understanding of a matter. My preferred medium would be discord, as it provide a lot of flexibility :)

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1. Security services. Many years of experience. Can advice on pretty much anything here. 
2. Expert in Duklja/Zeta/Montenegro history, folklore and legends. Teacher and guide with 3 years of experience in these things with Montenegrin literature included. 
3. Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Poetry/Horror stories writer with 3 published books, along with 3 others ready for publishing.
4. Master woodcutter with over 15 years of experiences.
6. Philosopher with many short stories on the meaning of life, soul, spirit and all delicate universes between.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am not sure if this is where to post when they have occurred or not (not totally clear on the procedure of this initiative since I haven't seen Ailith for a bit.

But I didn't understand coding at all, let alone MDScript. Chewett spend over an hour answering questions, walking me (the blundering fool) through the hurdles of basic MDScripting to do some basic things that are incredibly handy in quest-writing.

If you want to check it out(or need the proof), go to the discord, and go to language learning channel.

Search for "Timer starts now, 16:50" to find the beginning of the lecture"

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  • Root Admin

this is valid for everyone, send me by email at mur@magicduel.com who the parties involved in the lecture are, and the subject/summary. If this comes from the person offering the lecture, i will need to double check with the one receiving it, to confirm they are happy about it. If it comes from the person receiving the lecture, i will award the coin to the one giving directly.

I will try to keep a score synced with your "menu" too, thats why i want a very short summary, so i know where in your menu it fits.


Here is the list of the current documented coins. I remind you that after the first 100, these will be recycled and each coin will keep its own history.

I will probably do a more automated system, but for now manual management will suffice.





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  • Root Admin
55 minutes ago, Steno said:

I am not sure if this is where to post when they have occurred or not (not totally clear on the procedure of this initiative since I haven't seen Ailith for a bit.

But I didn't understand coding at all, let alone MDScript. Chewett spend over an hour answering questions, walking me (the blundering fool) through the hurdles of basic MDScripting to do some basic things that are incredibly handy in quest-writing.

If you want to check it out(or need the proof), go to the discord, and go to language learning channel.

Search for "Timer starts now, 16:50" to find the beginning of the lecture"

Details also posted on the forum: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/19010-md-life-lessons-mdscript-given-to-steno-by-chewett/

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