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Fang Archbane

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Posts posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Ive sent you a PM with your ATC Pops. No charge either, im not one for profit.

    Also, on a side note, ive lost my avatar to the Shop now due to said action, even though i attempted to place it into my Vault twice and it didnt give either a confirm nor deny that it worked or didnt.

    kindly requesting a moderator ( @Chewett@Muratus del Mur ) please return me my Avatar as it was specifically made for me, and you can take the last credit i currently have on my account as "payment".

    Many thanks, sorry for the bother

  2. 20 minutes ago, Lazarus said:

    Thank you, Fang. Perhaps you should also share with us what the void means to you and why.

    An interesting request, and one I'm not about to shun. Well played, it's never easy to get me to comply but here goes.

    To me, the Void is simply a place, both free from all other existance, yet part of a larger mechanism all the same. The Void to me, is the peace I find in deep meditation, what I envision to lay beyond even the point of consciousness, possibly even beyond reality itself.

    It's a timeless encapsulation of raw perception, one that threatens to assimilate you once you feel you truly understand it. Truly, it is what I consider Zen. A place with nothing but you, your mind, and all the possibilities of an eternal, neverending multiverse.

    I have a bad habit of thinking we might just live in a Fenth. A small reality divided by a thin veil from the next.

    Whenever I slip into my subconscious meditative state, it's hard to come back with any memories, lucidity if you will, and thus it's difficult to retain on a conscious level the lessons you've learned there.

    Yet this is when I truly feel closest to the Void. A place full of infinite possibilities because nothing is there at the moment. A beautiful superposition of raw self. A place where journeys both begin and end, if such concepts are even accurate. The Void is One.

  3. It's my humble opinion that a service such as this would be at most a time saver for any experienced veteran mp5. The situation wouldn't be the same for a fresh mp5, 4, or 3. In fact, the lower down in mind powers you go, the more useful it seems it becomes.

    As a Vet myself, I'd only pay for whatever time I might have saved. At most I'd pay 1 silver to go back down to 0 heat. It would be more useful, and thus logically more costly, for an mp3 or 4 to do the same, since the 4 has a harder but not impossible time dropping heat, and the 3 can not do so at all.

    Problem with this logic however is obvious. I wouldn't expect, nor request an mp3 or even a 4 to pay for a heat reduction. We might want to consider making it free for the lower mind powers within reason (consider a free once a week heat drop for them) and possibly charge the vets for whatever miniscule time is saved via using this option.

    In fact, when people can drop over max heat in one single battle, this method would actually take more time than the 2 clicks that single battle would.

    Food for thought.

  4. 3 hours ago, Ledah said:

    It is when it leads to uber Mp3/4 dominating others.

    This had already been done, continues being done, and will continue to be done regardless of limitations or circumstance. As things currently stand, an mp5 aid can make any, and I mean ANY mp3 super overpowered by simply training any creature to max, giving it both AntiFreeze tokens+, and then trading it to any mp3 with a single silver cost to retain all. In this form we could create an mp3 that would absolutely annihilate every other enemy anywhere below 5.

    My point is simple. Even if these steps that make it easier were removed, edited, etc, it wouldn't change a damn thing. If someone wants to do something, by the Demon they will get it done. This is MagicDuel, a realm made by Players, for Players, of Players. Trying to corrall us is... Well I won't be rude about it, but trying to control any of us is literally a waste of time.

  5. As always, Sunny and I are the resident MP7s, so we could in theory aid anyone attempting to rise up. Problem is, regardless of how active we are, we can't cover everyone. Trust me, we've tried. We truly, sincerely, and wholeheartedly need some battle NPCs for mp3 & 4, or we might as well admit we don't wish to retain players.

  6. @Chewett, if only one of my quests should get sponsorship it should be this one. I see too much proper thought and attempt going into this from the community to be able to reward them all properly myself. If you have the time and such, please consider it. I'll do what I can solo either way but this... This is surpassing expectations in the most grand of ways.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ledah said:

    After all, if you wish so strongly to become McChickyNuggy you will give up key aspects of your current identity, that shows true resolve to me.

    I'd be happy to pay all of my principles for a fresh start as the Chicken Nugget of MD. But I won't push this any further. Thank you for the consideration Mur, this topic may now be closed.

  8. I have my personal reasons for such, ones I would rather not admit to out loud, but if at all possible I was hoping I could name change to "McChickyNuggy". I realize this might come off as a troll, or a joke but, I assure you, I am 100% sincere in this request. Either way, to whomever might handle this, I thank you for your consideration and time.

  9. While I absolutely appreciate the offer Chew, I do not believe it will be necessary. With the combined effort of myself, Nep, Else, and Mallos (which to be fair most of the hard work was done by Mallos over time) We managed to make a single Wreath for @Granos to use however he pleases whenever he pleases. We were the only participants (to the extent of my knowledge) for this quest, so if you wish to reward us please do so solely as Quest Coordinators. I do not feel it would be fair to also reward us as Quest Participants. As always you have final say so I'll simply do as I'm told on this matter. However, these are my humble two cents. Thank you for your time, and all the hard work.

  10. What Mag said. Also, since you're most likely new to death I should mention some things. Every step takes all your remaining AP. Your AP will only regen once every 24 hours or from daily voting. Death Anchors and Sanctuarys should be rather useful. Oh, and let me know when you get bored of being Dead. It's fun for a while, but prolonged Death can begin to have rather adverse side effects so... Just let me know when you're ready to revive. I'll do what I can to make a Wreath for you once that happens.

  11. *Fang quietly scribbles as he thinks out loud to himself* 


    "I'd say great grief has befallen the lands, buy I think we all know by now, pain is simply self growth in disguise. Due Time has made me hardened and empty. I find I write these words with no emotions left inside my heart... Void, I believe my Old Man used to call it..." 


    *Fang continued to silently scribble on the paper for a while with one calculated talon. He had become used to writing with an ink dipped claw by now, something he wasn't quite sure he was ready to admit* 


    "There we go. Time to place these up for the world to see. Whether they join us or refuse it matters not. The task will get done either way... Still. No better time to multitask and get a few things done in layers..." 


    *Fang places various clawdrawn flyers around the capitols. One in each land at all the main choke points, and they read as follows* :

    Come one come all! An Old Man has fallen, and he can't get up! Granos has fallen prey to the Whimsical Reaper, and I say it's time we make a stand against entropy! 


    Starting the dawn of the 15th, we will all grab Herb Baskets from Loreroot and clean pick each East location down to 66% in an endeavor for Flowers. The competition will end the same day. 


    Whomever comes in places 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as far as Flower Contributions into the Grave Wreath combiner go will each earn respective rewards TBD based on sponsorship availability (but will be updated either way asap). 




    We can't fear Death any more than we can fear Change. I'm well aware that Granos doesn't need any aid, but as his unaccepted long lost ginger stepbird, I feel it's my responsibility to look after my own. 


    You're all free to join us and possibly make some prizes along the way. The more the merrier as they say, and may the best Herbalists win 



    Editors Note: You'll most likely want to limit yourself to 2 man teams. One with an herbs basket and one to support. Everyone has until the end of the day to agree on their end amounts, but a ss should be taken of the stack and posted in this thread before it is passed to the designated flower holder.

  12. When you have 3 wiiya and 5 resource making Grasan, the first of 3 of 5 make resources, which is understandable.

    What seems off to me is that if you do not pick up those resources and instead go get another 2 wiiya, the first 2 of the 5 Grasan will just make more of their own resource, instead of it going to the 2 that had none.

    I believe this is a bug and I wasn't sure if it was on the forum, so I posted it to get confirmation & maybe an explanation. Thanks either way.

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