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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. Oh... darn it. Hrm. Then im out of ideas.
  2. Someone find Eon >>
  3. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1356717080' post='129136'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]If people don't respect me, I'm not going to beg around about it.[/color][/font] [/quote] Good, good. Keep your head held high, and laugh in their faces when you obtain that which you worked so hard to find. I believe in you DD. Go for it my man.
  4. @Nimz) Youd be amazed at some peoples select judgement when they want certain things. @Burns) Oh yeah huh... hrm... ill go do that >>
  5. It seems that i need to become a "fighter" as of late, and thus, i can no longer clutter my Crit Slots with the excess crits i was simply collecting. Below are some creatures that i want to trade. Sharptear - Age 233 - Heat 84,321 Bloodpact - Age 2 - Heat 1 Joker - Age 399 - Heat 1,304,253 Joker - Age 254 - Heat 1,309,406 Joker - Age 454 - Heat 1,286,961 Angien - Age 331 - Heat 355,744 Angien - Age 43 - Heat 27456 Angien - Age Unknown - Heat Unknown (Long story, dont ask) Santa - Age 734 - Heat 26,788 Santa - Age 210 - Heat 1,122,773 Little to no tokens. Just assume they arent there. The ONLY things im interested in right now are the following 2 Reindrachs 1 GG Drach 1 Tainted If you think you have what i want, and you happen to want what i have, then im sure we could make some kind of deal. Thank you.
  6. Well your name is Purple Bunny... ... ... ... I suggest you roleplay as a friggin unicorn >.> <3
  7. Agreed.
  8. 1) i support this transformation. simply stunning. 2) i do however seriously support Demon in his endeavers, and wish him the best of luck with it. 3) I love you Seigheart. I love you so very very hard.
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  14. *coughs lightly* I would like to point out, that Mr. Phantasm has already denied me. If, however, he has changed his mind, or there is something i am missing, and he wishes to allow me in, then i would gladly do so. Its his call. A man must keep his word, and i said that if he allowed it, i would follow.
  15. No, no, the Council has given me hope where none used to lay. If they can still forgive, than they are still human, and that, is good enough for me. They once again have my trust and acceptance. For now. And of course ill help the Community in any way i may. I find that to be a just and fitting end to this road i took. Merry Murmas indeed.
  16. Right. Edit: no sarcasm either. Im dumb, but even im not THAT dumb.
  17. This isnt worth my time. Unjail me in a month. See you then.
  18. Lets break this down shall we? "The soulweaver cannot be yours fang since it has never been on any account but inside the treasury. Well then. My bad. I guess my Gifted Soulweaver was the one you guys took the first time to put into the vault. My bad. Its difficult to keep track of things when the creators of the game are stealing from you. Now lets assume that what hes saying is true. Ok. Fair enough. My bad. One of the Soulweavers i took out to gift got left in my inventory, oh no, the horror, it got heat, aaaaaaaaah run for the hills. My bad Bugsman. Keep the SW, i dont care at this point, just unjail me so i can go back to idling at the PC and helping the new guys. "The stones should have been moved but you never replied to my email regarding this. WHAT EMAIL!?>!?? i dont use the Treasury@ email anymore, im not the HEAD TK. And if you mean my ACTUAL email adress, then no, i received nothing there from you either Bugsman. "PS: BMMORPG stones will not be broken as i transferred them in a way that the codes were not changed, as i detailed i would do when you replied to me confirming they were ok Fang, but you never replied to that email. I never read such an email. See previous retort.
  19. I just realized i forgot to mention the coins, My apologies, its been edited into the first post.
  20. Fang Archbane


    Im sure by now youve all seen the newest ton of fun the Council has thrown my way, and i would like to make something CRYSTAL clear. I did not move the stones or even try to because if i do, then all of the Codes i gave BFH will go invalid, and thus out of sheer LOGIC, i left the stones where they were. Count them. Ten of each. UNTOUCHED. I have not tampered, used, meddled, or changed the stones in ANY way. As for the Soulweaver. Both Soulweavers are mine, and i DEMAND it back. I bought my first Soulweaver a while ago, and the SECOND, was a gift from a FRIEND. Now then. I dont blame the ignorant Council at all for not knowing how the stones and all that other junk work. All i ask, is that my Soulweaver is returned to me ASAP, my Jailing gets lifted, and the stones, i dont give two cents about the stones, if the Council wants to break BMMORPG for a third time, i say let them. I didnt mind when they took 3 creatures last time, and jailed me for a week. I made foolish decisions, and i deserved what i got. This however, is unjust, ignorant, and down right ridiculous. So ill only say this one more time Council. Give me back my Soulweaver, and free me from jail, or im going straight over your heads and this WILL get ugly. Edit: oh, i forgot to mention the notes. No, i wasnt stealing them. Prior to all the bs that happened while i was leaving the TKs, i was buying back all the notes and trying to get them into one place so i could take inventory of them. Seriously. Its not that complicated of a situation.
  21. Change is the only constant. And at the same time, its the only one that can not be. Change is forever moving. Shifting. Morphing. Changing. To understand Change, is to understand that nothing truly exists. If nothing truly exists, than anything can happen. That is what Change does. It does what needs to get done, and doesnt need to get done, next. If Change stopped being Change all together. that would still be a Change. It will never Change, and yet, it is forever Changing. The idea itself, is only the peak of the iceberg. To understand Change, to truly, truly get it, one must know absolute nothingness. So to wrap this up. You now like the other set of numbers, not because you are forced to by your own nature, not because it was a whim, but because you are simply... Change. You will always be the same. You will always be the everdifferent constant.
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  24. Ill forgive ya this time Sipu :3 And danke shun Zeezee x3 <3
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