Im sure by now youve all seen the newest ton of fun the Council has thrown my way, and i would like to make something CRYSTAL clear.
I did not move the stones or even try to because if i do, then all of the Codes i gave BFH will go invalid, and thus out of sheer LOGIC, i left the stones where they were. Count them. Ten of each. UNTOUCHED. I have not tampered, used, meddled, or changed the stones in ANY way.
As for the Soulweaver. Both Soulweavers are mine, and i DEMAND it back. I bought my first Soulweaver a while ago, and the SECOND, was a gift from a FRIEND.
Now then. I dont blame the ignorant Council at all for not knowing how the stones and all that other junk work. All i ask, is that my Soulweaver is returned to me ASAP, my Jailing gets lifted, and the stones, i dont give two cents about the stones, if the Council wants to break BMMORPG for a third time, i say let them.
I didnt mind when they took 3 creatures last time, and jailed me for a week. I made foolish decisions, and i deserved what i got. This however, is unjust, ignorant, and down right ridiculous.
So ill only say this one more time Council. Give me back my Soulweaver, and free me from jail, or im going straight over your heads and this WILL get ugly.
Edit: oh, i forgot to mention the notes. No, i wasnt stealing them. Prior to all the bs that happened while i was leaving the TKs, i was buying back all the notes and trying to get them into one place so i could take inventory of them. Seriously. Its not that complicated of a situation.