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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. [color=#ffa500]I put it there, but if it would be better in another section like sugestion or other mod plz do so[/color] I tried to think idea to help MD improve with the help of players [color=#ff0000]first idea:[/color] Make avalable for scripting some new tools Why: this would enable a completely new dimention on what kind of magic or interaction that can be put in MD. MD programer is busy , and making core maintenance and new core development Those functions would enable players to put some shining and cosmetic in making new more elaborate and interactive quests functions MakeCliky(handle,scenelocation,xScreen,yscreen,spriteGiF,private) handle: ref to use the cliky scenelocation: ex. 3_3x-3_1 xScreen,yscreen : the xy position in the scene of the cliky spriteGiF : custom transparent GIF to make the sprite for the cliky private= true (cliky enable only for players specify by another scrip function) private= false (clicy enable for all players Note: to prevent visual overload and system overload some limitation would be made as to the maximum cliky a scrip can have per scene, and total. also the size of the spriteGif limited description: that function would put a transparent GIF (sprite) at the specipy location on the specipy scene. script would be using that custom cliky as the actual game premade cliky (or if for security needed only a subset of the functionnality) The private flag would lower risk of visual clutter MakescriptinventoryItem(playerID,name) DestroycriptinventoryItem(playerID,name) description: those function would add to inventory list and remove it (it would not have any functionnality by itself, but could be verify that a player as it or not by existing scrip function or a new function) NOTE: its not about actual MD items or ressources ... just a name like put in inventory "car" "sword of true" and removing or verifying for only those that where in first place put there by THAT script [color=#ff0000]secound idea that your enable MD to put new thing (easy) that would improve make beleive play[/color] Making default for players to have an generic avatar that if one dont unlock the avatar in md would be the one they would have. (so not change for $ for MD) but it could enable making some new spell, that would be interaction with avatar of players for exemple some curses poisonspell: for a time one its use and an overly green is on the player avatar disfigurespell: for a time the target player as his avatar change for a standard disfigure avatar (so you see some other and better than my exemples use for it ...)
  2. [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/3007bt5.gif[/IMG] Let have some fun and imagine what they might say or think Mya thinking ... Lets see what it look like for decorating *smile* Mur say: MOC ! Dont keep idle , prepare the sleight and bring all the gifts and ... MoC thinking ... Work, always work, I do all the work around here DST thinking ... Will look closely at MoC
  3. I am wondering, are the winners already nominate, and i did not see it? Wondering because i participate in that ....
  4. My apology to have taken such time to chose, but even if there was not many entry, the quality was such that i had some hard time to chose. My quest winner is kellox It show true at more than one level, and made me laught please msg me where i can find yu kellox
  5. Helper of the Year i nominate *Mya Celestia* (There are many helpfull people i have meet in MD more so toward new players, but in my experience Mya should be nominate)
  6. for info : This account was opened on (DD.MM.YYYY H:M): [b]21.02.2012 09:01[/b]
  7. Happy birthday
  8. lightsage Because its one candidate i know a little, i find him nice, helpfull , knowlege full And even not knowing like others all he may have done thrue time, my impression is that he as a good reputation as for his intents, i find his posting of what he would like TK do is feeling to me well organiise and logical
  9. Reminder The deadline be 30 november Still a few days to send your drawing
  10. deal done, plz close thread
  11. Greath! some participants !! The deadline will be 30 november this will give some time for more entrie
  12. Hi , if someoneis interested to participare say so ... if no one post saying they are interested or post a drawing .... ill just cancel that quest
  13. Kind: Unholy Priest Tokens: none dateBorn: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 20:14:44 +0300 Times Transferred: 0 Age: 152 make your offers
  14. Ill be candid Its my first personnal quest, i was hoping to get many summissions quickly ... Thanks to Treasure Keepers, and Falronn in supporting this quest in adding to prize I had not tought of deadline yeat. Since many quests are going with halloween for deadline and have people busy, ill wait 9 november to set either a deadline or cancel this quest It will depend mainlay if i have got some summission or posting of intent to participate or not in mean time.
  15. Quest: Draw your perception of Tom Pouce It can be humoristic, it can be caustic, it can be realistic .. your choice Its not the best looking drawing , but the one I will find more interesting, so even if your not an professionnal artist you have your chances to win. Rules: - draw and scan and post (if yu dont have a scanner, you can try to take a photo of yur drawing) - [color=#ff0000]or [/color]draw directly in a picture software and post (no copy and paste allow) - you can add one sentence in you drawing if you want to title or it be part of the drawing - Submissions should be posted in this thread, by using an online host such as Picasa or Tinypic - put link of adress of pictur here in forum Prize: 1 send to GoE spell stone
  16. [b]: [/b][color=#305681][i]Tom Pouce inhales deeply : exhales slowly [/i][/color]
  17. [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce inhales deeply : exhales slowly [/i][/color]
  18. Absurd? or a hint of what may be in the futur? Once started (IF its start in US for some products) it may well become a new way of life ... with all its implication for the consumer [url="http://www.marketwatch.com/story/your-right-to-resell-your-own-stuff-is-in-peril-2012-10-04"]http://www.marketwat...eril-2012-10-04[/url]
  19. [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce inhales deeply : exhales slowly [/i][/color]
  20. [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce inhales deeply : exhales slowly [/i][/color]
  21. [b]: [/b][color="#305681"][i]Tom Pouce inhales deeply : exhales slowly [/i][/color]
  22. Hi Duxie fare well
  23. "Moreover, Tom, let me ask you -- Who makes the rules here? " A more detail answer to you post [b] [size=4]Ackshan [/size][/b] oviously its MUR game, and he delagate to the concil ... so who rule here you have it About the communal garden, i am not sure who is leading that project or quest, but its probably Rumi Now, i dont see the pertinence of those questions, as the answers are ovious But if MUR, concil, communal garden leadership , are as responsable as i think they are, they should be open to ear opinions, and open to see discutions of some subjects. Discutions cannot remove them of any authorities, but provide them with info so they may decide having see all conciderations. And opinions generate by MD players is certainly an input that they listen to.
  24. [b] [size=4]Ackshan [/size][/b] The post you quote was an answer to a post of DST, where i was not set on drugs per see, but of the definition of legal, (and i take my definition of legal acording to law of a country, witch is the usual definition) Now discution about community, concil rules , rating, or forum rules .... seem more in its place in the other thread with my pole I respect the community of MD, did i not ask in making that pole to discust those subjects? , and wanted to ear opinions of others? But on the same, also dont be surprise if i make know my views, is it not part of a sane discution ? And i can assure you i dont focust of drugs, ask around since i begun to play MD, I focust mainly on what is right, what is making sense, and liberty of speach or choice you can see that with all my 132 posts i made in MD. But it was the subject that brought that discution, so dont be surprise if i was talking about it. [size=5][color=#FF0000]Forum mods: PLEASE: to make this garden thread clean move this post , flaronn post, and Ackshan post in the pole thread i made[/color] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13037-where-is-the-logic/"]http://magicduel.inv...e-is-the-logic/[/url][/size] (thanks for moving)
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