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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. To give time to participate quest is extended
  2. To give time to participate quest is extended
  3. As you see my prefered creature know how to party really well this is her at the MagicDuel 8th Birthday party If you are underage or prude ... dont look [spoiler] [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/w1zqdz.jpg[/img] [/spoiler]
  4. Some asked me if the picture or drawing to illustrate the recepy need to be original or taken from internet in my mind it can be anything what count is yur description or recepy, the drawing or picture to illustrate is allow not necesary, [b]its the overall post that will be judge[/b] but remember judging will be by pole and according of 3 criterria - look savory, I would love to eat it - its original .. (not something that everyone do or eat each day) - it’s realistic, I think it can be made or cook for real
  5. There it is, not sure how to make it, the black left part is the cover, and the right part is the inside text of the card .. [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/2v0k7x3.jpg[/img]
  6. Sugestion change requirements for Forced Message Labels feature in MD shop that feature is not avalable for mp3 [spoiler]Requirements Days:22 , Loyalty:80 , Honor:1000 , XP:400000 the experience needed is over the cap for an mp3[/spoiler]
  7. [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/2433plc.jpg[/img]
  8. k, but suggested only whats visible now, not like what i think accoustic remain do , an log of quite some time from casting but if its bad ... ill live vithout
  9. Would it be possible to get an button, that copy to clipboard the chat window? often when there is meeting, id like to copy to clipboard and paste in notepad, to read and understand as chat is going quick i triy to select and copy but as soon as refresh of an new line, i lose selection ... or lose it in trying to go from selection to copy command if its not big to add, i thnk it would be usefull
  10. [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/9pn8cy.jpg[/img]
  11. i am not use to date as Day 111, can you tel aproximally its what calandar date?
  12. [center][b][size=5]I am Tom Pouce[/size][/b] Only 1 inch tall (about 2.54 cm), in english you know me also by the name of [size=5]Tom Thumb[/size]. The History of Tom Thumb was published in 1621, and was the first fairy tale printed in English. Tom is no bigger than his father's thumb, and his adventures include being swallowed by a cow, tangling with giants, and becoming a favourite of King Arthur. i am quit old, my stories begun to be report in various 6th century works such as Reginald Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft (1584) where Tom is cited as one of the supernatural folk employed by servant maids to frighten children I figures in Henry Fielding's play Tom Thumb, a companion piece to his The Author's Farce. It was later expanded into a single piece titled The Tragedy of Tragedies, or the History of Tom Thumb the Great. I am fearless, quick wits that take me out of dangerous situation, luck helping also LOL And another thing, i[b] was born of magic thru Merlin work.[/b] Recently i found myself in MD. Born in paper cabin ... and since then see[b] myself is an MD citisen[/b]. [b]My caracter is good nature, curious, always helping, and fighting for fairness and true.[/b] Since i am an MD citizen ... [b]each land is part of my home MagicDuel[/b]. [hr] Come the strange black box, filled with darkness, [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/280idc3.jpg[/img] ever changing .. that gift you give us [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/1s1ir5.jpg[/img] [size=5][b]I accept it , thus it transform[/b][/size] What will yu find that has to be black, fit into a 15x15cm cube? [size=5][b]You will find my MagicDuel passport, that make me an citisen of each lands in MD[/b][/size] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/140hqio.jpg[/img][/center]
  13. happy birthday [b] Sunfire[/b]
  14. [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/2qw2z49.jpg[/img] Md birthday is an important even, one need to celebrate well ! And if you are like me, some sweet treat is always an must to celabrate Post in forum what would be the sweet treat recipe and description (illustration allow), as if you where making some for MD Birthday The judging will be by poll where entries would be rate by 3 criteria - look savory, I would love to eat it - its original .. - it’s realistic, I think it can be made or cook for real Lets have fun !! , Lets fill our bellies Quest will end in 6 days
  15. [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/i1z61y.jpg[/img] Quest: My pet is at MD birthday Md birthday is an important even, one need to celebrate well. What better way than an dress party, including your pet? Post an picture of your pet in costume, decorate or ... ready for MD birthday if you don’t have an live pet to costume, decorate or ... ready for MD birthday you can instead draw an imaginary pet Drawing need to have MD in it, and picture have MD in it The judging will be by pole where entries would be rate by 3 criteria - I like it - it’s original - it’s MD like ... and fully in that quest spirit Have fun!! Quest will end in 6 days
  16. I recently found that requirement to buy an joker in MD shop is [spoiler]Joker Requirements Days:20 , Honor:1200 , XP:400000 [/spoiler] experience cap for MP3 is [spoiler]380000[/spoiler] I think its not right, with that an MP3 cannot buy one The joker is more an collection creature than an unbalancing fighting creature to powerful for MP3 level, so i dont see why there is that restriction So i suggest the requirement for XP be lower than 200000 I made an pol and hope many would say ok to lower and since its easy to make change that this change be implemented soon
  17. Concil plz precise i just make my 2 quest and they are automatically sponsored because i have already email concil? or I need to have some kind of acknoledgement by concil that my 2 quest are aproved and i can proceed? Just dont feel to make an 2 quest, and participant learn after participation, that my quest wher not sponsored
  18. I am confuse there was that annoncements: Ann. 2525 - [2013-04-02 14:30:27 - Stage 11] Birthday Questing - Have you got your Questmakers Pass? During the MD birthday we would like you to run your own quests. The difference from normal is that we want them to fit certain criteria. All questmakers who want to make a quest for the MD Birthday need to contact council to inform them they will be making one. Once we have received this we shall add you to the list of questmakers. Quests should be fun, inventive and shouldn't take over a week to finish. We ask that you do not state you are sponsoring any rewards for the quests and do not announce the winners until we tell you can. This is because our rewards will be given out based on a wide range of criteria and want to ensure fairness across the board. You are free to give rewards for the results but we do not want you to state them before hand. For the majority of quests, assume that 1st, 2nd, 3rd position will be given rewards by us. All quests that players participate in will be judged by the new quest voting system, this will give us and the Treasure Keepers an idea of how fun the quest was. Quest makers will receive rewards based on how fun, interesting, difficult the quest was. These are not the only criteria, but if lots of people loved your quest you are likely to get a nice reward. All questers that participate in quests will get points based on how many they complete. These points will be scaled based on a number of undisclosed factors. Quest rewards shall be based on a large amount of categories for competing quests, not just on number. All questers that win a quest will get some form of reward so it is not just for the person who finishes the most. If you want to apply for a questmaker pass so that your quest is counted in competition contact council with Playername Quest name Approximate quest difficulty (easy, medium, hard) Approximate quest time (short <30 minutes, medium <3 hours, long day+) Quests should be run during the MD birthday and should end during or just after the event. This will allow us to promptly announce the winners and rewards. -------- i have mail concil 2 quest suggestion i would maque, no news of that and to day is April 14: The Day of Tradition MagicDuel Aniversary Magic Duel’s Birthday! ----------------- so what ? is there some festivities? and what about questing like the annoncement?
  19. Rumi [color=#ff0000]i still did not get my prize ...[/color] (remember that quest [b]necrovion scarecrow, add to make drawing, research necrovion, companion planting ... and so forth ??)[/b] Community Garden Scarecrow Contest Posted[color=#ff0000] 05 July 2012[/color] - 11:20 AM Community Garden Scarecrow Contest Results Posted [color=#ff0000]07 February 2013[/color] - 10:37 PM pls try to give it to me before your computer go up in flame ill try to idle in wind sanctury as much as possible, that way give me the prize (lot of golds to compensate as 2e prise not having won the wish point ... (bad judging)) not fun to not get it yet .... if you cant , make it that one other leader of that garden thing give me my prize |||
  20. maybe he is an extraterrial yu talk about TIPU [img]http://www.mediabistro.com/agencyspy/files/original/energizer-bunny.jpg[/img] that would confirm your hypothesis
  21. well better we dont meet extraterrestrials (if they ever exist) if one look at history when an civilisation meet another one, the less evoluate is getting really the bad deal LOL and i think it would be even more so if its an different speci getting finish as meat is not an endaring possibility, hope extraterrestrials are vegetarian
  22. I am probably not the most computer savy ,, and some will give better concel but it seem to me that if there was and disk check , and after it you dont have network capability, it suggest that some of your disck was corrupt and to repair it just liberate some space ... but some information is lost your computer seem to work still but i think some part of the file system that was with your network capability now is either missing or corrupt * an reinstall of winwows or from an image backup ifyou have one ... for me is the solution * also in control pannel there is an option: Undo changes to your computer with System Restore (maybe you can try that before making an new windows install ... or using an image backup if you have one) but i am septic NOTE: and if you do an windows install ... you know you will lose all ... so remember to backup any infoyou want to keep ... and you will have to reinstall all your programs that you have install
  23. Ii am not sure what its about this thread if its about being vegetarian, i have nothing agains those that are begetarian, but i am not ashame of being what i am, an humain that is omnivore (i.e. eat meat and vegetable) and i know where meat come from, i hunt some ... so its killing and eating meat i did kill , its the normal way of nature, ... if its about some practice that are cruel agains animal ... there is some, but in my country there are laws to treat animal with less hurt as possible ... and its an crime to make animal suffer for nothing, so i am all for each country to adopt such laws and practice if its about use of testing and research using animal for pharmaticals ... i am with it if it save in the end human lives, and in my country there are laws that cover that kind of animal use stray dogs, cats ... spca is telling to neuter our pets so there is no surpoputation of them i think its an good practice ...
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