your looking for 50 years projects?
maybe you can plant an oak, its an slow growing tree , i suppose it will be mature in 50 years and still where you will plant it, if you chose the right location
... building an house from scratch, seem to me that 50 years is really to long for that kink of project, should be construct in at most an few years if you take your time
thinking of some more 50 years projects
- you can go in flowers growing and try to make an new variaty .... it will take years of crosspolinating to get something that is an new kind of flower that you will want and reproduce true
- you can go in dog raising, try to make an stable new race, it take many generation to get an new and stable race that breed true, and more so to curb genetic defects of that new race in the gene pool
- you can make what most of people do, make kids ... when he will be 50 , if you are in your 20 -30 you will be probably still be around and and see your children's childrens
- take one martial arts, it will take you years of steady work and introspection to grow and master your art and body ... its an always work of self improvement , physical and spiritual