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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. Its an good bye Taking an friend advice will be probably back to see if confuse santa is there next cristmass gonza, dont worry ill do what i said to to before taking that break ------ As an petty selfish ego, i wonder how many did like my "tommusic" , if you did you can post bye bye Tom Pouce Activity days: 98% (A total of 664 out of 680 days)
  2. height="300" width="260" png, alpha transparency, 8-bit
  3. confused Santa, its cristmass !! I am waiting for you :P Merry Cristmass !!!
  4. what size of picture? px X px grey? black and white? colored? gif? png? asking all that as i understand it to be an creature artwork
  5. Fang oO)(Oo Happy Birth Day !
  6. In this period for rejoicings Tom Pouce invite you to find that secret place and say this magick word: "tommusic"
  7. Shemhazaj wils you best hope to see yu again
  8. Happy birthday Yrth and Witch Doctor! :P
  9. ill put Falronn as adept , he was nice to me i have no idea what really is the good of having protectors ... but he whant to try , why not help him? if one want to charge falronn , ill charge him: he helped me without asking anything when a was an new mp3 gave me things like stones lend me tools (even when i was asking nothing) took my defence in some situations .. and others things i dont remember ....
  10. Merry Cristmass Nimrodel :) if your not avalable to say it to yu at cristmass Good luck in your real life Tom
  11. "Any objections from anyone with regard to removing Fossil and Protector awards" Fossil i assisted to that award last year, found it interesting, with some funny quotes ... we should keep that award best suggestion i read in this thread is to put an option for voting, not candidate should get it this year .. that way when one year ther is some it will still be there that award also ilike the suggestion that past fossils are not eliigible , to make place for new nominies also i am in the opinion that best tecky is not necessary the best quest maker... as coding clicy is not necessary the same one can make outstanding quest without coding clicy or having the clicy code by someone else
  12. will be something nice :) games, puzzles, music :P

    1. Ary Endleg
    2. Tom Pouce

      Tom Pouce

      will be here in MD :) at time of cristmass newyear
      will be an little thing for MD player fun :P

  13. Working on something that will be nice in MD for the hollidays :)

  14. Happy birthday Bash Chelik! :)
  15. happy birthday DARK DEMON , Dolomich, death ray
  16. good luck and wish yu the best
  17. Happy birthday Ivorak
  18. One problem now is about avatar and medals the avatar is 100x160 px Thats the canvas avalable for the artist drawing Medal are taking space in side that area each medal is 20px × 20px If one as many medal it will cover parts that may be beautifull of the avatar an improvement would be to reserve an area or areas outside that 100x160 px for the medals one exemple is Valoryn above exemple of number of medal, but if the mechanic of taking space inside the 100x160 px is not change Valoryn exemple would have the avatar of amber completely obliterate by the medals so right now if one as full medal (one column at left and one column at right) only the center 60x160 px of the avatar is visible
  19. Happy birthday :)
  20. Some info that maybe yu dont have vicious if you see someone with creatures past there maximum level trainable at mp3 or mp4, its because they got it before the reset restriction was put in place or the maximum level trainable put in place ... so its old players that have them there is the restriction that those to high level creature get frozen in an fight so there is no overpower mp3 , mp4 with those
  21. Muratus del Mur You asked comments about permanent quests I find the concept good MY suggestion would be that there would be an **ovious** listing of those so that new players can find them easy, not having to dig out old forum threads or old annoncements, or need an friend that give them an "secret tip " of there existance for expemple, an button that once clic in interface, bring an page that put an list of links to the permanet quest you may have set and that arestill valid [spoiler]Ann. 2826 - [2013-11-18 09:36:10 - Stage 12] Posted By Muratus del Mur Build your own Drach - Permanent quest A new permanent quest is available, based on Burn's Drachorn Fall contest. From now on, each player can receive a wishpoint or two wish point codes (for rewarding others), or even a drach (still to be discussed). All you need to do is to build your own Drachorn out of whatever you can imagine, from paper to old shoes. You can participate in this quest only once...so be creative, but make it look awesome. In case you think the rewards are unbalanced, they are not, they are part of the same category with the "WP for active days" achievements, they are a guaranteed and stable way to acquire some cool stuff, It is NOT a competition. While this might affect current value and rarity of wp and drachs (maybe), it is thought to self stabilize over time and make things better and more fun for everybody. Please don't be shy to voice your opinions on the forum, regarding this quest but also the "permanent quest" concept in general.[/spoiler] forum mod if that post is not the right place to put that please put it where it belong
  22. For interreactivity on some scene it would be probably better to have it set using either new clicy (old stile) or the ne clicy (object style) ex. one find an basket in an scene, clic on it .... the object go in is inventory , in using it it say in chat :" Tom Pouce (put the player name here) see an blue aple, is curious, take it and struck by its wonderfull smell ..:" and an choice of possible actions is presented to the player: 1 ... 2 ... ate the apple 3 ... upon chosing the chosen action is echo in chat "Tom Pouce take an bite and feel wonderfull" (result powerup of 50 temporary action point) or using old style clicy, clicy of an feature that can be highlight when mouse arrow is in an scene amd that clicy make similar action as above (but cannot be use for other scrip to keep no confusion) that way you get your interactivity, and some chat action ... and some powerups as bonus to get player interested
  23. It seem you me you are rude , I did not call you names and you call me names (reference of calling me Troll) you seem to show your true self in that :P have an nice day Chewett
  24. Did you add an new rule, one cannot be sarcastic? or simply that one cannot present an idea that is not of your liking or pointing an possible problem according to most in MD that are older than me and yourself also know it. it seem i put in red the part of your answer that i was adressing ... so it seem i was aware of the history is it not? how enabling each mp to attack each others will adress that?
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